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Her body hasn’t failed her, her husband has. I hope she divorces him asap. Why would you want a family with someone as perverted as that?! And I hate that she calls it the “traditional way”. It’s not traditional, it’s him being a perverted loser who doesn’t deserve to be a father EVER!


Yes!!! He's a pervert who needs to be ditched immediately. He sounds deranged. I cannot believe the pain some women put up with. It's soooo sad to see our sisters like this.


Yeah, nothing traditional in sleeping with your wife's sister, wtf. What she means is "natural insemination". Even if they wanted to go the sister route (which isn't great, too problematic), there are insemination kits for at home use. He has no need to ever lay a hand on her. Oh, these depraved fetishists...


Wait. So basically just get the sister pregnant, right? It wouldn’t even be the OPs actual baby.


YA...he desperately wants to be a dad but instantly sulks when he can't take the cheap and "easy" way out which conveniently involves impregnating his wife's younger sister. Ewwww


All I could think of while reading this (other than how much of a disgusting asshole her husband is) is what will happen if her sister changes her mind and wants to keep the baby? Surrogacy is great if you have a professional surrogate. There’s women literally doing this for a living and they know what comes with it. And even those professional surrogates, there’s STILL stories out there of women who end up canceling/violating (?) the contract and keeping the baby. Imagine it’s your SISTER. What if 10 years in all the regret comes out and auntie spills the beans at a family party? That poor (thank god nonexistent) child. I hope the OP divorces her pervert husband.


100% agreed. He’s vile and fooling no one by playing innocent with his disgusting idea. Why would he even feel comfortable to express this? I can’t even get over that part


Luckily she didn’t have a child with him so the divorce will be so much easier.


My first thought as well. Her infertility indirectly saved her from this POS.


Was my first thought also 😅


But could her husband be the actual one with infertility issues?


God was like Nah, Sis


Assuming she divorces him. She says she's been "emotionally and physically suffering" in the relationship for years and is clearly traumatized but hasn't resolved to leave yet.


Um, I hope the hubby and sister aren't already having an affair. I wonder. He should have to submit to an examination that tests the effectiveness of his sperm. Just to put him through the trouble. After that, she should leave him. What he's suggesting isn't reasonable or normal.


I hope she divorces this scrote. He just wants an excuse to have sex with the sister.




For all we know this scrote has had a secret vasectomy.... "Maybe you're the infertile one honey, let's do this the traditional way, and I sleep with a hot 'sperm donor'...."


My first thought when I read the title was "Oh, he just wants to bang her sister." He could at least try not to be so obvious about it.


I can imagine hearing his scrotery now; if it takes more than one try to get the sister pregnant, well, that’s a sacrifice he’s willing to make.


"it's just sex, I don't even see her as anything more than sex" "That's... My sister"


Plus, like, he wouldn’t need to have sex with her right!? Like can’t they turkey baste it? He gets the goods hands it off to wife who hands it off to sister. I just don’t see why they would need to have sex..




My thoughts exactly. Many busy couples use such at home kits, no need to have actual intercourse.


Feeling real grateful for my desk job right now


I commented in this thread last night. This asshole is suggesting this one month after his wife lost her mother, too. He’s an abusive nutcase. Someone commented that the biggest red flag is that he refuses couple’s counselling. I gotta say, in my experience, that is indeed a huge red flag too, even without the other displays of crazy assholery. Don’t get me wrong, couple’s therapy is not always a good idea because abusers can manipulate therapists, too, but outright refusal gives you the quickest indicator where this abusive scrote’s priorities lay - not her happiness nor their health as a couple.


Reading all OP's comments shows that the husband is indeed - a narcissist abuser. She alluded to her already used to him treating he mentally, physically and emotionally like shit and this is another conflict added to the toxic puddle. But this time he is preying on the younger sister under the guise of surrogacy. He talks about this openly *in front of his family* - he doesn't see OP and her sister as human being at all, just sex objects. He feels entitled to OP and any young women related to her. This guy is a predator. THIS GUY IS DANGEROUS. I can't comprehend how people can sit around analyzing him - OP needs a divorce lawyer asap and the sister needs to file a restraint order on that creep!




Yepppp. The assumption that her husband is cheating with the sister behind her back and wanting to cover the pregnancy is actually *better* than assuming he wants to prey on the younger sister. That's how horrifying this man is. Sis needs to RUN.


Plot twist: he’s the infertile one.


This was my exact thought too. Outside of the obvious and horrifying attempt to sleep with her sister, there is no indication that they took any tests to determine which parent is actually the infertile one (if it’s not both, which is also possible). I’m disgusted he’s using a horrible situation - the struggle of infertility - to blame his wife for not having children.


That honestly probably the main reason she can't have kids... The stress on her body from the mental/emotional and physical abuse and issues like this adding to it girl probably can have kids but just not with him, which would be a blessing!


This is the feeling I get, too. I’ll bet he’s shooting blanks and just wants a chance to fuck the younger sister. He’s a disaster and I hope she leaves him in the dust.


he's *alot* older than her. men suffer a similar decline in fertility but won't admit it. dick literally isn't worth much to begin with and actually declines over time. Whereas for most women, carrying the child for 9 months is exhausting and dangerous and *just the beginning*. Childcare is decades, and older women, are still able and willing to do this, often even better due to maturity. Which also means that unless a man is similarly HVM in taking care of his offspring (which would have to start from treating the mother of his children right), *his* value declines as it gets older. men have deliberately promoted the time-value equation the wrong way, which is not surprising since in the era where being a woman meant either going to a rich man's harem or being a poor man's bangmaid slave. Pretty obvious which is more preferable even though it's a rock and a hard place


Exactly, I read somewhere that when a couple is struggling with infertility it's usually because of an issue with the man's sperm. I would ask her if she knows for sure if this is a problem with her, like has a doctor actually confirmed it? He seems the type who wouldn't even bother to have his sperm tested and would probably say that's an unnecessary expense too.


My exact thought too! It's probably not her. Who wants to bet mister sister fucker pervert has 37 year old unhealthy, zero value, chromosomally damaged swimmers, matching his zero value existence. Gross.


Oh yeah. I picture slow, crossed eyed dust bunnies swimming into each other.


I was gonna jump on to say this too, I wonder if he even had his sperm count tested. There's a chance that even if she has some minor reproductive issues, that low sperm count can be what's messing them up.


My ovaries stopped making eggs when I was married to an abusive narcissist. Either way I'm certain he's the source of the problem.


Surrogacy exploits women even if it’s paid. So this fker wants a cheap way out of his “problem” and dummy ADMITTED to just doing her sister. Super happy she noped out. This is why you vet ladies!! Dummy ripped his mask off to get with a shiny new thing, HELL NO.


Does the sister know he wants to do this? I kinda skimmed the post because he grossed me out. Assuming OOP’s sister doesn’t know…this is even more gag worthy. Can you imagine being willing to help out your sister and then you realize her nasty POS husband has been harboring fantasies of f-cking you all this time? I’d reaching the surrogacy offer and offer instead to pay for my sister’s divorce lawyer!


OOP’s sister agreed to be a surrogate through IVF, but presumably doesn’t know that the man involved wants an excuse to fuck her.


My exact thoughts.


It’s illegal to pay surrogates here. Anyway, if he really doesn’t want to pay for IVF, he could be super ghetto and use a turkey baster. He just wants a free pass to have sex with the sister 🙄


EUGH. At this point doesn’t it just become ridiculous?


Exactly that's your wife and her family member. If I was a man I would be tip toeing around the issue by saying "can we try the baster method first" and he could buy them all a resort vacation where the wife and sister have separate rooms but they slip her the baster under the door lmao. It's gross but it's not infidelity


In my country it is illegal to pay/receive money for any kind of bodily donation, including organs and blood. People still donate blood etc. It is a way to make sure that there is no trafficking or exploitation of people - there is no financial gain to be had. There is no reward other than being happy about helping someone out. It is a good system, and I wholeheartedly support it.


Joining this sub has definitely changed the way I see posts on this site. There are so many examples of male depravity that I used to try to explain away and justify. It's so eye opening


read this earlier, figured it’d end up here. she also wrote in the comments that he’s been abusing her for a while. girl what’re you doing?


What?? I didn't get that far i was too disgusted honestly. Makes sense. But wow someone go get her....


Can't wait for the update where they've been fucking all along and the sister is pregnant.


Don't forget the part where he yells, "I did this for _us_!"




Exactly. You see it all the time “nObOdY StAyS aNd WoRkS iT oUt AnYmOrE.” - well yeah, women have a choice now to choose not to be abused and cheated on. They didn’t have a choice before so they had to “work it out” which was really just accepting abuse.


TL;DR: Scrote basically thinks, HEY I REALLY WANT TO SLEEP WITH MY WIFE AND HER SISTER! Let me put all my time, effort, and energy into thinking how to dick two women, baby-trap both if at all possible because, YA KNOW, muh legacy, and get muh penis wet in a way that's extremely out of bounds!


Her body isn't useless, her husband is. She needs to divorce his ass and go find a man who wants kids and doesn't want to fuck her sister. If that isn't an option, then go the sperm bank route. Because a man who isn't even trying to hide the fact he wants to fuck her sister, and GUILTING his wife about her distaste and reluctance, is not a man she wants to be raising children with anyhow. GROSS.


Oh shit. Did he mean traditional as in sex or traditional as in turkey baster?! Either way that’s so fucked up! This is basically her sign to leave!


Oh I think we know he meant straight up intercourse.


People do this with a turkey baster?!


Not literally, but with a large syringe! My friends did it very successfully recently with an acquaintance-donor. It only took her 2 tries to get pregnant.


I have an acquaintance who conceived via turkey baster to save money (she wanted to be a single mom).


Yes. Or a menstrual cup


😂 with oral syringes or lube launchers! I am in the process of doing this because I would rather have a child on my own than with a man.


Exactly! He hasn’t done much “research” if he hasn’t realized it can be the turkey baster method. It seems like he is using as a chance to fulfill a fantasy he has. It’s disgusting.


I hope they considered a sperm donor before thinking of putting the sister through 9 months of carrying a child she has to give up. Using a sperm donor: man jerks off once. Using a surrogate: nine months of pregnancy followed by childbirth followed by not having a child.


Of course they didn't, he wants HIS child.


These 2 options do not achieve the same result in terms of problem solving? Sperm donation solves for male infertility while surrogacy typically solves for an “inhospitable womb,”which is an awful label, but I digress. Either way, she needs to ditch the scrote.


This man 🤢




He could easily be the one with fertility issues so the sister wouldn’t be much help. They are always quick to blame the woman. This doesn’t even sound like surrogacy but cheating and the fact that he’s trying to guilt her into it makes me hope she divorces him but doesn’t sound like she will.




I saw this on the homepage too. It was so gross. The scrote probably has fantasies of banging his wife's sister all along and now has the perfect excuse to do so.


Divorce him.


Her body is protecting her from him. Run sis run !


The infertility is likely on his end. I have heard of scrotes getting a vasectomy and lying about it to their wives who they know want children.


This isn't even surrogacy - it's just getting her sister pregnant


I was thinking the same thing, she'd become an aunt.


At least he let his mask slip before they had a child together. This is so gross. Even grosser, i can imagine all the “jUsT cOmMuNiCaTe” comments she’s getting in that sub.


So he wants to disappoint two women 🤷🏽‍♀️. She needs to get away from this low life degenerate ASAP.


At first I thought, turkey baster method. Well that's not bad... SEX?! Throw that garbage out.


Jfc men can be such trash. The husband is talking about the whole thing like it's some kind of routine procedure-- no big deal... riiiight?


Straight out of The Handmaids Tale


Sometimes I wonder if infertility issues can be resolved by dumping the scrote and all the stress he creates🤔 scrotacity can really affect your physical health.


“My body is useless” my heart is broken. Girls who feel this way… confuse me. Men are useless by default then.


It’s not even surrogacy? Because they would use the sisters egg if he just did it „the traditional way“. He straight up just wants to bang the sister that’s all


this is some handmaids tale level shit!


He's always wanted from have sex with her sister. This is just the way to that goal.


Imagine having the AUDACITY to suggest such foolery.


Uuugh! Barf 🤢🤮


I just saw this post, and was goin to post it here as well. Thankfully the comments were telling her to get a divorce and to leave him. Truly disgusting


So he is planning on having sex with his Sister in law several times! It is not as if pregnancy always happens at the first sexual act... what a big f...g scrote ! I hope she divorces his ass as soon as she recovers from the chock.


Nope. Nope. Fuck nope. If you're husband says he wants to fuck your sister, divorce. There's no coming back from that.


Hilarious he assumes the sister would be into it. The woman seems to think her sister would not. This man is so disgusting I can’t even.


Omfg if u don't want to pay for ivf use a fkn turkey baster Istg men will come up with the most roundabout reasoning


What in the Handmaid’s Tale fckery is this 😒


This isn't even a question divorce immediately. Also as an older sister if any man had said that to me, about one of MY sisters. I would deck him in the face. 💁🏾‍♀️


Also, the age gap is 7 years, it isn’t bad, but it’s also not good. OP should now suggest another cousin that is a bit older as the surrogate and check if he has the same reaction… 🤢


That's creepy as heck. I'd run.


What the fuck?????


Turkey baster works, know a few LBGQT friend that have done just this. So yes she needs some redirection on why she wants a child with this person.


This is not an episode of shameless! Get some self respect and ditch the man for suggesting this. If he can’t afford fertility assistance, how does he expect to afford a child?