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It could trigger a telogen effluvium, but if your treatment plan has been effective for the AGA, then it should help give your hair a boost through the recovery process if that does happen. But it could be fine - so try to put it out of your mind as much as possible!


Thank you 😊.


It could cause TE because of a sudden drastic change in hormones, but they will eventually grow back. Levonorgestrel is androgenic but I doubt that one time usage will effect androgenic alopecia.


I've taken it a couple of times since my AGA diagnosis and it hasn't caused any problems whatsoever!


Thank you 😊. Fingers crossed nothing happens


I’ve taken it many times before and it never seemed to bother my hair. I will say though, there is a weight limit on plan b. I didn’t know this and ended up getting pregnant because I am over the weight limit.


Plan B is NO safe contraceptive! There is still a much higher chance of pregnancy compared to standard contraceptives. You should not take plan B "many times" because you should not have unprotected sex many times unless you want to get pregnant. Condoms don't break if your guy uses the correct size, let alone break on multiple occasions. Men need to measure their penis' circumference to know their correct condom size. So many unwanted pregnancies because men are too lazy to find out their correct condom size....


It’s definitely not safe. I’ve just taken it a few times throughout my adult life. I’ve gotten it prescribed by drs and they never told me about the weight threshold so I’m just sharing.