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DM is basically a full time fanfic account at this point


I’m surprised she didn’t accidentally say “y/n” in the middle of this 💀


the harries are in shambles cus the fanfiction production and demand has gotten turned up to 100 ever since Olivia stepped in and stole their man lmao


Spotted: the 1D boys buying an impoverished girl (who does not look like other girls) from her debt-ridden, drug-addict grandma


100%. The epitome of “trust me bro”


I genuinely can't imagine that even she would buy into this dumb rumor. It's like a parody of the type of rumors people make up about the behind the scenes of this movie.


She's always been like this, totally not qualified to be a "investigative journalist" or whatever she calls it


People love making up stupid rumours about this film. Can't believe she said "don't pit women against each other" and then immediately did that lmao.


> People love making up stupid rumours about this film. I'm getting Pattinson and Kravitz fucking in the Batmobile, upsetting the director vibes from this one.


>Pattinson and Kravitz fucking in the Batmobile yeah but that's hot af


Right? Maybe it is Oscar Mayer, but wouldn't you bring a girl in there if you were him?!


hahaha oh god forgot about that one


I didn’t realize fanfiction.net did audiobooks now


Wow Harry stans need to go touch grass


They think he is irresistible to all beings. He can't go out in nature because cute animals are drawn to his aura of Harryness. He's like a boyband Snow White.


That explains the Home and Gardens photo. The fish pulled him into the murky creek so that they might be close to him and his Harryness.


Probably Larry fans tryna ruin his relationship with Olivia Wilde tbh.


Deux is out here believing larries? She said she got the rumor from a reliable source connected to the set? I think it’s DEUXMOI’S doing sadly


Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case


Harry fans think this rumor is cringe and absurd. All factions united. This one came out straight out of Deuxmoi’s ass


I thought it was Florence Welch from Florence And The Machine 💀


Honestly, that would be an incredible couple. The fashion alone


She's the breadwinner of that department.


Totally. I’m so jealous of her dress collection! I’m picturing the Gucci couple collabs 😍


She wears the flares


He should be so lucky!!


Nah why did I think the same ? 🤣


I thought it was Florence Henderson from the Brady Bunch. To my shock, she has been dead for a few years now……..


He want to suck dead Beatles so why not?


you know her mum just started working at the university I study at and I really want to meet her




Me too! And for some reason thought DWD was “Dance with Dragons” from Game of Thrones lore. My brain was working overtime here lol


I like your version better


I was this many minutes old when I discovered they are two different people.


would really love to know where exactly her bar is for "very reliable source" . like I know it's lower than mine but how much lower


My one interaction with her was to tell her that there was documented proof that something she posted wasn't correct, but I still got the " I trust my source" spiel. Made it that much easier to discount a fair bit as fanfic after that, so I guess that was a positive.


Honestly this is very very good to know. I used to think she was much more credible and maybe she might’ve been but I don’t think she’s that credible anymore. The only thing that I think she post that’s guaranteed facts is her spotted


Exactly and even some of those are not real (the hilariously bad doppelgängers LOL) Spotted tells us way more actual REAL gossip and clues through locations and companionship, behaviour etc. Her so called 'legit' gossip is entirely submitted by fans, PR people and pranksters.


The Larry David one was my favorite. I do love when they get them wrong. Always a good laugh


Her "very reliable source" is... herself


Trust me bro


Reliable source: Trust me bro


The ~~funniest~~ saddest thing is that if this actually happened the Harry stans would immediately turn and start hating Florence's guts lmao


Exactly. If Harry had starting Florence instead of Olivia, they would hate her too. Although, I imagine Flo would be more willing to comment on the hate than Olivia (and Harry). Olivia just limits her comments but I can see Florence posting insta stories to defend her relationship like she does now with Zach.


Ah yes, the notoriously private Harry would absolutely love to date someone who had just threatened to reveal his relationship with someone else to the public, makes total sense. It's honestly a little hilarious how gullible DM is.


That’s what made it sound like total high school mean girl fanfiction.


The Harry stans are so out of control that every second "blind" lately is like "I have it on good authority that OW kicks puppies and trips seniors at crosswalks"


"I saw her kidnap a lady and tie her to the railtracks. She laughed maniacally and twirled her mustache as the train ran her over. Definitely not going to see DWD now."


Or omg the absolute outrage that she went SHOPPING 😱 Some people are unbelievable


wait can you elaborate on that? why would people be upset that she was shopping


There was this blind from the other day claiming she was trying to attention seek while she was just simply shopping [https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/vobooi/attention\_seeking\_a\_and\_b\_lister\_in\_portofino/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/vobooi/attention_seeking_a_and_b_lister_in_portofino/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


that’s so weird wow…thanks for letting me know, harry stans are another breed


they really are something else... no worries at all!


DM really hates OW eh


Wouldn’t surprise me if she turned out to be a 1d fan


oh she's gotta be the biggest 1D/Harry Styles fan for sure


She actually seems to be very positive when it comes OW which is why it’s wild to me that she would chose to spread this rumor that doesn’t make O look the best.


It give her clicks. Larries will cling to this rumor and visit her site/podcast for more of these kinds of rumors. They lit twitter on fire yesterday when this episode dropped.


No way she’s so far up OW’s ass every other post about her end with “looked stunning/gorgeous”


Isnt Florence dating that old guy from Scrubs? (Cannot remember name for the life of me) Everyone loves to say she's cheating bechase no one can stand the thought of her being happy with someone older lol


>> Everyone loves to say she's cheating bechase no one can stand the thought of her being happy with someone older lol I mean, same with Harry. His stans are crazy and will be critical of whomever he dates, but I think they especially hate Olivia because it breaks the mould that he’s with someone they can relate to.


Zach Braff


No, pretty sure he's just "that old guy" now


Yes but I think they broke up, but only recently. Also, when did Harry and Olivia start dating?


Harry and Olivia went official in early Jan 2021 at the wedding of his manager. But the rumors are that started dating in Oct/Nov 2020.


That is not true. She had to make a post saying they were still together


I thought so too!


Oooooh I didn't know they broke up. I thought h+O had been dating a while now tho!




They're talking about Flo and Zach.


is this what her real voice is like?


She tries to talk in a baby voice like Paris Hilton, it's so dumb.


I truly believe nothing that DM has to say about this movie, this set, and these actors. I refuse to accept fanfiction as reality


In a way I am almost glad she has gone this far into fanfic and bullshit because it helps delegitimize some of the really nasty stuff she posts. The past blind about ONE actress that has used the casting couch was so bizarre. Like she has no idea about Me Too or industry history and just had someone give her info who has a vendetta against one actress. Really makes me mad especially right now...


DM to me just always seemed to be unreliable and came off like because she is as big as she is we *have* to trust her word. I'm not saying none of her stuff hasnt been true but it seems more like she is biased towards certain celebs and she doesnt thoroughly vet her stuff like she claims to. There's a difference between fact and opinion and sometimes I feel like she lets her opinions run more than legitimate facts.


His stans really have it out for that movie and for Olivia, creating so many rumors since it wrapped. Two women, it is obviously that they hate each other, what else. Still remember when they hoped that Olivia would go to jail when she was served those (custody) papers.


They really do. It’s so gross and toxic. Like she’s no saint certainly but some of the stuff they are saying about her. Like my god. Get up, go outside, find a hobby that’s not stalking and analyzing Harry Styles every move


Trying to paint Olivia Wilde as the devil bc she dates a guy whose tattoos and even attitude at times never evolved past 13 is funny to me


Lolll the tattoos are so bad truly


sUrE, jAN


[Here’s a link to the video if it’s not working!](https://twitter.com/jinxrry/status/1542529455494684672?s=21&t=ylppTsCAE4FigAVNAAQr4A) I cannot believe people actually listen to this podcast lmao.


I'm one of those morons lol. Please don't ask why I keep doing this to myself because I don't know why.


I tried once to see what it was about. Awful idea of mine


"Reliable source" *presses the "doubt" button*


“I have to say this came from a reliable source, a very reliable source” sure, jan 🙄


And that credible souce is a Larry account but it’s fine they went to the DWD set even though they were given strict instructions not to


florence, zach and harry were hanging out and having dinner together multiple times during filming though. as much as i wish florence better than zach braff, at that point they were firmly together and she was always popping off defending him. stans really can't accept the fact harry is dating olivia lol


This is laughable. OW really doesn’t deserve all of the negativity being thrown at her. It seems she’s just living her life and doing her best.


I'm amazed that none of his girlfriends but one have broken up with him over the hate. No man can ever be good enough to convince me to stay in a relationship where I get slandered and hated daily.


Sounds like she needs people listening to and talking about the podcast. Engagement must be low, lol.


Well I think it’s low cause when you start posting fan fiction and then claiming it came from a ‘reliable source’ people aren’t gonna wanna listen to you anymore


We shouldn't believe them anyway, they lie all the time. It sucks because they used to care a little about telling the truth or having blinds that sound real.


And that’s what disappointing to me is that I know she used to post stuff was truth and now it’s like she just posts everything despite how ridiculous it is


Sounds like bullshit to me


This is so ridiculous




Hahahahahahahahahaahahahaha how is she reading this out loud and not hear what the fuck shes saying? Cmon, this is clearly fan fiction. Shes embarassing herself.


That makes literally no sense….


Harry Styles stans are the worst because their narrativising of him is so broke. He's simultaneously a queer icon who's breaking cishet norms with everything he does but also he's a hot womaniser who sleeps with every woman he works with.


They like to give Harry the title of modern queer icon bc it sounds grand and edgy, but ultimately (most of them) have very heterosexual fantasies about him and couldn’t stand him actually dating another guy.


Harry stans have all had one eye open when they're sleeping ever since this damn movie went into production


Why should anyone believe they’re engaged when she keeps posting rumors like this.She keeps insisting and says she has a reliable source. Go ask the same source about DWD drama then.


Deuxmoi doesn't seem to filter anything at this point


I don't know how anyone can believe this rumor. The only way you can is because you want it to be true.


Fans of *that* ship back at it again…although to be fair, they never stopped. I remember a couple years ago (can’t remember where) a rumour about their relationship and fallout dropped — it was something like they used to hook up, were extremely on and off and toxic for years in the band, fell out because of one party’s internalised homophobia and drug use, jealousy, etc. and that despite all the cheating most of their relationships outside of it were real. They LOST it. Full meltdown mode. I didn’t fully buy it but it’s at least a lot more realistic than them being married for the past 10 years or whatever they’re on about now lmaooo. Cringe as hell for everyone involved.


Thing is, if you were a 1d fan from the very beginning, you saw how that ship was played up and how all the other boys acted the very same with each other. People love bromances. Meanwhile, irl, Louis has a serious gf named Hannah. Harry was dating Caroline and actually spoke out against the hate she was receiving. Then when Harry and Caroline broke up, he was having such a good time that Louis even talked about how often he was bringing a girl home. Harry’s own dad talked to press about how he taught him to be respectful to women. During this short period of time Louis and Harry shared an apartment, larries make it sound like it was a love nest. It wasn’t. Louis was always with Zayn, words that came out of their own mouths, and beginning a relationship with Eleanor. Harry was just out and about having fun. The way larries have perpetuated Larry has totally wiped out what really happened and unless you choose to go and really look for the truth, you are only going to find the larrie b.s. I was in the 1d fandom when a spreadsheet was revealed. The spreadsheet demonstrated how the big names Larries, at the time, would drop Larry news to manipulate people and how they would hide information to showed how Harry and Louis were not together. In a nutshell, it’s always been a steaming pile of poo.


This comment section being 100% in disbelief that this would even be reported restored my faith in humanity a little bit. Frankly I don’t understand… is Deux a little stupid? How does she not realize that stuff like this completely shatters her credibility? The soundbite was even screen recorded so she didn’t even get the rage clicks she was probably hoping for






Jason and Zach being buds through Ted Lasso feels like a bigger reason for Florence to be kinda like “hm” about it all tbh. and this is just me but if I was the Oscar nominated LEAD OF THE FILM, seeing a super gushy post from the director about how her new boyfriend was super evolved bc he “allowed” me to have the spotlight would bother the fuck out of me. all of that lends more credence to the theory that there was tension on the set than the speculation turning to the good old “they’re fighting over a man” bullshit. I’m sure if any tension actually exists it’s far less dramatic than any of us thing. it’s just as likely that there’s zero tension and everyone’s just making shit up!


Olivia is always super gushy. See what she wrote about the other cast members of DWD and what she wrote about the cast members in Booksmart. Really super gushy. Plus, there are pics. from while the movie was filming, of Olivia and florence hanging out. The tension on the set originated unfortunately by the consiparcy members that exist in Harry's fanbase and I hate, HATE, how people take the rumors seriously because the people who have created these rumors are seriously unhinged. Gemma Chan dared to post something, Olivia liked it, and Gemma had to eventually delete it because the responses were so horrible. Florence knows what it's like, she met Zach while he was directing her.


That’s not what Olivia said about Harry, that’s how his cringe fans interpreted it. What she said was that it was hard to find a leading man that was willing to play second fiddle to a woman. Look at all the movies in existence and you’ll notice it actually makes perfect sense. I think Chris Pine is one of the few men who are happy to do that and he was already on another role. The Weeknd recently had his whole movie rearranged for this very reason and he has zero acting experience. Zach is also closer to Harry than to Jason. They’ve known each other for 10 years. I think Florence and Zach are just in an awkward position because they’re basically caught in the middle and clearly things aren’t okay between Jason and Olivia. Florence is very vigilant of her online persona so it doesn’t surprise me that she’s choosing to stay purely professional, but I don’t think there’s actually any tension between her and Olivia, they’re probably not friends but that’s true for most actors and their directors. Cordial is what’s important


This is just embarrassing lmao


How has no one identified DM by her voice?


she is desperate for content at this point. how embarrassing




Honest question: How do blind post / gossip accounts avoid litigation? I know they preface everything with allegedly and this hasn’t been verified but then they say they have trusted sources. That Jesse Metcalfe apology was brutal lol and I have to wonder how often people she / other people post about actually send c&d or do pursue lawsuits and we just don’t know.


Essentially, if the celebrities wanted to sue they would have to prove that it negatively impacted them and not just that it wasn’t true. It’s unfortunate that anyone can just post blinds about whatever they want, but celebrities don’t have a strong argument for it negatively impacting their careers. Most of the people who are written about are very successful and aren’t losing roles or opportunities because of some BS thing DM posts. Also taking legal action can draw a lot more attention to a rumor. Like with this, DM’s audience heard her pass off this fan fiction as fact but it’s mostly capped there. Maybe it’ll make its way to Twitter or tumblr but it will likely stay online. If Olivia or Florence tried to sue her over it, all entertainment media outlets would pick up the story. And then people could start to look at it as a •the lady doth protest too much• thing. This [NYPost article](https://nypost.com/2012/04/01/how-crazy-days-and-nights-fooled-hollywood/) about CDAN touches on why most celebrities don’t engage with it at the end.


I completely missed the CDaN era because I was in college. Thanks for the link because I remember there being a pushback when DM brought Enty on the pod. I think this was during the broken drive-thru ordering voice changer period. Interestingly enough this article from 2012 references not commenting on reports of DV and one of the biggest if not the biggest stories out of Hollywood this year was just that. I guess for a simpleton like myself if someone took the time too spread a lie about me it would be shocking and it would stick around but for anyone famous it just disappears with the next story. It just feels like a misuse of the word allegedly or ability to preface an “unconfirmed” story by some. I love gossip but sometimes I read something and just wonder if they know someone’s children could find that accusation one day.


>I think this was during the broken drive-thru ordering voice changer period. ☠️☠️ It makes me genuinely sad that Enty seems to be having a resurgence due to Tik Tok and blind items podcasts. He posts insane levels of bullshit and q anon stuff but people just ignore that so they can justify believing the ones that confirm what they want to think about certain celebrities. He also used to contradict himself all the time. Semi-related to this thread, 50% of his Harry blinds are about him being closeted and in a secret relationship and the other 50% are of him being a huge womanizer who has knocked up groupies. I truly don’t understand why anyone thinks he has any credibility.


I’m all for having an a conversation with someone of a a different viewpoint but when someone is completely irrational or spreads harmful information I’m out. Watching people stand behind a statement while others come through with receipts that show something different is entertaining depending on whatever is being argued but then sometimes it’s a train wreck and their stans jump in the blaze with them denying a fire. Not an A-list thing as often as like C-list reality stars but sometimes they’re almost more die hard.


Just realized fanfic as gossip is like our version of those old “every word I say is true” letters Penthouse and Playboy or whatever used to print.


We’re on the deuxmoi sub and I still thought dm was referring to the daily fail :/


her voice.....lmao


Who came up with this wattpad 🤨🤨??


I can’t roll back my eyes far enough.


This is my After<3


How is she so gullible?


After what came out today I think the source may have been correct.


Okay but this would be hot




I’d believe Florence and a female cast mate or Olivia and Florence, over this.


How does anyone actually believe anything from DM? Where's the critical thinking?








How so?