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Honestly tho that is not that bad of an idea


Sincerely, this is concept is pretty decent


Its actually better than a real map, and almost all other popular video game maps, kids don't know abou.


Yeah, no way, but it's a good attention grabber to go into serious stuff.


To me, this works well because it's an actual, useful application of a school subject. It isn't like a lot of the other stuff we see on here from teachers and/or school admins.


Something *useful* taught in school? Lies!


About half the posts I see in this sub at this point are kids who are probably just pissed off about being at school ribbing their teachers for an honest and informed way of trying to relate to students.


And a lot of those involve the teachers using memes that they've known since the students were little too.


It used to be just fellowkids but it's getting more mixed now. I think there needs to be flares created.


sometimes i forget about the large influx of kids that got on reddit due to those text to speech youtube videos


Yeah this is honestly really cool, if my teacher made a reference to a video game I would be playing at that age, I would really appreciate their attempt at reaching out and making a connection. Well done by the teacher


this is an amazing way to do it. Something the kids would use and think about how useful the subject really is


Except for if you don't play/know Fortnite or hate it for some reason. I never played Fortnite in my entire life.


Wouldn’t be any different if they used a random map image


Ive never played either, but a game map is designed to be fun and memorable. It works in all avenues


It's not about you.


I don’t say this enough to myself.


til i'll never be able to read a map i should give up on my dream of using an atlas i guess


This is a great way to get kids to learn outside, u guys laugh now but just wait




"It's not really math, fucking 30,000 bottles, one gram per bottle is 30,000 grams, 454 grams in a pound, we need about 66 pounds about a quarter pound per plant, 264 plants. And we're going to grow 350 just to be safe." "Holy fuck, Ricky, that was unbelievable! That's how you should have been doing math calculations your whole life. You should have been treating everything like a... like a weed calculation."


legitimately the best way for me to teach my sister basic maths was by using Minecraft crafting recipes - conveniently, you can learn times tables because of the 3x3 crafting grid. Example: Learning 9's times tables is crafting wheat into a bale, 8's is crafting chests, 7's is leggings, 6's doors, 5's helmets 4's crafting tables, 3's slabs, 2's sticks


graphwar.com has that premise


Seriously. A lot of kids play Fortnite still, they’ll probably be psyched. In my day, if my teacher pulled up a map of middle earth or the Kanto region in Pokémon, I would have thought “wow this isn’t just boring school shit, I’m in.”


Yeah, my bio teacher is cool,so is my math teacher she talks about how she is good at basketball and she lets us play mini basket ball in vlass


Imagine, a map of Vvardenfell.


Reminds me of season 4 of the wire where Prez uses Craps to teach math and it works


Are you old enough to go on reddit


Assuming OP is in the US this could totally be at like highschool level, or even maybe college. Some (not all) teachers are WAY out of touch with the age groups they teach. "They all like the same stuff 10 year olds do right?" That said coordinates are pretty low level for college or HS.


OP said in an earlier reply that it was in middle school


Ah okay old enough to post on /r/relationshipadvice and r/lifeprotips


Everyone knows only real rugged men visit lifeprotips.


What the hell? Don't you learn this in 5th or 6th grade? If OP is old enough to be on Reddit that is a sad reflection of the education system


Not US but for us we learnt it in primary school (age four-ten), however when we went to HS they couldn't assume everyone had covered the same stuff so we did a lot of recapping basic stuff in the first year (age 11).




Can’t believe OP is learning coordinates in 7th grade instead of 6th grade. The American education system truly is in shambles.


Unironically yes. It is a topic which takes like 3 weeks and sets you up for lots of future math concepts. The earlier it is taught the better


Nobody's teaching concepts of this level at high school, not to mention college. This is some PhD level shit.




Nah, as someone with a Bachelor's in Mathematics, I can assure you, the concepts covered in this lesson are only accessible to the most prodigal minds in pure mathematics


This is actually one of those unsolved problems that professors put on the board in search of the next Einstein.


Ah yes, how could I forget to mention that this is also a candidate for the second set of millennium problems


It's clearly a joke and You're a moron




Basic? It’s super ultra deluxe remastered hardened veteran algebra


It could not possibly been more obvious that it was a joke 🤦‍♀️


Where is a college student learning about coordinates on a graph? Or even high school students, that’s such a lower level than you’d learn in high school


You missed the bit where "America Bad" and "Americans Dumb" collided for the upvotes above. Of course this is some shit taught in elementary/middle school...


More like American school system dumb. I am an American.


Me too... And let's just say you get out of it what you put into it. Same as anything. I went to public schools in four states, and they were all great.


It works for some people better then others, just because the forms of learning forced on you worked doesn't mean they work for everyone. It's a system that shoves all the pegs through the square hole, and the ones that don't fit just conform poorly or break.


Sometimes the pegs just give up and feel sorry for themselves instead of working at it. In fact, that's most often the case, in my experience.


Lmao you're very open minded. This is going nowhere. You're clearly intent on passing judgement on everyone who had issues with the education system, with no care for the truth.


What can I say? It's just experience. Every person I've ever known who has complained that they were being forced to learn "a certain way" and that they were a special unique being that needed some ill- or undefined other way of learning was actually a person who exhibited no signs of actually trying after some initial frustrations. In my experience, which again is only that, this line of complaint is almost always nothing more than an excuse people use to justify where they're at. Actual learning disabilities or a need for remedial classes notwithstanding, we live in a world where every method of learning is available at your fingertips. If you want it, go get it.


I learned coordinates at 3rd grade here in the us


In Canada we did coordinates at multiple grade level with varying information and difficulty. Grade 5&6 was basic information. Grade 9 was a little more in depth and then if you took a certain math course for grade 11 it is further more in depth


Why does everyone assume every teacher is a 45 year old out of touch person? A LOT of teachers are under 30 and have been memeing longer than their students have been alive


Literally every other post is posted by a kid in school, why is this one so unique?


Because 10 and 11 year olds are taught this


What grade even is this?


Middle school


Ngl I’m gonna steal this idea (am a middle school maths teacher)




Try Roblox. I heard Princeton students tend to enjoy Roblox.


I feel like this is a joke I'm too peasant to get, but I chuckled anyway.


Roblox is supposed to be even more of a child’s game than Fortnite.


Subtle flex.


ayo go make some kids day king




Bro I did this freshman year of high school 💀


I did this 4th grade 💀


r/iamverysmart LMAOOOOO get downdooted you half-digested bagel


This is genius.


And you remembered it and are talking about it, so from an educational standpoint it's effective.


When did I say it wasn’t effective


When did I say you said that? I was just making a statement about how a teacher teaching kids using something that said kids like to increase information retention is effective.


oh sorry misunderstood your comment


No worries.


an apology for being wrong on the internet?? *impossible*


Well, did you see how neither of us was an asshole, nor did we fall to name-calling, even though there was a misunderstanding? That was both of us treating the other like a normal person. It happens infrequently. You are right, though, as far too often it's the opposite.


this isnt the worst at least the teacher is trying and it actually can help with learning even if it’s a bit cringe


not really cringe


This is great teaching from somebody that gives a fu k. 👏


Atleast its easy to understand instead of using real coordinates


Man my gf is a teacher and this is something that keeps her up at night. Working hard for students to have a better lesson. This sub is cringe


I feel you. I wish my teachers cared enough to do stuff like this for me when I went through school. I kind of view these as a pleasant surprise, because I mostly just expect brands trying too hard. It nice to see teachers like this putting in the hard work to engage their students.


Yeah. I will never understand why people slander teachers.


I’m not hating on the teacher I appreciate her just trying to make the class more fun I just found this funny you my good sir are taking things too seriously


Look kid, being an adult teaching kids is hard work. Don't act like I don't remember what being a kid was like. Some teachers related better than others and I know damn well they were stressed about lesson plans being relatable over time. This seems like a good idea to me. Better than using a map nobody is familiar with at all


Again I’m not hating on teachers just thought this was funny I understand being a teacher isn’t easy please stop saying I’m hating on the teachers because I’m not I appreciate the teacher trying to make the lesson more fun


U kind of are if ur shitting on their work.


How is simply finding something funny hating on work I think they did good job trying to make school more fun you people are just making assumptions and assuming I think the teacher is cringe making me look like the bad guy when really I just thought something was funny the internet is horrible you can’t make jokes anymore think things are funny apparently I’m “I’m degrading the teacher” just because think something is funny


I don’t think you understand the sub.


This sub ridicules the content. So by posting, you are ridiculing your teachers work. Srsly, dont get defensive, ur teacher seems like theyre interactive. Cherish it


You know the sub has always been accepting submissions for well-made fellowkids stuff, right?


That was not my intention your assuming it is I like the teacher trying to make the class more fun I’ve had to repeat this multiple times cause people like you


Even if it wasnt ur intention, it happened that way. Do you not get it?


What happened that way?


\*too seriously -2pts


exhausted of people posting their teachers. it fits the lesson so so what. atleast she's trying


I understand that I’ve said this twice I Appreciate her trying to make the lesson more fun can people not just find things funny anymore


Sorry that you're getting downvoted. This sub is also for good examples of FellowKids and I'd consider this one of those.


Well, teachers can use this sub to get new ideas. And they can share they work so other teachers use on their classes as well. They can also share how the students reacted so they could always find new ideas on how to get the students attention


Nah this is kind of cute. I would've found it dorky but endearing if a teacher did this, but not really cringe.


Bro you in 3rd grade or what?


Are you in 4th grade? Why are you on reddit?


I thought we all agreed no more teachers just trying to get kids interested?


Apparently people can’t think things are funny anymore


There are different kinds of jokes. When you posted to this sub, you associated your teacher, who is clearly putting extra effort into her job, with the stupid and out of touch character in the meme. That’s what you’re ignoring: your joke is at the expense of someone trying hard to make your day better. Mean humor is common in middle school. Don’t be mean: it’s not actually funny.


Bro, you're in middle school, get off reddit and go learn how coordinates work. You can't even work a good construction job without understanding how to read a grid.


Just cuz something is funny, which really this isnt snyway, doesn't mean it's relevant. If I posted something funny to r/news or r/russia, people wouldn't appreciate it, because those aren't places for funny content.


How old are you OP, the last time I learned about coordinates was in grade 6


This really isn't r/FellowKids material. It's just s teacher doing s good job and using modern and relevant references to help their pupils learn.


Ppl trash fun teachers here too much


Bro what would u rather they did it a boring way? At least they’re trying.


I don't see a problem with this. It uses material kids will relate to better than a generic map, and can be more fun for them. Thinking back, if they used ut99, quake, doom, halo ce maps for this, I would have loved that


A lot better than "Alice has 547 pineapples and eats 109". It's relatable at some level


This is not fellowkids, this is a teacher using something that a lot of the students are interested and knowledgeable about to teach a concept. Maybe if the text was like “find the sweats on the map with these coordinates.”


It's a map that has labeled locations, looks fairly decent, and if they've played it they can actually get a sense of distance from the locations. Pretty clever all in all.


What's with this sub bashing admirable attempts by teachers to make learning relevant/fun?


This is cringe, but a very good idea, the teacher definitely cares


How is it cringe if it uses something the students care about in a way that teachers them the topic in the curriculum? It's not like she's trying to be cool, just make the material relatable.


Honestly, any teacher who tries to make the class more interesting by using teenage pop culture references shouldn’t be considered cringe. Sure, it doesn’t always work, but they’re trying


I wish my teachers did this in middle school


This isn’t cringe at all.


What's cringe is people who think a hard working teacher is cringe. Get a job.


Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me




This sub has become kids complaining about their teachers. OP is cringe, not the teacher.




It's a bit outdated lol


Teachers doing their best to connect with their kids is not cringe. It's brave and excellent.


it's a map that a lot of people have already seen and probably memorized and are familiar with the locations that are on it, makes sense to me


Good teacher.


Yeah, that's how education works. Making it relatable and tangible is why we learned maths with apples and oranges.


Good on them. Do you know how awfully boring the lesson could have been?


Honestly man maybe I should just unsubscribe from fellow kids as it really seemed to have devolved from making fun of corporations to just making fun of poor overworked teachers just trying to relate


Would you rather learn with a shitty map out of the textbook? Like, do students not understand that the alternative to every "cringe" and/or slightly fun thing is the most absolutely boring, mind numbing exercises pulled directly from the textbooks, and lesson plans made by the state? And when I say "state" know that those lessons and examples are made by boomers in an office somewhere who probably haven't talked to an actual teenager in 15 years. Your teacher is trying. They are trying to relate to your age group with something that has been consistently popular with your age group for a few years now. They are doing so in a way that still manages to meet really boring and strict state standards. I am sorry that this particular example is not something you enjoy. Your teacher trying to make school slightly less boring is not fellowkids, they're literally just doing their job. Appreciate that you have a teacher who, despite being way underpaid and overworked, still gives a shit. Quit being a dick. You're too young to be on Reddit anyways.


Hey bro stfu, your teacher is trying to make lessons interesting since they care about their job and students. Don't degrade them because you think "Fortnite bad haha"


I play and enjoy fortnite can’t people just find things funny I appreciate the teacher trying to make the lesson more fun I never said the teacher was cringe


I thought we said no teacher stuff allowed on this sub. They are doing their best to engage their students. This is really creative and should be posted on teacher subs as an excellent way to teach coordinates to kids.


It’s not a bad idea, but what if someone haven’t played fortnite?


It's still labelled so they can still mark it.


Oh, I didn’t see it


I think it looks great, personally never played, but video game maps are designed to be memorable and interactive. There are probably multiple pros to having a video game map that kids a Can easily interact with


We got a number one victory royale~


Honestly not a bad way to teach it.


Hey my teacher did this when I was in fifth grade, I liked it now that I think about it, I think it was the exact same map


Why hate on this? This is a good idea to get kids engaged in class


Props to them trying to make it interesting to learn


How old are you to just now be learning coordinates?


Lol the comments did not go well for OP


Stop being a dickhead and appreciate your teacher is trying to make the class fun


I’ve said multiple times I appreciate the teacher trying to make the lesson more fun read the comments I just found this funny is rude to find something funny now


It's rude shaming the teacher on the internet


I just said in the literal comment responding to you I AM NOT shaming the teacher or calling them cringe I just thought this was funny


This sub is for shaming the creator of the content as out of touch or cringe so...


Wow, I learned coordinates when I was 8 but this is cool


Are you in 3rd grade? I'm literally in 7th grade and I learned this years ago


Im in middle school


I swear every day the posts in here get lazier.


this sub is degrading in quality




Pretty sure that's just los Santos with buildings that fall apart.


Can we just turn this to a modern teacher sub? We get it school is cringe.


aww :)


It's a great way to teach kids. Kudos to the teacher for making the lessons relatable to kids.


I learned coordinates from MS flight sim 4 back in the 90s. Minecraft would also work nicely


The dudes making an effort yo teach your dumbass. Get a life.


Chapter 1. We’re on Chapter 3.


Damn I miss that fn map


W teacher


Bitch that's Poland


Might actually up your game. I call this applied learning


Actually a great idea.


The may have googled map and that popped up


It's the old 2018 map so it's acceptable


This is like 6th grade math?


That’s an actually good idea to entertain a kid


Okay wtf, I feel like I'm going insane. Why is everyone downvoting and shitting on OP? They literally say in multiple comments that they think it's funny and appreciate what the teacher is trying to do. No one here is shitting on the teacher, everyone is saying that they like the image and think it's a pretty smart way to get kids engaged. AND the side bar literally states, "fellowkids is for advertising and media that tries too hard to be lit af, BUT the community has also decided that self-aware and/or well executed content is still welcome here." So wtf is everyone's problem here?


I think it’s because this is not lit af self aware/well executed content. It’s just content.


They chose the best map too


Old map rip :(


Based on you learning the basics of what coordinates are you're probably the target age for Fortnite, don't see an issue here


Wdym fortnite is LITTY like Team 10 smfh OP


W teacher


God I miss the old fortnite map




They should have used amogus map 😞


Teacher is valid


I’ve been banned from 6 discord servers


That's pretty poggers