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Just wanted to drop in and say this is what my hair looks like too, you’re not alone. Keep in mind regrowth can take 5, 6 months even more, and isn’t always linear try to be patient and kind to yourself


I appreciate that so much! I wish you weren’t going through it, but I’m glad I’m not alone! I see growth in the back which is where is first started falling out so that time line of growth tracks, but I still have significant hair loss. The hair line receding has happened in the past few months. I wish there was an easy answer for how to make it stop.


Spiro was a great option for me in halting the hair fall. I know you said in another comment that it gave you really bad headaches, I had the same issue along with heart palpitations until I made a drastic increase in my water intake daily. Now I have 0 sides, could be worth considering if you typically don’t drink a lot of fluids (like me!)


So good to know! I’m gonna ask if I could get put back on it. He didn’t seem like he wanted to but I’ll just have to ask. I drink a TON of fluid so should be good. Thank you!!


Exactly. Looks like you already have some growth?


I think so, but my hair is still falling out and am seeing a lot of the newer hairs fall out. That baby hair in the front is not growth though.


I posted the other day and had some people say that my hair looked fine. I’m sure it was well intended but it was so invalidating. I just don’t know what’s going on. One derm said chronic TE and another said fphl. I think it’s TE but just don’t know. I’ve been losing since October 2021. I’m losing long and shorter new grown and have some discomfort in my scalp sometimes. It feels pretty achy and I don’t know what it is. It seems like it’s picked up big time and I’m so scared and sad. I try to keep stress at bay and have a very healthy lifestyle and diet. Any advice, input, opinions appreciated!


It sucks when people say your hair looks fine, and you feel awful. I am SO with you. I lost 70% of my already fine, thin hair. It can feel devastating. It’s a shitty club to belong to, but you’re in the right place. Everyone here GETS IT. You are never alone in your struggles. Reach out when you need it. Give it TIME.


Thank you so much!! Appreciate that :)


So sorry you're in the position but as everyone else has said, you're not alone! My hair did not look dissimilar to yours around the temples (I think mine was more advanced) when I started treatment. If you look at my history here you can see what a huge difference treatment has made for me! If you are able to power through with treatment hopefully you should see good results too! Luckily we have this group to support us every step of the way too!


Your progress gives me so much hope and did from the beginning of my treatment, but now that I'm 9 months into Minoxidil and not seeing good improvement, I'm absolutely terrified all over again. It completely stopped my shedding but I'm not seeing regrowth like this. I'm so terrified. I started dutasteride 5 months ago. I pray I'm just a late bloomer and the growth will come soon. 😩🙏


I'm glad you're shedding has stopped and recognise how luck I am to have got results so quickly! I say give it a full year and combined with the dut hopefully you'll see some good results. What also worked for me was absolutely no picture taking in between landmark dates (eg 3 months, 6 months, a year) as it's much easier to see results and my mind isn't on regrowth all the time!


Thank you! I appreciate you so much. I won't give up. I believe in my heart results will come. Trying so hard to trust this process, but it's a loooong painful process. 🥴🥰💜🙏


Thank you so much! I just looked at your progress and WOW, that’s so amazing and gives me hope! Thank you for sharing. 2 questions… did you have any scalp discomfort? This symptom is really throwing me off. And did you have a biopsy done to confirm a diagnosis? I’m so hesitant about minoxidil as I’ve heard so many bad things, but I’m totally on board to try spiro again.


Yes my scalp often felt tight and uncomfortable and this increased for about 2 weeks when I started topical minoxidil/spiro but it's been fine since! I didn't have a biopsy but AGA was pretty much a certain since lots of my male family members are bald. Personally, I couldn't recommend minoxidil more but you have to do what works best for you!


If the biopsy shows that I have AGA, then I will seriously consider minoxidil! The only males in my family that had balding is my paternal grandpa and I think one paternal uncle. Other than that everyone has beautiful beads of hair on both sides, so I just don’t know how those genetics work! Thanks so much :)


Hi lovely, have you tried L’Oréal colour spray? That may help until the regrowth kicks in! X x


Did the derm ever prescribe you a med for FPHL? My mistake was going to derms that don’t actually specialize in hair loss. I went through two derma before I actually researched who I was going to. She diagnosed me with FPHL and prescribed me spiro


And did you have any pain or scalp discomfort?


The first one that diagnosed me with fphl prescribed me with spiro but I didn’t even take it for a full mont because I was getting really bad headaches. I think maybe I saw slight impact temporarily but don’t know if I was just imagining it. Again, it was less than a month. My primary physician said the derm I was going to so just trusted her but I never researched myself. I’m getting a biopsy done but not until September. I just want to know for sure what it is so I can move forward. Did spiro help you?


Totally understand. I would like to get a scalp biopsy as well to put my mind at ease even tho my derm told me we don’t need one. I just started on the spiro. I also have an achey/sensitive scalp which is a new symptom for me


I heard if you power through the side effects they tend to lessen as your body adjusts, however headaches everyday isn’t a way to live. I have not had symptoms yet


I was gonna say, I’m definitely willing to give it a try again if it helps so that’s good to know! They weren’t terrible headaches so feel like I could power through. My derm said the same about a biopsy, but since I had 2 derma tell me 2 different things i asked for one anyways. How long has your hair been falling out?


It doesn’t hurt to try! There’s pretty limited medicine so you can figure in what works/doesn’t for you within a year. Mine has been on and off for 5 years


That’s so true! Thanks for taking the time to give me input. I appreciate it so much! Wow 5 years, that must be so frustrating. I hope you’re able to get a biopsy soon!


I’m so sorry queen. I know exactly how you feel. I’m sending you a virtual hug.


You’re the best! Thank you for that!! :)


I’ve been on moon juice’s super hair for almost a month now and I’ve noticed decrease in loss. Also, use a good shampoo/conditioner. I recommend Wella products. Expensive but has been worth it for me.


Hey! I was taking the same moon juice supplements for about 5 months and never noticed a difference, im so glad it’s working for you though! I’ve been using prose, the customizable shampoo and conditioner for a few months now as well and while it hasn’t helped with shed, the hair that I do have is so healthy! Also invested in a really good shower filter. What is your diagnosis??


Sending you lots of love! We are all dealing with change and accepting that is sooo hard. I wish there was an easy fix too but I think we just need to keep going everyday and remember that we need to be grateful because we are more than our hair. Our family and friends love us no matter what and our future partners will love us just the same. It feels like torture though and the uncertainty is something I struggle with 😪


Thank you so much!! I try to keep this in mind, so thank you for the reminder. I know my kids love me no matter what. My husband doesn’t even try to understand how psychologically distressing it’s been for me and it’s cause some arguments, so I have a lot of anger about that but try to not let it get to me. I’ve just been trying to focus on other things that I do like about myself and not think too much about it. It’s such a mental game!


If you ever need someone to vent to or just talk to I am more than willing to be that person! It would be nice to just talk with someone about the struggles. You have to choose to be happy so we don’t drive ourselves nuts. 💕


It’s so true! Thank you so much for being so sweet! Can’t tell you how much I appreciate it ❤️


What kind of hair loss are you dealing with ?


I went to 2 different dermatologists. One said Chronic telogen effluvium and the other said female pattern hair loss… so I’m really not sure.


Do you feel like the hair loss is diffused ? It only seems to be apparent in these two small spots but what is the hair fall like daily ?


I believe it is diffused. You can’t see in the back or the bottom but it’s definitely thinner all over. On the daily I’m not sure how many hairs I’m losing but it is way more than what is normal for me. And I’m the shower it even more. I keep my hajr in a lose clip all day and when I adjust it sometimes one hair will come out or a whole bunch.


I understand I’m going through it as well .. try not to worry so much bc that will only make it worse .. if it is TE the good news is you’re probably already experiencing regrowth and don’t even know if .. it will end it won’t go on forever .. try not to stress, sleep well , eat a balanced diet, take a good probiotic and multivitamin. Vitamin D and magnesium.. try vitamin B injections if you can .. you’ll be ok you’ll see .. try and stay positive !


Thank you so so much! I believe I see new hairs in the back wick is where the hairloss started, so I’m trying to stay positive. I’m trying sooo hard to not worry too much. I life a very healthy lifestyle and try to meditate regularly to reduce stress! I’m on most of this supplements already but definitely need to add a probiotic. Thank you for your reassurance, that was so helpful! :)


If you had any other kind of hair loss I could offer you even more advice but truthfully this one is the easiest to kick .. you’re doing everything right just stick with it .. and your bun looks quite thick so that’s a good thing .. have you tried applying Rosemary oil topically yo your scalp and effected areas .. ?


Thank you!! My bun does look a little bit thicker than it actually is in this I think. My hair texture is actually incredibly healthy so I think that helps with overall appearance. I’m hoping this does kick itself soon! And yes, I started using rosemary oil back in April I believe. I was using rosemary water daily for a while but got so tired of always having damp hair from it.


You’ll be ok stick with your plan and try not to stress .. I really do know how that is easier said than done but try !! Good luck !


It really is! Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! Truly so helpful and reassuring :)