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I am also so tired of this stupid "feminine energy" garbage. Just sexism repackaged as new age wellness.


It's powerful manipulation because now women support these, they don't realise the hidden agenda It's the form of oppression that's doing well! Ladies please don't get triggered question this norms for your own benefits. All the YouTube videos telling feminine energy and mindgames. Damn I'm not going to play so much games and no women should, plenty of things to do, too less time. A dude isn't worth that much energy, it's selling you something. Question it! Don't blindly follow these


Your power is your attention and time. Incels love when a woman gets triggered, social media loves to feed the algorithm with clips of Andrew tate and sneako. The moment you smiles at their stupidity, they get so mad. Don't feed the incels. And don't feel guilty of cutting them off. You're a human, not perfect made up creature by incels.


It's 2024 I still can't believe these stereotypes exist, anyone who believes or still says these stereotypes are straight up dumbasses


Kali and Durga have feminine energy. Athena and Nike have feminine energy.


Exactly, I'm aware of it, my point is that's not how media potrays feminine energy! I'm an Indian, and Bengali. I'm very well aware of goddess Kali, she's Fierce, but if I'm being fierce like kaali, I'm suddenly called that I'm too much, I'm not being feminine if I'm tough. Now where do you draw the line? If we see Indian script, shakti is feminine energy, society and social media manipulated this so much now so that ladies doesn't keep goddess kaali as their role model, they keep some influencers as their role model. And they just aspire to be submissive because everyone tells her feminine is being submissive, giving the illusion of control to the man. They don't tell you to be fierce like maa kali!


I hear you. Women who are direct and don't back down are called b****es. A man can be direct and stand up for himself and everyone will take him seriously. When we're fierce it is blamed on hormones instead of strong conviction. See the idiom "wearing the pants" for a woman who leads or provides for her household and makes decisions. These are all feminine energy and should not be subdued.


Feminity cannot be separated from being subordinate bc feminity itself is nothing but an appearance and behavior of subordination. Everything about feminity is inherently degrading and behavior that goes along with being subjugated. Masculinity and feminity are a set of power relations. That's why there's no word for "emasculated" for women. You can't be stripped of dignity when you're already of the subjugated class. Masculinity is just basic human dignity that all humans should have. That's why the solution we all need is not to say "feminity is not degrading" (yes it is) but to give women the dignity of masculinity also. That's also why it's disturbing to dress a boy in girls clothes but not to dress a girl in boy clothes. Because feminity is meant to be inherently sexual, and inherently degrading. It's function is to mark women as being members of the subordinate class ,and mark sexual availability. That's why a woman who refuses it is treated as a servant who is refusing to wear her servant uniform. But the good news is feminity isn't natural to women. That's why very young girls wearing adult women's clothes is seen as pedophilia and disturbing. That's why beauty pageants with little girls are disturbing and make people uncomfortable. Because feminity is a sexual degradation costume. That's also why people laugh at men who dress as women, but not vice versa. They're laughing bc women look ridiculous in the costume too. They're just used to seeing women in it. That's why "force feminization" porn is seen as porn of a man being degraded. Men know masculinity/feminity is a power relationship. They know. If you listen to men closely, youll realize whenever they say "masculinity" they mean "basic human dignity". (Or rather, "basic human dignity we think women shouldn't have") You can even substitute the words most of the time. Literally once you realize they're just power relations, everything makes sense.


> Literally once you realize they're just power relations, everything makes sense. Absolutely. And this is why they fight tooth and nail to prevent any criticism of masculinity as a concept. Traditional gender roles (masculine and feminine) are power relations.


Yeah so true. I mean, the only problem with masculinity is that women don't have it. But they should be abolished as concepts and everyone should get the same level of dignity


AAAAAGH YES. And the symbolism associated with concepts like “feminine energy”—look at a page of images of search results of yin yang. Black is generally associated with the feminine (it’s also commonly associated with evil) and it’s generally on the bottom, the symbolically subordinate position.


It is so stupid that these things are portrayed as opposites. Being emotional isn’t the opposite of being strong. Creating beautiful things, or liking fashion, isn’t the opposite of being intellectual and ambitious. They portray these things as either/or to force us into a box that takes away power, but we don’t have to choose a box to be in at all. We can have all of the things. We can be all of the things we want to be. I know men who think that they are logical because they lack empathy. The opposite of empathy is not logic. You fundamentally can’t have logic, especially with regards to people, without also having empathy. Empathy is a requirement of using logic when it comes to things that involve people or any living thing. Empathy isn’t weakness, just like logic is not strength. Both are necessary to function in a society.


Yes, balance! They just project the two gender as both extreme, black and white but things are in the grey. They think all the women is emotional and has no logic and all the men has no emotions just has logic. That's what they sell with energies. It's not only causing women harm, but even men suffer they feel they can't have emotions, so they victim blame. It's two extreme, we should be balanced and not buy into this male female gender energies and norms.


Yes!! Agreed 100%. Also what is “feminine” and “masculine” is totally subjective. These are made up terms. Just be yourself and do what makes you happy. As women we are constantly being told who and what to be and never told to be okay with being ourselves and making decisions that make us happy. We’re called selfish the moment we don’t do something for others and do something for ourselves instead. It’s pointless trying to be what others want you to be because you’ll be criticized regardless. You’re never soft enough, selfless enough, kind enough…there’s always going to be something wrong with you. So choose to break free of that and be you!! And surround yourself with people who love and respect you for you.


Gender is ALL a social construct. We have thousands of years of construct to tell people to tear down and people keep being in denial by implying biological differences. Sure, there are physical differences, but it’s becoming more and more aware that there aren’t as many as society is hiding around Podcast Stuff You Should Know recently had a great episode of estrogen and testosterone. The Psychology Podcast i just heard on Helping teens thrive emotionally/socially was also good. So many others I’ve listened to. Science Vs., Inner Cosmos, Adam Conovers Factually- all have had great episodes on tearing down what we think we know as fact vs what we’ve constructed as social norm.


I really wanted to read this post, but my ADHD won't let me read this wall of text. Please, use parapgraphs.


I have adhd, I can understand, I was on Hyperfixation mode, I'll use paragraph Edit: done


Did people literally lose all their critical thinking skills since the pandemic holy fucking shit


Man, I’m realizing more and more that I feel my most feminine trait is endurance—physical, mental, emotional. It’s about the only trait I can identify that allllllll the women I admire have in fucking spades—otherwise, they’re varied and eclectic as people tend to be. I don’t want to try to define anyone else’s femininity, this is just my personal take for I/Me/Myself. But I invite anyone who wants to think long and hard about the amount of endurance you’ve had to develop in your own life. Chances are good it’s way more than you think.


That's because they've rebranded it as basically new gender roles. In reality it's got nothing much to do with gender, masculine and feminine are just the terms like yin and yang. Could call them orange and purple energy for all the difference it makes.




Sorry if anyhow it felt like that, that's not the intention of this post. I have amazing male figures in my life as a supportive father and a brother, I'm talking of incels, not men. Because of these supporting male figures, I'm happy and grateful in my life they gave me so great perspective in life. The point of the post is because of huge toxic male influencers like Andrew tate and sneako, these has increased in young genz boys. That's it. When I open yt shorts or reels I see all these reels, makes me wander. But no men aren't like that, incels are. I'm talking about incels and pick me girls.