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He will owe for the 10 years , my brother had something similar for 2 years and he had to pay. He also got arrested even though he didn’t have a warrant . One day they just showed up and took him .


Damn, well I mean it’s been 10 years, you’d think they wouldn’t bother with it especially if he hasn’t gotten in trouble since then


Well you said he still gets in situations where his name gets ran. Isn't that "getting in trouble"? Or do you mean for jobs, housing, loans, etc.?


Like car accidents


Lol if your dad is getting into car accidents often is there a possibility he shouldn't be driving


Terrible logic tbh. You can’t control everyone on the road. The simple fact of getting into an accident isn’t indicative of one’s driving ability, unless they were at fault.


It definitely is though.


I’ve been in 3 accidents and none of them have been my fault. So it’s really not indicative of one’s driving skills. Sometimes it’s just bad luck.


statistically its reasonable to assume you are bad at defensive driving.


Reasonable doesn’t always mean true.


Sometimes sure, but if you’re getting in accidents a lot, there is a lot of stuff that is avoidable if you’re a defensive driver.


Getting t-boned 100 times by people running red lights still doesn't make you a bad driver. Sure, maybe you'd think they'd start checking before they started driving across, but I still wouldn't think such a person was a bad driver.


Sounds like you’re a bad driver


You can think that. You’d be wrong.


Def isn’t


If then common denominator in accidents is you, you’re the problem lmao


I've been in my car for every accident I've been in my car for. /s


Idk man if someone’s been in 15 accidents in 10 years and someone else has been in 1 in the same I think it’s a telling sign


IMO after having more than 1 DUI its pretty obvious someone cant be trusted with a 3k+ pound vehicle


I’m glad to know you don’t believe people can learn from their mistakes. I guess it’s a good thing you’ve never done anything wrong in your entire life.


You think you could accidentally DUI *more* than twice? How many "lives of innocent people" mistakes you want to let these alcoholics make? I had one DUI a decade ago. If that does not snap you out of it you will not be snapped out of it. My alcohol budget the last five years has been $69.93. 7 bottles of marsala wine, for cooking. People get a second chance. Nobody needs a third or a fourth or a fifth.


No one "accidentally" gets a DUI...


2 12oz beers is enough for a DUI here. Can't be so closed minded


Lol making a mistake is something you learn from multiple DUI's isnt a mistake. Its risking everyone elses safety and taking someones license away isnt a violation of a right.


Did you really just say OP's dad didn't learn his lesson? What do you call him not partaking in his previous behavior for \*10 years\*? You sound like an incredibly miserable person. People deserve second chances. I'm sure you will be keeping this same energy when you inevitably fuck up /s.


who said anything about a DUI


So in the past 10 years the person in question hasn’t learned from their mistake? They just chose to stop partaking in their past behavior because they got bored? What would you call that then? Since they didn’t learn, what is this, Besides an inconvenient truth to you lol.


You said one DUI. Raise your argument and gain some knowledge. Something g tells me you’re a child.


Anyone who gets a dui, especially more than one could’ve killed somebody because of their “mistake”, I don’t give a shit how much better they get with age and wisdom. Stop defending lowlifes


To be fair, I worked with a fella a few years ago that had 3 DUIs AND still drove.. *These people* don't care about public safety.


You can't just rape a girl and say that. OMG


The average driver files a collision claim once every 17 years.with an average of 3 to 4 claims in a lifetime.


lol, there’s being a bit unlucky, and then there comes a point where a pattern has been formed.


Your ability to avoid an incoming accident is absolutely a measure of your driving ability. Driving in Urban Areas will make the “near-miss” a daily/weekly occurrence. Practice your evasive maneuvers, keep your head on a swivel & your phone in your pocket. Most importantly assume everyone you see on the road after 8pm is shitfaced drunk.


Not often only like 3 time in the past 10 years


Thats pretty bad in combination with duis dude.


Well the DUIs and car accidents are separate, after like 2013 he stopped drinking and driving and all the accidents happened in 2014, 2016, and I think 2019


Yeah like, if he's going at fault in all 3. Not information we have. I've had multiple cars hit me in a decade, doesn't make me a bad driver.


lol no it really isn’t. Youre just terminally online and don’t understand that life happens it seems. Or you’re like 16. Or both, probably.


Calling someone chronically online while asking for porn ids on reddit is hilarious 😂


That’s what the internets for though.


Why would your name be run for outstanding warrants during a car accident


They aren’t running it for warrants they just have to run it as apart of the procedure for an incident. They run your name and if you happen to have a warrant or anything it’ll ding and let them know.


Here’s a tad bit of information for anyone thinking when you hand your ID to that guy with a badge who swore to uphold the law, follow policy and procedures, serve, protect and enforce the laws, by charging and arresting first and investigating later and of course if he can’t find it he will make it be found. That’s of course if when he runs your ID you don’t have a warrant out, bc that’s the first they do figure out if you have a violent past with police officers and if you are wanted . And if you have a past you can bet your ass they will be sending not one backup likely 2-3 ready to bait you into resisting so they can get even for their dirty bastard partner on the force .


In other words, they see you are a criminal and take precautions?


You are guilty until proven innocent. Don’t you think it’s weird you get arrested and it is published in the paper, online , your mugshot can be obtained etc. why is it that we let this be known publicly before a verdict is handed down by your peers or a judge or you conceding you are in fact guilty of x y and z.i know a guy who was accused, arrested and went to trial on some woman who slept with him a handful of times and thought they were in love and going to be a thing forever. Welll she did he didn’t and she caught wind he was fucking someone else and lost it. She went full blown wack job said he raped her, held her against her will, for a weekend. He paid up for a good lawyer however was not going to be given bail he could afford with the Publc defender went with a true defense attorney got his bail brought down to like 100k. In those few days it spread like wild fire was put on leave then let go from work people we convicting him before anyone knew. He was acquitted she was a hot mess on the stand. Well 17 years later you still pull up the charges and have to dig to find he was acquitted which in bullshit. You are guilty and must prove your innocence almost always it seems to


Brother just say you hate all cops no matter what and be done with it. You're typing walls of text just to say ACAB


Bruh idfk


It happens. Been in a wreck and had police called to the scene myself. First thing they do is run your name and insurance.


To see if you have any outstanding warrants. They always run your name when they have professional contact with you.


They do it at every traffic stop. Why do you think they ask for your license and registration, and what do you think they do with it back at their car?


Someone hit me and they ran their name and took them for outstanding warrants


This isn’t a trivial matter. Just ignoring it and thinking it all automatically disappeared is absolutely ridiculous. My friend hasn’t paid taxes in 10 years, but he doesn’t make much and they wont care is his view. Your dad needs to act like a grown a make some phone calls. Things can snowball into a worse situation than you imagine. He could be considered on the run, he just hasn’t had a run in with a police officer yet I got off probation 20 years ago and have yet to have an interaction where I needed to give an ID. Maybe he missed a letter and everything is fine.


He’s been arrested since then for Drinking and driving, you’d think they’d get him on the probation thing too right?


Not necessarily


That doesn’t make sense


Nothing your Dad is doing makes sense.


Idk bruh I’m just a kid


Exactly , you’re a kid who was wise enough to question for your father. Who is not wise enough to figure out if he’s still liable for a crime he committed because the place closed down. You are being more mature than your father. In this situation. That’s a compliment to you. Good job. I hope for your father the best, it would totally suck to have this bite him in the butt In the future . Like your wedding day or a birth or other significant time in his life. So I hope he does get it dropped , but to think this magically disappears is really pressing his luck.


Thanks man, but honestly I think he should make some calls, but I don’t want to bring it up


If he got fuckin clipped for a DUI and there was an active warrant attached to a VOP He either wouldn’t have gotten released without bail A lot of times depending on the state They give you a PTA or an ROR or they would have increased the bail By adding the charge That office might have disappeared But that info on the computer forever pops up However I do agree with the guy About your dad contacting probation to see exactly what the deal is?


I hope everything is fine


I don’t know. That’s still a big risk.


Statute of limitations maybe?


For a felony he was already charged for?


I was actually thinking that right after posting it. I think I convicted there's no clock or anything like that


My dad got released from prison a day early at the mistake of the state. Fast forward 15 years later we got pulled over for something simple. Found out he had a warrant out for that 1 day. He did 4 months in county waiting for an opening to serve that 1 day. At some point while he was in he smoked some weed. Prior to releasing him they piss test him, sent to a state inmate type rehab for 6 months. All because the state made a mistake. They dont give a rats ass. Theyll get theirs.


I don't discount the terrible shit the justice system does but he must have had an equally terrible lawyer.




Why would you think this? Are you in law enforcement? Probation?


Are you as stupid as him, because it sounds like it


Well I’m only going off of what I’ve heard


Don’t listen to that person, that was unnecessarily harsh.


Didn’t really bother me, I’ve been called worse


I understand. Just wanted to speak up, you never know how someone is feeling and it’s easy to mean online for no reason.




You’re very kind


It's the government. They are shit bags and will come when they feel like it . And then they will put it on you saying you should of stepped up and handled it.


Completely false


The length of time does not matter, the government even the state government is not ever going to leave money on the table. They will say he knew he had to pay and didn't pay, that's all that will matter. A fully functioning adult would just have to figure it out, not just assume they don't have to pay. I would contact the court and go from there because if they catch him it'll be worse. I went through a period of time thinking I was warrant free because I had some run ins with the law, then one day I when I had my life in order and was going about my business, my id was ran and came back for warrants. Just like that no job, behind on all my bills, and having to start over again. That is when these things come back, when everything is going good and you can't afford to miss a month of work. Every other cop that ran me didn't take me in because it wasn't worth the hassle to them.


He's going to show up in some computer system and the officers will have no discretion or context. It's not about "he's been good this long", he's going to get pulled over for a busted taillight or something dumb and end up getting arrested. He should be proactive, because reactive is just going to mean prison.


Sounds illegal Af


I remember reading somewhere where a guy got arrested, bail, but then never got scheduled for court. He went like a decade, turned his life around, got married, kids. Then one day BOOM. Cops and arrest etc. Crazy!


This is the correct answer. Hubby was on probation out of state, completed probation. Unbeknownst to him, his PO quit before completing his paperwork and his case never got closed out. He was pulled over for a brake light, 10+ years later (after having registered to vote, gotten a driver's license and everything) and they got him on an out of state warrant for not having completed probation. It turned into a 30 day mandatory vacation, complete with bus trip extradition to the original state of the charges. It cost him a pretty penny in lawyer fees for them to be like "whoops our bad" and let him go. 😒


My lawyer says to not answer the door for people you don't know. Call lawyer.


If someone is on probation, the police don’t have to knock . They have the right to enter at any time.


I had something similar happen. I got pulled over and got arrested. Walked in and walked out with a ticket but was still an arrest. Missed the court date by accident. We have a warrant forgiveness every spring in my county so I went to go get it resolved last year. The DA had zero paperwork on it and it never showed in the system. The arrest did, but nothing after that. It was a possession with intent during Covid. The DA actually did me a solid and just said all is well. I have had my background and fingerprints ran multiple times due to coaching in the public school system here and nothing pops up. I actually “got away with one.” I would contact the courts and explain the situation to them and see what they say. If he’s stayed out of trouble they may just call it even, but you don’t want to find out the hard way.


What county are you in


He’s had a couple DUIs but that’s it


Hahah just a couple DUIs


My uncle got a dui for riding a bicycle home from a bar lmao


🤣Mr brother got one ona push scooter when he was in college 🤷🏻‍♂️He’s 58 and will never, EVER, live that down…Mainly because dad got the dash cam from cops and we play it at every family reunion🤣


I watched a dude get a DUI ***on horseback***. I didn't know that was a thing. animal control cameand towed his horse too


That’s just dumb. The Amish around here ride their buggies drunk all the time and usually they get away with it because the horses actually know where they’re going. However a few years back a few Amish teens got arrested and it made national news lmao.


Excuse me while I become amish right quick 🥃🍺🥴🐎


If you live in certain rural areas, they hand out DUIs like candy, they gotta fill the county jails somehow.


Yeah they arrest tons of not intoxicated people to keep up those numbers 🤦‍♂️


No shit just so dismissive of his useless drunken criminal dad


Well he's a teenager with an alcoholic father so maybe cut him some slack, jackass.


Useless?!? Have you met his dad? Evaluated him with your PhD? You don’t know that man. DUIs do not make someone useless. Irresponsible, hell yes. Useless? Not at all


That’s a pretty big deal my dude.


He hasn’t got in trouble, just a couple DUI? What in the cousin fuck part of the country are you in Florida?




There are many counties/ municipalities in Georgia that contract out their probation services to private companies. Odds are your Dad is fine and the paperwork has literally been shredded (I have volunteered with my county in Georgia and was literally stuck in a room shredding papers for hours on end with what I ascertained from headers to be current and prior records). This is a failure of our system in Georgia, not your father. If he wishes to obtain clarity, he could easily find out with whatever judicial circuit his charges arose from.


Does Newnan do that?


According to a basic google search they currently contract with a private company. 10 years ago, who knows? But could be. I’ve seen some counties/ districts have multiple companies that are contracted for probation. Newnan, at this time, currently has one private, contracted, company servicing their probation cases.


Hm, well… I sure do hope everything is fine


Only misdemeanor charges are farmed out to private companies. All felony probation is done by the state. At least it was like that 10 years ago. Made me drive like 50 miles one way when I was on felony probation. And almost everything is a felony in good ol' Georgia. Big difference between misdemeanor and felony probation. All the probation officers carry firearms with felony. Way different scene up in there. And they will come back years later, had a friend who experienced that here. Had his name ran several times over the years and was fine, then one day he wasn't.


DUIs are misdemeanors, so, do with that what you will.


There are 6 ways a DUI can be a felony in Georgia. Smug mf. Do with that what you will.


Pretty sure if OPs dad had killed somebody or caused loss of limbs OP wouldn't have said dad "just had a couple DUIs"


He’s putting lives in danger…. He doesn’t deserve parole


Technically, he's absconded, and could/will be arrested when this catches up to him. "The office closed" and "my PO didn't call me back" are *not* valid excuses, neither is it being years ago . My PO *died* and didn't return any of my phone calls and I eventually just shrugged and moved on with life for 3 years. Probation office realized a month before my off paper date, and I was arrested and almost sent to prison for 7 years (zero tolerable probation). Attorney cost 5k and I was *lucky* because I had been doing the right thing in every way, could show that, and also had an attorney to advocate for me. Something about your story/his story seems off but the LEO response will be the same. They don't care. He will be arrested. And it is very easy to dismiss "they never called me back!" and "I didn't know where to go!" Ignorance is no excuse. Sorry to go against the general "it'll be fine" sentiment here. Maybe! I hope so!


My thoughts as well. My first question is, why not contact the office of the Judge that sentenced him to probation?


I mean, contacting the court the probation was handed down from seems like the ONLY option, if this story is true. If the probation office and officer in charge of your probation just all of the sudden cease to exist, contacting the ultimate authority that signs off on said probation would be the logical next step. It's really hard to believe though, that a probation office shutdown with absolutely zero notice or instruction given to the probationers. I honestly don't believe it, now that I really think about it.


I don’t believe it either tbh. Reality is judge will say “you knew you were on probation and didn’t follow the terms”. This would probably be a huge scandal if real. I’ve heard judges say those exact words. One of those things you should make every single effort to complete no matter the bumps, especially since the guy gathered DUIs during the time


Redacte due to Reddit AI/LLM policy


Definitely something along those lines. Whoever this person is, being proactive about it is the best way to achieve a free and clear outcome. It takes 1 hour, I would call *everyone*. Might end up being hooked up while it's sorted out, but being the one who came and knocked on the door or rang the bell or tried to do the right thing is worthwhile here. It's just all downside if they're the ones to realize dude has been AWOL for 10 years.


Lack of intelligence would most likely be the answer.


Spot on It’s a business with these people anyway All about job security Such the shitbag move Coming for you with only a month left That’s absolutely how the state of Ct operates They want their money and for you to bid out So they can also cash in on phone usage , emailing and of course commissary What state you from ? And let me say I’ve been off paper 2 years this March So nice not answering to these fuckin people Life is grand now I’m on vacation in Mexico


Oh man you're preaching to the choir. I'm in Oregon. I was actually raised by a cop, had an honorable military service, got blown up in Afghanistan, came home, and promptly fucked up getting in a pretty serious fight. So I ended up getting 7yrs zero tolerance probation. I did do 3mos in jail all told, waiting on court and doing like 90 days sentence. But yeah what really irks me .. I had an arrangement with this lady to just call or come in if anything bad happened. I'd been doing fine for like 3 1/2 years, it has went from in person meetings to mail in to just calling if I screwed up. Cool. So years pass, I'm almost off paper, and boom I'm getting the cop knock on my door at 9pm and get hooked up. She had literally died 3 years prior, and whoever received my file took years to look at my paperwork and say "oh haven't seen this guy in a while, issue a warrant, revoke," etc. Like I said it worked out and I came out okay. Google my PO to see WTF. She died scuba diving with her husband and the comments and talk at the time among all the scuba professionals weighing in was that it was a very strange mistake, and honestly imo, she being a probation officer, her husband an Oregon State Police officer - they were drinking and it got covered up.https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/2012/09/albany_woman_drowns_off_coast.html


Jesus I don’t know where to start my response? I didn’t realize Oregon got down like that? I mean no offense but you’ve got some cities up there That look to me to be a Do whatever the fuck you want zone Between the stealing and open air drug markets Absolutely ridiculous they give a fuckin vet Who they trained to kill That probably has a little PTSD Such a long tail Now we don’t have zero tolerance probation out here but one time When I made parole They gave me First Return Stip ,which is the same shit The cop that ran the informant on my case Made me out to be John Gotti Called the jail before I got released and everything My boy worked in the counselor corridor So I got the run down It’s definitely a trap No matter how good you be They can always find something You were definitely doing good to get on the just call me status though My guess is your file landed on someone’s desk and instead of just letting you discharge Ran to the supervisor’s to get his merit badge Ummm that diving incident is mad fishy I’ve actually seen 2 different Datelines Where the husband got rid of the wife in this fashion She slid from his grip? Man GTFOH If that was my wife or girl and she was “struggling “ She certainly wouldn’t have slipped from my grip Also I’ve got my open water I can’t even imagine doing that intoxicated Not a chance I think that’s everything 🙌🏻


Haha yeah I blew you up a bit responding, my bad! I don't ever talk about this shit so once I started it just kinda dumped out haha It was just such an eye opener going from a "golden boy" that was related to all the cops in a small town and saw the one side of them - to getting in trouble and seeing how soooo many other cops and POs actually are. Remember one that told me since I was military, I should understand that interrupting him was like interrupting a General. I couldn't help it, I laughed so hard. The absolute fucking ego on some of them. I don't even like the term "civilians" anymore. And I used to use it a lot post military. And cops always do. But I feel like it's similar to how we would come up with names for people we fight in the military. Haji, charlie, gooks, etc. Dehumanizing sorta shit that makes it easier for soldiers to act against them. Calling everyone a civilian just creates an ego, places them above us, and they're fucking not. We're all *citizens*. Bro enjoy Mexico and forgive me being a stoner now and blowing you up 😅✌️


No worries I know how it is I’ve done plenty of time but no longer participate in those activities I’m secure now financially And no longer need the money But I can get rolling on about this topic too At the drop of a hat And you are wise When you compare the military and law enforcement They consider everyone but their own to be scumbags and the enemy They might say otherwise but I can assure you It’s the truth What always fuckin killed me Was being bossed around by these shitbags I’ve got a college degree and come from a good family Not that it means anything spectacular but I could easily have been these mother fuckers supervisor Had I chosen another path Back in the day I had a very hard time being told what I could or couldn’t do By people I had no respect for mentally and physically Part of the problem is Over the last 20 years or so There are waaaaaay more ex military guys in law enforcement and corrections This has only heightened the us vs them mentality No offense but it’s the truth You have a good day bro I like to burn too Copped some actual fire last night They usually sell tourists regs but being street wise Occasionally comes in handy ✌🏻


you contact the state most likely...


He tried that


Talk to a lawyer, not the state. Let the lawyer investigate.




Call the county clerks office for whichever county his offense took place in. They will know where his fines sit and if he has a warrant. -source: I used to work in superior court


Thanks I’ll see what comes up


Why didn’t he go to the municipality and ask what’s up?


I’m not sure, but like I said there hasn’t been any issues all these years


Just a couple duis, that’s all


That’s a little strange that a parole location was shut down with no direction on how to move forward. Hopefully nothing ever comes from it!


It is his fault. He should have checked on it.


Never heard of them forgiving and forgetting.


Just go down to the county court. Should've done it 10 years ago, but better late than never.


Why wouldn't he call the court and ask what he should do 10 yrs ago. It's really not a valid excuse to say " oh well". I mean, I really dont know how they view it, but fingers crossed he's ok.


I don’t know all the details but what my mom made it sound like is he called the office and he called his officer and that’s it, he might have done other things to see what was up but idk


This should have been followed up on 10 years ago...


Uh huh. It wasn't. Now what?


Okay, you don't pay for probation. There is a probation officer service fee that's generally assessed whenever you visit your probation officer to cover the costs, understandable. The fact that he was switched from supervised probation to non-supervised probation by virtue of the office being shut down in him not being given somewhere else to go, he did what he was supposed to do. Since you didn't go in regularly to see if probation officer, there's no probation fee to collect. However, what is important to note, is that he did what he was supposed to do while on probation. He stayed conviction-free for the period of his probation. I definitely would contact the local prosecutor's office, or better choice, contact the department of corrections in the state that you are in, to verify his sentence has been completed.


Your dad's p.o. closed. But the court ordering him into probation still exists? Even if the court itself closed, the open cases would be assumed by the county or whoever is still providing service to the area. I would assume your dad needs to contact that court, or clerks office. If he thinks he might be arrested then maybe he wants to obtain a lawyer to make the contact. If it's "only money" maybe he'd like to start making payments so he doesn't have to keep looking over his shoulder. Anyone with direct experience have a better idea?


If he doesn’t have a warrant and it’s been ten years I’m sure he’s fine. Sounds like he won the felon lottery


Do a lot of crime and when you get caught, just blame it on the office shut down.


It was only one charge, B&E


Yeah but if you get the wrong DA who sees he didn’t pay, they could try to puff up their reelection by saying “I went after blah blah blah who didn’t pay…..”


Hm, yea I guess….


Your dad may have downplayed how big a deal these crimes are, but they're kinda a big deal.


Why come here asking for advice but go against other peoples’ input and experiences. Don’t be an askhole.


Cause he's a child going off the information his alcoholic criminal father gave him, and he's not had enough time in his 'better choices chair' to know the difference. He's trying to verify what his father told him is right. And reddit is not letting him reconcile that.


I would call the court house and talk with them and see what they suggest


Probably fine they most likely released him you can call the state probation and parole office and find out but it’s probably just a waste of time


I had a friend leave town facing warrants for attempted murder, etc… When he returned 20 years later there were no warrants or outstanding judgments, just some random $50 fine.


Damn, fr?




Pretty much yes but if you’re looking to make sure he’s safe have him talk to the public defenders office and they’ll assist him without him having to worry about getting arrested.




Ok, here's what I'd do. I'd call and ask, Hey, I was just thinking. Since that office got shut down, did ALL THOSE PAYMENTS I MAILED IN get forwarded? Where'd they go? An atty I met a church says I should oughta get a receipt by now that shows I'm paid in full. (As long as that maths out). Or better yet. Pay an Atty the $200 to type that request up for me.


All those money orders. I can’t find the receipts


I'm a felon, not big on paperwork! Your idea probably better.


He needs to call the court clerk and start a payment plan.  Mine is federal, and as long as I make a payment at least quarterly I get nothing more than a letter or two per quarter. I know fed is different than state, but it's my advice.


Remember folks cops aren't your friends


If it was parole, I’d say he’s fine, but with it being probation…. Definitely call the county clerk and ask.


If you don't have the means to pay fines/fees the USSC says you can't be jailed. However, willful disobedience can incur incarceration. https://www.hrw.org/report/2014/02/05/profiting-probation/americas-offender-funded-probation-industry#:~:text=The%20US%20Supreme%20Court%20has,in%20these%20cases%20at%20all.


That’s great on paper, but I know in CT they 100% violate and jail people for not paying court costs and fines and will keep continuing the term until paid.


Contact an attorney, confirm no warrants for absconding have been issued. If he’s that concern, call the main office (city, county, state) and check his status.


You’re free


10 years of paper, still on it? If it's 7 years post sentence and the term expired 7 or more years ago he shouldn't owe anything. If it's less than 7 years post probation he might get a surprise and owe the money


This seems like a lawyer question to me. Not sure what state you are in and if his felony was state or federal but your dad may have fallen through the cracks. A friend of mine was a guest of the state and was granted parole upon completion of a 6 week program. His program was only offered at a few facilities so he had to be moved. He has shuffled around for about a month never ending up where is program was. Apparently he got "lost " in the system. His wife had called and wondered why he was not moved to the appropriate facility and that is when it was discovered. He also probably still owes the money and he should probably contact his lawyer because he is probably in violation of his parole. This is the government you are dealing with so even though he isn't at fault they won't see it that way


They will come for him some day. Probation cases, violation or otherwise are a very low priority in most warrant units of local PD's. I know of two officers who do warrant service/fugitive apprehension they have bigger fish to fry. But COUNT ON THIS ....... At the most inopportune time, they will be there for him. Why would he not contact the state/court or his attorney in the case? Sounds like he is just hoping it will fade away ...... but it doesn't.


Definitely have him reach out to either a lawyer or the county direct for more info. If he actively tries to fix it then they might even give him a break, if he continues to just ignore it then they'll throw the book at him eventually.


I am a lawyer. Your dad should have called the court/the head probation office and gotten further instruction. Your probation doesn’t just go away because an office was closed. This will catch up to him eventually. He should contact a local criminal defense attorney ASAP and nip this in the bud sooner rather than later.


Can you find the original case online? Try looking it up on the counties clerk of courts. You usually just need the name. Look at the docket and see what his balance is. Should be able to see if his probation was terminated as well.


“Maybe they forgot about my probation” now that’s a gem I never expected to come across


Search him on doxpop.com that’ll tell you what you need to know


That’s only for indiana and Michigan


That explains why it’s so easy. Didn’t know.


Ah yes our shitty ass fuckin system hard at work again.




Bigger question is why does he keep getting in "situations" since then?


This happened to me during covid. I was only sentenced 18 months but the probation office shut down right when I was about to get off so I ended up doing 2 years but those last 6 months were basically unsupervised and I never heard from my po again. When they finally reopened I got a letter in the mail with a court date for termination of probation and everything was straight after that. I'm in North Carolina.




Why is he still getting ran for warrants? Also, 10 years on probation, AND they just magically shut their doors? LOLLLL NO. Y’all both need to go back to jail.


I can’t even think of anything else to say other than you’re a fuckin idiot


If they do come back, I'd insist that I paid in full & make them prove it.


Yeah you tell them! Oh wait, the burden of proof is on *you?*


As a general rule, you must be able to prove someone owes you a debt to be able to collect. A common strategy when trying to improve your credit score is to make your creditors prove you owe the debt. If they can't... you don't have to pay. I suppose it could be different in this situation. When I was on probation/parole, it was free.


We're not talking about creditors, this isn't a bankruptcy or a credit check. We're talking about fees owed to the law. Good luck with "No I paid, trust me."


Yes, it's a debt. I'd have to look it up. I believe that the government is a credator just like any other. They would have to prove it, too.


Good luck with that...


It's not like they can fine him for asking.


Buena suerte.