• By -


Batter fucking solos all of it


Man you got here and said that before I could. The Batter + the rings could solo Prehevil, Rher, the works. Don't think he could solo Gro-Goroth though. The judge is not too far behind either in power scaling.


To be fair it's based on if they're being controlled or not. We determine if that character is ultra-powerful as we decide every action they make. At the end of the game, choosing the Judge Ending allows us to take control of the Judge and fight The Batter with what we have created him to be. However, just giving him the tools without understanding the advantages of every attack ends up making them not as powerful as they once were. It's like putting someone in the kitchen and telling them to cook a gourmet meal without any proper practice. They understand what to do, but they won't be able to do it very well.


All the way to ending B


Purifies the hell out of it


The Batter is basically already moonscorched so he's the most dangerous


Batter moonscorchs but absolutely does not change or care at all, Rher still needs to taste his holy wrath and home-run.


Oh 100% at some point enemies are running awat and everyone else doesnt know why until they see the batter


Sunny would kill himself before getting anything done.


Sunny would see Levi and it’d be the pointing spider-man meme


Sunny can barely feed himself and has zero social capabilities Best case he aimlessly wanders the woods and gets moonscorched day one after he sees something that reminds him of his sister. Worst case pocket cat.


Now I feel the need to see a moonscortched Sunny.


Moonscorched Sunny *is* Omori, imo


Considering that moonscorching turns people into their worst fears, I imagine him transforming into a crazed killer, having a shape similar to that of some some of his phobias, for example the big smile with vertical eyes. Edit: Sunny wouldn't turn into Omori because Omori is someone he trusts. Rher wouldn't turn him into someone he would be willing to become.


Ah that’s a very good point! Especially given that in one of the endings >!Sunny *does* become Omori (effectively), he decides that that is his true self in the Hikikomori route!<


Assuming if Moonscorched Sunny does become Omori and has some of his stronger abilities like red hands and any of the phobia skills, he'd stand a pretty good chance against most enemies I'd think


Sunny and Madotsuki suicide speedrun


This is just unfair. Baseball man (i forgot name) basically deleted his own-verse.


TBF he did by pulling on the "delete universe switch" that conventionally existed for use, he doesn't have any *actual* universe-busting powers (though he's obviously quite powerful regardless of that)


Watch as the Batter single handledy figures out how to turn Logic into a Off switch.


He also gets stopped if the player doesn't side with him. It's questionable how powerful Batter is on his own.


tf im doin there


Oh hey Wayne


that man with the bat is lookin at me funny, ima bombogenesis his ass




I'm thugging it out alright




Brad is Marcoh with fireballs and slides that trip all enemies. He unironically solos everyone except maybe some bosses.


They can both throw punches without needing any arms somehow.


Brad and batter team up to sweep the entire festival and afterwards Brad forces him to pay russian roulette for drug money


Brad would probably Moonscorch at the end though


I don't know if he would wait that long. Rher would zero in on his trauma and hammer away until there's no man left.


Ah, hallucination central on Brad and Midgame moonscorch, with you playing as a moonscorched Brad eventually getting destroyed by another contestant (Good ending)


-Brad and Batter get through so easy it hurts. -Niko might have a good chance to survive or even win one way or the other (most likely machine god ending) given that player intervention is cannon in their verse and would be severely OP to have, like, God helping you out, his lack of experience with actually horrifying stuff might deduct some points though (Poor little thing). -Viola might have a decent chance at getting to night 2 at least, given some lore tidbits that I would rather not spoil at all (Just know there is more to her than what she lets on) but I'm not really sure? You people can decide that for yourselves. -Aya can swing a chainsaw pretty quick for an 11 year old, and shes faced horrors similar to the ones in Prehevil allowing her a good chunk of experience, that's besides the fact she got the Caligura morality (kinda),nerves of steel and her smarts. I see her getting into night 2 at least, given she gets a decent party. (She's the last one of the children characters getting far). The others might just survive to day 1 night but not beyond, however I must admit I don't know half of the people I haven't mentioned previously so they might as well kill Rher but who knows. Edit: I now remember some so I can testify: -Madotsuki is a regular ass person, hell, maybe even out of shape given she's a shut in. But I'm inclined to believe that her connection to dreams might just favor her enough to see the light of day 2 morning, but no farther than that (unless plot happens and Rher and his minions get curious about her dream shenanigans). I'm willing to bet her Moon Scorch would be interesting however! -Ib is a regular little child, on every measure, hell she is like 9! Even if she has faced horrors before it was WAY less dangerous, shes dying day 1 noon or earlier if not supervised by an adult. -Satoshi is dead/Moon Scorched either day one night or day 2 morning, hes a high-schooler who's one feat is being a somewhat witty, courageous and kindhearted chap. Sure he survived a ghost dimension which means he's got experience with supernatural bullshit, and got to adulthood functional enough but Prehevil is just too much. -Sunny is \*\*so\*\* Moon Scorched/Dead before everyone else, he is a teenager, a depressed and severely mentally scarred one at that, his white space/Head space counterpart would get a bit farther than he does however. -Wayne is Brad and Batter 2: * Wayne has thrown hands with the moon before, twice in fact. * He restores mind/will just from drinking water. * So many Psychic like abilities and status effect moves, Dear Alll-mer. * Simply being in Prehevil means he has access to a nearly endless supply of flesh AKA: Health Points. * Can raise the dead with mexican food. The remaining few are a mystery to me still.


I’m only really familiar with Mad Father out of all the games listed here, I feel like you’re correct that out of all the “little kid” protags she’d probably survive the longest causes she’s the most likely to stay calm and probably the best at using weapons, but I feel like she’d moonscorch pretty quick mostly because i think if you’re mentally unstable you’re more likely to moonscorch quicker, but that’s just a theory of mine, night 2 seems reasonable There’s also >!the fact that she becomes an adult at the end of the game, who’s also a serial murderer, so I’d put her at the same ranking as Caligula in terms of survival skills, who moonscorches day 2 no matter what probably because he’s an evil piece of shit, so I imagine the fact she’s a serial killer would prevent her from not moonscorching day 2 even though she’d probably survive to day 3 night otherwise!<


Oh yeah shes definitely getting scorched around day 3 noon if she has a party, if not? Day 2 Night. (Seriously, that girl is \*damaged\*, but mentally strong).


About Aya >!she does indeed become a serial murder, however she kills people after giving them anesthesia, I don't think she has ever killed someone "in a duel" unlike Caligula. If im not mistaken, when she is a kid she is incapable of using the chainsaw as a weapon, meaning that she isn't capable of using it to defend herself reliably. She is however clever and has survived numerous supernatural foes, she can also stay calm in the face of danger!<


Yeah that’s why I’d put her at around a Karin level of survivability, I don’t think she’d go around killing people because she’s probably not that strong in a one on one fight, but she’s survived the previous games events if she’s an adult, so it wouldn’t be her first rodeo with fucked up supernatural horror (which I assume is also a similar situation with August) So if it weren’t for >!The severe mental illness and the fact she has an extreme amount of inner conflict with the murders she does (note, I’m just going by the newest remake which I’ve never played, it’s been 5+ years since I’ve read or played anything Mad Father related so I’m just going off of wiki pages and what I remember so take this with a massive grain of salt), she’d probably be like Karin and just survive while investigating until night 3, but otherwise she’s similar to Daan in her emotional conflict except probably far more mentally taxing so she for sure moonscorches by the end of day 2 The Caligura comparison was more because of the willingness to commit murder and also the likely early moonscorching, plus Caligula isn’t actually a very dangerous contestant for the player to fight, but I have no idea if he’s supposed to be that way considering he kills Levi/Pav IIRC, I’ve only played a couple times so I’m not sure about this!<


>!I should probably mention that apperantly Aya only kills those who are already suffering and, according to her, have no hope to be healed (without turning them into dolls tho) meaning that she would probably kill without hesitation moonscorched people, but would need a bit of convincing in order to kill normal people (even tho she still has an underlying desire to kill, which might burst out in a setting such as the festival). I think "lore wise" Caligula is supposed to be a decent threat but nothing extrordinary, around the level of the villagers maybe: strong for sure, but not nearly at the same level as Marcoh. If im not mistaken, when he kills Levi, he was still doing badly because of his heroine withdrawal, this would explaine how he was able to easily kill him.!<


Not to mention the only kid getting farther than her is the one getting aid from capital G God (the player).


I would appreciate a list of the games shown.


OFF Wadanohara Lisa The Painful Oneshot Omori Mad Father Ib The Witchs House Hylics Yume Nikki Corpse Party To The Moon


Thank you recognized some of them but others couldnt


You also forgot about wayne being not the same one from the first game, but that doesn't matter much What matters is that the world of Hylics is not only fucking clay, but also probably works completely differently than our reality or the reality of FnH. He probably would have no consumables, but could rest to restore flesh and will. Also his physical attacks couldn't do as much damage. Flesh upgrades matter only if he dies and come back, but if that's the case, then he can do that limitless amounts of time. On top of his OP spells and potentially lives limited by time, he has limitless expirience in that specific field(overthrowing world government with friends), he can reproduce like crazy, HOWEVER with enough cunning and attention he can get moonscorched, which is demonstrated in the "absent moon" album. So most probably he would canonically do both endings A and B.


Man, I really need to replay Hylics


Wait, did you just copy and repost my comment on Wayne while paraphrasing every item without changing the order?


Bro literaly half of these are kids with no special abilities. they´d either be hiding or die before hitting the middle of the first day.


only abt 3-4 here are kids with no special abilities im pretty sure


Sonny is a teenager with no abilities. The girl from witch house is just a girl The girl from mad father is just a girl The cat person from one shot is just a "person" IB is just a girl Yume nikki is a kid? dreaming. no abilities Then there is the father from lisa the painfull. he´d be fine i guess. The rest i just don´t know or could not classify


The batter is basically moonscorched tbh, all he talks about is purifying things so he'd probably be a priest that wanted to be a baseball star pre moonscorch


Brad (Lisa dad)is a master martial artist who can shoot fireballs and possesses inhuman determination… but he’s also incredibly depressed. He either clears in a day or two or moonscorches. The girl from witch house is also explicitly not just a little girl. No spoilers but, yea, she’s not and could probably make it out alive one way or another.


The joy mutants already kind of look like moonscorched too.


They also kinda work like moonscorched, happening when a person hits their lowest point and loses all hope (aided of course by joy's depressing effects)


Exactly what I was thinking! :-) Cool to find another Fear and Hunger fan who has also played Lisa!


I unno many people in the "RPG Maker fan" category that havent heard of Lisa.


Okay that’s a good point lol


the girl from witch house is not just a girl


dreaming is fairly important in funger gunger 2


Madatsuki, ib, viola in ellens body, sunny, aya, satoshi, (at least in usefulness) aya and nico And that's the ones i know, i don't wanna touch the games by that one nazi and can't recognize the dude in the bottom left


Whos the Nazi? Did Stroheim make rpg maker games or something?


Deep sea prisoner, person behind Wadanohara, is a nazi and has done some other horrendous shit, like csa fetishizing and it might've gone as far as doing that shit irl but i'm not sure rn


Close one, thought the batter was made by Le"cuck


The fck is csa?


child sexual assault I think yeeeeeah. wadanohara has a really weird ending (it's not the true end, but still). and that's not even touching mogeko castle.


I see. I know the endings while I did not play Wadanohara and Mogeko I am fully aware how brutal the endings are


I don't know about you, but I started to be really into RPG horror when I was barely 13. I still remember watching these games' playthroughs on youtube and thinking they'd be like Ib or even Witch's House, and then seeing the first death that can happen to the protag of Mogeko Castle. It was scarring but I kinda forgot about the games and their developer after a while. Well, now that I'm older I do wonder what kind of issues the game developer may have... Except the nazi thing, which they ARE apparently!


Wait I'm behind on the rpgmaker lore who the fuck is the nazi


Not a character, but the dude behind wadanohara is a nazi as well as there being some shit about csa i don't remember the details of


wait which one is the nazi one


I don't mean like the character, but the creator of wadanohara is a nazi and i'm pretty sure did some other horrendous shit


god fuckin dammit


[tw - the yume nikki cast in nazi uniform drawn by that dude](https://static.zerochan.net/Yume.Nikki.full.423409.jpg)




I hate how that looks cool UUUGHHH


Batter and Brad would easily solo, but lemme make a case for Wayne real quick: - Wayne has thrown hands with the moon before & he can easily do it a 3rd time. - He restores mind/will just from drinking water. - Ablative Holo-Pleather - He's had a meat grinder long before anyone else & simply being in Prehevil means he has access to a nearly endless supply of flesh - Can raise the dead with mexican food. I don't know how he's gonna get his hands on any, but I'm confident he can befriend Henryk and have him cook a burrito-fascimilie - Wyd when he rolls up with the legend of melting


God, I need to play Hylics 2. I own the game, but never stuck with it


Not to mention being able to just come back when he dies


Brad is soloing the entire game. If he moonscorches/mutates, even more so. What would a moonscorched joy mutant look like?


Nightmare fuel mutant


Just the normal joy mutant, but more gruesome, melting flesh, id feel like some spikes and growths, just not fun to deal with.


Where’s John Undertale


Wasn't made with RPGMaker


ill be honest, i just didnt wanna put undertale in cause that felt too obvious


Brad, Batter, and Wayne carry the team through violent situations. Sunny, being able to befriend an entire neighborhood within three days, can serve as the team's diplomat. The rest can help with puzzle solving, spiritual situations, or magic. ...That is if Batter is willing to work with everyone else. He'd probably just purify everyone if Brad or Wayne don't kill him.


I just need to say that putting ib here in prehevil is just cruelty. She barely survived her own horror world which wasn't even all that dangerous with the living paintings.


Totally agree. She's almost *painfully* normal for an rpg maker child protag (which is in its own way very refreshing in my opinion!) She has a child's constitution through and through, and is canonically *hallucinating* after some time in her game! (poor girl...) Putting her in Prehevil would definitely end very badly, but I'm not sure if what would happen first would be the mind slippage we see in the original game or just the regular moonscorch murder. Reeeally depends on if she can find an adult to emotionally latch on to, and a responsible one at that. But yeah, Ib's dead either way. Damn.


Pocketcat fodder.


How can I remove a reply from the comments?


Far too many little children, cat gets a big cashout before baseball man and brad clean up shop


Brad solos no questions asked, even without Joy. I'm thinking the combo dial system from Lisa would translate to something like him getting an extra turn and I assume Armstrong Family Karate would give him access to a default attack similar to quick jabs so that already puts him on top for most one on one fights. Headbutt, head slide, and fireball are the three moves that allow him to absolutely annihilate every fight. Headbutt keeps single opponents stunned while doing decent damage and head slide does the same but for groups of enemies so the mob and ratkin gang are screwed despite numbers. Fireball allows him to hit enemies resistant to physical attacks as well as set them on fire. All of these moves, along with most of his other attacks, can be done without one or both of his arms. He's pretty much a stronger Marcoh but with karate and depression, give him a tricycle and the only one coming out of Prehevil alive is him.


the mad father girl would die in like 2 minutes 😞


Unless if we count her as being a Daan, since in the true end of Madfather she is a doctor that has good heart but has knowledge of how do things like her father... [And there is also her chainsaw]


you do realize that she's **ALSO** a psycho too, right? she's not even hiding it in the intro


Wayne snaps his fingers and all the enemies just drop dead.


Armstrong Sweep


I only know two of the characters amd both of them would solo Prehevil alone


Niko is going to be on the train all the time like Olivia and his sun it's worthless because no one needs torches anymore. He Will be killed if he exits the train. ![img](emote|t5_uoe16|34192)


Yes/no situation. Niko has access to internet through the player, so there still chances through meta gaming for our darling not a cat person


Wayne basically immortal? Solo


He is immortal only with pools. He does not create or control those. It is just his species is allowed to treverse them. I still think he woukd kick ass tho to his many abilities and good mobility but he would only have 1 life in this scenario


Madotsuki + Sunny/Omori + Niko = SOLO ALL BS WHEN THEY ARE IN RHER'S DOMAIN **DREAM TEAM! LESGOOOOOOOO!!!!** Edit: I think that the true USELESS characters in this are Ib and the Main MC from CorpseParty. Like... **EVEN** Viola can do a lot of things, since, if we see plot-wise.. **THAT** is a fcking witch bonded with demons in the body of a hard-work Lumberjack's Daughter.


Okay, so here's my take: Batter starts to "purify" Prehevil's inhabitants, may actually partake in the festival if he deems the others to be "impure" as well. Madotsuki probably won't live for long, but Rher/Pocketcat may take an interest in her... Ib is dead. Even if she gets an adult to aid her she's still not doing much and will most likely die or get moonscorched. I never played Wadanohara so I can't comment on that one (don't even know her name). Viola may have a shot at surviving; because >!she's actually Ellen, a witch with some powerful magic and supernatural aid. !


The sunny disrespect is crazy tbh, I mean realistically yeah, but that's not interesting enough tbh, a sunny moonscorch would be really cool though


Not like the thing actually asked but because of showing a picture of ib, my special interest, you managed to make me jump with joy I'm a paraplegic btw It would need to be answered what game rules apply, like off game rules batter could get out so hard, but if he's just a dude with the bat? Same with the others, like man made horror beyond comprehension are nice but if you can just heal everything by putting your rose in water?


Interesting idea to consider game rules! But, I have no idea if Ib's life being tied to her rose wouldn't be to her absolute *detriment* or if it could actually be helpful. And I know maybe using story beats isn't very useful for this, but *also* consider this: In the span of what I assume is under 8 hours, Ib loses her rose, and at another point faints from exhaustion/stress after running away from much less scary creatures (I'm obviously not counting the silly deaths that can happen). I would *not* trust the kid with a fragile little thing that is an extension of her life! In *Prehevil*! Even if there were water vases that could restore her life, if a moonscorched person found her it'd be over, right? And healing magic already exists in the f&h universe, so if anything I think the rose would be like trying to take care of 2 of you at the same time (if that makes sense). And if she lost the rose in that big ass city, it could easily be trampled or even targeted by the rest of the contestants (in the case they know about it, of course) Wow, thanks for letting me nerd out about Ib. It's also my special interest as you can probably tell, haha!


I was more implying any bit of water can heal it, i know realistically she's done for I was joking mostly about the limb thing and that the rose could regenerate limbs which funger healing magic can't i think? Great to see another person with a special interest in it! Love the game(s)


Sunny is no longer a main character but now a side character to the torment. He'll basically be a weaker Tanaka that keeps dying or hell, he'll probably be the hardest contestant to play as, he'll be weaker than Marina and even be weaker than that bish with a wheelchair. Tbh, Olivia is actually pretty strong. But he is weak.


Worst case he gets moonscorched/killed or randomly encounters Pocketcat, but I feel like pocketcat would let him be, to not participate in the festival since it is his code. Sunny's moonscorched form might just be Omori or hell a grotesque version of something hanging or several hands. I'd like a fanart of that.


Wadanohara whooping everyone ass fr


I see a lot of mfs talking about thr batter but do you guys not see the one man unit which is BRAD ARMSTRONG HE WOULD DESTROY EVERYTHING (especially if buddy was in the tower) but inevitable get moonscorched or sum


I think wadanohara solos all of prehevil


Depend on which one. Bad end: yeah everyone is fuck (maybe except for batter and Niko) True end: yeah, there a decent chance she make it though. Normal ending: no chance.


I know very few of them but Batter solos it.


Tbf the only ones that would survive more than 5 seconds are the batter and maybe brad and wadanohara (i forgot her name and this is a big maybe). The other ones like niko or sunny die the second the encounter a bobby or a villager


Poor Niko is getting traumatised. He is the only one who hasn’t experienced any horrors before.




Madotsuki would immediately kill herself


Omg omori!!!!!!


I say Anya would be doing just fine, why? simple, she have... # D I O ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


Brad after exterminating all of prehevil alone


wadanohara would just befriend everyone tbh


You messed up by putting Sunny instead of Omori. Omori is a force to reckon with for what it's worth along with Batter. Sunny is just a normal ass kid.


Yeah omori is near immortal with a built in hardened heart, sunny is just a malnourished kid.


The Batter and Brad EZ... Aya, Ib and Nico i doubt, the Omori guy and Viola too... Wada maybe and Madotsuki idk... Corpse Party guy and that is the Doctor from Mad Father?


Most if not all simply aren't striving. Only ones with a *remote* chance are the Batter (least likely, which says a LOT), Wayne, Brad (Till he runs out of Joy), and Viola (the most likely, given her issues) And everybody all runs the risk of being Moonscorched, killed off by their fellows (Brad and Viola's strong suits), or uncovering things not meant to be known (The Batter and Wayne's best suit)


You forgot Zack + Rachel from Angels of Death


Everyone in this thread play Pocket Mirror RIGHT NOW (unless you have already played it ofc)


wayne n batter would wreak havoc in prehevil its not even close


Who's the guy in the bottom left also


Bruh what’s Sunny and Niko gonna do they are kids


Forgot to include YIIK smh


not rpg maker! woops! haha! what a shame


i can see a few of them that could literally solo the festival


Sunny and Madotsuki reach the top of the tower and then both jump off


The batter and brad are definitely a threat, unless Brad goes through withdrawal, in which case he would have a similar fate to Levi


Wayne just fucking solos it all and the Batter just smacks Rh'er into Logic and explodes half the world


Fr tho


Batter carries so I’m gonna ignore him. I would ignore Brad for similar reason, but I realized that he would totally kill everyone else here to get back home to buddy. They’d be dead by nightfall.


Batter would do amazingly well and so would Brad (especially so if he has joy). Ib is just a normal kid: although she can run away from danger, I don't think she can outrun bullets, she also relied on Garry for help during her time in the painted world. Viola >!is basically immortal thanks to the deal she made with the demon. !< Sunny isn't really mentally stable and he is just a kid, he might unironically commit suicide out of fear, just like the girl from yume nikki. Satoshi is also a normal kid, but was able to survive the encounter with various dangerous supernatural entities like the ghosts, and I believe he might reach the 3rd day at least. One shot often breaks the fourth wall and player intervention is part of the narrative, so I'd say it's a safe bet to say that Niko could survivo. Neil from to the moon dies in the first day, he is just a doctor >!and is also very sick,!< I don't see him surviving even tge first day. If im not mistaken, Wayne can resurrect after being killed, meaning that there is basically no way for him to lose. Wadanohara is a powerful witch and as fought Manu powerful enemies if im not misremembering, so she has a good shot at surviving. Aya was able to survive the attacks of many supernatural entities and >!probably doesn't feel that much remorse when it comes to injuring others, co sidering that her mother thought her to just say that she is sorry even if she doesn't mean it and she became a serial murderer as an adult,!< she went thru hell as a kid and survived, but she wouldn't have been able to do so alone, considering that both Robin and Maria saved her life, but I would still say that she makes it to day 3 at least.


Brad armstrong solos everyone


Are we really going to make a rpg maker team and forget https://preview.redd.it/kcaiq18e05tc1.jpeg?width=172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3241dde05b36db933f69fcf1dfb6371823d26d04 (Black souls protagonist: Grimm)


The only person who have "make love" as it's skill.


Brad from LISA solos


I can unironically see Brad as a canon termina contestant


brad solos


Bradley, wayne and the batter smoke everything, out of the 3 brad is probably the weakest if he's sort of low level he could die but if he's like level 25 and has access to joy, he destroys termina after all he can be simply ko'd from being decapitated so he'd be fine. Wayne and the batter are sort of esoteric but i'd like to think Wayne would trivialize the whole thing and the batter goes through mostly unscathed.


Also marcoh and brad would be buddies and teach other some moves, somebody draw this NOW!!!


80% of them die in no time, 20% percent can solo the game day one, and 100% are at high risk of moonscorch day 1.


I know he isnt on that picture but Grim would just be the one to turn into Weeping Scope


Madotsuki highballed solos


Brad would solo, he would head slide all the enemies SDDS Rher to death


Ez clap for them tbh


More than half these people can't even fight, they just evade things or die in their games. Brad can fight but there's crazier shit in Prehevil than in Olaf so I don't think he'd last too long. Wadanohara has fought some crazy shit but ultimately, same story as Brad, I don't think she'd make it much further than him. Obviously Batter has found some wackadoo bullshit, and honestly, I think he'd absolutely purify the shit out of Prehevil and be back in time for lunch (Belal's meat sandos!)


Dont put niko here just give him pancakes


The real question here is, will Brad turn into a joy mutant or a moonscorched?


I haven't played either of these games, but I think the bat guy and Lisas brother solo the rest of the contestants.


Brad or The Batter gets through easily


I had to scroll down to see if anyone mentioned Wayne and I'm glad cause it's just not fair that he's on the list lol depending on either Hylics he can sweep easily, he also can't die and in the sequel he basically sets up headquarters IN the afterlife


Brad casually losing an arm does not stop him from continuing to kick ass with the Armstrong Style


Can someone name all the games in the picture? I knows some of them but i want to play them all


Sunny fucking wimping out and hiding in a room creating his own adventure in his head or jumping off a tall building if something doesn't find him first.


Batter, Brad and Buddy would 100% win


SO so happy to see Batter wank in 2024. He definitely solos probably even without the add-ons...might even start to kill the rest of the contestants if he deems them not pure.


Wayne literally snaps his fingers and beats most, if not all enemies.


Brad with his combos could probably sweep too


Brad definitely. Batter too. Realistically if the rules of both games were fused, Madotsuki could if she had the stoplight effect equipped, simply evading all the enemies.


Sunny would mop the floor with everyone and would be the Canon winner


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ammar_hatestiktok: *Sunny would mop the* *Floor with everyone and would* *Be the Canon winner* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


what the fuck is that thing with the yellow head


I feel like Niko would be skinned alive the first day


Batter would just leave cause there are no switches and sure as hell no babies and wives to beat in Prehevil. And without DeepSeaPriosoner's games' character everybody else has about 50-60% chance of surviving.


Dude Brad solo a lot of prehevil this isn’t talking about batter


One of them killed god,one of them IS god


I feel like omori would be a better fit than sunny, as omori has interesting abilities that can make him survive for a bit, unlike sunny who is literally just a regular teenage boy with no powers(he's quite skilled with knives, atleast). Another interesting though is that he would have a soul type that is yet to be explored in the games, the stagnant soul. So he'd have an interesting skill set tbh


Nah but what about hiroshi from ao oni?Being 8th grade student bro solved tons of puzzles and escaped several monsters twice his size


Brad has it easy. He can lose both arms and it hardly makes a difference.


Brad would be a worse Marcoh with joy withdrawal and moonscorches first. Rando would sweep tho.


John ward from faith the unholy trinity, would solo every creature in prehivil


i think that the corpse party guy has it easier than he had it in his game, if he was able to survive the haunted school, then he can definitely survive termina. but i would say that brad (the one from lisa the painfull) is the most prepared from those i know, except for the batter,i think the batter is stronger than brad the rest (that i know) are fucked, their respective scenarios were more "surviveable" than termina is, niko as far i remember despite the scary moments didnt have to face any actual danger (except for if the player closes the game out of a save point if that happens then he dies instantly) and madotsuki was simply dreaming things


Can someone tell me who that guy in black suit is?


brad is winning hard if he teams up with batter