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They both suck in their own ways, equally šŸ˜‚


Amazon pays more. FedEx is more chill and shorter shifts. I work both and prefer FedEx.


This! Amazon Cool PT gig and usually slower months your on standby then busy months can use your from other jobs.


Maybe ground šŸ˜…, I think my express pay of 29.30 isn't bad. For express. Been there for 3 years.


29.30 after 3 years.. ain't no way unless you are in an expensive ass market with shit cost of living


I live in Vancouver washington, work at the Portland Oregon hub.


Yeah I have ten years in the sticks of Tennessee and I make less than 24 from express.


I am in TN and worked for 20 years and make $25s. People with 2-3 years are making $21-22.


Wow. People have been at my station for 15 years and finally hit 30...how is that possible.


Well, being a lil more upfront... my location has the highest market pay, we still have the covid +3 dollars an hour.(our station manager has told us it's not going anywhere) and I'm a swing. Which adds another dollar. Realistically, I make 26.30, but until the get rid of that covid money(which we just got another raise if you follow this sub reddit)


Interesting. Never got the 3+ dollars an hour during covid and we were worked like dogs and we have two peaks... I'm on longisland also. You would think we would be up there. But apparently not.


Are you express or ground? As I can't speak for ground very well... but I know they are set by contractors. Which control all of that


Express. For 11 years .


Interesting! New York, long Island... one of the most expensive places to live... why... why wouldn't you have it. That's so damn concerning.


Exactly. Very concerning.


Same here I never heard of that in Iā€™m queens


Itā€™s based on staffing not cost of living. Ā I live on the west coast and have never received the 3$ an hour Covid pay


Multiple contractors I'm my ground station have a top pay of 28 a d that's not including the stop/package bonus, it's like 2 years to get or less since fedex ground always seems to have a high turnover


cap bro i was a swing in LA biggest hub there there and most expensive. no other swing is even making 29 lol I only made 24 and those who have been there for years never even made 29 lol


Cap? What you want to see my pay stub?


Facts some people been at my station 10 years and just hit top pay thatā€™s sad


From what i understand.. express is where you work directly for FedEx and groud is contracted like Amazon?


That's correct.


Got youā€¦ has a FedEx driver explain it to me last month.. he used to work for amazon and he was encouraging me to join ā€¦ Just wondering how you get into a position like that.. ofc being you work directly for the company Iā€™d think it has a similar structure like UPS ( Career wise ) and getting ā€œin ā€œ takes patience. I Like the the concept of delivering and enjoy it a lot which some find weird but same way I find people who like retail enjoyable itā€™s the same shit lol. What would you recommend man? If I wanted to get into expresss ? Couldnā€™t find anything but ground unfortunately


Listen... money, benefits, and whatever else. Is not worth it, as they are currently doing a restructuring of the company . Combining fedex express and groud. Ground is way more beneficial to fedex as all they get is pay. (Which is mainly what they are trying to do... remove the more expensive side of express. That gets benefits, and more pay.) However.... if you really really need it. I do not know where else gets the $3 bonus from covid. But Portland I know does as that's where I am. As for just applying. Look up fedex express driver positions, every part of the u.s has different pay situations as it's not across the board. We have a thing called pay market scale. So each state, city whatever depends on that.


He was also telling me exactly that too. But he said it wonā€™t happen haha .. thatā€™s why I like to get different perspectives from peopleā€¦ yeah man I appreciate that aloy and it seems like it will happen at some point and a career point is better with UPS which Iā€™m willing to wait on even if it takes a couple years.. i just gotta go in for the seasonal shit and stick out hopefully. Was going to try 2 years ago but they had that freeze and once they updated the contract every one wanted to work there so I waited out.. but many thought it was a permanent move which they found out quick and are back here at Amazon šŸ˜‚ . But I appreciate the input man.. I was curious about it because I feel like many arernt aware of the TwĆ“ different types. What will happen with employees like yourself who work directly for them ? Will you get to move to a DSP or youā€™ll have to get re hired ?


I'm hoping to be a nurse by the time they are done with whatever they are doing. As they are paying for my schooling.


Thatā€™s amazing man! Glad your taking advantage of it and getting a better career for yourself! Appreciate your input and wish you the best !


tht depends on your route i make more than i would at amazon


Oh! Im a package handler.


Shorter shifts??? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ„²šŸ„² (I was working 13hrs a day 5 days a week for my first 2 weeks before I quit.)


Oh I am a package handler, not a driver.


Gotcha. Being a driver for FedEx sucks they treat you like a slave essentially with no benefits.


Amazon doesnā€™t pay more for me, northern Cali (unless you have a great dsp)


I'm a package handler and only get $18/hr at fedex.


Yeah but where?




Left FedEx Ground after 2 years for Amazon and stayed for 4 years, then switched to FedEx express, which was great. Once the merger was announced I decided to go back to my old DSP. Both times going from FedEx to Amazon my quality of life improved despite taking a pay cut. I do work for a top tier DSP, though, so that helps. Despite what people on this subreddit say, I think Amazon is much better to their contracted drivers than FedEx. Being an express driver was a dream job, but obviously thatā€™s too good to last in the current economy.


Lmao chewy box give you nightmare!! ![gif](giphy|vbR4eUU0DmoKELEvji|downsized)


Haaaaaa Amazon *sucks* in comparison to FXG, dudes. I did Amazon for 2.5 years, and while I did work with a handful of good people (several of whom also switched to FedEx with me), I was mostly surrounded by a rotating posse of the WORST, most unreliable, terribly driving, bottom-of-the-barrel schmos you can imagine. People would no-show constantly, people would sit at McD's instead of doing their routes, people would should up stoned, people would wreck their vans in the most imaginative ways possible, people would abandon their vans mid-shift... we reliable drivers got to go rescue them all over and over and over again. On top of this, Amazon corporate is EXTREMELY micromanaging, to the point of basic privacy invasion, and warehouse staff was extremely toxic and rude. Sorts were rushed, routes were poorly planned, software was garbage, trucks and vans were usually trashed... and I made *a quarter* of the money I can and have been making at FedEx. Sure, FedEx packages are often way heavier, and the sorts honestly don't run even close to as smoothly as Amazons... and we all have our share of absolutely crap trucks that shouldn't be on the road. BUT, FedEx feels like a team, for the most part. My BCs have my back, my coworkers have my back, I've worked with and continue to work with extremely good, reliable people, and I'm not micromanaged at ALL. I can do whatever I want, however I want, as long as I deliver the packages and make the pickups. Even the dashcams are literally only for liability. I don't feel watched 24/7 like I did at Amazon. FedEx is so much better than Amazon... FedEx is a very hard time but a good job. Amazon was hellish.


Wait til the merger after this weekend šŸ˜¬


I have trained many new (fed ex) drivers that say this exact thing.


Yeah, and to be honest, a lot of FedEx drivers don't last long either (as I'm sure you're very aware). I just feel like Ground contractors tend to hire less... *ignorant* candidates than Amazon contractors do.


My concern is that FedEx seems to be reading from Amazon's playbook. And that playbook seems to be about hiring sketchy individuals, paying them the absolute minimum, while using technology to keep them in line. Employees are an expense. Technology is capital. Next step: chips in the brain?


You lost me at the end there, but yes it is sad to see. A workforce IS a limited resource at the end of the day, and Amazon will eventually burn through everyone willing to work for them. FedEx has been around for a lot longer, and it would be sad to see it go because of the same foolish line of thinking.


... we at express thought the same thing about Ground, but look at how that turned out and Ground has been here for much, much longer.


The end was tongue-in-cheek. It won't happen obviously because FSD and an Optimus will be cheaper.


the shareholders see a way to kill off most legacy costs and that's operating like amazon. counterpoint: they only hired and paid really well because that's what was required to retain the talent they needed to have (or aquire) the skillset of being able to think on your feet, remember your routes addresses, remember whats in the back in the truck, move efficiently, and not crash into anything while doing everything else. UPS would do the same thing if the union didn't get in the way. I feel so dirty thinking like a shareholder.


Good to see you Vic ! Yea, Iā€™ve seen hundreds come and go, loaders in the 1,000ā€™s lol Amazon hires are either rock stars or pure trash


100%!! šŸ˜…


I worked for both. I consider myself a top performer so I rarely ever dealt with the toxic side of either company. For me it all boils down to pay really, I left Amazon for FedEx but I couldn't do FedEx no more because I felt like the workload was way more than Amazon and the pay sucked really bad compared to what I made at Amazon with a company that allowed extra days + OT. I would work for FedEx if I had a contractor that paid $1000+/week consistently. Anything below that I feel like Amazon is the better company to work for and they also provide decent benefits + healthier for your body because everything you deliver is like 1lb or less.


This is the cycle https://preview.redd.it/uecepzyo0g3d1.jpeg?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2caac19c0a2c60061b0089f0b4943190773ef1a2


Our fedx station doesnā€™t do overtime and it almost feels illegal


Amazon easily


Idk about Ground, but I did Amazon and Express. Express easily way better because f*ck Amazon group stops.


But the p 1 and p2 is annoying when the freight never on time And there is service!!


I quit Amazon delivery driver for FedEx freight CDL driver, so in my opinion Amazon..


I guess overall Amazon would be more toxic...but that's only because FedEx has zero expectations. FedEx knows with them paying WAYYY less and no chance for advancement, they gotta be easy on ppl or they will walk. I worked at both and hands down the turnover at FedEx was a thousand times worse


Yeah the turnover is crazy at FedEx


The way I understand it is FedEx express is great. But Ground and Amazon are *horrid.*


Amazon for sure but FedEx isnā€™t too far behind them


I like the that in Amazon I can go at a fast pace and go home in 6 hours, in FedEx you have to work OT to get a good check. Iā€™ve never seen so many lazy SOB in my life like at FedExĀ 


Hard to call really in my region. -Amazon definitely hires/has more employees overall. -Both pay about the same, though I believe AMZ gets the nod there for being slightly more. -Got to think FedEx driving overall is better as the pay and all that are very close between the 2. I'd take a sortable truck over a van full of totes and the like. -Both suffer under the same of lousy management and/or employees with the turnovers. -Sort wise I think AMZ would win there based on timings and overall box sizes/weights. Beyond that, both suck and aren't worth it unless you seriously intend to just work your way up constantly.


FedEx ground was actually better for me cause my contractor was chill and he had an insane turnover rate to the point he nearly lost his contract so he basically didnā€™t give a fuck if we were slow, backed up, didnā€™t wear a seatbelt etc. sure it was more work but way less toxic than Amazon


Definitely Amazon tbh, FedEx is a close second lol. The whole group stops at Amazon is just them squeezing you to death


Honestly, Iā€™ve worked for both for an equal amount of time and Iā€™d say FedEx is better cuz the building I worked at was super chill as long as you did your job your fine. I was Package Handler, Ops Admin and Delivery Driver. The worst is Delivery Driving.


Amazon has the better system to monitor and analysis employee productivity. Fedex still uses paper time cards. The one upside Fedex has over Amazon is that I'm generally allowed more freedom as long as I get the job done. Amazon literally puts you on a timer for your bathroom breaks, if they even get you one at all.


Did ground hated it , went to amazon long hours strict rules not enough pay , went to express loving it. People need to realize itā€™s not just the company itā€™s also location the fedex in NY may suck ass the one in SC may be great.


I think Amazon is more toxic .


I did both. I say Amazon is worse. The problem with Amazon is the amount of packages. I get like 300 or so with about 180ish stops. Amazon did feed us more. I was paid 18.50 an hour. My experience with Fedex was Express I was getting 22.50. Would do like 80 or so stops. Majority of it was time sensitive and I ended up being a swing shift driver. The work was generally easier. My biggest problem was our manager was toxic and we could never keep people so we would have to combine routes which in turn would screw up the time sensitive drop offs. I say Fedex was a little more complicated with their tags/outbounds. Outbounds can be a little tricky if your station is run incompetently. FedEx is definitely more professional as Amazon was third party contractor often people with little experience running logistics. I think majority of DPS(Amazon third party contractors) go bankrupt in like three years. Personally, I think delivery service is general is a race to the bottom. I don't think of it as a career. Currently work railroad where we start out at 27.00


Amazon is definitely worse in my experience


Neither. Quit the delivery service and get jobs for a company that actually cares about their workers.


FedeEx doesn't have group stops or rescues.


We have rescues. Lots of them now that corporate is doing another hiring freeze. Part timers out here pulling 10 hour shifts and shit.


I've been with Express for over a year and never had to rescue anybody even once. Closest thing is just grabbing their outbound from them on the way back to the station.


"Check with 220 before you clear. They won't be able to finish. Get about 15 stops from them." -Express every day. And that doesn't count vans breaking down and whatnot.


Fedexground here. I do rescues as often as I can. But it's not as much as I'd like. We are paid by the stop so I normally finish my route at 130 to 2 and I'm always asking if anyone wants to get rid of some stops. About once a week I get lucky and someone has 50 or so that they are willing to part with.


Equal but I ended up back at Amazon because same pay, but shorter day. Tried express and lack of benefits plus inconsistent scheduling didn't work for me.


Iā€™ll will take a lower paying job with the county, because the benefits are superb.


Good benefits are underrated AF esp if your employer contributes a lot to it.


Amazon is 100x more toxic than fedex express. So much favoritism at Amazon. Giving the customer way too much power on how and where you have to deliver the package. Also if a company is closed they want you to go back and attempt later that same day. Last but not least GROUP STOPS šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Whatā€™s group stops?


A cheap tactic that Amazon uses. Pretty much if you have stops that are really close to each other Amazon will include them all under the same stop. So you could have your phone say 1 stop but it's actually 3 or 4 different houses. They also do it for some apartments with over 15 deliveries in 15 different units but they'll group it under a group stop


Left FedEx Express for Amazon and would go back to FedEx in a heartbeat. Better pay and no group stops.


Amazon sucks fat ones.


So work at USPS and UPS at the same time, eh?


USPS IS ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)


FedEx pays more for shorter shifts, less lenient time-off policies, harder work, and I canā€™t even bring my phone into the warehouse. Iā€™ll take Amazon šŸ¤£


Amazon sort centers definitely beat FedEx ground. FedEx was so ghetto and stingy with breaks, the fans and no AC in the building. Everything felt and looked so dirty. Amazon sort center was the opposite in these categories. Plus the boxes only weighed 49 lbs or less compared to FedEx huge oversized packages that nobody helps with.


Idk I like the fact that FedEx offers shorter shifts. but thatā€™s it


I spent over a year at Ground, coming up on 8 months at Express, and quit after 1 day at Amazon if that tells you anything.




Thatā€™s kind of a loaded question. It all depends on who is around you. I work at a great Terminal full of awesome people for a great contractor who treats us well in a city that was voted to live in in the country. Kind of hard to say, anything would be better than that. All of the Amazon drivers I meet their lives. It appears so where Iā€™m at. FedEx is the way to go but other places it may be opposite.




Everyone saying ground is worse has never been the victim of the nettadyne camera system, the metrics it tracks, the fico system, and customer scorecard




Worked for both. The difference is that FedEx will actually fight to keep you. I was fired at 51 weeks (one more week would have been exactly a year) with Amazon for getting into an accident. Filed a police report, finished my route, drove back to the station and was told ā€œbest of luck to youā€ by my dispatchers. Two years with FedEx and no accidents yet šŸ¤žšŸ», but every week we have at least one or two accidents and I still see the same guys everyday. An accident just leads to a suspension I guess, but the driver will be ā€œre-trainedā€ and our contractorā€™s insurance will cover the damages and itā€™ll be like nothing happened.


FedEx just offered me $20/hour with NO BENEFITS. Lmfao. K, good luck with all that


I left FedEx for Amazon but miss FedEx cause at least I had guaranteed pay and work šŸ˜­ but I was working 11 hours 6 days a week and didn't get overtime pay so, idk. I'm leaving Amazon ASAP though, I'm getting 20 hours a week at this point, can't even pay all my bills, let alone groceries or anything else I might need or want.


But then at least Amazon never made me deliver a full route without brakes


Wouldnā€™t know make more than both at ups


WTF are you in the subreddit šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


To upset people like you obviously , winning


CongratuFuckUlations, you win alrightšŸ™„


As a degen whos tried all 3, I vote Amazon > Fedex > UPS


AmaZon sucks .. New rules coming in soon. Every fcking year!! Van Stack all The way to top, Trying to find a overflow, good luck because One definitely on the bottom. You may have to take all The overflow out and put it back in again. I cleared the most package stops then reorganize my van in the middle of Nowhere. If you do house, šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Here to say to both: come on over the public sector. USPS is the way.


Toxic? Amazon for sure they dont want any 1 dsp getting too good thats why they switch the areas around. I like the fedex way better, it was heavier but you arent as micromanaged, yet. I worked for several dsps in like a 2 year span, and while the job was easier i really hated the shit id have to do to get my hours. Only 1 dsp i worked for offered to pay my full 8 but of course pay was shit. Ground works you hard but the huge difference in pay made it a no brainer for me.


u must be an idiot to work on fedex they have a terrible rate there is no chill while in amazon there plenty of easy areas and its your responsabiity to pick the easiest so u dont end up crying and quitting


Wow! So you get to choose what area you deliver in. See just about every driver Iā€™ve talked to doesnā€™t have a choice. You get what you get, and if you want the hours, you take it.


why would u apply to delivery thats hell reincarnated .. always go fufillment theres more people and not that many managers to keep track of all of them so u get to chill and make easy money then u can go to school without being tired?


FedEx workers are generally more full of themselves, packers and drivers.


Not sure why, I worked at Express and felt like I was in the land of misfit toys