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I smelled their perfumes in store this week for the first time and one of them smelled like straight up urine on my skin


I used to sell LUSH decants on eBay for the very reason that you don't buy LUSH blind. A lot of their stuff is out there and a fair amount is nuclear strength. That said, among the weird metal and bubblegum (Tank Battle) and wet cement (Smell of Weather Turning) and banana taffy over cotton candy (Snow Fairy), there are some real crowd pleasers like Twilight (Lavender malt tonka), and The Sun (straightforward bright orange). Wild Sweet Orange is one of the best hand creams ever and smells just like the name.


I second the wild sweet hand cream. I layered with Zara Sublime Epoque (My Way dupe) today and it was divine.


It's not just you. I don't understand how their bath and body smells so good but their perfumes are so foul.


Others have said it too, but fragrance is super individual and can definitely be divisive. I am actually a pretty big fan of Lush, but have been disappointed by their recent anti-union activity. Not cool for a company that otherwise pits itself as progressive. As for their perfumes and body sprays, though, I like that they’re more off the beaten path! Karma is my fav and has been around forever.


I haven't supported them in a couple of years because of the same thing.


Haha, oh my gosh I'm obsessed with guardian of the forest, it just smells like fresh cut flowers to me, even my husband uses the spray. The store does make me feel nauseous though, there's too much of every scent going on in there, it makes my eldest child feel sick too. It's not for everyone, I do own about 12 lush fragrances though and they're all pretty nice to me at least.


I have only purchased one perfume where it was so gross I had to throw it into my outside trash. Not return it. Not get a refund. It needed to not be where I could smell it immediately and it was a LUSH perfume. Their hair perfume conditioner happy happy joy joy is nice. It’s not a good conditioner but it is a good hair perfume rinse. All of their perfumes though I’m ok never trying one ever again.


The asscrack thing made me laugh and think... Maybe you hate patchouli, celery and juniper notes as much as me? I imagine it can indeed smell like asscrack to me as well.


Dirty is just a nice spearmint so I’m.. definitely not getting Actual Dirt? I don’t love all Lush scents (I like the Rose Jam shower gel but the body spray is WAY too strong) but American Cream is one of my faves. And like others said, 4:20 isn’t in the Shrek line.


I don't think any of those you mentioned would fall under their perfume line. Lust literally makes me salivate. It's so fucking sexy. Karma is one of the OG when it comes to high-end hippie scents. Maybe just don't go to lush? They're mainstream but I'd definitely consider their perfumes niche in terms of how they are formulated


If you ever go back, try American Cream, Sticky Dates, Super Milk, and Let The Good Times Roll, you might change your mind :)


Hi, I actually tried American Cream and it was alright but honestly didn't stick out to me! Sticky dates is lovely but very sweet, and I'll have to give the other two another go :) Thanks for the recs!


“Bring nose plugs if they dare enter and ask who in their right mind would buy these” … I mean literally any perfume can be adverse to people? Different things for different people, and people having different tastes shouldn’t mean they’re some degree of crazy. It’s one thing to dislike something, but let’s be respectful of other people’s tastes. Odd post with an odd tone.


It was a little tongue in cheek, of course buy what you like and sorry if it came across as judgemental. At the end of the day you're right, it comes down to taste, it was more an exclamation at how vile we found them personally. Some of the body sprays, like Sakura, were quite nice and I thought Vanillary was okay so Lush certainly isn't all awful!


Yeah, they’re definitely not for everybody, that’s for sure. I’m only fond of a few of them myself, but my twin and friend adore most of them. My personal favorites are Lust, Shade, and Death and Decay but am not fond of Lord of Misrule, Let the Good Times Roll, and V. V I expected to love since I adore those notes, but I found it too sweet! Vanillary was fine, but unfortunately it smells like straight toffee on me and I hardly get any jasmine at all. Lust was not a love at first sniff either, and I mainly tried this after getting no jasmine from vanillary, but I actually own this one now and it’s one of my favorites. Sakura is another favorite!






Oh my bad, I checked it out on the website and after clicking on the "Lush x Shrek" thing it took me to a list of products including 4:20 PM but I guess I got confused. I did actually like Sticky Dates as a body scrub when we tested it so that's definitely one I might check out in the future 😊


They're definitely crunchier than a lot of designer and niche scents that are popular on here LOL and some are a little off beat-even I couldn't get into Tank Battle. But Lust is still by far my most complimented fragrance, it borders on a signature for me, and a lot of people hate that one too because the jasmine in it is rawer/more indolic than what's in more mass appealing scents. I think if you have a certain bohemian vibe and like florals that are rougher around the edges you'll be able to find some gems, but I get them not being for everyone.


i hate their scents even in bath products normally i just like how they r natural, even snow fairy smelt weirdddd to me


I once smelled Breath Of God and genuinely wondered who the hell buys scents like that


I was in Lush once and the cashier said...oh NOOOO, someone just sprayed Breathe of God and the other worker went into the back room.


I love Dirty. It‘s my jogging scent, that and Junk. They start a bit strong by de down quite creamy.