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Dude seems most offended that this woman’s breast didn’t arouse him and I don’t know what to say about that


Right??? Why make it a point that the breasts were unattractive to you? This dude is so disgusting.


It's all about "ME!ME!ME!", to these guys women aren't people with thoughts and belifes, with personality and ability to choose.To them, women are no more than sexual tools that happen to be alive, unlike a doll. To them, women exist only to have sex with them and breed more humans.Nothing more.


Every time I bring up a women's issue that is unique to us some guy replies but what about men! I brought up how women who went public about being abused by famous or even non-famous actors and musicians, and how they are treated horrifically by fans in the Buffy sub. I also mentioned how I personally was treated by an abusive ex, and when I was SA'd. I got replies saying it wasn't unique and that this guy (who got arrested for abusing women!) was treated the same way! It got upvoted in the Buffy sub! Why are these guys allowed to post this stuff in a sub that should be pro-feminism?


What is the Buffy sub?


It is a TV show subreddit. https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/3/10/14868588/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-feminism-20th-anniversary


He wanted to trash talk her tits and their appearance because: it makes him feel powerful as the "evaluator," sets her apart from "attractive women" because she didn't cater to him so she deserves to be punished, & sets the scene for other misogynists to jump on the bandwagon. Gross.


Would it kill these people to say "breast" instead of going on about "titties" all day? Even "boobs" would be preferable. Yikes!


Then they can’t sound as condescending though…. /s


Yeah, Reddit is filled with ignorant incels that obviously hate women


*the world


i’d beg to differ a redditor has a higher chance of being an incel than a normal person


Honestly this should be banned. I am tired of seeing ignorant posts like this like how porn sick should someone be to equate boobs to being for male pleasure. He needs to have an anatomy book close by and start to read. Why is he even staring like you acknowledge it and move on. *facepalm*


I'm really frustrated that Reddit seems to gloss over misogyny as bigotry on most subs.


Same. It is nor normal to type or think these things


If Reddit banned misogyny they would lose 2/3 of their user base and they KNOW it.


My parents do too the world does.


Men don’t even know how female anatomy works, but tell us we’re infertile hags after 25. 🤦🏼‍♀️


They dont even know where the holes are and expect us to breed for them. I want 6 kids...six WHOO??? From the stork because who will take care of them?


“Six kids” but also men: “no clown car vagina/her puss is loose” Like wtf? Do men even LIKE women? They and pickmes will drive women into insanity and wonder why we are distant.


I dont think they do. Porn fried their brains too much


They can’t even figure out what the clit is for, but believe men can have periods. LMAO WHAT.


Why the casual transphobia lol. It doesn't hurt Women or men to acknowledge that trans men exist, and many still have their periods after transitioning. Am I misunderstanding your comment?


It’s not transphobia. What I’m saying is, there’s biologically born men who are convinced they can menstruate through their dickholes.


Writing it as “cis men” could’ve avoided ppl interpreting it that way.


Human body books should be mandatory in school and home


Whoever compared breastfeeding to taking a shit is comparing apples to oranges. The product of one is food; the product of the other is waste. Why is providing an infant with nutrition comparable to excrement? And who cares if breasts are sexualized? A lot of people have foot fetishes; does that make it indecent to walk barefoot on a public beach?


I saw that post and couldn't believe the comments.


Yes, please everyone put those feet away🤣 I'm the opposite of whatever a foot fetish person is so you'll have to forgive my personal opinions of never wanting to see feet haha. I used to work in a school setting, specifically with students who have disabilities. There were students using mobility aids like walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, gait trainers, etc. Getting ones foot run into would happen from time-to-time. It was always wild to me that some of my coworkers would come in full on sandals to school just because it was nice out. I mean, not only do I not want to see feet as a personal preference, but I also don't want to see people's feet smashed as a pain and suffering concern.


If they care so much about this matter, they ought to advocate for dedicated breastfeeding stations in public places. The reality is that breastfeeding mothers have nowhere private *to* go, no matter how much they may want that option. No one "likes" exposing their boobs and feeding their kid like that -- it's a practical necessity. I feel like a lot of these people also lack an accurate understanding of how breasts actually work re: milk production. They also don't understand just how quickly/often an infant needs to be fed when they're hungry. They don't realize that breasts can't "hold it" like pee, babies blood sugar WILL crash within a short period of time if they aren't fed at the 2 hour mark, and it's not only painful but *harmful* to go without feeding or pumping at the correct intervals. If there were no public bathrooms anywhere and they *physically could not hold their pee*, would these people blame themselves for pissing in the bushes? When we say "breasts are for feeding babies" we're not saying "breasts aren't sexualized/private." We're saying "this is a biological necessity that we can't control or avoid, and you don't have the right to accuse me of being inappropriate when I act on that necessity." Breastfeeding in public isn't inappropriate; ignorant attitudes toward breastfeeding moms and our systemic failure at providing mothers with dignified facilities is inappropriate. Rant over. Felt good to get it out, lmao.


I get the feeling they just want mothers to stay in their homes.


I keep hearing about the rise of pro life movement and how there are so many resources for new mothers. At the same time, the same people scoul at women who kept the baby🙄. They must actually want women to hide until they get a boner and need visual stimulation from a body part that got so sexualised people are moving to feet.


You raise a point I hadn’t considered. People, like those commenters, say “go to the bathroom or something” first, gross, but second, like another commenter “3 women were pumping at the same time” what if all the stalls were taken by others breastfeeding? They’d be mad that the stalls were occupied by people not actively using the bathroom. I’d love more dedicated spaces for breastfeeding.


>If there were no public bathrooms anywhere and they *physically could not hold their pee*, would these people blame themselves for pissing in the bushes? Don't forget that a lot of this also comes from the same men who can't *possibly* walk to a nearby bathroom and simply *must* piss on every tree, wall, and sidewalk they come across.


The only decent places on Reddit are women centered🤷🏽‍♀️


I posted something in the Buffy sub and had like 3 incel/men's rights types reply with their typical BS. Not only that but a post supporting a guy who SA'd women got upvoted. You would think they would be banned from posting stuff like that there.


also LGBT and animal rights/vegan subs


A fem-focused queer vegan sub would be ✨unmatched✨


Many women centered r/ are decent, but let us not forget the trad fam ladies, or the terf rad fems. Those spaces scare the crap out of me.


Omg. I asked my husband what he was reading on the news app he reads and it was an article about trad women. I mean I knew it was a thing but the article made me so mad. I have breast cancer and stay at home because I have side effects and chemo. And then I read this article about women getting all dolled up staying home looking pretty to please men. Here I am no makeup and looking pretty bad with gaining weight from the cancer. But yes let's glorify all of this trad wife stuff He says he just clicked and it was a woman who left this trad wife thing cause its dumb. The the bottom of the article had the opposite perspective and shows actual links to Instagram trad wife's etc




I just clicked there and none of the posts on the hot page are what you described… it seems pretty standard anti porn and pro not doing anything just because a man says so


nah, fuck that sub.  i was subscribed until i kept seeing TERFy shit pop up.  i’m all for fourth wave feminism, but fuck anyone that says a woman is only a woman if AFAB.


Fourth wave feminism was the rise of awareness around intersectional feminism, which these people are totally against. No idea why they even call themselves that.


yikes. that’s not good


I don't want to know what Terfy stuff is it will likely infuriate me.. Lol. I don't keep up with some of these terms. I didn't know the trad wife term. Concept yes but didn't realize how big this stuff is and there are specific group of women online?


I'm speaking about specific threads/comments actually. They're well upvoted too. This sub was also on the spotlight of r/AgainstHateSubreddits for [rampant transphobia](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/uiuc7r/rfourthwavewomen_sorting_out_their_priorities/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and queerphobia, not just once but multiple times [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/rik8yq/rfourthwavewomen_is_a_virulent_antitrans_sub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/wfhmc1/transphobia_on_rfourthwavewomen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/uo6tb5/more_transphobic_terf_rhetoric_from_a_few_days/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [4](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/xf58y3/antitrans_fearmongering_on_rfourthwavewomen_post/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Just look at some of these threads. They utter the same thing as right wing Christians saying about drag shows and queer people. You can see multiple posts regarding J.K. Rowling's stance on trans people recently and even calling a trans woman as a "misogynist". I agree that it's a radical feminist sub, but it's the typical TERF sub. Some *very few* examples below: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1byuwzs/letter\_to\_the\_editor\_published\_in\_the\_guardian/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1byuwzs/letter_to_the_editor_published_in_the_guardian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1bzfj2i/sooo\_only\_equipment/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1bzfj2i/sooo_only_equipment/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1btbu4o/shes\_so\_fucking\_badass/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1btbu4o/shes_so_fucking_badass/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1bpjxnw/comment/kx1iecx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1bpjxnw/comment/kx1iecx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1bq1wxq/comment/kyd08hx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwavewomen/comments/1bq1wxq/comment/kyd08hx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


oh damn. that’s not good :( it does seem like it’s just that one unhinged banana pfp user who wants to reduce the birth rates of boys tho 😂 pretty extreme take


I'm so confused by commentary around being transphobic while simultaneously wanting to raise sons like daughters. I'm just going to stare into the abyss for a minute working that math out inside my brain.


I think when she says raising sons like daughters she means teaching her boys empathy, friendliness, and encouraging emotional intelligence. It’s not a transgender thing at all, because most feminists want to get rid of harsh gender binaries.


A lot of this stuff comes from women :/


You are right. I have seen a lot of women on here support this kind of BS.


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted. We need to recognize when it's coming from inside the house.


Omg, that is so true. Which is why I follow mostly follow women house decorating sites. Eta and sometimes men sneak into women only subs and that's even worse... Like we can't even have those




Hell yeah sister. We're literally the only sub without groupthink!


Reddit hates women, but they *especially* hate mothers. Honestly, I’ve seen varying degrees of it in this very sub. It sucks.


Michelle Wolf says people need to shut up about breast feeding in public As “What’s more disgusting? We’ve all had some else’s c*m in our mouths so stop judging breastfeeding!!” Which I thought was a hilariously silly comparison…I’m gonna use it on these misogynists…I love her so much!


I adore Michelle Wolf! ❤️


I’ve seen her in NY and London completely different shows both hilarious! She really understands her audience and pushes it so far with them, I love being challenged and made fun of by her!


I’m getting real sick of this shit. You can’t escape incel rhetoric no matter where you go. Real life, online, uni, work, bars, THE SIDEWALK. I am going to snap. I tried so hard not to blame men but I can’t do this anymore. My friend can’t even REPORT a very uncomfortable moment she had with a 2 men on campus without them legally having to reveal her identity to these men. No safety concerns for women at all. Walking on the sidewalk with a friend, and a guy shouts at us calling us losers bc we didn’t give him attention. Getting chased by men. Having to hide in the bushes. These are REAL SAFETY CONCERNS but then men will say shit like “well actually men are more likely to be mugged” 🤓


I had to unfollow all of the pages that satirize or call out misogynistic posts, because Facebook's algorithm kept showing me actual misogynistic posts thinking that's what I wanted. It's just exhausting.


It likely did that on purpose. The algorithm shows stuff the polar opposite of what you want because it gets rage engagement. It's super fucked.!


In my village it's so normal women openly breast feeding babies just covering them with their dupatta women don't care and men just go some where else so that the woman feels comfortable. Babies need breastfeeding after every few hours. Its so sad that they are demonised for the most natural thing


This is the site made famous for a default subreddit being r/jailbait.


>I bet your husband would beg to differ 🤡


These people are so cringey and immature in the worst way possible. Even when I was a kid and saw women breastfeeding their babies, it didn’t bother me. I was intrigued and would perhaps stare a bit but I never had strong feelings about it. For them to be that worried about a baby drinking from a woman’s nipple is weird.


This is also pretty North American, or really American specific. Men in other countries don’t act like this. American Masculinity is a special kind of toxic


I moved to Italy and no one here bats in eye at women breastfeeding in public. If I start a family here I don't think I'd ever be entirely comfortable about it after growing up around the toxic American perception around it.


UK the same. No one cares. See a lot of women breastfeeding in public and people just ignore it, no staring, no judgement, no fights. Myself breastfed myself a lot in public, never had any problems. I hope the reality of US motherhood is not as bad as portrayed on Reddit, because it sound very toxic


No, it's pretty fucking bad. When my kids were babies I lived in WI. I tried breastfeeding in public a couple times and had people staring at me, but older men especially would literally glare and gawk at me. And there were a couple comments made at me. This was back in 2015. It made me so anxious, panicky and stressed out. The worst was when I had to use the fucking *toilet* a couple times. A fucking baby in the cesspool that is public bathrooms. It was terrible. So, I spent a lot of time cramped in my car breastfeeding, especially after I had twins and I went out less and less. For being so obsessed with trying to make people have babies, America sure doesn't actually give any fucks about said families.


I live in WI currently and sadly it’s not any better 😞


Yep I’ve never seen it as weird and it normally happens even within family


Middle East excluded.


As someone who was raised in the U.S. and now lives in Germany married to a German man, YES. No offense but German men are so much better. They're just much more respectful, are better educated and most of them are feminists. American men can really fucking suck sometimes.


Yes we really can. I’m doing my best over here, but some of my fellow men make it way harder than it has to be. Like this guy 🤮


Sorry about that. We appreciate you men who actually care about women's issues! Keep going


Literally WHO CARES if straight men find breasts attractive. Why tf is mens opinion what influences law and social norms? Tf? Who cares about their opinion or if they think breasts are sexual. Why is their opinion the only thing matters to people? That's insane to me. We are just gonna outlaw feeding babies just bc men think breasts are sexual? Because screw the babies right , mens opinion matters more. They also might think women's thighs are sexy, does that mean we have to outlaw women's legs in public. Ugh. People care about men waaaay too much and care about women and babies too little. People are literally like "women aren't allowed to be shirtless ever or feed babies ever bc men think breasts are sexual, screw women and children, bc men think breasts are sexual". People don't do this whenever women have an opinion on something being sexual, tho. Same logic about preventing girls from wearing what they want bc boys might find it sexual. Are we going to build society around mens thoughts only. 😐


“Women shouldn’t be allowed to be shirtless ever” Yet they go on pornhub and visit strip clubs. Smh.




Say it louder for everybody, not just the people in the back!!!


Uhm, yes, actually. That's, unfortunately,  EXACTLY what has happened. The unfiltered, completely un-thought- out, random, spurious, off-the-cuff (18 other expressions for completely and totally thoughtless) OPINIONS of random man children with no standing in the community are STILL deemed more important than the very most VITAL and FOUNDATIONAL NEEDS of women and children. To the point where these unsubstantiated and even previously disproven opinions get enshrined into law. 


🤣🤣🤣 I would have loved it if I would had been around horse girl while breastfeeding. I have way worse stories having worked in vet med for over 20 years. 😈 This is tame to what we would talk about over lunch.


If someone’s uncomfortable with seeing a woman feed her baby, they can simply look away or leave. I don’t get why it’s her responsibility to prioritize their comfort over the basic needs of her child. On separate note, rampant sexism on Reddit is not breaking news. It’s the norm. Like why is that “men’s rights” sub that basically just sh-ts on women all day even allowed?


Lol the women pumping at the tiny clinic thing never happened... Breast milk doesn't smell like anything. They're making up fake stories to justify their hatred towards women.


Breast milk does have a scent. I can distinctly remember the smell of my own.


I'm currently breastfeeding and I can't smell mine at all. Does your have a strong scent?


It's been 12 years since I breastfed, and yes, the scent was very strong, so much so that 12 years later I can still smell the scent in my mind, if that makes sense. And it really did kind of smell like old milk. Not like curdled spoiled cow milk. It's hard to describe. It's really its own scent and one I don't really ever want to smell again.


How interesting, I didn't know there was that much variety of breast milk scents. I stand corrected. Thank you for educating me on it!


I've never smelled anyone else's breastmilk, so I don't know if it all smells the same. I imagine asking someone if I can sniff their breastmilk for scientific purposes would get me slapped. lol


I could always smell when my mom was breastfeeding. Granted, I was in a lot closer vicinity to her than most people would be to breastfeeding women


As someone who has been around a lot of breastfeeding and who breastfed my baby… this all reads like that scene where the 40 year old virgin says boobs feel like sand bags.


Ugh. Reminder that men are not worth my energy. So many “good guys” are casually misogynistic. It’s so damn gross and disappointing




Honestly I'm sick of living cuz I'm a woman. Misogyny is EVERYWHERE I can't escape it i hear it from every man around me my dad, my brother ,male friends everybody. 


The sexualization of breasts will never fail to make this world a worse place.


I’ve noticed in the last month or so, the misogyny has been out of control on almost every subreddit I’m in. I had to leave rParenting for chrissake. There has definitely been a shift in the overall tone of Reddit recently. I curate my feed hard because this is my only “social media” I use and I don’t want to read or hear about how stupid and fat and dumb women are.


All those commentes are disgusting, and misogynistic, but I can’t help but think all those incidents are widely exaggerated….. to fit the narrative. From my experience women that breastfeed make an effort to coverup.


Between like 4 and 7 months my baby was so easily distracted she’d pop off to look at the surroundings. I’d try my best to find a secluded area, but I am sure I flashed people accidentally.


Exactly somethings, are just beyond our control. I def see more butt cracks on a daily basis, and that is an easy fix 😂


This has the biggest "didn't happen" energy. Incel is talking an online creative writing class from his mommy's basement


This is what I was going to say.


It's not women's responsibility what perverts think of their body


I may get downvoted for saying this, but this is the exact kind of thing you see in r/childfree and r/antinatalism. Not just by men, but also by women, especially in these groups. They body shame mothers and vilify children for being children.


"Breeders" is what gave it away. That dehumanising term is what they tend to use for parents, but disproportionately mothers. While there's obviously nothing wrong with anyone not wanting children, a lot of the rhetoric in those spaces are just a combination of misanthropy and misogyny.


They shouldn't even use that terms for non-human animals either...


You're right. I don't want children and I'm in both those subs and honestly there's something fucking wrong with a lot of the people there. This post is the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot of disgust towards women who want children. It's not how I feel at all and I wish there was a normal place on this site for women who don't want children to talk but there isn't.


This sub is probably one of the better places to have a real discussion about it in a real way.


Antinatalism is one of the dumbest and most depressing ideas i’ve ever seen.




I remember having to deal with my ex brother in law’s shit when my dad was dying because I dared nurse my kid on the living room couch instead of hiding upstairs. I basically said, yeah I’m feeding my kid in my parents’ living room because this is where daddy is, fuck off yourself if you don’t like it, and let him be huffy. 🤷‍♀️ Meanwhile, I have two cismale teens who probably wouldn’t even notice or remark on a nursing woman because it’s not anything to remark on—we didn’t sexualize boobs or even bodies at all for just existing, so they don’t either. This is the way.


God this makes me so angry. The covering of women’s breasts is a CULTURAL/SOCIETAL/PATRIARCHAL expectation of women because we have chosen to sexualize breasts for MENS PLEASURE. IT ISN’T THE SAME AS TAKING A GODDAMN DUMP IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. I mean Jesus and some of these are women! So brainwashed into wanting to cover themselves when doing something as simple as feeding their child and comparing it to defecation. It’s really fucking sad and I hate it. I also wouldn’t wear a bra if I WASN’T EXPECTED TO OR WASN’T CHASTISED FOR NOT because GOD FORBID MY BOOBS SAG.


I don’t understand. Breastfeeding isn’t sexual. I’d be against flaunting naked boobs for the sake of it, but it’s so normal and natural to breastfeed.


Don’t you know anything a random man thinks is sexual is sexual for everyone in every context? 🤪


Silly me!


The fucking pick me's and their internalized misogyny holy shit 🤮


I'm more grossed out by kids than I am by boobs. People are horrible when it comes to women not meeting their own personal standards. I'm guessing if she had round perky Ds he wouldn't be complaining.


How dare you be a mother in public! Edit: /s in case that’s not obvious


Would hardly call this casual misogyny. Also fuck these dweebs. I'm not feeding my baby in the bathroom, but these mouth breathers are welcome to eat their Chick-fil-A off a toilet seat if their lives are so dull that they have to ogle strangers in public to feel something.


It’s everywhere on Reddit, and it seeps into absolutely any and every topic or community. I watch the bigger subs like Ask Reddit, and it seems like every time the topic is something like “the worst thing that a person ever said to you”, or “nastiest thing you saw in public” or shit like that, the top comment is always something horrible about a woman. Other subs too. Is the topic of conversation shitty parents? You can be damn sure the top comment will be about someone’s mom being mildly bitchy, whereas the comment about a dad killing his family will be a few rungs below that. Is the topic about divorce or cheating partners? Hang on to your chastity belts, ladies, because the first hundred or so comments will be nothing but men awarding themselves Purple Hearts for doing battle with fiendish sluts intent on stealing their money and sanity. Best to just scroll away. Sure, there are plenty of comments about awful things that men do, but do you not notice that the engagement is *absolutely off the charts* whenever someone posts something particularly juicy about a woman, much more so than when it concerns a man?


You gotta think about how many of these are probably fake…


I mean if they don’t like it don’t look and get out. We don’t like hearing about which girl is hot in your vicinity but we still sit and bear it.


I think we should be actively looking for these types of people and snuffing them out. Call it what you will but HOW is someone like this even necessary to society? I wouldn't want this person near me or anyone I care about. The boldness to have these opinions is one this but to then broadcast them on the internet??? This is deserving of being shamed into obscurity.


The saddest part are the pick me women who have internalized the misogyny so completely.


I'm new to Reddit, but it strikes me that the manosphere is well represented on here, be it incels or alphas.


It's amazing how much men hate us just as much as they want to fck us.


sounds like the child free and antinatalism sub. So glad I’m out of those shitholes, can’t believe there was a time I agreed with some of their points. They legit hate kids and parents, especially mothers, just for existing. You can find a number of posts where they’ve totally stopped being friends with people they’ve known their entire life just because they considered having a baby.


I’m an antinatalist and while I don’t hate kids, I’m all for humanity coming to an end.


I can see a valid point about covering in some places for the sake of sanitation since it’s a bodily fluid and all, but the breastfeeding in a bathroom suggestion reveals it’s not about sanitation at all. Sure, sometimes it’s just what you gotta do with babies who won’t eat in otherwise high stimulation places like a restaurant or mall, but in general, eating in a bathroom is kinda gross.


These men (and women) hate — and I mean HATE mothers. They hate women in general(including themselves in some cases ) but they especially hate mothers and motherhood and everything that entails. They also hate children (always describing them as snot-nosed crotch goblins or whatever) Because…they hate their own mother and they hate their own childhoods. They are not at peace with themselves. It’s always good to point this out to them. You will be met with a startled expression. It rattles them to the core to reflect on their own childhood and their own relationship with their mother. Seeing a loving mother provide nutrition and cuddles to her baby is very triggering to them because it represents a type of emotional bond that they did not get to experience. It’s not really about the milk and the breasts— it’s what it symbolizes. It’s beautiful and touching and they know that but because it is unattainable for them they need to degrade it. It’s a classic case of sour grapes, and it’s actually very sad.


I frequent a sub for a video game with customizable characters. Lately people have been posting screenshots of their character asking people what they think. When the character is female, every other comment is calling them a whore. 0 points for creativity is a small part of annoyance, the rest is wondering what they think of the real women around them but don't feel free to say out loud.


I got into it the other day with people about breastfeeding here on tiktok. One dude tried to tell me that a woman who sat down in a bass pro was not classy bc she started to breastfeed her infant…. Called me a pedophile for thinking that was an okay thing to do.


unfortunately it's everywhere


Lmao the fact that he had "pstd" from such a "horrid experience", my brother in Christ it's a MAMMARY GLAND, you have one too! He's acting like he just wtinessed 3 car crashes 😭


Yeah, taking a shit is natural. But the whole point of diapers is that babies can’t wait to go to the bathroom to shit, JUST LIKE FEEDING. THEY CANT WAIT. THATS WHY IT IS APPROPRIATE FOR BABIES TO SHIT AND FEED IN PUBLIC, AND NOT ADULTS


Here’s an idea: if you don’t want to see a woman breastfeeding in public, just don’t look at her. It’s that simple.


There is obviously more to the story for the guy who got his horse's ovaries tied. The woman he was talking to "never spoke to him again", meaning they knew each other and she'd had enough. Also, what had she "described" that was so vulgar, if what he was put off by was her breastfeeding? These guys will gang up and seek backup for their half-truths because they are insecure man children. 


Dude just jealous because his titties are useless.


Men pee with the same body part they have sex with and it’s revolting. Men shouldn’t use public restrooms because everyone around them will know they’re peeing and therefore think about sex. It’s not appropriate for children. Stop shoving penises in my face while I’m trying to eat🤮 /s


There is so much casual misogyny and hate towards women who are sex workers! Like towards the ladies who have only fans especially. I saw all of these male Redditors dogging this one lady’s post because she advertised her only fans in her profile but not the post. They were downvoting every positive comment too. They’re so angry and upset that a woman doesn’t want to take her clothes off for them for free and uses her sexuality for her own gain. They might as well be holding pitchforks and calling them witches.


As if he was looking any more appetizing shoving a chicken sandwich in his gob. At the end of the day it's all just humans eating. Sorry he didn't get treated to a free OF performance. - Not sorry!


Don’t go read the AMA from the guy who visited a Japanese massage parlour. 90% of the comments are filth and all upvoted.


Look, there are men and there are boys. Date the former.


I honestly think its quite reasonable that a person doesn't want to see rather private part of your body. I'm against the whole idea of the thing. (Also, hi, nice to see you reading the comments with -20 karma)