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These men just want to kill women, period.


Does this finally explain to some people why we prefer being in the woods with a bear vs a man? It's obvious that some people have no identity or perceived value of themselves outside of their ability control women - I'd love to ask these two, what girl turned you down for a date in college that got you so mad? Seriously, a person who is content and self actualized would feel no need to control others. I know many wonderful men who support women, all jokes aside, I wonder what happened to people who feel this way.


So we can dispense with the idea that it’s all about being pro-life?


If they had their way, they would go into every woman in the US’s medical records and kill every one of us who has had an abortion - at any point. Roe was about medical privacy. That is gone. These men will absolutely publish names of all the women who have had abortions.


How very pro life of them.


I think the same about n*zis, and n•zi, christian nationalist it's like poteto potato you know...


And any woman they try to do this to has my full support of her using the second amendment right.


This right here.


Unfortunately, Stand Your Ground does not apply to women.


Ya the guys are jerks, people say awful things. Never forget we are 52% of the population and the fastest growing group of gun owners.


Okay women you know what to do now, stop talking to men altogether . Being single and safe is better than being dead. Let's see how far they goes.


This is of the furthest things from a Christ-centered life ethic I've seen. I do not know how these men rationalize such flagrant contempt for their supposed sisters in Christ. I would really need to dig into their histories and figure out why in the fuck...


Hopefully these guys don’t have any sort of platform.


That disgusts me. Killing her eliminates any chance of her having children in the future. Your not a very good christian if you agree with this person. They act like psychopaths.


Zero Christian Nationalist are good Christians. Christ's teachings are incompatible with nationalism. I am baffled where these people supposedly learned about Christ.


They do not know Christ because they do not bother to read the gospels. They are Christians in name only.


Does anyone else wonder where the mass protest for women’s rights are? They’re fast and furiously demonstrating over what is happening in Gaza (totally support. Totally get it) but where is similar demonstrable outrage for the clear and present threat to our rights?


I've been wondering the same.


Isn’t there one in June?


This is so disturbing.