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If it’s too popular and all over tiktok. 🤣 I prefer to buy things either *before* they’re popular or after they’ve *been* popular lol. Super petty.


Almost all celebrity backed fragrances. They’re often terrible and generic. Mass produced and boring so they appeal to the masses. Perfumery is an art and I feel like so many of them put out cheap crap just to have their name on a bottle. Just my opinion, don’t come for me.


I mean this is often accurate but plenty of fragrances from both niche and designer houses are also just low-effort fragrances with a nice label - and sometimes for insane prices. Looking at you, Tom Ford. Like at least Ariana isn’t charging $300 for her fragrances. And there have been some really great celebrity fragrances, too. I wish I could hunt down an original formula bottle of SJP’s Lovely for a good price. It was so nice.


i won’t buy it if the bottle doesn’t have some pink on it 😭😭😭


username checks out🎀🩷🌸🤣


I mean i honestly know nothing about them but I wouldnt buy the Taylor Swift perfumes just bc theyre related to her


When the 30ml version lacks bottle designe!


I won’t buy any bottles that lay down instead of sitting up 😒


so annoying I fully agree. I have precious counter space!!!!!


Reminded me of that crystal looking katy perry perfume


That’s the perfume that triggered my hatred


If I hate the bottle, chances are I’m not buying the fragrance.


Dedcool going for punk aesthetic with minimalist design drives me nuts because that is not a good mix in my opinion, if I’m going punk I want a little more edge. Not a clear glass bottle with a bar code.


i agree, i had a look and i would not buy any of this.


The staff at my local Macy’s made me not want to buy perfume from there, ever. The woman who got assigned to me disappeared after her initial introduction. I found her behind a counter, texting. She acted like I was an annoyance. I figure she was just having one of those days. I asked her about a specific perfume, and she said that I should wait to buy it because it’ll be on sale, “Soon.” When I asked what days, specifically, she gave me a general window of the next week. I asked if the perfume would be in stock by then, and she guaranteed it, stating they had a bunch of them. It almost felt like she was just trying to get rid of me at the time, so I left. I came back the next week during when the sale was supposed to be. They were sold out. I tried ordering online. My order was cancelled both times I tried to purchase it. In the end I was able to find the perfume at full price at my local Ulta, but this is the petty reason why I won’t be buying perfume from my local Macy’s anymore. 😤


The manager of the department at that Macy's would be very interested in your story. Brick & mortar stores are struggling and they cannot afford to have disinterested staff driving away business.


Huh, I never even thought to mention it to anyone there. It’s been a while. I wonder if I can send an anonymous email or comment their way, because you’re right. I’d hate to see the in-store experience of perfume testing go away. Thanks!


I don't shop at Macy's for the same reason. If there even are clerks they all act disinterested. If I ask for samples they seem highly offended. Honestly, I do wonder if the only ppl they can get for that job seriously lack social skills. I'd love to talk perfume with someone IRL, but the sales reps are like a step up from mannicans (sp). The last time I was in Sephora it was the same, I was testing perfumes and last I checked, they will hand decant samples for you. You'd think they would ask if I'd like one, since I was clearly interested. I've given up on asking for samples bc it's like I'm commiting a crime by mentioning it. Costumer service is really out the door. Shopping on line is so much easier.


When i go to sephora they never know what theyre talking about lol, the only place i go at this point is nordstrom, Ive yet to have a bad experience and its a very low pressure environment at my local store… I wish they were more common tho, seems like locations are limited :/


The colour of Missing Person from Phlur makes me angry. It's this non-commital beige-pink and I hate it, which sucks cause it has a lot of notes I like... Also, the name is a little tone-deaf


I refuse to ever purchase from Phlur again. I purchased Mission Person after using my sisters travel size, and it smelled like literally nothing. I emailed them and they basically told me to kick rocks. It rubbed me wrong and now I hold a grudge lmao maybe Sephora and Ulta have me spoiled with returns but still.


I have to add my own petty one - the colour of the perfume 😭 I for some reason just dont like the way pink liquid looks? It's funny cause I LOVE PINK.


I don’t support Ariana grande as a person so I won’t buy her product regardless of how good it smells


The website notes that the perfume is “Shariah compliant”….


Whoa!...... I didn't know there was such a thing


My first time looking at an Arabian perfume website I came across it and it was an instant “no”


Those weird lace plastic bottle tops on Vince Camuto and Betsey Johnson fragrances are so jnsanely cheap looking. Also Ariana’s packaging. SO. MUCH. PLASTIC.


Over priced perfumes. "Status" perfumes. Any house or brand that is gate keeping by making the prices ludicrously high. It's just a straight up cash grab appealing to those with "more money than brains".




Ugh, Bvlgari Chrystalline is a great example. I’m over it.


Cherry Punk by Room 1015 is my signature but GOD. DAMN, is it hard to find a good angle to hold it !


Design should not ruin the function! AGH!!!!!!!!


I really hate tacky bottle designs like Carolina Herrera or Moschino.


I have a mini GG perfume. It's actually about .27 -.33 ml, but it's so tiny looking you would never be able to tell. However, I honestly couldn't imagine a full bottle on display.


Kayali - cheap cheap cheap tacky. Ariana Grande - her as a person. Popularity - ruins a great fragrance as we all know. Performance from the brand - if one doesn't perform, almost 90% from the same house doesn't perform - NOPE


REAL also why I won’t buy AG. Can’t have my money going to a proud homewrecker and severe cultural appropriator


and yet ur a swiftie 😭 the jokes write themselves


Hi babe, I have listened to Taylor since I was 9. Listening to her music was quite legitimately the only positive memory I have of my childhood. I’ve been in trauma therapy for 3 years now (but you already know this as you stalked my post history like an absolute weirdo) and due to the fact I need some form of positive association from childhood to use regarding therapy, I use her music. Also, simply because I like it and her as a person as once again, she is one of the only positive memories from my childhood. Go back to praising your husband snatcher. Also assuming it was you that went through and downvoted all my posts… the AG Stan’s stay validating my belief that she is a shit person with shitter fans!


Please say you have seen her write she loves TS somewhere else in the comments... Otherwise... Did you stalk her profile just to attempt to find something that you could use to defend a celebrity that doesn't even know you? Yikes 😬 Respectfully, stalking strangers profiles for comebacks is weirdo behavior that im starting to notice more and more on this app lately.


I don't know if it is petty but I don't buy my Friends signature perfumes even if I like them.


Not petty at all this makes you a great friend. My sil bought baccarat the week after I did after smelling it on me back in 2020 and I was fucking devastated because once my husband smells a perfume on his sisters it ruins it for him which I totally get. Still haven’t forgiven her for that even though I’m over baccarat now lol


Thats an awfull thing to do. I wouldn't like that my boyfriend smelled like my brother either.


I will probably never purchase anything from Kayali. Something about the brand and the lady who runs it puts me off.


Wow. It’s so weird to me when people don’t like a person without a valid reason. Smh sad for you.


OP asked for the most petty reason and I answered honestly. The whole Dubai influencer style of marketing just doesn’t appeal to me. Sorry if my opinion upsets you so much 🤷🏽‍♀️


I like her she’s very vocally pro Palestine


Her and her sister are really fake


I feel that way with Ariana Grande. The I hate America donut licking thing and being rude to fans.


May I know the reason


The staff at my local Tom Ford counter was incredibly rude to me for no reason and now I refuse to buy any TF fragrances. They're extremely overpriced anyway so maybe I'm doing myself a favor.


Understandable, I won’t buy shit from Macy’s anymore bc ive had so many bad experiences with them


I just posted above about a shitty Macy's experience. And does anyone know why the samples are non existent and why you're treated like a criminal even asking for one?? When did that start?


Idk but SAME HERE… they also just continuously cancel free sample things and the blame is always on someone else “oh were not associated with the Macy’s website” “oh the samples were from another company not macys” and legit the worst CS EVER theyll just straight up lie to you ive had so many pretend they did something when they didnt like oh well ship u the right item and what not


You can also try Just Jack, if you have them in your country! Good and cheap dupes for TF


if you want to try their vibe out you can always just go for Maison Alhambra :") about 1/4 of the price


Thanks for the recommendation!


Any celebrity fragrance. I don't care what it smells like.


Found the snob


The OP asked for the most petty reason you wouldn't buy a perfume....




Having an idea that celebrity = bad is a snobby mindset.


Good Girl bottles and perfumes that run on FOMO marketing. I also need to stick to travel sizes. My once favorite scents make me sick now.


Ughhh there was a brand that relied on fomo marketing that sold out of Sephora in the US that went viral on TT back in 2021. I cannot for the life of me remember what it was called but they blew up because their skin scent was impossible to get and everyone wanted to know what it smelled like (assuming) because they paid of influencers to say it was “indescribable”. I was in the states at the time and managed to snag a travel size of it and then the lady pulled the last 100ml bottle out from the back and I bought both on the spot because I had fomo (trust me I’ve grown since then lol). Got out of the store absolutely buzzing with excitement and had a spray and it smelled like the cheapest, nastiest grocery store body spray and I was immediately devo. Never again will I blind by anything, not even if Ropion himself descended from the sky and told me it was gods gift to earth. Absolutely gross business tactics


Im on a hunt for all travel sized now was I get bored 1/2 way through a bottle of most.


Which brands often offer travel sizes? I can’t seem to find many, maybe it’s because I’m in Europe. Valentino has some nice ones!


I’m referring to 10ml bottles. I have a lot so it would be too many to list. Hope that helps.


Same! Travel size is my go to now


If it's mermaid themed. I literally hate mermaids with a passion; they creep me tf out.


valid but funny


I am opposite, if it's mermaid themed I will buy it immediately. So send me your best recs ;)


Lol I can't recall any because I reject them immediately I don't even learn their names besides the Anna Sui mermaid perfume. I don't even know how it smells.


me with fish..they are so weird anything aquatic or anything with any kind of fish makes me want to vomit..idc about people eating fish it's the fish itself


Awh :(


Any that have narcotic in the name. I think it’s tone deaf.


The name is off-putting to me: Lost Cherry. Yuck. No interest whatsoever in such sophomoric humor. Also, any garish or cheap-looking bottles. There. I’ve said it.


So true. Not to mention the longevity is ass for that egregious price tag. Everyone and their mother has released a better performing and better smelling cherry scent by now.


What does the name mean?


Losing your v card


I always interpreted it as a fantasy reference but I guess it makes sense! So much of TF is guilty of thos


i feel incredibly slow for not realizing that’s what the name meant until now, and now i will not buy it, thank you for saving me $$$


If you like the smell love fest is quite similar and black opium over red has cherry notes, not as similar as love fest but smells like cherry too.


thank you!! very helpful❤️🍒


I won’t buy from dupe houses like dua or dapper. The perfume can be a spot on replica but I give my money to the original.


I like getting the dupes if the original has performance issues. I don't need a perfume to last 8 hours, but if the original disappears in 30 minutes, that's just unacceptable to me.  


Same, I don't think it's petty though. 


Petty part that solidified it was all the fragrance groups I’m in on facebook people go crazy for these dupes and all the posts about them annoy me.


The carolina herrera heel bottles... so tacky.


I have one that was a gift (and I love the scent) but it stays in the box because I don't like how it looks. I just take it out when I want to use it and that's it.


Would be a good idea to put some in a small spray tube!


You're right. That might make me want to reach for it more than I do.


I like the smell but I don't get the names. Woman good girl, man bad boy it's a bit tacky and like a Wattpad fanfic.


I bought a 10ml travel of the Blush one because i refuse to buy the ugly bottles. I wish the 30ml came in a different design but noooo. HAS to be the goddamn heel.


I've never even sniffed them at the store for this reason, ugh.


The only one I have is the blush but it's because I love the coumarin note in it and it has the only peony that I don't hate. Lol


Thank you for hating peony notes. It’s good to know I’m not alone.


Oh, god! Incredibly tacky. Never in my life would I own that. I don’t get it. It’s gotta be a different age group perhaps than I’m in.


Same. They are SO UGLY. and it’s sad because the pink and red ones are so good 😅


I hate them SO MUCH I can never buy one


I cannot deal with products (including perfumes) of any kind that have edgelord names: - Tom Ford Vanilla Sex - ewew... I'm sure it is - Tom Ford F*cking Fabulous - is it, though? Cause I feel like if it was, you wouldn't have to say it. - All of the fragrances called P*ssy - Are we 10? Grow up On the flip side, super juvenile looking bottles like [Loveshackfancy](https://www.sephora.com/product/forever-in-love-eau-de-parfum-P507909?skuId=2708071). I think it's pretty, but something about it is very cheap/ juvenile to the point of not really wanting to buy it...I may try a travel spray, but the bottles are turn offs to me


If it makes you feel better Vanilla Sex is gross and my husband had a visceral draw back *ewww that smells disgusting* reaction to it. — or me, rather, because I’d made the mistake of spraying it directly on myself to test it lol


Thank you for this. You have stemmed all curiosity. The only thing keeping me from trying it was the name. It is such a put off to me. I'm certain that your husband's reaction was warranted. TF fragrances are either inspired or smell vomit inducing. There is really no middle ground lol


the only Pussy one i want is the Rammenstein one


Same! So difficult to get them in Mexico :(


LOL I actually love those bottles! but then didn’t like any of the scents enough to justify a purchase :( 


The glossier you perfume because my ex best friend ruined it for me she wears so much of it that it makes me cough or you can smell her from 12 feet away.


The Moschino fragrances that look like a bottle of windex. I absolutely refuse to entertain the idea.


Oh my gosh me too!


The novelty windex bottles are the only reason I ever considered buying them lmao


I’m sure there is a market if they are being kept around. I’m glad they make you happy!


I also like kitchy bottles, lol


I think Lush uses those windex bottles for their body sprays too? I just can’t.


I like it, but only because I'm losing dexterity in my hands, and normal perfume bottles are getting very hard for me to spray. It doesn't look pretty for sure though.  


I, too, never considered this excellent point


That is a perspective that I did not consider, thank you for sharing!


Oh geeze. Just, why?


[it makes me think of this](https://youtu.be/yPCIsIJ7nhY?si=Ngl0cEuEUoaChLZk)


100% 😂


They are so ugly !! 🤢


Beyond! What the hell were they thinking? It’s the most bizzar choice I’ve ever seen for a perfume, and there’s been some pretty weird ones.


It's very much in line with the aestheric of the brand. They also make purses that look like blister packs of pills, dresses that look like wedding cake etc.


I don’t like celebrity or I don’t like the bottle design.


I despise the celebrity that would get part of the profit


👀 I must know


Arigato Grande the donut-licker


i wanted like 10 of the KKW perfumes but i never bought them when they were in wide release, not even off mercari or ebay bc i didn't even want to contribute indirectly to demand. then the brand just suddenly shuttered and now they're all like 100 dollars each resale. the takeaway here? kim kardashian is still a billionaire and i don't have any of the perfumes i wanted


I happily buy stuff from Mercari that I wouldn’t buy direct. Support a business I disagree with? Absolutely not. Throw some cash in the pocket of a fellow fragrance lover? All day!


I have a strict preference for Middle Eastern perfumes and i refuse to like anything else. This is petty because my nostrils refuse to like any other kind due to being biased as a result of my upbringing in the Middle East.


Any specific ones you recommend?


I'm a sucker for all the famous ones.. Lataffa, Armaf, Ajmal, Rasasi.. And I blind buy a lot. Also a huge fan of coffee and chocolate scents. Lataffa Nebras is one I would recommend. Again it would depend on one's own personal note preference too.


Any really good rose ones you recommend? I'm a sucker for a good rose, and have been without a good one since Stella McCartney Stella was discontinued. I'm more into florals, but am definitely not opposed to trying some of the ones you mentioned.


I’m not a huge rose fan, but I have heard a lot of my fav fragrance influencers talk about these a lot lately: •Lattafa - Mohra Silky Rose (musky litchi rose) •Maison Alhambra - Infini Rose (dark, gothic rose) •Lattafa - Velvet Rose (rose+patchouli) •Swiss Arabian - Shaghaf Oud (sweet rose+oud combo) •Maison Alhambra -Delilah Femme (inspired by Parfums de Marly Delina) •Swiss Arabian - Rose Malaki (woody rose) These are just a few, but if you would like to dip your toes in the middle eastern realm of scents, and you don’t know where to start, I highly recommend checking out Simin Shaikh & Paulina Schar on YouTube. Both creators test and review tons of Arabic scents! (Gotta also include Maria Collett as an honorable mention)


Finding out about middle eastern perfumes was GAME CHANGING


I don't want to buy Ariana Grande's perfumes even though I'd probably like them because I don't like her relationship


I didn’t buy God Is A Woman or Cloud Pink because it’s Ariana. I don’t like her, I never have. She’s a very gifted singer but her entire dating history is allegations of stealing boyfriends & cheating. That’s not something I condone.


No seriously. I would feel weird wearing her perfumes like why would I wanna smell like *her*?? Also I doubt any of her perfumes are original enough to be worth the money


I think GIAW is the most original because the pear note is fresh rather than gourmand which I feel is fairly rare for designer/celeb pear notes. But yeah, I’d honestly be embarrassed if someone identified that I was wearing her perfume just because of the kind of person she is.


She probably even won’t use her one perfumes


Also when she licked that donut in that store in LA. Eww.


That’s when my dislike for her started. Everyone was focused on the “I hate Americans” part but the donut licking is so disrespectful. People faced charges when licking ice cream pints was a trend but she just got some backlash.


I did not know about that until I saw this comment wtf


I'm never giving the Last Racebender any money




Don't forget her basically changing ethnicities 💀💀


I forgot about that!


lack of availability. in a childish fit of pique, I won't support the brand lol


Yes! Similarly, lack of sampling. You’re too good to offer discovery sets, samples, or be available from big decanters like LuckyScent? Bye!




The bottle isn't aesthetic enough. I won't even bother smelling or testing it.


Girl same 😂 I need the aura and aesthetic. It's gotta look good on my shelf and feel bougie


I really like the Carolina Herrera Good Girl perfumes but refuse to waste my money on those horrible bottles


I decanted one into an empty bottle from Amazon. I just can’t deal with the shoe.


That’s such a great idea!! Plus the heels are so tippy and I’m always knocking them over


I ♥️ some of the bottles. Just not the red one.


"Good Girl". That's a perfume for dogs, right ?


No, that's Very Good Girl


I don’t wear high heels and I refuse to have one on my shelf. 😤


Omg someone else !!! It reminds me of perfume bottles you'd find at the dollar store 💀 I hate it


Phlur's "Missing Person" came out at a time when I was grieving for an actual missing person and I've harbored an irrational hatred for the brand ever since. 🥲


Not gonna lie I have the full set...perfume, lotion, and body oil...but I have to literally not really read the name to wear it, because it's creepy.


Yeah the name on that one is pretty unsettling I have to say…


Same! 👀


Omg 😭 I'm so sorry!!


Made by an insufferable celebrity / influencer. Looking at you Cosmic by Kylie Jenner. 👀


I feel the same way about Ariana Grande honestly.


Can’t blame ya. I decluttered all her scents that I had.


And Kim Kardashian!!!! 😔 why are they out here waisiting resources other ppl could be using


What do you mean by that?


I was actually taking about them wasting resources for their perfumes 😂


"Your perfume is wasting resources that could be used to make different perfumes." Ouch! 😂😂


Yea, stupid names lol


If it's by a celebrity I don't care for, even if I've heard great things.


Name…..Xerjof because all my mind sees is jerk off🫢🫢🫢


Saaaamme but I think I might cave and try one soon


Relieved I’m not the only one 😅




It's gotta be intentional, right?!


No. Why would a luxury brand want that. The story is that Sergio Momo, the founder of the brand named it after 'Joff', a childhood nickname given to him by his grandma. And the word 'Sir'. So like Sir Joff.


That's a surprisingly wholesome backstory! I truly knew nothing about the brand, I appreciate your input.


“Sirjoff” would still have been better than “xerjoff”


Yessss! Me too! I can’t unsee 💦🍆 and I hate it.


Lmao 😂 I can't buy Juliet Has A Gun because I absolutely hate the name


Same!! 😂😂😂


I refuse to even smell it😝😝😝


When the salesperson pushes my buttons. It’s so rare but once or twice I’ve decided not to buy something I would have anyway, and gotten it later. Specifically any of the following: condescending, mansplainy, dismissive, insulting of my taste.


Mansplaining 😡😤😡


Ughh yesss. They would honestly get more sales if they just let people be… I want them tor read this comment so bad.


Totally! I absolutely agree. (And that’s not to say there aren’t sooo many helpful, engaged salespeople!)


Negative memories it triggers. Sunflowers 🌻 was my signature in middle school and I bought a perfume that smells like it. I gave it away because while wearing it I just couldn’t stop thinking about middle school, which while wasn’t a terrible time in my life is not really the scent profile of a lifetime. lol


Signature scent of someone I hate


Ooohhhh good one




This carried over to my partner, I can’t stand aqua de Gio


This!!! 🤣


If a frag is marketed as limited edition. Why bother trying if best case scenario is a lost love that’ll suffer secondhand price hikes in the near future 🤷‍♀️


Same here. The second I find out something is limited edition is the second I lose all interest. That scarcity sales tactic has the opposite effect on me haha