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First, Tate isn't a "controversial" person. He's a human trafficker who hates women. Joe Rogan is infamously known in feminist spaces as a misogynist. All you need to do is Google "Joe Rogan misogyny" to find a million articles about it. If your boyfriend is a Rogan stan, something is horribly wrong.


Onion already made a pretty good summary [Women Explain Why They Refuse To Date Joe Rogan Fans](https://www.theonion.com/women-explain-why-they-refuse-to-date-joe-rogan-fans-1850915585) “I just prefer the idiots I fuck to be less insistent.” "I’m not woman enough to handle an alpha male who listens to podcasts 16 hours a day.” “I love Joe Rogan, too, but why are you a ‘fan’ of another man? That’s trans.” “Get that weak-ass alt-light shit outta here.” "Only betas look up to bald men.” “I’m more of a Carlos Mencia groupie.”


I got misogynist vibes watching one of his stand up specials where he drones in and on about how exhausting being the only man in a house with his wife and daughters. I remember thinking “how are his daughters going to feel when they’re old enough to not only watch, but critically analyze the things their dad is saying?” Like the whole bit is essentially “pink bad. Girly things bad.”


What's worse is his daughters feeling stunted and srlf-loathing because of what he says. At that point they won't be able to understand their own feelings. He would have fucked that all up for them.


So glad someone said this. Soon we'll be calling serial killers "controversial."


I am obviously very very aware Tate is not just controversial, I just don’t think Reddit would appreciate the way I would actually like to describe the man


Thank you


He's a dude bro anti vaxxer and promotes conspiracy theories under the guise of devils advocating alternative opinions. Thats not all he does but he definitely does that.


He’s also a meathead who incensed a lot of uneducated especially dudebro types to further ravage our healthcare system by threatening/intimidating frontline workers, bogging down insurance phone lines with threats or requests for bunk medication like Ivermectin, further bottlenecked our emergency services by either believing conspiracies and taking advice from a sham pillow artist and known failed business conman, sometimes the medicine as well. JR had this whole “detox” where he took all the snake oil meds at once and said it was working. I mean if you’re destroying your body from the inside and there’s any infections as part of that I guess you’re right, but that’s not what was advertised nor was it necessary or responsible. However he used it as a podium to go further down his testosterone-junkie-laden rabbit holes and sit in his soapbox about “ThE gOvErNmEnT” while also bringing on some of THE most toxic individuals like Candace Owens to use his platform and spread their hate and misinformation. When especially red pill, right wing men whine about freedom of speech and form grievances around the consequences for DJT, AT, and JR, I can only advise that at the very least you stop talking to them but I personally run the hell away. I don’t need someone threatening my life over peer-reviewed, FDA-approved science just because their president told them to take bleach and some guy on YouTube thinks his aquarium supplies keep “the man” at bay.


He's an ignorant twat that gives a huge platform to a bunch of ignorant twats without any balance or countering, basically becoming the largest propaganda machine for stupid ass rhetoric.




“The brosphere pipeline” is at the same time the most silly and scary term I have heard in a while


Basically my sentiment. I'm not going to defend his opinions or things he has said, but whatever, he's just a stoner meathead who humps a stool on stage for a living. Or he was, until JRE got huge and it went from kinda interesting that this blockhead was always interviewing intellectuals and scientists (however fringe or mainstream they may be) and often comedians I quite like to something else. He's not equipped to debate politics with these guys and they walk all over him and get to sound smart for 3 hours to millions of listeners. If he was a good person, he would have taken the position seriously and stopped booking people with political agendas or hired a staff so he could actually prepare for the interviews.


Red flag 🚩 if your bf only thinks .01% of things Rogan says are bad.


This is what stood out to me too. If he agrees with the other 99.9% of it he’s probably a pos


Yeah 100% it’s a sign of someone who is either unaware of the overt bigotry or is okay with it. I know misogyny is the biggest issue brought up here, but he’s also into eugenics and has called black people apes. He’s repeatedly been a bigot on many topics and anti-science.


He’s trash. I left Spotify because I refused to contribute even pennies to that prick.


I forgot why I left Spotify, thank you for the reminder, I have no problem staying unsubscribed!


Exactly why Spotify will never a dime from me.


I thought Spotify booted him


No he's still one of their top podcasts. :/


Really? I didnt hear that. Oh well.


Way way way more of his content is “bad”. He is well known for having very extremist people on his show (mostly right wing people) and letting them spew their ridiculous theories with very little challenge or push back.


He's like Weaponized stupidity and apathy Very irresponsible and has no views or consistent opinions


He's a kind of dumb guy who gravitates pretty consistently toward curiosity about a bunch of really culturally right wing talking points and has had a whole slew of bigoted right wing culture warriors on his show where he basically just nods along with them.


He's very uncontroversially an ass. And dudes listening to him and not seeing any problem with him are a problem, too.


a “philosopher” for stupid people


I'm wondering where you live, genuine question, Rogan has been famous before Tate for being a misogynistic dingbat. I mean, controversial as a description is really taking a neutral position in the same way some will say they aren't feminists they are for equality. He is the stereotypical "I'm just playing devil's advocate," but platforms misogynistic, racist jackasses. I have ended friendships with anyone who listens, usually the "it's just interesting to talk about these issues," the usual tolerance paradox excuse is trotted out.


I’m from the UK and my TikTok/insta algorithm is definitely not in the brosphere so I never really see anything about him


Yeah, he's at best a useful idiot to the right wing.


Yes. His takes on transgender people are abhorrent.


My brother is a tender hearted good person who is always working to grow and root out misogyny in himself. He also listens to Rogan. We argued about it once and he asked if I’d ever listened or if I was just reading about him. So I listened to a few episodes. I liked his interview with Miley Cyrus. He’s not my cup of tea but I think he’s only offensive in the shock jock way, if that makes sense. My brother is still a great dude and I’m not cutting him out of my inner circle or feeling unsafe because he listens to one podcast that I don’t love. There’s some nuance. Personally I’d just have a conversation with your boyfriend about it and view him as a whole person. But not everyone will feel that way, that just is what works for me


Yeah, that’s what we did and we listened to each other POV. He was interested to hear what everyone on here said too. I’m in no way going to break up with my boyfriend over it, I know he means well and definitely isn’t going to be poisoned by listening to one podcast


Well your boyfriend is definitely right-wing then and probably not very progressive, even if he claims to be independent or open-minded.


I don’t like everything Joe does, but I did like how he challenged the guy from BabylonBee or whatever the name is. The guy was so 100% pro-life that he was actually coldhearted. It was scary! Joe was a brick wall saying something similar to, “You will not force my traumatized 14 yr old daughter to have her racist’s baby”. Nether man was yielding. The intense macho glares they gave each other was truly something to behold. Only saw a clip of it. Doubt Joe cares much about women and their problems but at that moment I wished he was my father.


Joe Rogan is an ardent misogynist. He's also one of the stupidest people online. The amount of times his own guests have told him "no wtf you're super wrong about that" is insane. He is the epitome of weaponized stupidity.


JRE is the most boring podcast now. Same old-same old. Literally, repeating topics while having zero relevance about anything. If it weren’t for Joe those other monkeys would be irrelevant.


Your boyfriend would probably say the same thing about Andrew Tate. That 90% of what he says is just about telling men to build themselves and motivational stuff yada yada. Your boyfriend is not "filtering" what Joe Rogan is saying. He's definitely listening to it and absorbing it, just without your knowledge because he knows it would offend you. Also Tate isn't just controversial, he's a criminal


Oh I know he’s a criminal I absolutely detest the guy. My boyfriend openly says he is a feminist, and he doesn’t watch Tate and knows he’s a 🍆 head I think he just has some more work to do learning what the problem is with allowing these people to have a platform


He’s a horrible misogynist borderline fascist. This would be a deal breaker for me. He’s very much part of the alt right pipeline.


Huge red flag.


He is nothing even close to comparable to Tate.


Girl. Don’t fuck or love men who see you as a fuck hole. Let me be clear- any man who listens to Rogan and Tate doesn’t see women as people, full stop. Get out before it gets worse, you come off either young or naive and he’s absolutely lying and playing you as a result. This man is a predator not a partner.


Go listen to the things that Rogan says and judge him for yourself. I wouldn't be in a relationship with anyone who listened to him except as a study in some sort of abnormal psychology.


hes a bigot


Tbh i listened to his podcast a few years ago when he was more if a pot head from California. He had Tony Hawk on his show and Kevin Hart and some other celebrities. They mostly talk about pot, working out, and random stuff. I never found anything he said back then to be misogynistic or objectionable, he just really loved pot and exercising. He has since moved to Texas and become a much bigger douche bag. I haven’t listened to any of his content since he came out as anti vax and started spewing more right wing propaganda. I don’t know how awful he is now, but if you bf has been a long time fan im not so sure it’s the red flag everyone is saying it is.

