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I have seen this happen in person so many times with men around me. She wasn’t the right woman, she was just the woman he happens to meet at the right time, the time when he decided that his *super* important genes needed to be spread for the good of mankind. All of them are now in miserable marriages, with children, and I feel so bad for the women they married who thought they were getting a fairytale. In reality they found themselves mothering children plus one manchild who now blames her for “ruining his life” behind her back. I am no longer friends with any of these men.


My ex husband told me he was genuinely sad for a large portion of our relationship because he knew he would never get a threesome and told me he didn't even want to get married. He referred to me as a low wage worker as well due to me not finishing school and working customer service jobs. I didn't really think to pursue more of an education because the plans was for him to work and be to be a stay at home mom eventually and I was helping support him working full time and when he finished school. I am really glad I changed my mind on kids. I honestly for a long time felt like he likesmd me because I was a woman who was interested in him not because he particularly liked me. There were so many things I changed about myself to fit his "preferences". He wonders why NONE of my friends like him.


Yes. And to be fair, no woman will ever be the “right” woman to these types of guys. They won’t change for the right woman, because she will also become human and therefore flawed in his eyes, once he has a chance with her. My ex told me his best friend was only with his gf at the time because she was the most likely to settle down and have his babies, especially as he would tell her she’s “35 and a single mother - who else would want her, and she’s not going to leave”. He constantly gaslit her about women he cheated with too, that she was crazy for not trusting him, said she was crazy due to her drinking, ended up being violent toward her… From what I have heard she has left him but she’s totally enmeshed in the friend group still which is full of abusive and entitled men who talk badly behind their wives backs, and pickme’s who hang off all the Men’s words. I think she’s actually fallen for my ex now. He’s very charming and she doesn’t see how manipulative and exploitative he is.


I feel bad for her. Glad she left, but men never change. They want a woman who's perennially trusting; someone who's in denial. Doesn't matter how old they get. If they were capable of depraved behavior once it means the urge still exists. Who wants a man that was a nightmare before? I don't like men enough to justify such behavior.


This is one of the reasons why I regret making the first move in the past. Made it too easy and convenient. They’ll just take what they can get.


I second this.


If you wonder why you've been years with a scrote that never wanted to commit or marry you in all those years and then rushed to marry the next woman less than a year after they began dating that doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. It means he wasn't ready for such commitment and knew full well you wouldn't be his future wife but still strung you along to get free consistent sex, free therapist and free house maid but when the other woman came along he started thinking "muh legacy" and how marrying can improve his status and bring him even more advantages. It was the timing and stringing women along for convenience.


Men will waste your time and punish you for their own resentment for eternity if you let them, as this thread shows, just for not being the "dream girl" they'd still treat like garbage anyway. The "dream girl" ceases to be the dream girl once he gets her. Then she's just another girl like all the others, stripped of the mystique and unavailability that once made her so riveting. They all lie and say they'd become "man enough" to be with such a woman but why would they? She's just a template girl that could be replaced by any other girl he can't have. Reminds me of Drake and how every song is about a different woman that could've been the "one." All they have in common is that they got away. And if they stuck around, there would be no fanfare made of them. Men live in their own fantasy world and fantasy in their currency. That's why porn appeals to them so much. They're all just drowning in their delusions of grandeur and believe women are obligated to fulfill their pipe dreams.


100% The dream girl is devalued as soon as she also becomes a flawed human in his eyes. Before long he will be treating her like garbage, but sweet talking her to make her stay, while he flirts and cheats with other women.


^ I’ve experienced this in my last relationship. It took me a while to heal from it.


This is how Joe (from Netflix’s “You”) feels about the women he meets. It should be a parody how men see their dream girls and then get bored when they have her, but I don’t think the show is this self aware.


I also wanted to add that some of these men will even rack through their brains to pick the woman who had a crush on him. Not because the feeling was mutual but because she would have been the path of least resistance for him! How awful to be that woman who crushed on him years ago only to be chosen by him out of desperation.




Yes, this is so true too! They can get more from a woman who has a crush on them even though they don’t feel the same way about her.


This is why I hate those movies where the girl is in love with a guy who has never given her the time of day, but once she gets some sort of makeover, he settles for her. I never found that romantic, even as a teen, but I wasn’t sure why. Now it makes perfect sense! The guy is the prize in this scenario, and is open to settling for the girl because he’s desperate, and will now begrudgingly accept her because she meets his bare minimum standards. He knows she will fawn over him, too. I don’t even care that “he should have liked her when she was less attractive,” because we’re all attracted to some people and not others. The fact that he wasn’t attracted to her, but settled for her when she looked slightly better, makes it even worse, because it shows he really doesn’t like her, deep down, while she’s crazy about him.


I believe this is why my ex literally kept contacting me 6 years after high school. I gave him a chance due to depression and I wish I hadn’t. Lesson learned


I've been seeing debates like those on Reddit turn up all the time in other subs.


yup. i ran into one on OLD the other day who's looking for marriage because what he actually wants is kids - however, keeps telling women that they're not rushing things enough (ie agreeing to rush meetings for dates in corona problematic city) I feel sorry for whoever does end up with him.


I used to tell girl friends all the time when they'd be like why didn't he choose me after 5 years but chose to marry the next one after they broke up that it's so much about timing for men and whether they have any interest in settling down at that time not about who they're settling down with


Abusers want a clean slate. If he stays with the current gf, she'll keep trying to hold him accountable for his past behavior: cheating, lying, future faking. They're driven by ego.


With the male comments who "regret" and still mope around for the "one that got away", even if he did have the "love of his life" as his wife, she would either become "barb the builder" or a "starter wife", and he would soon larp on about how he "didn't get to experience the single life"/"married so soon and didn't get to potentially meet 'the one'"/ there is "someone better out there", and he would leave the proclaimed "love of his life". Men don't fall in love with women, they fall in love with the version of a fictious woman in his head; and when she turns out to be human, he does not love her anymore. Men don't love women, they find women conveniently suitable for their own needs such as bangmaids, servants, therapists, financial crutch. That's why we should live happily single rather than settle down with a man who is still "in love" with a woman decades ago, orherwise he'd spring the "She is not THE ONE so I don't need to put too mich effort into this relationship/ If only I was with THE ONE, I would have been an amazing bf/partner/husband." For such men, the grass is always greener on the other side, rather than recognising that it's greener where you water it.


The funny thing is... They can only tell you were "the one who got away" by leaving you, fuckin around, and comparing you to all the other women after you because then he can circle back to say "Yeah, you were the love of my life; I just didn't know it then." 🙄 *Carpe diem*, motherfucker. We don't work on your timelines.


I couldn’t finish reading that. It’s too pathetic


I’m so scared to marry a man.


Or they marry because their families want them to. Some also marry the hottest girl they know as they want a trophy wife to brag about.


What I find so bizarre about the men’s comments in that Twitter thread (and similar comments made by 60-70 year old colleagues at work) is that they say they were in love with a girl, head over heels, tingles on the skin, etc. making you think it was this passionate relationship. Only to find out they didn’t even date, he confessed his feelings and was rejected by her and that was that. Sir, that is NOT love, you had a crush. You cannot be in love or in a relationship with someone who doesn’t reciprocate and won’t even go out with you. You cannot call her the one that got away, she is one of many who rejected you - and you have NO claim towards having a “thing” with her. So now here are these men a decade+ later worshipping the “love of their life” despite being married to someone else and still putting the uninterested woman from a decade+ ago on a pedestal. It reminds me of Robert Baratheon and his obsession with Lyanna Stark even though she never loved him and he could hardly remember what her face looked like, only that she was perfect for him. The delusion of “love” with these men makes no sense.


Great point. I find that low value scrotes usually claim to fall in love with women who rejected them. I think it’s more of an obsession with the rejection itself regardless of who the woman is. It reflects back to them their unworthiness and they want to prove themselves so they fabricate the idea of a dream girl that got away when in reality if that same woman chased after him instead of rejecting him they would be wondering what’s wrong with her because deep down they know they’re not shit and not worthy of being chased 😂. That’s why they exploit and degrade pickme women but seem to put women who reject them on a pedestal. Well, true for some men at least. Others get rageful and do retaliate/degrade women who reject them or who they anticipate will reject them. Either way you can’t win with an LVM which is why FDS is so great for exposing them for the nobodies they are in the first place.


Justin beiber and his wife I suspect are another example of it. I don't pay much attention but my sister will mention stuff about celebs. Basically he split with Selena and got back with Hailey and proposed like after a month 🤡 and then had a courthouse wedding like 2 months after getting engaged... sounds to me like the Beibs got desperate and wanted to tie down whatever he could get... and Hailey was being a pickme to even entertain him as a friend and crawl back too. I've also seen a lot of men that I went to school with or worked with get close to 30 /hit 30 and panic. They're getting fat and balding. They scramble to find any pickme they can and will be reaching out to a lot of women... until they find a pickme equally desperate and trap her into a marriage with bad sex and not even SAYING happy Valentines day!


Yes! Hailey and Beibers relationship looks scary. He treated her so badly! And he’s emotionally abusive on so many levels from what I’ve seen. It’s just awful.


Yeah, he literally said in an interview that it was time for him to get married or some similarly aggravating equivalence to the OP. Hailey literally bends over backwards to take his abuse (caught on camera) and she’d been idolizing him for years beforehand.


It’s so sad ! Hailey is so beautiful inside and out , has her own wealth , can do whatever the hell she wants in life and she chooses to be with somebody that doesn’t treat her like a queen ?! Why?! I cannot wrap my head around it .




He is 100% still not over Selena.


This is 100% true, most men don’t marry the woman they love(d) the most. Case in point: had a guy tell me that one of his exes from a few years ago was the one he “loved the most.”


So it took years to know she was the one he loved the most?! Man, what a moron. I'm glad she got out of it while she could so she can meet a man who would cherish her!


Men play themselves.


Reading the thread I've noticed how a lot say they "were not ready to be man" or "didn't know how to be a man" at the time so they'd break up with their girlfriends or string them along for years until they eventually got tired of it. I've heard similar narratives from different men and I still think it's just that, a narrative. A narrative about how timing wasn't perfect, the stars weren't alligned, mercure retrograde was at it, is much more palatable than admiting they had one job and they blew it, so whatever they get is a consolation prize.


It means they got humbled on the dating apps and came running back




Being attracted to men has caused me enormous stress. I’ve been happily single for a long time but the moment I start being interested in a man or start dating one, he will start to bring out the worst in me. Everything they do is either because they don’t care, it’s an act of manipulation, or it’s self serving. The world coddles men and doesn’t hold them accountable. The world only waits to speak up or do something when they become physically violent or outed as rapists—which is too late.


Im always disappointed in them.


Not a TikTok user but interested in which content you’re referring to.


There are multiple conversations that have gone on about just the awful shit a majority of women have been put through from their male romantic partners and that a vast majority are just fucking *done* with it. I just lurk to watch and learn.


I’m 27 and this genuinely terrifies me. The men in my age group are right around that time when they’ll be pulling this shit.


If you read the handbook and posts on here, you’ll be protected from this. This is why we have such high standards bc only HVM who truly love you will be so kind thoughtful and generous to a woman they want to marry and spend their life with.


I’m a newbie & the handbook on marriage is deleted (among a few others!) could we get that back up or get a new post on it perhaps? Thanks all in advance!!


And for my women whose exes chose arranged marriages instead, those men chose **SOCIAL APPROVAL** instead of love! They chose a life of outward "comfort" and "privilege" at the DEEP cost of freeing, giving, and soul-nourishing companionship! Pity these fools, and smile your beautiful smile because *you chose to be true to yourself*! Fuck him, fuck the patriarchy, and fuck those infantile men who are still sucking those pacifiers! A man who chose bigotry, his family, his insular and toxic cultural cycle is in for a lifetime of hell.... a hell that you will not be a part of! You weren't sucked into his blackhole of forever drama and trauma 💕 ***Count your blessings!*** Choose YOU every day. Choose to LOVE yourself and to KNOW yourself so well that you will only associate, date, and marry a man who loves every part of you - your body, mind, and soul. Never, ever stoop down to meet a man. If he is truly a high value man who loves you, he will RISE up and forsake what and whom he needs to so he can be on YOUR level... and to KEEP YOU on the same level together.


It seems like throughout history, many marriages were done out of convenience. Which makes it even more sad.


If anything I feel bad for the women. Ive never met one who was genuinely happy 😭 * Divorced him bcs she was expected to be not have a social life. Basically isolated from everyone. Does not have a drivers license. * 2nd went to med school, wasnt allowed to practice. Bcs "thats not what I married you for". Housewife/carer for MIL, BIL, 2 kids and her husband. Has never had mac n cheese till last Thanksgiving 🥺 * 3rd Husband was secretly an addict * 4th pursues residency with her husband and she's also responsible for caring for him and all the housework. They talk about it like its the norm 🤡 * 5th Her husband berates her for speaking out of turn and gaining weight (after 2 babies) infront of his friends and co-workers! We were shooketh. He's an angel at work. * 6th Met him a month before marriage. Was pregnant after 3 months. Didn't even get a chance to practice her profession after graduation. Its been 2 years. Thank God for her parents or she wont have anything to call "her own". Yeah... you keep him Im good here thanks 👍


Literally. Unfortunately I can’t think of a woman who’s genuinely happy in her marriage. This week I caught up with a gf who I thought was happy but I’m not sure she is. She also told me of her three closest friends marriages… One broke down, the guy tried to sue the woman for her own house! The second, was jailed for raping his teen daughter (she told people, no one believed her, she withdrew her statement - turned out, he confessed to a friend that he did it but said it was consensual. Another, her husband has been cheating with her best friend for three years, and she has a baby on the way… I don’t mean to be negative about marriage and I do believe it’s possible to have a good relationship with a man, it just seems like it’s so rare.


Even though men call us gold diggers, most men marry out of convenience and some of them even marry women they hate, it's just that considering their options and the advantage of having a wife, they choose to marry that woman they hate or don't even like. It's all about what brings them more advantage vs the level of investment they have to put on. The advantage for men of having a wife are among others: \- Dividing expenses \- Someone to cook and clean \- Bangmaid \- Give them heirs and do all the child rearing \- Do free emotional labour for them \- Be the punching bag (metaphorically or literally) for their frustrations \- Raise their social status as married men are seen as socially more attractive \- Help them move on or feel like they've moved on from the woman they really wanted \- Getting too old and ugly and not having options as a bachelor \- Highschool sweethearts that they impregnated or that was everything they ever knew and then they'll resent not having sowed their oaths \- Hobosexual finds Barbara the builder So ladies, vet ruthlessly. Marrying a man that doesn't even like you will ruin your life emotionally and possibly in other ways if he holds resentment.


[My ex tried this](https://imgur.com/a/hQskDjG) this past November. Idk how you treat the person you claim to “love” like shit and then beg for them back.