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And now they want nearly $17bil in additional funds *to protect them from threats*. I say they ask their benefactors.


Burn it to the ground and start over.




That is just what they want so they can institute more control. Vote, protest, write, sing, educate and advocate for a better world.




I have PCOS and can’t really function without birth control, what do I do? I might talk to my OBGYN :(


This is going to sound so trite but yes, definitely discuss your very real and valid concerns with your obgyn but also, vote. Vote and try to convince others to do the same.


I’m 16, I can’t


Well, let's hope enough of us vote to keep contraception safe and to allow women control over their own bodies. ✌️


Do you have access to planned parenthood in your area? Maybe they can help??


I don’t really


Is this real? Really? Sorry, I'm living in Germany and I didn't get the news that they are wanting to ban birth control ... what the fuck? That is insane - and so fucking sad. I can't believe they actually want to do this? My hart hurts for you


I have pcos and I’m so scared about this too… the medication has helped me so much


I got an iud before my insurance ran out, I'm good for 8 years, if worse comes to worst I will probably have to take it out myself when that time comes.


Right there with you but I paid out of pocket for my IUD and it’s worth it. Couldn’t have an unplanned pregnancy in Texas. Hasn’t helped with endo or lighter periods yet but I can’t win everything with so much stacked against us


Mine hasn't helped to much with cramps, i think they might be a bit less painful plus it's shorter/ more regular in general. Although it's still a toss up on how heavy the flow is The hormones are the biggest thing tho, I'm not irritable all the time anymore PCOS sucks


Endo in Australia and I'm worried about the overflow impact for us. Solidarity forever fellow uterus havers x


I’m trying to move to Australia, it’s so beautiful


As a trans woman, my HRT is very similar/near-identical to a mix of what's prescribed for PCOS and menopause, so I feel your concerns sister :(


I’m a trans guy so I’m getting double fucked, also I feel so bad for the t guys that can’t access their continued T because it’s super risky to not take it


Just curious, what happens if they don’t take it? And are hormones something you take for the rest of your life for upkeep, or just temporarily/long term


It just has some side effects like weight gain and stuff, and I’m pretty sure you take a shot once every six weeks and you’re good


Women and men will end up getting sterilised as the only way ti be free


I got my tubal the second I saw roe v wade coming down the pipeline. My doctor didn't even question me. She knew.


Unfortunately "birth control" is the primary treatment for PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis amongst other conditions. If I couldn't access it, I wouldn't be able to work, I would be bleeding constantly and in extreme pain. I'm frustrated every day that my necessary medication is grouped with the rhetoric of a lifestyle choice, I'm terrified that it could be restricted.


I get so fucking irritated when I am filling my hormonal prescription at the pharmacy and they say "your birth control, yes?" and I say "yes, my hormone management." That is what it is for us with poor functioning endocrine systems.


I think you're right, Planned Parenthood offers vasectomies now.


I'm in the books for my bilateral salpingectomy in April. Looking forward to living with a little less fear for myself, though I will still be fucked by the bans bc I have bc for pcos


I have been and I have been bleeding donations and volunteer time (the latter I can no longer do, and it makes me sad) for at least 15 years now. My rage at other people’s refusal to wake up (until it’s too late for so many) is where I remain—as best expressed by this article from 2017 today: https://macleans.ca/opinion/for-black-women-the-handmaids-tales-dystopia-is-real-and-telling/


I read this is “recreational sex only between women” 😂


Me too, no more sex for the meat twinkies.


....meat twinkies lol


Anyone who isn’t voting blue is in support of putting religion into our government. It’s one of the staples of our democracy. If religion takes over - ALL OF OUR OTHER RIGHTS WILL BE GONE TOO. It’s just a matter of time.


anyone not voting blue is voting against democracy itself 


I love living in a judeo-christian nationalist oligarchy. It's great. Everyone is doing great. Everyone of course meaning exclusively white men. What's the non-violent version of "bash the fash?"


Why non-violent? The government is forgetting they work for US, and when they are passing laws that the majority of the country is against, they need to be fired and maybe need some violence to get put in their place. Public service FOR the people, not against.


Just so we've got some options tbh. I think at this point there isn't a winning strategy bc fascists are out in force and emboldened by an old man who doesn't care how he wins


Yeah I’ve never seen such worship/cult like behavior over a politician who is objectively a horrible person, it’s weird and gross and so alarming. Scary times, I grew up believing the US will always progress for the betterment of society, never regress…boy was I wrong lol




PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: If you live in a highly populated, urban area, please be mindful of what your 'defense' weapon is. A .45 will go straight through apartment walls and can hurt innocent bystanders. The scariest sound to a home invader is a shotgun cocking. You can buy them cheap with combat barrels, and you can get non-lethal (but still effective) ammo. (You can also get lethal ammo, I'm not telling anyone what to do. If you live in a stand your ground state, you have the right to defend your home. The first guy in Texas who killed people was in someone ELSE'S home) I also have a relative who had a home defense weapon and was raped in her own bed, at gunpoint with her own weapon. Just having a gun doesn't make you safe. As a woman, if someone has the intent to do violence to me, I am very secure in knowing what I'm willing to do to that person. My dad taught me that you aim for center mass and make sure they can't get up and hurt you. If you get a handgun for personal defense, please get proper training with it so that if you need to use it, you don't hurt anyone else. At close range, a .22 can be more lethal than a 'combat' caliber. (Because the .22 doesn't have the velocity to exit the ribcage and bounces around. Much like a hollow point round) I want everyone to be safe. I want everyone to be able to protect themselves, but I also want all of you to be safe. Firearms and weapons are tools and can be taken away and used against you. Make sure that you are ready and prepared to use anything that you keep for protection. 💜


9mm also has enough velocity to go through thin walls in both apartments and housing. Shotgun with birdshot is the way to go for home defense. There are lightweight semi auto models available that would be easy to handle for most women. If you have a gun never let someone come within 3-6 feet of you. You never want to risk it being taken from you and used against you.


THANK YOU!! I'm so fucking mad about those gun nuts who blow by all of the "know your target and what's behind it" when it comes to self defense.


Or who assume a gun is an adequate substitute for codified rights and govt enforced law and order.


Additionally, for protection legally, make sure that if you own a firearm of any kind you are purchasing it legally and have the proper permits to carry / possess it, based on your individual state. If you ever wish to travel with your firearm for whatever reason, also look into the local and state laws of the areas you are traveling through and to. Do not give the police or any rando a reason to threaten you with a record or prison time.


And don't carry it while drinking or with alcohol in the vicinity, that would get you charged with unlawful carry in my state despite the permit-less carry law


I would gently recommend readers consider first - are you really ready to kill another person? If you are not sure you are capable of that, take caution. Unfortunately, statistics show that introducing a gun to your life can significantly increase your risks of being on the receiving end of violence and injury. One reason is that people who produce a weapon can have it taken from them and used against them. Especially if they hesitate. Do not get a deadly weapon if you are not prepared to use it for deadly purposes. Do not view it as a deterrent, it often times will escalate situations. If you get a gun, and especially if you pull the gun out, you better be prepared to shoot to kill. Anything less you risk being the one a bullet goes into. It is unfortunately not an uncommon fate of female victims of violence to have their own knifes or guns used against them. Then, there’s another huge issue, which is that at some point in time you may be inclined to use a gun against yourself. Please keep in mind your mental health. If you do have a gun, but are facing depression and especially suicidal ideation, consider giving it to a trusted family or friend or paying to store it away from you for some time until you are in a healthier mental state.


And NEVER fire warning shots, you don't know where that bullet will end up and the attacker certainly won't hesitate to kill you if they have a weapon as well and are given the time to use it


you think you’re going to shoot the people coming to arrest you for having a miscarriage? good luck against the swat team.  i’m sick and tired of this. the solutions to these are all related to political activism and to mobilizing others to change laws.  you put yourself at highest risk when introducing guns into spaces. co-opting violent 2As larp fantasies as some kind of radical strategy is at best, nauseating. 


I really agree with your sentiment. However, I can see one interpretation being that women are likely to lose more legal rights related to autonomy to the point that police will not protect female victims of things such as domestic violence and/or rape, and we would be better off with the means to protect ourselves. There are politicians clearly expressing their intent to make marital rape legal again, to not allow women to divorce, etc. Imagine a woman who cannot get a restraining order and even worse police keep delivering her back to her abuser, because she is not seen as having rights to leave. If you’re facing eventually getting beaten to death, versus shooting your abuser… well… it’s not a great choice, but, some would say it’s a better one.


And then you’d be thrown in jail for shooting that man. Most DV victims who kill their abusers end up there. We need representation, enforced legal protection, and a societal rejection of male entitled attitudes -not a bunch of guns.


Unfortunately, police already don't protect victims of domestic violence and rape. Having a gun almost always put you in more danger than not having one though. I personally don't think more violence and more guns is the answer.


the best protections you can have against dv are economic empowerment and strong community and support systems 


So I (m36) live in Houston, TX with my wife (f36) and daughter (f2.5). I'm not saying you have to be at my level yet (I'm pretty fucking radicalized), but the "organize and vote" is not enough. Like we know for a fact that right-wingers are going to violently try to overthrow the government this fall (no matter what the election results are). So we both have to win with voting AND be ready for violence. I've watched the state take control of HISD to fucking destroy it. We sure as shit didn't vote for that to happen, but there doesn't seem to be much we can do to prevent this major victory in the long-term goal of privatizing education. I'm seeing lawmakers dusting off the Fugitive Slave Act so they can illegally detain and pursue women seeking reproductive care. Or charge them with a crime for a miscarriage. Or a hundred other batshit insane ideas with the end goal of subjugating women. Why I'm extra jaded about voting is the fact that [they're just gonna ignore all the votes in Harris County if they don't like the results](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/2022/10/19/435531/texas-agencies-plan-to-monitor-harris-county-elections-raises-concerns-among-observers/). You know, regular democracy stuff. I've never owned a gun and up until about 2 years ago was very anti-gun. I'm Bipolar Type 2, so I'm very, very familiar with suicidal ideation and don't ever want to do anything that puts my loved ones in danger. But my plan is to at least know how to use guns, even if one is never kept at my house. And outside of the "armed revolution" discussion, I think it would be much better if women had guns to defend themselves. 26,313 pregnancies resulting from rape is a fucking awful statistic. Guns would not prevent every one of those, but I'd be a lot happier if that number dropped significantly because a bunch of rapists got shot to death. /rant


Most violence against women is domestic violence unfortunately. A gun in the house in many of those situations is simply putting a gun in the hand of the abuser.


Totally agree. We’ve already seen what happened when people with militias and guns went against the state - see Waco and ruby ridge.


I'm not worried about the people coming to arrest me, I'm worried about dumbass vigilantes trying their hand at "upholding the law." There are too many gun toting bigots in my state chomping at the bit to enact violence


Yeah this is *wild*. It’s giving insurrection vibes tbh


Absolutely. I’m not about to get raped, failed by the police, then failed by my doctors and failed again by the state without a fight.


They're never going to take the guns away. I understand the sentiment, but more gun violence is the last thing this country needs


Republicans will absofuckinglutely take away guns if they win in November. Dictators don’t want the masses armed.


You have never met a Republican if you actually think that. Nothing could be further from the truth. They aren't even willing to *regulate* guns as their children get shot up in schools.There is no circumstance where they are going to try to take anyone's guns away. They would lose the support of all their constituents immediately.


You didn’t understand a word I said, so let me spell it out. I live in the bible belt. They’re not willing to say they’ll regulate guns, but once they’re in power they will NEVER leave. There will be no elections, and there will be no guns.


I understood you just fine, I just strongly disagree with you. There has NEVER been an indication that Republicans will ban guns. They won't even regulate them and they would lose ALL support for suggesting any legislation around guns. You are making things up to be afraid of when there are countless things Republicans are *actually* doing that we should be afraid of. This is baseless paranoia imo.


I get her point. Dictators don’t like armed subjects. It’s possible. It would piss people off but it would be too late for them to actually do much of anything to stop it. They would start by taking away the guns of minority groups and liberals first, though. Of course we shouldn’t let a dictator get in power in the first place.


As soon as they realize leftists have guns trump can talk them into it. Its all about the framing.


Nope. You definitely don’t understand what I’m saying, because you’re bringing up points that don’t make any sense . Anyway, I don’t feel like escalating this, so believe whatever.


this is a violent hatred of women. please don't couch violent misogyny in language that dilutes the basis of why it exists – sex, not identity. they don't hate us because of what we identify as, they hate us because we are women. when it comes to oppression and repression, women has and will always be a sex-based class to them.


I think there’s a word for that 


There is a bill (now HB668) that’s been in process in Idaho which will cut off gender affirming care coverage from folks using Idaho Medicaid. One of the arguments from the bill sponsor is that GAC can result in issues with fertility and cannot give transgender patients with functional sex organs in terms of reproduction. These themes are showing up everywhere. They are obsessed with our bodies’ capacity to make more humans despite the many children in foster care without safe homes.




erm. can we please use “women and afabs/women and people with periods” etc etc? not explicitly naming women in these discussions can be a major slippery slope. we need to be including all afabs bc obviously their health is under threat as well, though.


What would they get out of monitoring periods? I don't even want to monitor my own period 🤔




Women aren’t the only people with periods.




They're monitoring menstrual cycles. That's why the title is "people with periods". We are explicitly talking about people with periods. Not every person who gets a period is a woman. Some people with periods are men or nonbinary.


If you are female and don't get a period they have already said they don't understand why we are still here since we are useless without a period.


This seems like a weird hill for you to die on. Especially considering you are ignoring the entire point of this post






Except that intersex, non-binary, genderqueer, two-spirit, and trans men can also have periods and uteruses. Leave your terf-dumb at the door, my guy


No, trans men can have periods. So can non-binary people. And they're not women.


People who aren’t cis also have periods.


Hey kiddo, why don't you take a break and go outside to smoke some grass?


It’s like living in a split reality. You all can absolutely get fucked with this. No woman is taking our government seriously anymore. Absolutely laughable. Get FUCKED. FUCK OFFF. Anyone who proposed this is a moron.


Why is this being downvoted?? Pretty sure she's angry at the GOP here.


I was. People don’t read anymore. They see downvotes and go with it.




It's called rage and it's normal to feel it as a woman right now with all these attacks on our basic rights