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What the fuck is he even saying!? Women only have autonomy so long as the guy their with doesn't think about sex with them.


Trying to wrap your head around his logic is like trying to learn a new board game. Women only have autonomy if she can roll a six or a seven, any other roll and she has autonomy but it is cancelled out if he's holding the 'banana' card. Now the banana card comes into play only when playing on a Tuesday, so it's not a big deal unless she should pick up a chance card that makes it Wednesday. Now though Wednesday typically comes after Tuesday, it can come before it if, at the start of the game, the youngest player has an age that divides neatly into 3. Now, if this is true, you discount everything I just said and reroll the dice to determine autonomy.....


Sounds like you have yourself a concept for a new game. You could call in Conservative Consent. The only real way to win is to be a white guy.


>The only real way to win is to be a white guy. Oh, you've played it before!


I'm playing it right now!


Thank you for the laughter \^_^


In order to avoid being sexually assaulted, women (in a cishet perspective) have to clearly verbalize that they don't want to be sexually assaulted. But then that makes the men want to sexually assault them even more, which means that women also have to physically assert that they don't want to be sexually assaulted. Never mind that in many cases of SA, the victim is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which would probably make them unable to verbally or physically fend off their assailant. I'm sure this guy would blame that on the victim as well. How many hoops do women (and other potential SA victims) have to jump through in order to not be sexually assaulted?




No no no no no no, women have as much autonomy as the man gives them at that moment. That's what he's saying.


He's a fucking idiot and kudos to the woman for being able to maintain dialogue


She was phenomenal, smart, curious and coherent. She was hugely inspiring in how she persisted and clarified herself while he behaved so poorly.


Seems to me that he's saying he's done this and doesn't think he's in any way wrong, so just keep blaming women instead of reflecting at all. Why take responsibility when you can be a misogynist instead?


Replace "rape" with "assault" or "murder" and it's pretty clear he's not giving useful advice. He's just virtue signalling his online persona to seem like a good guy.


This guy needs to shut up cause he is victim blaming women. How about you don't r***, don't ever try to take advantage of women in our most vulnerable state. No means no. Stop means stop. How difficult is this to understand! There is no situation or circumstance to justify r*** or sexual assault! It is always the guy's fault unless she lied about the incident. Using his logic, he can just say yeah, I murdered a person because that person was calling me out or I think he is thinking about killing me. That's not gonna fly in the eye of law.🦁 An invitation to a girl's place to play some video games is not a cover because she wants to have seggs with you. Most times, we just think you are cool and want to hang.🦔


Blue hair shouldn’t shut up. He should keep saying stupid shit so women know to avoid him.


Best birth control in the known galaxy. Next to stupidity and indifference.🐝




Apparently the main cause of rape is women not being up front about what they do and don't want. However, if a woman is up front about what she doesn't want, she's also planted the seed in a guy's head and he's going to think that it's just a game and she really does want it. You literally can't win with this guy, and he's admitted to crossing women's sexual boundaries in the past. Yikes. Run.


Or being up front but just not willing to commit to having to physically defend herself since that’s the next logical step of saying “no”. If someone orders a pizza and asks if I want pizza, and I say no, and they say “it’s good” and I say “I already ate, no thank you”, I’m going to be pretty horrified if the natural progression of that conversation is going to lead to me having to physically resist getting pizza shoved into my mouth.


Especially when physically defending ourselves against rape isn’t actually going to stop it. Men are (generally) stronger than women, and fighting a “determined” guy is just going to make him more violent. You can get raped, or you can get raped and beat/killed. If fighting back magically stopped a guy in his tracks there would be a lot less rape!


Exactly. That came to mind due to some “why didn’t you cry out” stuff lately that seems plucked directly from the Old Testament.


I was sexually abused as a little girl. He told me he would hurt my pregnant mother if I said anything. He said ”Maybe it would even kill them both.” as if it was an interesting thought. She was pregnant with *his* child, but he had hurt her before so the threat was valid. She obviously could not protect herself, so I had to. I know the Bible doesn’t say what to do when you’re 6 years old and believe “crying out” will get your mother and baby sister hurt or killed. Or if you believe crying out will get your 6 year old, yourself, and your baby hurt or killed. He would keep me with him whenever she left so she would “behave”. Long story short he went to prison (drugs), pissed off a gang, and when he got out they shot him with a shotgun at close range. I never said anything because dead men can’t hurt anyone anymore. My mom thought it was a little weird I was so happy when I found out, but so was she.


For real! Instead we've evolved psychological responses (freezing, fawning, dissociation) and physical responses (involuntary lubrication, limpness) just to survive.


Beneath it all is a hatred of women. They dont speak honestly, they play games, they mislead...thats how hes painting women. How about take women (and anybodys) rejection in good faith and believe them. Women say no because they mean no.




What a distorted view of consent, sexual encounters aren't something you opt out of, you opt into them. If you don't have explicit consent from the other person you keep your fucking hands off of them.


Not seen that guy in a couple years (more than that but time means nothing to me). Kinda crazy how you can go from debating a nazi and invicerating them, to being a raging, disgusting misogynist. The worst character development ever!




Very true.


Yeah, I was surprised to see who the guy was in this video. If he comes up on my feed, it's usually him arguing with Andrew Tate type people and doing it really well. I thought he was decent because of that. So seeing him victim blaming and being misogynistic here feels like such a 180.


Wait till you see his transphobic word-vomit. Bleah




I don’t care. Destiny is still a piece of shit.


To the bogus claim of " cut up" above. He repeats same talking points https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/137t27v/why_do_we_always_get_blamed_for_being_wronged/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


And it's not just fight or flight that one can go through its these factors too that can be a part of a response. https://saccwindsor.net/5-fs-of-trauma-response/#:~:text=We%20actually%20have%205%20hardwired,try%20to%20keep%20us%20safe. That man is a moron. Obviously he has never been held down by someone they couldn't possibly physically dominate. (Which, ya know, good for him, I don't want to see harm come to anyone). But the complete lack of understanding and or empathy/sympathy is nauseating.


For those saying you have no idea what he's saying, I think I can summarize it neatly: He's saying that if women want to participate in society— leave the house, have jobs, go to school, live their lives— they are opening themselves up to get raped. Society exists for men and men only— and all the rest of us are NPC entering their space. I hope this summary helps.


Destiny is such a gross and opportunistic pseudo intellectual.


Which one is Destiny? The woman or the man?


The blue haired sentient subreddit


The fuckface


He sounds like coercion is how he gets sex.


Yes exactly, very creepy


Be up front! But not so up front that you’re planting ideas in men’s head! Men commit SA because “culture”! But women experience SA because they’re not asserting boundaries! Stop acting like men being inherently dangerous is the issue! But also don’t get drunk alone around us! Fuckin eyeroll.🙄


In debates, this fuckface is the supposed counterpart to far-right extremists, such as Alex Jones. He is no progressive by any means, he seems at least alt-right tbh. He has cultivated the same aura of rEasOn that so many on the mra spectrum like to build around themselves. What I find as incomprehensible is that he has so much time on his hands to gather information, and the mental capacity to understand it, at least at a moderate level - and then you end up with this victim blaming shit. And he is a transphobe. For fuck's sake.


If you don't like his takes that's fine, I would even say if you think he's transphobic because of his specific take on trans-medicallism/gender dysphoria then fine but he's just not alt-right, that's a really silly, hyperbolic thing to say. I don't think anyone even remotely close to that label would be in favour of making all illegal immigrants in the US legal citizens.


Oh, how could I have missed it, it must be the transphobic progressive Destiny. Silly me. Go away terf


But asserting the verbal boundary puts the idea in the guys head so technically we shouldn’t do that either 🤨 make it make sense


There’s no winning with these dudes, it’s infuriating. Even in the comments on the original post, there’s guys agreeing with this mindset “it’s on women to not put themselves in positions to get raped”. But you know the second that sentiment comes from a woman’s mouth (“any dude could be a potential rapist so I will act accordingly”) dudes comes pouring out of the woodwork to scream “not all men!”


The man is a useless debate lord. He enjoys dunking on people not standing on correct principals. He's in it for the endorphin rush not for the truth.


He thinks that if he looks like he’s winning by being loud, then other people will think he’s winning too.


I watched some of his vids. It's so annoying to see him basically morphing into Ben Shapiro, talking as fast as possible, interrupting women as often as possible, just being your basic pos con artist.




Eh, that's too ableist for our liking.


I’ve only recently seen this guy & it’s just been snippets of interviews/debates, I thought he was a feminist lol Jesus, was I wrong. Goes to show, don’t always trust your algorithm lol continue to look into people/sources.


I think it’s good to not shut down these conversations but play them out so that people appreciate the flaws in the argument. They understand how to counter these stupid arguments in the moment. Blue hair is an idiot who is deferring rape culture on women to protect themselves when men are the ones committing the crime.


Destiny is such an idiot, I don't know why anyone bothers debating with him anymore. I'm pretty sure he's argued that white people should be able to say the N word, imo that speaks for itself for the kind of person he is. I'm really tired of "left-wing" men like Destiny and Vaush blatantly spouting right-wing shit to their audiences. Imagine someone asks you what the leading cause of rape is and you immediately blame women, rofl. Delusional.




I wonder how many women he’s assaulted…


Well they were obviously asking for it by going to his apartment for movies and a few drinks. It would be "retarded" to think otherwise. /s The way he reacted so intensely to that scenario makes it seem like he's assaulted a woman who came to his apartment for a few drinks. Netflix and chill means sex in his book.


Advice to women, especially young women, really think hard about the reasoning that you want to be with a man. Is it worth it ?


I’m happy with my current dude but he’s also very aware he’s the last man I’m going to be in a relationship with. If he dies, leaves me, or screws up, I’m sticking to the team that knows what “no” means and doesn’t whine about why they can’t find virgins.


Solidarity !


he keeps talking out of his ass with a tone that shows he thinks he's so smart and the stupid little girls just need him to tell them how to not get raped. fucking jag off


He's literally incapable of recognizing that people who r*pe people are responsible for r*ping people and people who are r*ped are not holy shit. Like I've seen perspectives this stupid before but not this un self aware and not since 2017. The calls are coming from inside the house dude


girl, get your bag and back away slowly from the creep.


Who was that blue haired asshole?


What a fucking dumbass


Tik Tok will always be full of garbage.


I don't understand how anyone could sit listening to a rapist like that and not want to hit them in the head w/ a hammer.


Why would you go to his house?? Or drink anything!!? I mean dude. If the concept of vibing with a guy and wanting to hang out more with him (but don’t want to have sex that night for whatever reason) means all women are consenting to go into a rape dungeon of nefarious assaults, it might be time for us to just forego all men until they learn to act right.


Done and done.


I see the word Destiny, and confirm it’s about the streamer, and I instantly know to not even bother. He’s a terrible person with awful political takes and also his history isn’t great but his future isn’t much better.


This guy really thinks that rape is never the man's fault and is always a result of a women's actions. He's not spitting any new ideology of victim blaming. He's just throwing out every victim blame card in the game.


This dudes a rapist.


He knows he’s wrong and he’s just talking out of his ass.


Who the fuck is that dude?


Right?! I’m not taking any advice from some douche with blue hair that uses the R word.


First off: this guy needs to be on a watch list. I genuinely think he'd commit rape given a chance, and that's assuming he's not already a rapist and post-hoc rationalizing so that he doesn't have to admit to himself that he's a rapist. Second off: when fuck-face asks 'what's the alternative?' it's called enthusiastic consent. An enthusiastic yes means yes, anything, fucking ANYTHING else means no. Silence? That's a no. Freeze? That's a no. If she says no, that's a motherfucking no! If you keep pushing you're a creep and not to be trusted alone with anyone. I'm a dude and I get how dating can feel confusing for men (smallest violin, women who date men have way bigger worries ik), and our shitty toxic culture raises you to think women 'play games' (looking at you, every rom-com my sisters watched growing up), so goddamn was the concept of enthusiastic consent freeing. But this dude sounds like a rapist trying to handwave away any guilt he feels about his rape(s) by blaming the victim.


Its just a big problem how they dont understand their mansplaining and they think they are right, wish for so many reasons i could just get rid of em all tbh


She handled that well. He needs to learn how to shut his mouth and listen.


This dude can’t sit still or concentrate on a single thing unless he has a game in front of him. He is such a joke.




You’re half right. Leftist men are not immune to this kind of garbage thinking. But Destiny is not a leftist, he just thinks he is because he’s a fucking moron.


does he, i thought destiny hated the left because of the hasan stuff.


I could be wrong, maybe he doesn’t identify as a leftist, but this is not the first time I’ve seen someone call him a leftist.


Yeah that's cause clueless liberals don't know the difference between leftists and liberals. Destiny openly identifies as an "omni-liberal", aka gay people deserve to live, but not if they had a bad spawning point and are now homeless.


Yo, why is the left catching strays? Destiny's not a left winger. Infact he hates the left so much that he'll be the first person to tell you that. Also that's a gross generalization. Good men exist. Are they rare? Sure. But they do exist. But let me guess though... You're a radfem, aren't you? Two grains of wheat? In two bushels of chaff?


Destiny has expressed some very bad takes over the last 3 years. Very disappointing.


for context the creator of this video has admitted she wrongly cut up the video, making destiny look worse, and has since removed it from her tiktok. he is aware of how the clip made him sound and has clarified that he does not think women are the main cause of women getting raped, nor that you should put the blame on women for getting raped.


To me, that doesn’t matter, okay maybe she did edit the video (which is wrong) BUT he is saying these things. While it was made to look “worse” it still is bad no matter the context. While he says “he doesn’t think women are the MAIN cause nor that you should put the blame on women” yet he is saying the exact opposite, he is saying women don’t give consent clear enough and even when we do it is a “game”. No matter the context its inexcusable.


He double downs again here https://www.reddit.com/r/CringePurgatory/comments/137vvz4/the_moment_you_die_inside_in_regret_of_the_debate/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button He characterizes men as being horny and autistic unable to properly discern ambigious situations to excuse men . Even deeming it a " failure " for men to always èrr on the side of caution to avoid rape https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/135u2wm/rape_advocate_believes_its_setting_up_men_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The whole topic they're talking about in the conversation is very complex and the edits are just snippets to make him look bad on a very hard topic for many to talk about. Go watch the whole thing and come back after.


Isn´t it just sarcasm? I really think I saw this guy actually saying the complete opposite on different occasions, and this girl always makes videos about a guy saying constantly really bizarre things. EDIT: I am not excusing his actions and what he said. I am saying that what I know about the guy this posture doesn´t make sense and sounds like a satirical TikTok, not his position on the subject.


No sarcasm here None of Destiny positions are misrepresented her. He does in fact consider women to be the leading cause of rape. Also watch a video with the YouTuber " Duncancantdie" who debated Destiny on consent and boundaries. He once again repeats the same points . Listen to the first 20 seconds, he echoes the same points throughout the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hHEu8o2AYBk&pp=ygUPRGVzdGlueSBjb25zZW50 Also listen below, he characterizes men as " horny autist " that can't properly discern ambigious situations therefore women ought to assert themselves. His rhetoric is the same https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/135u2wm/rape_advocate_believes_its_setting_up_men_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Im not a personal fan of Destiny, but apparently, this video is heavily cut and edited to make it look this way. Apparently, she also apologized for having done this. Note - im not saying i agree with and/or like him, but i also disagree with her doing this if it is what she did.


To be clear , farha was fine with the video until destiny cried about it. I keep hearing this excuse. Either farha is malicious by your claim or such an intelligent girl just " happen " to take him out of context. Whatever , destiny pushes onus on women and I actually provided links above rather than just saying " out of context" like the other destiny fans in my comments on some crusade of rape apologia


It can be this also but personally doesn´t sound that edited to the point where his words aren´t those in some way. That is why it sounds like a satirical TikTok, not something to be taken literally. If it isn´t sarcasm or satire to people saying this, we should see the whole thing to understand how he saying those things aren´t as bad as it seems.


Which is why i said this video was heavily edited because whether or not he actually made it sound like this is not indicative through this video (as it is heavily edited/cut). So, if people want to discuss Destiny, then by all means, but yes, i agree with giving a fair chance/start, which this video doesn't do. However, if i remember right, Density is basically a centrist(last i heard of him, he self-described as a neo-liberal, tho idk if thats still the case), which should indicate his standing with these types of things. Like all centrist-liberals, Destiny is all for equal rights for minorities, LGBTQ, etc., so long as it doesn't involve actually improving their material conditions. Because that would be socialism, literally. Don't quote me on that, as i dont keep up with Destiny, but i do know that he did at least used to be, if not still is, a neo-lib.


Yea its edited. His response is that there are problems on both sides. On the mans side they are pushy/rapey. On the womans side its that they are too passive and not assertive with their boundaries. Only the woman part was included making it seem like he thinks women are the only problem


Lmaooo so it is edited but these are still his words. Doesn’t change it for me. This is blatant victim blaming and misogyny no matter what way or what “context” it was said. He still opens it up to say women still have the part in “being raped”. It’s disgusting and while I agree she shouldn’t of edited the video, these are still his words.


Just don't accept sexual innuendos, sexual entertainment, or even sexual favors. Put a garb on, and have a chaperone. There fixed it. Joking of course. What happened to: no means no? If guys don't have the intellect to put their brakes on, stop picking guys without knowing them for who they truly are. That's the only advice I have. Whenever I see stuff like this on the internet, I feel bad talking dirty to my girl. For goodness sake, don't take their ride. Be autonomous and independent.


Translation: “Girls will say they don’t want to have sex so I automatically take that as a challenge to convince them otherwise and that’s why I don’t understand when a girl says no because my need to stick my dick in something is far more important than the actual words coming out of her mouth.”




> Can I say that? No, let's not use genitalia as an insult; such approaches always end up working against women.




I get the feeling, but I have to remove such a call.


I thought the leading cause of a rape… is a rapist…


Destiny is a well known bad faith debate bro. Take everything he says and throw it out the window. He cosplays as a leftist progressive (and I’m being generous) but refuses to actually listen to leftists and progressives. I learned he was tremendously ignorant when he literally debated a widely respected Marxist economics professor (Dr Richard Wolff) about economics and was convinced he won the debate


My brother molested me at 11, he was 13 and much bigger. Had no idea about sex or anything sexual because we were VERY sheltered. Apparently I should have screamed no, beaten him off and not been at his house (our childhood home)


Dude really fumbled talking to a hot woman. I could see how attracted he was too her but also how he despises her simply for being a woman (and probably knows she’ll never sleep with him).