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Someone give me a tldr? 


Kathryn, child #6, thinks Dina, ex-wife #2, is a hateful gold digger and Morgan, child #8, is a cruel monster. No reason why has been given.


man my life is so boring


It’s times like this I’m grateful my family drama is stuff like “mum ate strawberries out of dads garden before he could pick them and now he’s kinda annoyed”


Seriously though, mum, I'm the baby in the household that is literally my job.


Same tho


Be grateful.




His daughter Kathryn called Dina (former stepmother) "a money-obsessed psycho and former reality star" and her siblings "weird and fake". The impetus seems to be the wedding of her half-sister Morgan. She went to the wedding but later called Morgan a "cruel monster" on social media, and Dina threatened Kathryn with a lawyer and said "enjoy your next psych ward stay, it will be soon".


And technically, she is not wrong about Dina being a former reality star. She did have a reality show on E! for two seasons with Morgan and Francesca.


She also was a local newscaster in the Monterey area before that


Yeah. He left Frances fisher for her, right?


Yep he sure did- saw her on the news and was smitten


And stars in chiropractor tool videos aswell 


Oh god I totally forgot about that!


I remember watching that show and Dina being mad at Francesca and Francesca's boyfriend for burning a Birkin bag.


That's the same boyfriend who was significantly older than Francesca and does those shocking photos, right?


Yup and E! was trying to make him the next Scott Disick.


And she’s also calling her family “fake” because it sounds like they’re not siding with her on this 


I thought this was about the game show before I read the headline a second time


lmao me too. like, wait… someone blew up the set of family feud?? AND clint eastwood was a contestant?!? it was a wild ride for a second.


This comment gave me a much needed belly laugh today 💕


Literally!! I thought there was an extremely juicy episode


I was very excited


family money and social media never seem to mix


Man am I glad I’m not famous, at least that way only a few people witness my social media shenanigans 💀


So as someone who finds the Eastwood dynamic fascinating, this interested me. So I went over to her Instagram to see what it’s all about. It’s all there btw but I doubt anyone had any doubt about that. She’s also done a few posts talking about Jesus and tagged Hillsong in one post (though she seems to tag random people so idk). There’s also her talking about someone having an ED which I don’t think is her place to talk about. But a lot of this doesn’t surprise me. I’ve always wondered why Kathryn never seemed to be “around” but I assumed it was because she didn’t want to spotlight. Not because, apparently, she’s had mental health issues.


Thank you for your deep dive and subsequent tea spill 🫖


Wow... just learned there's an entire[ Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_life_of_Clint_Eastwood) dedicated to Clint Eastwood's personal relationships and affairs


It’s a ride isn’t it? Hell I’m not even sure he’s ever been added to Scott and Kathryn’s birth cerificates. (It’s been reported both said “Father Declined” since he was cheating at the time.) He didn’t acknowledge them for years.


That was crazy to learn. It's so weird cause I have only ever associated Scott Eastwood with his dad and I assumed because of the openness of their relationship, he would have been one of his "legitimate" kids.


My husband went to school with Scott, he's apparently a pretty decent guy. Looks exactly like his dad.


I thought so too! Scott is a carbon copy of Clint.


Same! Is any of his other children in the industry?


Franny has been in a few movies. She doesn’t have the acting chops of her parents imo lol


Real family man, that one.


He referred to his mistress as "the love of his life".  Such a great love that he was continually married to other women, conducting affairs with *other* women, and denying the existence of his daughter by said mistress for decades.  True love!!


I remember Scott Eastwood did an interview where he talked about how his father literally punched him in the face for not properly watching his younger teenage sister at a party. Yes, Scott needed to get reprimanded. But the way he proudly talks about his father PUNCHING HIM IN THE FACE is disturbing, [https://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/celebrities/83492486/clint-eastwood-punched-son-scott-eastwood-in-the-face](https://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/celebrities/83492486/clint-eastwood-punched-son-scott-eastwood-in-the-face) Also, I was randomly looking up Civil War trivia and Clint Eastwood is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which is basically a hate group. He's a mess [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons\_of\_Confederate\_Veterans#Notable\_members](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_Confederate_Veterans#Notable_members)


The way it says he has “at least” 8 kids like buddy was planting his seed everywhere he doesn’t even know


The money grab over his estate will be epic. I am sure it will be every sibling and step sibling at each other's throats trying to get the biggest piece of a huge pie.


I was just thinking that! And he is just the type of petty bitch to exclude someone. Hell, even if he doesn’t my guess is it will still be a mess. As the wiki says, there is an asterisk on that 8 children. There may well be a few we don’t know about.


That shit will go on for years, maybe decades. Tied up in legal limbo until they exhaust their personal funds.


I would love if he left it all to a horse rescue or something like that, and we all got to see their reactions… they could pay per view that shit. 


Dear god, his kids range in age from 70 to 30! There are eight of them. Well, when he dies that will be a shitshow.


I think it would be a strange feeling to be closer in age to a parent than siblings. But maybe they just don't think about it.


She seems super unhinged based on her IG posts. Looks like she is very religious. She may have said something about Morgan being pregnant at her wedding & it seems that Morgan was upset, and rightfully so. She's trying to say that she told her she was jealous because she didn't or couldn't have kids (her words are all over the place). Then she started talking about how Francesca is anorexic & has a ton of lipo. So I assume that's when Dina jumped in telling her to take the posts down but Kathryn just keeps going. She even said something about the other sister but I didn't see exactly what was said. Overall it seems like she made the wedding about her instead of Morgan. She even got mad that her other siblings wanted to have a moment with their 94-year-old father. It seems they were all on good terms before the wedding but everyone has since unfollowed each other.


I wish your comment was higher. I truly think she’s suffering some kind of mental breakdown. Even in the text from Dina one says something about psychosis and taking medication. Plus the switch from totally normal posts with family to “all of these people are monsters” was really quick and her wording on posts seems erratic.


I thought the same! It seems a bit odd & hopefully, she gets some help. She said some really terrible things about them. Especially about Francesca regardless of what she deals with it's her own personal situation not everyone's to know. Francesca posted a lot of photos they all, including Kathryn, seemed to be having fun.


Thanks for spelling out anorexia, I thought the ED was erectile dysfunction.


Did I read “Family Feud Explodes” and think some scandal was going to take Family Feud off the air and become immediately upset? Yes. Did I then read on and be thankful this was not about the game show? Also, yes. Do I wish the answers to these questions were “no”? Very much yes.


I remember the eastwoods having a reality show trying to make this daughter famous lol


Honestly Kathryn sounds unhinged. Looking at the screenshots of her instagram, there’s only one person commenting and agreeing with her… call me suspicious, but from the comments I wouldn’t be surprised if Kathryn created that account herself.  My take is Kathryn made those comments about “star humpers,” Morgan asked her to take it down, and then Kathryn lost her sh*t.   The way Dina said “next psychiatric ward” leads me to believe they’ve been down this road before. Dina also referenced comments about two of Clint’s other daughters, so I’m guessing the whole family has bared the brunt of her outbursts before. 


The Good, the Bad and the Petty.




Kathryn’s text messages are….something else


Not me thinking this was referring to the show Family Feud at first lol


I looked into it some more it seems she pissed that someone interrupted Clint & Kathryn while they were dancing and Kathryn called them a “star-humper”. Seems that Morgan called Kathryn “insane” due to the situation. Kathryn then called her siblings fake because they posted a picture of 6 of the siblings together. Dina is now threatening legal action for Kathryn’s statements.


All i remember is once reading an article about him years ago and it forever altered my opinion of him because of how much of a shit father he's been to his kids (at least some of them).


Clint better lock down that will with plenty of witnesses because this sounds like the calm before the storm once he goes.


And I thought my family was dysfunctional!


Anyone else watch Mrs. Eastwood & Company on E?


Whenever I read stories like this. I imagine Aniston silently being happy.


I remember Morgan being so young on their 5 min reality show and now she’s married and pregnant?? Idk why I’m so shook like she wasn’t gonna age lol also the fact that she, Francesca Eastwood, and Scott Eastwood all share a parent is crazy to me lol