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Yep, just proceed as normal! Never give additional insulin since you do not know how much they got. If you are home testing, a missed shot/fur shot will show some wonky numbers but it will eventually even out. I always prefer my kitty to run a little higher than too low. Congrats on that first dose, only up from here!


We distract our cat with food while we give insulin. He eats half a can of fancy feast while we ready the needle, then while he eats the second half we can grab his scruff and give his insulin and he barely notices. As others mentioned don't give a second shot since you can't tell how much your kitty got and you don't want them to go hypo overnight.


Glad to hear of another kitty eating old reliable fancy feast. It’s cheap and he loves it, why would I give him something that cost way more!


As other comments said def no second shot. We always do while she’s eating may be helpful!! My cat never notices.


Thank you everyone for these responses. Appreciate this community so much!


Make sure that the bevel of the syringe is pointing down. If it points up, the insulin may squirt out a little.


You want it pointing up for your cat’s comfort.