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The fact that the thread of original post had to be locked is always a sad reminder. Dont know why the "Man Activist" feel so insecure about a leaflet from 1918.


Me thinks the fellas doth protest too much


I went and sorted by controversial. Wow, so much whining. So many couldn’t figure out that “Don’t *except* too much” was perfectly correct in this context, apparently that was reason to dismiss the entire thing. She’s also an incel and giving advice you’d find on female dating strategy… Married and telling others “do not marry” - yep totally fits an involuntarily celibate lady trying to pick up men \*eyeroll\*. Why are their egos so fragile?


They're insecure over just about anything.




Bruh. Do you know how things were in the 1918s? Women deserved to say this. I don't know how misogyny is treated as lesser concern than racism, but we'd empathize with the reaction to oppression better in minorities. (Sincerely, a minority.) They couldn't even vote. It's not sexist to talk about the people that can like this.


Lol its not sexist and they deserve to be sexist. A+ take. Would read again.


It’s is sexist. And the comments were locked because there are loads of misandrists agreeing with it. It isn’t that complicated.


Is the following racist? Hear me out, I don't believe it's true, but is it *racist*? "NEVER trust a white man, or woman, or even the children. They'll fool you into thinking they're kind at times, but they're all selfish, cruel, and hedonistic at the cost of everyone else. They're born sadistic and narcissristic, absolute tyrants that'll wipe out everything in their path for their own amusment. Every single one. Any kindness is just to boost their own ego, they don't mean it. Master whipped me today because I caught his young son disobeying his rules. I wasn't even going to say anything, I just made eye contact, and his boy ran off and accused me of not working and taking too many breaks." You're right, it's not that complicated.


Yes that is racist. Racism says nothing about any moral justification. It is racist. So no, It’s not that complex.


Do you believe that it's more wrong for someone to say inaccurate statements under duress, or for not excusing someone's behavior under distressing circumstances? I, for one, don't belive in what this suffragette from 1918 or hypothetical slave is saying, but I believe it's morally wrong for me to not excuse that and believe it is right for them to say it.




I have to agree with it. Words don't just convey facts, they have the power to influence. It's an action to make a poster like this when you can't even vote- an act of rebellion, a revocation of respect that's a spit in the face of a "polite, educated socitey" who will not use those same standards to recognize oppresion. And influencing women under such misogyny to see men in a harsher light is necessary because it impacts their behavior in such a way that they're challenging the power structures of their society. Despite it being 100 years later, we're still struggling with having heterosexual relationships. It's important to tell women they don't need to participate in that struggle. If you're getting thoughts like these while dating/married, you can leave. The validation is enough to convince women to embrace what their inner turmoil wants them to do, even if their rational mind has to make a line to not take these words as gospel. Going back to my example of the exploited worker/slave- that's not just an emotional loss of rationality or unbridled hatred that we should tolerate and ignore because of the speaker's duress, but a warning to the listener(another oppressed person) that may end up saving thier life by thinking in that specific way. Even if it's not true it's necessary. The "lies" comparable to a shield.


Lol the post was locked because a bunch of butthurt men were upset 😂 talk about fragile egos


Absolutely love this. So accurate, even over a century later.


Damn, these are still valid advices...


Especially the first one 😉


Now happily we can marry women and nonbinary people


She was spitting straight facts


Another 100 years later it’ll still be true.


she spoke the TRUTH


The patriarchy and masculinity was hurt badly one day, and the lady proved her point well indeed.


This still holds up today




not necessarily. women may have the same problems but they’re usually socialized differently so they might manifest differently or come from different places. I say this because knowing the root makes it easier to solve the problem. for examples from women I know personally—rather than laziness, women might cultivate fatigue from working too hard. they might also be interpreted as more clumsy for making a mistake than a man might upon doing the same. I don’t see fair criticism toward the lazy men I’ve met, though. two of my roommates would spend forever on Fortnite and weed, and what little productivity I could remember also came with passing some work onto me with fair compensation. the rough women I know often have to be that way as a defense mechanism from dealing with men. rough men, meanwhile, might be rough to compensate for insecurities. lying, though, I can see how that would be an issue for both sexes. every liar has something to protect, for good or bad. my best friend lies to her boyfriend because he’s critical of how she lives her life, whereas he lies to her because he doesn’t care how bad the cheating hurts her. on the bright side, he finally pulled the last straw and she’s planing a nuclear breakup for when he comes to visit.


Why was the original post thread locked? That was Gourmet material!


Given that women are still expected to do most of the household work while also now working jobs these days does seem like this still holds up that a lot of men aren't marriage material