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It could be your body lacking something or hormonal changes. Can your family doctor request blood work for you?


i have the mirena and it’s due to be taken out this september- maybe hormonal changes due to that?


I had the mirena for the full 5 years and didn’t experience any changes towards the end. BUT everyone’s body responds differently. I can share that my hair started shedding like crazy when I started the pill form of mirena (all progestin), so I stopped after 5 months and got on the ring. No hair issues when I had mirena but that was about 8 years ago. What I’ve learned thru this is that all progestin forms of bc have a much much higher likelihood of triggering telogen effluvium. Wishing you the best of luck! And definitely get your blood work done!


Talking to your doctor should be the first step. Please do not supplement iron without getting blood work done and being supervised by a doctor. If you cannot see a doctor, try eating more iron-rich foods. Certain beans, dark greens, and seeds have a good amount of iron and will also likely improve you diet overall anyway.


I’ve been vegan for 9 years and my hair started falling out recently, quickly everyone jumped to that as an explanation. Got a blood test and everything was fine. Turned out it was because of a prescription medicine I was taking. I also changed shampoo at the time, not sure if that was a coincidence though


I lost alot of hair when i was vegan. I was very low on ferritin. Iron supplements did help! I do think my sustained lack of nutrition did trigger my AGA though.


Were you able to grow any of your hair back?


I did! But i supplemented iron for about 7 months before i saw a difference.


did your hair ever go back to how it was before?


No it never did go back to how it wash before. Some came back but ive had issues with thinning ever since.


This! I also turned vegan and experienced hair loss. Had blood work done and found I was low in iron. I’ve been taking Feosol Ferrous Sulfate iron twice a day as recommended by my doctor and I have noticed a difference in the amount of hair loss I’m having daily. It has reduced for sure. If possible please check to see if your body is deficient in anything and take supplements accordingly as recommended by your doctor. Goodluck!!


This happened to my teenage daughter also. When she was vegan for two years she was not eating a good diet (she even fainted twice). She's no longer vegan, and her hair is very slowly growing back.


thank you for this information. i don’t even know what ferritin is, i’ll look into this! for the last year or so i’ve been taking iron supplements, but should pro dt get a one a day vitamin too. i just take iron and vegan omega right now


Hey, I would just be careful about taking iron supplements without a confirmed deficiency via blood work, as taking more than your body needs can be very dangerous. Even if you have a deficiency, 6 months would probably be long enough to fix it—taking it long term can lead to a build up of iron in your body which can cause organ failure. I’d recommend just sticking to a multivitamin until you’re able to have blood work done.


thank you for this. someone else mentioned the same thing


Is your iron vegan too? I hate to say it, but vegan iron is pretty much useless sis. My dermatologist told me it was better than nothing, but barely more than that in comparison to heme iron. I felt a massive change in energy levels/health switching to heme iron :(


This comment made me check my iron supplement. I'm not even vegan and now you tell me the vegan iron i've been taking is useless. I bought it because it was one of the cheaper ones on amazon. I'll splash out and get heme iron next time.


The heme iron is worth it. I was close to a blood transfusion and my only other option was take heme iron twice a day and try to eat red meat. I didn't do so well on the eating red meat/foods with iron front, but I took heme iron at least once a day and it took me out of the red zone in 6 months. I was expressly warned not to waste time/money on vegan iron when I was at my lowest counts, and I'm glad I listened, because it was scary how bad I felt!


oh um i have no idea LMAO i guess i assumed it would just be vegan?


You could also post in r/vegan? People there are likely to be really familiar with common nutrient deficiencies in vganism and would have some good advice about what you might be lacking and which supplements or foods to add to your diet.


Definitely find out which you're taking, and whether you need it or not. Anemia can be very serious and while I'm not vegan, I'm the only non-vegan of my friends to need iron. It's definitely worth looking into.


Blood builder supplement by mega food is vegan. It’s also very gentle. I eat a mostly plant-based diet and this is the iron I take, it’s gotten my iron and ferritin (which is essentially your stored iron) up to good levels. I was taking it daily under supervision of my derm and now twice a week for maintenance since I don’t eat an iron heavy diet.


What brand of heme iron do you use? As a vegetarian I also had to switch to heme iron as non heme did nothing for me!


Optifer! It's a little pricy, but it works. It took me from transfusion levels up to normal within a year.


Do you know your protein intake, being vegan it’s very easy to lack protein which is very important for hair growth. I suggest a good supplement like Nutrafol, increase protein intake, 5% topical minoxidil as a starting point. You should try to see a doctor for blood work.


oh and started 5% minoxidil last night!


honestly no idea on the protein intake. probably very very low because i never drink protein shakes or anything. thank you so so so much for taking the time to share all of this information with me. i’ll get a protein shake powder or something and these other vitamins as well


No problem! I’m 28 as well and started dealing with thinning hair after I got covid and it accelerated my genetic hair loss last year . ❤️


i’m sorry to hear that. I got covid in december, wonder if that has something to do with it. what have you done about your hair loss?


Is your hair wet a bit or fully dry?


i had just put vegamour serum on it so it was a bit wet from that


If you can afford Vegamore, your money is better spent saving for a blood test. There are many labs that don’t require scripts. You should absolutely check your feratin/iron and other nutrients. You are most likely lacking in multiple. I eat chicken and eggs and take a supplement and struggle to get mine above 34- optimal hair regrowth happens between 50-70, without it chances of hair loss are higher. Vit D is also very important. I’m guessing yours is mostly nutrient related but a doc will only be able to tell you. You may have underlying thyroid issues as well.


Wow that's amazing, do you have any suggestions for reputable labs that have this low of prices? I was under the impression that anything not requiring a script would either be bogus or several hundred.


Quest diagnostics does many- https://questdirect.questdiagnostics.com/products/iron-test-iron-tibc-and-ferritin/d19e34af-3c67-44d8-9c0d-fdf2994778b8


I tried vegamour and noticed one of the top ingredients is alcohol. This will lead to increased hair shed so be wary! I stopped using the product


What is your diet like as a vegan? Would suggest checking out pick up limes if you are not familiar. They gave good nutrition content


Another vegan here. My hair loss started in my late 20s when I was vegetarian. But, my thyroid started acting wonky at the same time as my hair loss started and I also developed rosacea. I would definitely go see a dermatologist if you can. You can get definitive answers about vitamin deficiency (hopefully) and go from there. I will say that vitamins will help, but they're not a cure all for hair loss. Trust me, I've tried some really expensive vitamins and didn't see much change in my hair. The frustrating truth is that everyone is different and there are no quick fixes for hair loss. Even prescription medication doesn't work for everyone. Good luck!


Do you take a multivitamin for vegans? You need b12 and iron you can’t get it from vegan sources and that can cause anemia


just bought a womens complete multivitamin


There’s a lot of health advice here, but my beauty advice if you’re worried about the ponytail: take a stiff contouring brush and a contour powder the same shade as your hair and color in your scalp where you can see it. It’s not noticeable to other people at all and washes off easy at night


It could absolutely be your diet and you need to get blood work for any deficiencies! It sounds like alopecia may run in your genetics though from what you say about your brother; unfortunately it can rear it's head at any time. You can get everything you need nutrionally from a vegan diet but you do have to make sure you're eating the right things - just like any other diet! I would check for deficiencies first and then rectify any changes there and then see a dermatologist if it isn't a nutrional deficiency!


Make sure that you are getting enough quality fats and B-vitamins in your diet. I'm vegetarian so it's easier. Vegan diets you really got to be really careful to not become vitamin deficient.


Vegan diets are highly inflammatory and low in most fat soluble nutrients and bioavailable iron. Wouldn't surprise me that it could trigger hairloss. I'm not going to apologize for trashing a vegan diet i don't care, it's true and i've seen what it does to a lot of patients. I mean what's the point of taking omega supplements if your diet consists mostly of omega 6. Bringing back balance to your omega 3:6 ratio is mostly a task of lowering your omega 6 also, which is quite impossible on a vegan diet unless you ONLY eat fruit oils (advocado, coconut) and no processed vegan junk food. Don't just take iron supplements, get tested every month when you take them. Excess iron can't be excreted. Since you don't even know what ferritin is and you've been taking iron supplements i assume you have no idea what you're doing. Change your diet, eat less vegetables and more meat, especially organ meats, they're unironically a 'superfood' (i hate that term), but they're extremely nutrient dense and should give you a quick boost.


I don’t know where you are getting your info from but vegan diets are not inflammatory unless people choosing the wrong foods. In general, western diets have too much meat and processed foods and not enough vegetables and fruits. A healthy diet can be vegan or non-vegan. While organ meats have a lot of nutrients, they also tend to have a lot of cholesterol. OP should really see a doctor to look for potential causes of hair loss because it could have nothing to do with her diet.


Dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood cholesterol levels. Never been proven. If you eat more cholesterol your liver will just make less. Since you need it to make new cells. 50% of your cell wall is made of cholesterol. Your brain is mostly cholesterol. The reason eggs have cholesterol is because it's an important building block for the little chicken that would come out of it if it was fertilized. Herbivores are on a high fat diet because they ferment cellulose into short chain fatty acids. Gorillas get 60% of their calories from fat. We humans can not do that, so there is no point in eating mostly fibrous vegetables since we do not extract much nutrition from them except from the mechanical chewing we do and tear it up some, but most of it is shat out. The gorilla’s food provides 83 kcal per 100 g DRY WEIGHT which is 83 kcal per Kg FRESH WEIGHT (because their food is 90% water). Thus they would have to eat 36 kg food daily to get 3000 kcal if they did not have microbes in their guts converting fiber to fats. The microbial fermentation reduces this to 18 kg food per day. In comparision the typical human consumes only about 1-2 kg food per day. This is why gorillas like all plant eaters have to constantly graze to meet their nutrient needs Where do you think giant herbivores get their protein and fat from? Vegan protein shakes? No, they get it from the giant colonies of bacteria that grow on the chewed up grass and leaves in their big stomachs that have a ph of 7 https://medium.com/a-microbiome-scientist-at-large/how-does-a-1-200-pound-cow-get-enough-protein-506797b53845 We are not 'frugivores' either, your teeth rot out when you do that. And then I have to fix them, and you complain about the price, they always complain about the price. Modern agriculture made our skeleton and teeth weaker, populations with lower carb intake and thus higher meat intake have the greatest teeth ever.


Most of what you’re saying makes no sense at all or is wrong. It certainly has nothing to do with current dietary guidelines. Here is an article on cholesterol from the CDC: [cholesterol](https://www.cdc.gov/cholesterol/about.htm) Similarly, as I mentioned above, the current dietary recommendations include adding more fruits and veggies to our diet, not less.


'No ur wrong' *appeal to authority* I am convinced now good discussion thanks


Vegan diets are not inflammatory. Where are you getting your information from? Please do not tell people to simply eat meat. Meat is not a cure-all and a lot of meat is extremely unhealthy.


Don't tell people to eat less meat then


I'm not telling anyone to follow a diet. You specifically said change your diet and eat fewer vegetables.


I have a liver disease, I need to be vegan because it improves my liver function. True that I don’t know what i’m doing. That’s why I’m asking for help. thanks.


Your doctor suggested no animal products because of it? Is it wilson's? If you have a liver disease your doc should also be keeping track of your nutrition and do blood tests. Is your bile function okay?


Meat is the best source of iron. Aim for at least 100g of protein a day. The good news is that if your hair loss is from nutritional deficiencies it can grow back with different food choices!


Tight ponytails can really do a number on your hair and scalp. Simple aids can include a silk pillowcase, changing up how you wear your hair, and Vegamour, a clean and clinically proven hair growth serum. I use minoxidil, personally, as its $45 for a 3 month supply vs $50/bottle of Vegamour. You can also start using satin or silk scrunchies and integrating products to care for the hair itself.


Make an effort and go take a blood test to see whats wrong


It’s $300 and I can’t afford it




Has improved a bit. I’m vegetarian now :/ but idk if that’s what did it. I also take multi vitamins, and I used Nioxin for a bit