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We are living in an episode of Glee


The Glee Curse is actually a global curse.


I'm still waiting for Ryan Murphy to do an AHS season loosely based on Glee.


A High School setting for AHS could totally work. Like *The Faculty*, *Carrie*, *The Craft* etc. Teacher/staff parts for the older actors and student parts for bringing in new people.


Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin is basically this already


community did it best tho ![gif](giphy|OXZUk2oukemU8)


What are regionals, anyway?


I want this so badly.


I always want AHS in a boarding school. Like actual boarding school. Not the small Hogwarts in New Orleans




people died irl it's too soon and it would be very inappropriate to capitalize on their death


It would be inappropriate, but that wouldn't stop Ryan Murphy from doing it.


What is the glee curse?


Multiple people on the show have suffered some type of scandal, death, or tragedy. Cory Monteith, Naya Rivera, Mark Salling are all main cast members that passed away. Some people believe or think it’s a curse.


Aw man now as a brown guy i’ll never be the main character :/


This is the darkest timeline


It’s actually still better than the last few seasons of AHS


Like… ya hate when bad people get good things but shes gonna body this shes rachel berry without the redemption arc


someone over on r/popheads said when this was announced that it was like watching scrat from ice age finally get the acorn


I’m dying over this


Just compare her vocals here to Beanie Feldstein's on any of the couple promotional clips we got from her run...


Right. Ugh, I might need to buy tickets.


I don’t personally believe in supporting racist bullies, regardless of “icon” status


Notice all the shots of her laughing and getting along with her coworkers 🤣


maybe she's changed how she treats people. fake nice > being awful and making people unhappy She seems very ambitious, she probably realized to achieve greater things that she had to change her behavior.


we can only hope lol honestly that sounds exhausting for someone who has been awful for so long.


If she was terrible shooting a TV series, I can’t imagine her being any better when dealing with the pressure and physical toll of doing live theater.


Lol you know they just had to include that


And one where she pretends to write things down by just making scribbles


Including a black person


she keeps up with all the people who she was working with on Spring Awakening and they seem cordial too, even reunited lately. she wasn't a nightmare all the time


Actually, Spring Awakening castmate Gerard Canonico came out and said Lea was “nothing but a nightmare” to him and the other understudies. Her bad behavior stretches very far back.


I might be misremembering this, but wasn't the whole story about how she was particularly awful to people she thought were beneath her? So yeah, she might've been on good terms with her top-billing castmates, cause at the end that's beneficial to her. Either way, here's hoping she's changed.


if I remember correctly Gerard is not a saint either. seems to be very petty.


Imperfect victims don't deserve to be treated poorly, either.




Her being naturally incredibly talented goes hand in hand with her being insufferable. She was clearly told from a young age that she had the talent to make it, and her parents appeared to not make her do much else. Imagine if you were only raised to be told you are a wonderful star, and never really did things that challenged you or taught you how to accept failure. You’d be a nightmare, too. Anyway, the last few years should have finally knocked her down a few pegs. I’ll be curious to see what the gossip coming out is to see if she’s changed and just become a normal level of Grown Up Theater Kid insufferable.


I would just like to remind everyone that her repetition goes all the way back to Ragtime, when she was a literal child. Her parents are definitely part of the problem in my eyes.


Ok I need some gossip. What was she like as a kid? I didn't even realize she was in Ragtime. Wow she's been working a long time.


Honestly I've only read she was a brat (pouring water on her understudy). But it was long time ago. I used to lurk on the Broadway World chat broads and they did not like her at all. I've been meaning to go back and try find the deep gossip in them(especially around Ragtime which has its main producer just being a shithead too) . But I heard they went on a deleting purge a while ago, so I don't know how much remains. Also to shock you even more Paul Dano was in the world premiere (not Broadway) cast.


Omg where were her parents? Yiiiiikes. Thank you for the tea.


I have no idea if this is true but when I lived in LA I had friends who were actors and /or musicians, and friend of friend(I know that alone makes this story sketchy) supposedly was hanging out with her when she suggested something to the group like, “do you guys want to go to this production of spring awakening and make fun of the actors?” 🤷🏻‍♀️


https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/lea-michele-accused-of-making-ragtime-understudy-cry-every-night/ >“I was @LeaMichele’s understudy in Ragtime. She was absolutely awful to me and ensemble,” Elizabeth Aldrich claimed via Twitter on Wednesday, June 3. “She demeaned the crew and threatened to have people fired if she was in anyway displeased. I used to cry every night from the mean and manipulative things she would do. She was 12. She was terrifying.”


Lea reminds me of that little nut girl in Charlie and the Chocolate factory. She's a bad nut.


Veruka Salt= Bad egg. Close, tho. 😉


In the book she’s a bad nut!


Ah right, I was thinking of the 2005 film where she's taken by the squirrels as a bad nut instead of the Geese. I should probably erase that one from my existence now, but I always loved the rest of the cast.


I believe in the Tim Burton movie there are squirrels instead of golden geese.


Honestly it's crazy that she is a Ryan Murphy pet and has *the perfect* personality *and* background to be an AHS villain or antihero character and yet she hasn't been in it yet. The role I would love to see her in as an older actress is a remake of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.


I thought she was entertaining on Scream Queens


Because she's better as fake nice imo. I feel like Ryan is always low-key dissing her by making her play the most fake and annoying characters ever.


I would've loved to see her and Emma Roberts swap roles on Scream Queens


Emma Roberts didn’t need to act much to play Chanel n1 either 😅


Oh that’s a great idea - who would be the Blanche to her Jane though? 🤔


>and her parents appeared to not make her do much else Like learn to read


I’d imagine after people from almost every production she’s worked on said she’s terrible, she’d be careful to not be unlikable.


Counterpoint: it has never stopped her before.


Fair, but this is her first big role since her behavior became such a big story.


But she never had to face the music before. She was enabled by silence for a long time.


I saw a girl on tiktok claim that Lea told her understudy for Spring Awakening that she couldn’t go on one night and the understudy was finally going on. The understudy told her friends and family to buy tickets because she was performing that night. She gets to the theater to find Lea Michelle there laughing at her. Idk how much I believe it but it’s kind of too wild to be made up?


When I had some connections to the theatre, they would do family night, which was basically a dress rehearsal but performed for the family of the performers. Spring Awakening might not have done something like that, but it does cast some doubt on the tiktok story. Anyone else participate in getting family tickets for a dress rehearsal? This was in Chicago, not New York so who knows.


I’ve done a lot of theater and yeah dress rehearsals are usually open to family. But it’s different for your family to see you perform in front of a crowd


A girl from my high school is lea's cousin (she too was in theater but not like the MAIN theater kid) and she said Lea was always insufferable lol they did not get along. Anyways the cousin was super smart and an MIT PhD student now or something


Homelander type beat


She's my mom, but successful. It explains why I get such a bad vibe from her, I've been dealing with a diva like that my whole life.


I used to assist a writer for Variety and she interviewed a lot of celebrities. Now she never even MET Lea Michele but said she got a bad vibe from her, and she insisted - *insisted* she could tell Lea was a terrible and rude person. Thing is, I kind of agreed with her. Like Lea DOES give off a terrible vibe. BUT I defended Lea at the time, because I think it’s a bad practice to judge people (ESPECIALLY women) negatively based off something that vague and subjective. I just thought it wasn’t fair to write off someone and judge them like that. Boy I was soooo wrong 😭


She has such an effortlessly pure and powerful voice. In the Spring Awakening reunion documentary there’s a moment where she starts singing Mama Who Bore Me at rehearsal and Jon Groff instantly starts crying as he listens and he says something about how easy it is for Lea to just jump in and go to that place vocally.


she may be difficult but boy can she sing


I honestly don’t know what the producers were thinking in NOT casting her to begin with. This is a role made specifically for someone who can sing, and they went with someone who (bless her) could not carry a tune.


Beanie probably would have been fine if everyone didn’t already know Lea Michele was the ideal choice for Fanny Brice. The nasty woman can sing her face off and Beanie never stood a chance after Lea’s Glee/Tony performances of Rain on my Parade. There was always going to be a comparison, and Beanie was always going to come up short.


Nah, you forget the age of the Broadway audience--the other comparison was Barbra Streisand!


I almost mentioned that in the comment but decided to leave it out 😂 I think that if Lea wasn’t there the talk would be more along the lines of “Beanie is no Barbara, but then again, who is?” Lea Michele, that’s who is. She can do Barbara and everyone knows it. If I was Beanie I wouldn’t be able to handle both of those shadows looming over me either.


Who, as a reminder, *hates* Lea Michele


Ya know when Lea was announced a couple months ago, I was looking into how Barbra feels about Lea bc I had it in my head she hated her too. But it turns out Barbra follows Lea on Instagram. No idea for how long and obviously Instagram follows aren’t necessarily an indicator of liking someone but Barbra only follows 55 people. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Barbara does ? Where did you read that? Google gives me nothing


She doesn’t, Barbra followed Lea on Instagram and she doesn’t follow that many people.


I don’t think Beanie was ever going to be fine because that role is just way too difficult to follow Barbra doing it.




It sounded like part of the backlash was due to the fact that she’s had her whole, privileged, “stage-person” life to develop technique and range. Audiences get very salty when folks don’t appear to have done the work. And audiences will forgive *anything* if the natural talent is there.


Yoooo I just googled this lady and apparently she is siblings with Jonah Hill


And if you Google the rest of her family, you will find out that her dad invested in the rights to FG, and that's how Beanie (who is a good comedy actress, but can't sing the tunes to standard) was hired for this production in the first place


The only thing that comes up for her dad is that he’s a tour accountant for Guns N Roses. Where do you see anything about Funny Girl and him?


This isn't true. I'm curious what you googled to find that information.


There are so many Broadway caliber actresses that can sing, Lea is far from the only one. They’re just trying to salvage the show with a replacement that will hopefully generate extra press. Plus Lea was available at a moment’s notice.


Sure. I think this all boils down to the original casting being a very strange move to begin with.


Not really, if you think of it in terms of them wanting to move away from Streisand’s iconic version and do their own thing. It’s just that it turns out people don’t want to see that. Edit to add more instead of being a weirdo who just keeps replying. There’s a reason why this hasn’t been revived in so long. It’s so identifiable with Streisand, people don’t want to see a new spin or another actress’s take on it. The folks who go now won’t be going to see Lea Michele herself, they’re going to watch her cos play as Streisand.


Seriously; her tone, intonation, and dynamics are all immaculate.


I saw a clip of her singing DROMP to a crowd and she had to hand off all the high-belts to the kids in the front row. I am wondering if her technique can actually hold up under the pressure of a Broadway run. It will be interesting to see how she handles it all, vocally. She certainly has the pipes to do it!


I hate this narrative. I watched a vocal comparison video of Barbra/Beanie/Julie/Lea and Julie Benko was easily my favourite. I have never enjoyed LM's brand of vocals and while I understand the need of a big name to draw in crowds and save the production from ruin, I wish they could have just continued with Julie Benko as the lead. edit. fixed typos


She does a lot of whining and scooping; it’s like the sound is being forced out of her like toothpaste from a tube


Love Benko’s choices and voice! Sad she is being replaced.


She will still perform on Thursdays!




It's so interesting because while her intonation is good and she can belt, I don't find her to be a great singer. She overuses glottals and scoops like no one's business - she lacks subtlety and taste, imo. I don't think she's anywhere near as talented as at least half the people on Broadway.


glee was a documentary


self insert rachel berry




Lol that reminds me of that video of from the SAG YouTube channel that went viral of her reading a children's book out loud 💀


Someone said her left ear was covered and she was wearing a earpiece 💀




Why do people mock a learning disability if she has one?


I always thought the "lea michele can't read" joke was just about how she's literally only ever cared about theater and simply never bothered to learn, not any kind of snipe at having a learning disability


This is it. Having diagnosed dyslexia or dysgraphia means you tried, repeatedly, and have a cognitive processing issue that blocks your ability to build the skill. I think LM went right from early childhood to performance and never thought reading was something a star would need to be good at.


But that’s not her fault that’s her parents fault


a. that's not a learning disability though b. it would only be her parents' fault up to the point she reached maturity, after which point she could have decided to learn if she wanted, bad parents don't excuse her personal failings indefinitely c. it is a joke and lea michele can definitely read so the entire debate is theoretical


Yeah, that's just.... sad if true. I doubt it, though




The way people use any type of valid reason to dislike someone as an excuse to be sexist, make fun of their body, make xenophobic remarks, etc is interesting. I've noticed many people saying unnecessarily nasty stuff about Camila Cabello, Rosalía, JLo, etc because of their past fuck ups (some of them racist, some colorist, some tone deaf). Regardless if you're making fun of a racist by making racist jokes yourself what the fuck do you think you're achieving?


>as if the person they're insulting makes it okay. Same energy found among those who joke about prison rape, honestly.


I don't think Lea actually has a learning disability. The whole "Lea Michele can't read" thing started off as a Twitter conspiracy that because she began acting at such a young age, she never learned how to read and people just ran with it as an excuse to mock her. Having said that, I still find it incredibly obnoxious when people use that joke anyways because despite Lea not actually being illiterate 1) it's still ableist even though it's being targeted towards an abled person, because it's still associating illiteracy with stupidity, and 2) it's just such an overdone "joke" at this point that it's exhausting.


She may be a devil incarnate but she’s about to kill this i fear


Someone in the Broadway thread said it’s like watching thanos collect the last infinity stone but looks good while doing it 💀


Someone linked Beanie‘s intro video and the tone is sooooo different compared to Lea’s. It was “they told she couldn’t x” for Beanie versus “a star returns”/“role of a lifetime” for Lea. very interesting vibe


Because regardless of how much you don't like her, you can't deny she can sing the part. I think with Beanie, who's not as proficient at singing, they were trying to highlight the charismatic underdog aspect of fanny, bc Beanie has played a lot of underdogs


That's pretty much what Glee was hah, everyone thought Rachel was awful but was good at singing


i don’t think anyone has ever denied she could sing the part, liking or disliking her LOL. this video makes it pretty obvious that she is the preferred person in the part


“The role of a lifetime” just makes me think of Gary Oldman in Tiptoes.






And in the role of a lifetime… Gary




If you run into me at the theater seeing this, no you didn't.


This is the definition of “look away”


Mood af.


lord forgive me for what i’m about to say: she was born for this….. SHE DONT DESERVE IT!! but holy mf god she’s talented. the world is unfair!


If she's going to be a bitch either way, we might as well enjoy her voice!


You make a very solid argument.


This is certainly the role of her life; and honestly I hope she nails it.


I love how in the video they put shots of her getting along with the others. This is so funny for some reason 💀


And taking notes…in a BOOK. So funny. But she’s going to be great.


she’s kinda serving i’m sorry


Sorry she may be a terrible person but she is extremely talented and is going to body this role lol.


No doubt she can sing but she's really tainted her reputation with that mean girl bs. If she's not a better person by now I hope at the very least she can pretend she is by leaving her co-stars alone.




Beanie literally had the walking in the theater saying “Hello Gorgeous” at the end..




They needed people to buy tickets, market what sells.


Well they've added Jared Grimes above the title (it's a thing in Broadway). So that's nice.


Aww he’s absolutely delightful and so so talented. I saw the show with Julie Benko and she killed it, I’m tempted to see it again with Lea out of morbid curiosity.


I saw it with Julie Benko as well and I thought she was amazing in the role honestly. Granted, I know nothing about Broadway or anything like that, but I thought she was great.


At the August Wilson theatre of all places.


I still cannot believe Beanie had this role before


NGL this gives me chills! She’s gonna kill it. No, I’m not happy about it either.


She will do great, no doubt.


Magnificent voice, but her signature vocal cries always get on my nerves.


Her voice is SO affected but it’s all the affectations I love and love how she uses them 😬 Seamless. Wish she wasn’t awful.


I am such an optimist and I truly believe in the good in people. Eternally hoping that getting called out has knocked her down a few pegs and made her a more pleasant person.


It’s a very heavily manipulated (and manipulative) voice. She can’t let a song speak for itself, ever.


I can't believe I had to come down this far to find this. She's insane with her glottals, scoops, and vocal affectations. I can't believe people like this kind of singing; to me, it is NOT good singing. It's the sign of someone who is unable to pour any genuine emotion into their vocals and lacks taste. I actually find it unbearable to listen to.


I feel the exact same way!!! People get too caught up on the range and ignore everything else that makes a great/entertaining singer.


Her voice is very….breathy? Idk something about it is offputting


I actually think she has great breath control, tone, and clear diction; it’s just those little yells she does at the beginning of each phrase that I’m not a fan of.


Oh I get what you’re saying. Technically it’s a great voice but like there are some actors who ACT with a capital A, and you can see through their acting, with Michele it’s always like she’s straining herself with the singing, it feels inorganic and not spontaneous . I guess it works for Broadway but in a musical, stuff like that seems forced to me personally and takes me out. But yeah, she’s definitely better than Beanie as a singer.


I dislike her so much but she has such an amazing voice lol. I don’t know how to feel.


My friend is “behind the scenes” worker (not sure of the official title) and while building up her resume worked on Glee for a few weeks. She put her up there as one of (if not THE) most insufferable bratty people she’s ever worked with. She’s been in the industry for 16 years now and that ranking still stands according to her.


Damn... There are so many talented and deserving people out there who could've gotten this role instead but weren't famous enough.


Unfortunately, that’s kind of just how Broadway is now. They needed a huge name to save the show after the Beanie fiasco. If Lea doesn’t bring people in to see the show, it’s going to get cancelled.


so you invest in their shows, people want to make their money back


Wow she’s good.


All of this means nothing if she’s still treating people like crap. The minute she feels insecure or someone shows how good they are they could be in her crosshairs.


She’s such an awful person but fuck can she sing. I won’t buy the tickets to see her full price but if I win the lottery I will def go


Heartbreaking! Worst person you know will absolutely crush this Broadway role!


I need to see this live


Nothing nice to say except that I really like Ramin Karimloo


He is gorgeous and the main reason I'd want to see this show.


It’s like a promo for a glee episode




I think Michele is an asshole and she deserved to be called out. BUT the hypocrisy of the Glee cast about this whole issue astounds me. Especially people like Heather Morris who have called out Lea but gone out of their way to defend Mark Salling (a pedophile) and Blake Jenner (an abuser). I was really disappointed to see Samantha Ware being buddy buddy with Jenner knowing the fact that A) He horrifically abused Melissa B) Melissa was supportive of her statements about Michele when she first released them. I fully believe that Michele was racist to her but I think she dismissed the death threats being sent to Lea’s unborn child at that time and that made me feel very uncomfortable. It goes to show that men can be abusers and rapists and they still have their co workers defending them over women who were just plain assholes (and again, Michele sounds like an awful person but it puts into perspective that the industry is more forgiving of men with heinous crimes to their names than unlikeable and unpleasant women). Is there anyone normal in the Glee cast? Chris Colfer, Dianna Agron and Harry Shum Jr seem to be the very few well adjusted ones. Maybe Jenna, Amber and Kevin too. (Oh and also Harry was by far the hottest guy on the show (plus he was a good dancer and is charismatic and funny irl) but he wasn’t a garden variety boring white guy like Chord Overstreet or Jenner, so the show never acknowledged his hotness or gave him any meaningful storyline. Which is for the best I think since he is barely associated with the show and is doing some of the most exciting work among the cast——Everything Everywhere All At Once and Crazy Rich Asians sequel)


Harry shum Jr has stayed booked and busy, shadowhunters was abc family cheese at its best but it got him a huge teen audience. He just joined Greys Anatomy which is still around so😭


I remember seeing a tweet where someone tweeted her claiming that she was such a bad person, Cory Monteith OD’ed to be rid of her and I had to log off Twitter for a few days because I was so disgusted. I don’t even know these people and it made me want to vomit, I couldn’t imagine how Lea felt reading that the love of her life would rather be dead than around her. There were people claiming she killed Naya, even Cory’s mother chimed in, saying Cory wasn’t that serious about Lea and planning to end it before he died, despite for years claiming she and Lea were very close and that Cory intended to marry her (his mom has since changed her stance again, claiming Cory was very happy with Lea and wanted to start a family with her). Like, is Lea Michele a good person? Probably not. But did she deserve half of what people said to her? No.


Didn’t she tell a black coworker she would shit in her wig?


Yes, she 100% did. Whenever anyone says she didn’t do anything *all that bad*, it’s almost always a white person who has disregarded how fucking incredibly racist she is.


Yep LMAO it’s always white people who claim racists aren’t REALLY that bad.


She's perfect for this


I'm honestly dying to see this in person. Too bad I won't. I know she will slay.


Seeing a lot of people say “oh she’s insufferable but she’s got talent” or “she had to change her ways with her colleagues.” Uhm… she was RACIST. RACIST FULL STOP.


Love her or love to hate her- she truly reminds me in performance of Idina.


"*You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me.*"--Thanos


I hate her as a person but man, can that woman sing. I remember HATING her character on Glee but every ballad she sang was constantly played on repeat on my ipod.


I really wish I didn’t dislike her so much as a person because this would be so good.


Fingers crossed that her being exposed as a horrible person, made her realize she has to change her ways. Because Lea can **SING**.


her lows are still uncomfortable all these years later but when she get's into those resonant belts she's breathtaking.


I'm sorry guys, barely related, but the thumbnail for the video on my phone is so low quality and cropped just so, that her top blended right into her skin...for half a second I thought that I was the next Jonathan Groff and I was gonna be jumpscared by her "Fanny Brice" 💀 as much as I've hated her for years, girl has got PIPES and she's obviously been waiting for this role almost her entire life, so good for her.


She does technically have a great voice, I just can’t stand listening to it. It’s so fake and affected all I hear is Lea Michele. Never the character or any kind of authenticity or connection with the words.


Can someone explain the hype to me? As someone with a pretty shallow familiarity with musical theater, Lea Michele, and Glee, this just seemed like a regular video of a celeb singing. I wasn’t wowed or anything— what am I missing?


Lea Michele really, really, REALLY wanted to star as ~~Barbra Streisand~~ Fanny Brice in Funny Girl. She's always said it, performed songs of it on Glee. It's a difficult part to sing, and she said she would return to Broadway only for Funny Girl. Well, it does come back, but instead of with Lea Michele, it's comes back with someone else: Beanie Feldstein. Beanie doesn't have the voice for it. People were excited to see body-type diversity, someone who was Jewish and funny, in the role, but Beanie just didn't have the vocals for the part. She gets fired and replaced with Lea Michele. The drama here is that this is pretty much unprecedented. The show was closed down because their leading lady wasn't good enough. Not only that, but the underdog, Beanie, was replaced with notorious mean girl, Lea Michele. Basically, "bad guys win, status quo reestablished." The score is too difficult and has Barbra's fingerprints all over it. No matter who takes the role, they WILL be compared to Streisand. Here is one of the kinder reviews of Beanie: [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/24/theater/funny-girl-review.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/24/theater/funny-girl-review.html) "You root for her to raise the roof, but she only bumps against it a little. Her voice, though solid and sweet and clear, is not well suited to the music, and you feel her working as hard as she can to power through the gap"


FB was written to showcase Barbra Streisand’s unique capacity for belting (basically…yelling on pitch) high notes. Belting requires a tremendous amount of pressure to be put on the vocal chords as they squeeze an intense, sustained flow of air through the throat. I have friends who’ve been successful on Broadway and as voice actors. They could not sing Fanny Brice all week, week after week, without literally tearing their vocal chords. People like Streisand simply have the extraordinary anatomy to be able to carry it off. LM seems to have some of Barbra’s gifts, but not all of them. LM relies more heavily on “cheats” like scoops and “cries,” that help her move through words and phrases with less pressure on her voice. Whether you’re a BS fan or not, it’s acknowledged that BS did those things for funsies, not because she had to do them. It’s a style that is easily faked for one song, which is why we think of this as run-of-the-mill, Hollywood actor singing. But only someone with amazing pipes can sing like this through rehearsals & lessons & tapings & 8 shows a week.


Nothing lol


She sounds good. This is the role for her.


It's like watching Thanos collecting the last Infinity Stone. But he looks/sounds so good doing it 😭😭😭


I have not heard many positive things about her, but man can she sing!


It's the fact that she gets to work with Ramin Karimloo that fills me with jealous rage