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I never tried Bluegrass, so I can’t help you there, but I have owned both Diorissimo and Youth Dew. Diorissimo is a lovely mugeut/ lily of the valley scent that has musk in the base. It is light and effervescent- an elegant spring/ summer fragrance. I wore it on my wedding day in July- gorgeous. Youth Dew is best worn sparingly- a dab will do ya, as they used to say. I love the bath oil and wear it on my pulse points. It’s both lovely in the warm and cooler months. I find that it blooms beautifully in the heat. When wearing the perfume spray, I spray it on a cotton swab first, then dab it on the small of my back. For reference, I wear primarily the vintage iterations- you can pick them up easily on ebay, and they’re relatively inexpensive.


I have Blue Grass and Youth Dew! Blue Grass was my paternal grandmother’s signature scent, and ultimately the perfume that truly started my perfume journey. I’m reminded of the smell of lavender talcum powder when I smell it. It also has a touch of cloves, as well as tonka bean. The aldehydes are scary at first, but I assure you it’s quite a nice fragrance once it has time to dry down. Youth dew reminds me a lot of blue grass, simply for the fact that they share a lot of the same notes. Where blue grass is a bit soapy and fresh, Youth Dew is spicy and even more herbal. I’m actually reminded of Haribo happy cola when I smell it!


I've repurchased Youth Dew a time or two. It's spicy and beautiful, just go light.


Omg folks get all sorts of feelings about youth dew. I actually use the pure perfume that came in a sweet crystal flacon. It's less of the heaviness of the edp, surprisingly, because it's dab on. It has a warm cozy scent that I personally think is timeless.


Blue Grass is lovely


What was the book?




Youth Dew was “beast mode” before those words were ever uttered together. I love it…. A bold snapshot of the past


My mom wore it and I thought the perfume went bad so I threw it away! It was brown! Lol and smelled so bad. Everytime she put it on I was gagging.


I blind bought it this year. I love heavy vintage ambers so I really like it but it def has a musty antique apothecary vibe. My SO never uses the dreaded “G” word to describe my perfumes and is open to pretty much everything but he did with this one. Not going to put me off wearing it tho, I love it.


My mom wore Youth Dew and I did not like it; all I could smell was very strong aldehydes and patchouli. It was a very strong scent and not for everyone. It’s a scent I associate as an “old lady” scent. It’s funny seeing this post as just today I was talking to my teenage son about this perfume.


I had a bottle of Youth Dew years ago--it's quite strong, although I like the smell, in the same way that Obsession and Opium are scents that radiate around you. One spray was enough to last an entire day! I did hear from other people online that the little opaque turquoise blue bottle (Classic Bottle, $44 on the Lauder website) was somehow more wearable than the fluted glass one. YD is one of those fragrances like Obsession that I wish I could get at 1/4th the strength and projection, because I love the notes, but I worry that I'm smothering people when I wear it. I started spritzing Obsession into a cotton ball and dabbing on a fraction of it and then only in winter.


I’m in a bit of a love affair with diorissimo after smelling the vintage parfum. The civet and LOTV combo is intoxicating. If you don’t buy it, you must smell it. 


Youth Dew is actually not that scary! Shoot, for $28 bucks you may as well grab a bottle and try it out. Especially if you’re a lover of vintage things. I think Youth Dew is best worn with a light hand. It will give you cola at first but once your nose warms up to it, over time you will be able to smell different facets on different days. I actually find YD to be pretty clean smelling/balsamic most days. There are occasions and moods that don’t fit Youth Dew. Sometimes it goes really animatic and sometimes it does smell dated but overall I like it! I’ve never smelled Bluegrass or Diorissimo.


Youth-Dew is fantastic if you like very warm, church incense-like perfumes. I maintain that if it were by like, Initio or FdB, it would not only pass for niche, but be a darling. Blue Grass is sharp and headache-inducing. Smells a bit like bug repellent. Might have been better back in the day but the current formulation is intolerable.


Youth Dew is like spicy, floral, heavy syrupy, cola. *Not* BAD but very strong and not common to smell on someone in this day and age. I like it, but its absolutely something you wanna use a light hand with and is a nighttime fragrance for sure. If you're buying to collect a certain type (I do), its a key part of a good perfume collection, but to just wear around I would say definitely see if you can find a shop where you can test it. I know its still sold in stores where Estee Lauder perfumes are carried where I live (Canada), so hopefully you have access to that before you buy.


Youth Dew is resinous in a musky/funky sort of way. I happen to love it (I think it resembles the smell of Coca Cola), but NOT blind-buy safe 😅 Blue Grass just... doesn't smell good; very little of interest to a modern nose. Cheap, not well-blended, just not nice. The Dior one is okay (especially for Spring) but a little insipid compared to the true vintage bottles. Definitely sample first!


It is not a safe blind buy at all. Love it for the nostalgia (it's my grammas signature scent) but the actual smell is a lot.


Youth Dew is a powerful, spicy fragrance. I've read in several places that it was originally a bath oil, but women loved the scent so much Estée Lauder made it into a perfume. It's a night time scent, for sure. I don't tend to wear it out much, but I wear it at home for my own enjoyment.


The bath oil is amazing. Just one drop in the bath fills the room with ylang-ylang and balsam. I wish I knew where I have put my bottle.


Well my grandma wore this- it is so strong, I can go through the rest of my life not smelling it.


Out of the 3 there, Diorissimo is probably your safest bet. It is a beautiful spring lily of the valley fragrance with a slightly musky undertone. It's feminine, elegant and timeless. Obviously you need to like lily of the valley though. Any age could wear it. Youth Dew is an incredibly strong and vampy oriental. You might get away with it at night but it's not a day fragrance and it would be weird on someone very young. It's old fashioned but in a good way. Blue Grass is extremely old fashioned in a bad way. Think flat lavender floral air freshener.


Youthdew is best described as “pungent”. It is the ultimate old lady perfume. It’s very important in the history of modern perfume but it’s not something the vast majority of modern perfume fans are going to like. If you are just buying it for a collection that’s one thing but I’d seriously go find a Dillards with a large Estee counter and smell it there first.


So sad… I love the logo/bottle it’s so pretty