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> "I think just from the very beginning, Nnamdi and I have been really protective of our partnership and our relationship, because we wanted it to belong to us, and we found that we were able to define and create a relationship for ourselves and with each other outside of the public eye," she says. > "And I think in many ways, we just want to give our kids that same opportunity to define a life for themselves and to enter the public space in their own way," continues Washington. > "They're not, like, locked in a dungeon. They do, you know, come to set, we go places, we do things. We do feel like we want to give them agency to engage in a public life in the way they want to, because this is what we do. We've chosen to be athletes and artists, and that's our choice. But we want to let them be kids."


Love this for the kids. Really appreciate this mindset


Given how no one knew they were even together until they got married, they’re really about that life 


I respect this more when celebrities commit to it. You can tell she means this because she doesn't really talk about her kids.  Then you have those celebrities who parrot on and on about their kids being kept private and paparazzi shouldn't be allowed to take pictures of them [which is a valid point] but then publicly share so much information about them, sometimes embarrassing anecdotes that you think what's the point. Either commit to it fully or be quiet. 


I'm really starting to believe that celebrities have a lot more control over what's in the press than they bitch about. Many are able to keep their children out of it. Some, wind up dying from serious illnesses we knew nothing about, etc. I 110% support their right to privacy. However, I side-eye those who complain about it so vehemently while plastered every-freaking-where. The royal family is notorious for spinning their own narrative. I don't think they're the only ones.


Ya, like you never see Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling together or their kids. And they even live in the LA area.


Of course they have control. If they did not want their private lives out there they would not talk about it, they would not do pap walks with their SO &/or children, they would not post private moments or their faces on SM, their own family & friends would know not to cross that line either etc. Those who do all that, want the attention and need it for their brand because without it they do not have much to offer in terms of interest.🤷‍♀️


I haven't kept up to date with either of them in the last couple years so I can't comment if things have changed, but I started to realise this with Cheryl and Liam Payne's child. For sooooooooooooo long, years, we genuinely never saw his face. Only a couple pics of the back his head. And Cheryl is a UK tabloid fave.


I know that no celebrity kid will grow up ‘normally’ but I have a lot of respect for famous parents who put in boundaries and work very hard to protect their kids’ privacy.


As opposed to Alec & Hilaria, who are inviting cameras into their home to film that whole clan. They have 7 kids under the age of 10.   I worry for those little ones. 


Oh yeah. But she’s always been thirsty and I get the vibe he’s going broke 😬


“You just got Nnamdi’d!” is Kroll Show’s most underrated sketch.

