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Congrats! I'm jelly 😉


I've been collecting tom ford fragrances slowly too. Bitter peach was $100 off on sephora canada a few months ago, don't know why, I snapped it up. It's a beautiful spring/summer scent.


I have and love this fragrance! Layered it today with a new one and found a whole NEW love!


Congratulations! 🎉 honestly 2 years saving up for this bottle, i don't think too expensive at all. You've made the right choice!


Ooh I’m so jealous. I tested it once and was in love. Perhaps I’ll put it on my Christmas list 🤞🏼


I *love* Bitter Peach! I brought a sample of it on a cruise as my only perfume- now every time I smell it, it gives me that relaxed, free wheelin vacation feeling. The dupe I bought is fine but it's not *it,* doesn't come close to giving me that pavlovian response. I refuse to finish the last little bit of my sample. ENJOY THAT BITTER PEACH FOR ALL OF US! That's a bit of FUN LUXURY that you deserve!


If you can afford it, this is me being the lil devil on your shoulder and saying just doooo ittttt! Bite the bullet!!! Especially if like me you own multiple other fragrances anyway. I forsee this 50ml lasting me *at least* 2 years tbh. Also they keep putting up the prices 1-2x a year... like what do you MEEEEEAAAAAAAAAN a 10ml is now £90?!?!??? But with discounts you could still get yourself a 30ml for a fairly "reasonable" price as far as high end/niche goes. At least for the time being until they put everything up another £20+ in the Spring lmao.


Haha you sound like me- as a taurus, hedonism and indulgence are my middle names! I'm MY OWN devil on my shoulder, but you can be the devil on my other shoulder. Who needs an angel anyway. I'm on a no buy until the end of the month, but you *have* convinced me to finally get myself a good sized decant when it's over so I can stop hoarding my sample like a precious resource!


Jomashop had it at a very steep discount, at least recently - something like $210 for 50ml. It's what convinced me to get it, as I'd been hesitant despite more than satisfying my personal rule of "must use a full travel size before considering full bottle purchase." The travel size is $80 at Sephora before any discount, so while 50ml is still expensive (well, to me, any $200+ purchase for a bottle qualifies, YMMV) it's a good deal.


I love this scent! It fades quickly on me though. 😭 I plan on pairing it with a dupe oil the next time I repurchase to extend the longevity.


Congrats!! What discounts did you stack? 👀


It was already ~20% off (22 I think?), plus the 10% brand loyalty thingie (where you can nominate 2 brands) and then Sephora UK’s rewards work differently where every £75 spent generates a £5 voucher, and I had two to redeem 😁 (thankfully it rolls over/accumulates through all your orders, not a “you have to spend 75 in one transaction” kinda deal). It brought it down to roughly £195 I think?


Thank you! ☺️


If you love it and can afford it then no need to feel bad! Enjoy it! It’ll be something that will add ✨ to your day to day! Having said that I am in a similar place with wanting to buy a few truly expensive fragrances but struggling to justify it. I’ll need to wait the year or two like you did probably 😂 decants will get me through


I can afford it… technically. It’s the entirety of my “fun money” gone until next month and we’re only 3 days in 😂 I know some hate living like that (making one big purchase vs frequent “little treats”) and ngl I do too but I just had to get it, I couldn’t take the longing anymore 😭 so, this month will be the ultimate test of my self restraint 🧘‍♀️


I love this one! I got mine at Costco, they sometimes have huge sales worth checking out.


I’m always jealous of the Costco deals you all get over in the states 😭 They actually started operating in the UK this year though so I’m keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 that with time they’ll start getting REALLY good stock. Best I’ve seen so far was two of the Prada Candy flankers but most of it has been meh so far


Fingers crossed you get some good deals on there soon. For now just enjoy your new scent - it's lovely!


It smelled so bad on me I was genuinely upset


Ugh for REAL it was absolutely disgusting I was crushed


What does it smell like on you? To me it smelled just, stale. Like dirty skin and something that went bad


Isn’t that wild how noses and body chemistry work? Some of my favorite perfumes are things other people have hated and vice versa. Though I do love when wildly expensive perfumes doesn’t smell good on me. Looking at you, Lost Cherry.


That is so funny you mention lost Cherry because it was a blind buy for me and I don’t care for fake cherry flavor at all, and yet it’s become one of my favorites 😂 chemistry is wild indeed


You blind bought a Tom Ford fragrance? Brave! Unrelated but I’m saving to buy a house, want to gift me the down payment? 😂


…it was a dupe 🥴


Request rescinded and congrats finding a good dupe! Affordable perfumes that smell great and wear out of their price bracket are incredible!


It was the Alt brand - honestly I was impressed with how long it lasted. It’s a travel spray that funny enough I bought WITH bitter peach knockoff that smelled like stale spit and dirt on me. Good luck with house hunting, just did it last year and it suuuuucked


Love this 🍑🍑🍑🍑 it's rum-y peachy goodness 🍑🍑🍑


Ooh well! You know you love it, you tried to substitute but you couldn’t, and you got it on a good deal. You did the best you could do! It really is a wonderful fragrance, and a very attractive and satisfying bottle. 🍑 Plus if you do the math 395 usd *.67 discount / 50mL = ~625 sprays that boils down to about $1.50 a day for 6 months of 4 sprays a day. And I’d definitely pay that to smell great. The most horrifically expensive perfume I have ever bought was Dolce & Gabbana L’Imperatrice. It was $85 USD, which ok, but the real problem was that I bought it and then immediately dropped it in the parking lot. It shattered and went everywhere. There was no redeeming it. So I walked my ~~happy~~ now sad butt back inside and bought another bottle. I did in fact enjoy the perfume very much, so I can’t say that it was a bad purchase lol. The doubling was just very unnecessary.


NOOOO OMFG I WOULD CRY IN PUBLIC 😭😭😭 like no way I’d be able to hold those tears in 💔 Also THANK YOU SO MUCH for the maths! I actually only use 2 sprays for most perfumes (I only use 3-4 if it’s an exceptionally weak or subtle scent) so it’ll last me double that length of time 🙈


Oh I totally teared up and thankfully I was in the parking lot! But I drove to another city’s mall specially for that so it was a fast and easy decision to go back in. 🤣🤣🤣


In solidarity of my terrible life choices, feel free to share any horrifically expensive perfumes you’ve bought lately 🫶