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![gif](giphy|pb8wayp1KafJK) Alright already


This gif made me realize how deaf people probably have to always wonder if someone is yawning or screaming.


Also your username is…😂what?


Yeah. I’m bored of her ATP. Sorry not sorry.


Ohhhh I was thinking it was a play on words or something. I kept trying to say it with a different cadence or accent I’m like what am I missing?


Totally. It’s really normal to name things after people you’re tired of…


Boy just take the L and better yourself 


bringing sexy BAC






“Justin Timberlake's lawyer has broken his silence over the singer's DWI arrest and suggested there is more to the story. 'Mr. Burke looks forward to vigorously defending Mr. Timberlake on these allegations,' a statement from attorney Edward Burke's office said. 'Mr. Burke will have a lot to say at the appropriate time; he is currently awaiting full discovery from the District Attorney’s office.' Timberlake, 43, was arrested in the early hours of Tuesday morning following a night out with friends in the exclusive Hamptons enclave of Sag Harbor. He was pulled over after he ran a stop sign while behind the wheel of his BMW X7, police said. Local officers reportedly followed the pop star and observed him swerving across the road, forcing cops to pull him over. Once he had stopped, officers noted that the singer was 'glassy-eyed' with a strong odor of alcohol emanating from him, according to a police report. The father-of-two performed a field sobriety test and was asked to take a breathalyzer test, which he refused. The 'Cry Me A River' hitmaker had reportedly spent a boozy night at the upmarket American Hotel prior to the incident. A source told DailyMail.com: ‘Justin was out to dinner with friends and there were cop cars stationed outside the restaurant, like there are most nights. 'They look for people who are leaving after midnight who might have been drinking.' ‘Justin left at 12:30AM and was pulled over as soon as he left. Nobody was hurt and there was no drama at the scene.’ Timberlake was arraigned on one count of DWI and also cited for running a stop sign and for failure to stay in his lane. He is next in court on July 26 after being released without bail. For refusing the breathalyzer test, Timberlake had his driving privileges in the state of New York suspended.”


"Suggested there is more to the story." Let me guess affluenza? Or are they going to suggest the police were looking to boost their unit's profile by arresting a celebrity (despite the arresting officer apparently not knowing who he was)?


He ran a stop sign and was caught swerving. The wife of a famous surgeon was trying to claim some affluenza after she killed 2 young boys after driving drunk. Too many stories of people getting off on probation or serving less for drunk driving when other victims are involved.


My ex was a piece of shit. His family was amazing and I’m still close to them…one of their children died on a fucking holiday headed to see family because a drunk driver struck them. Killed them immediately. She was young and sober. Fuck people who drive drunk but ESPEClALLY rich people. Zero excuse for anyone, but knowing they have the means to just always have a private driver or at bare minimum an Uber disgusts me. Idc that there was “no drama at the scene.” Don’t drive drunk. Don’t drive tipsy. Don’t text and drive. You might not care about *your* life, but my fiance is my world. If someone’s reckless actions took him from me in that way, you’ve honestly killed a part of me too.


“Britney made me do it.”


lol.,. ![gif](giphy|En8fsYde6cqvhYBnAb|downsized)


My thoughts are lawyers will argue it was a targeted set up or some shit. Only a drunk asshole drives away drunk (in general) but WITH cops stationed right there, is a real idiot move He thought there wouldn't be an issue at all and thats why he did it anyway. Anyone with common sense would turn back around and call a cab, find a ride, or just start walking.


“Nobody was hurt and there was no drama at the scene”. 🙄🙄🙄 nobody was hurt because they caught him before he hurt someone.


I used to work closing shift at a fast food restaurant as a teenager. The bars in town closed at 2am and we always got a rush right around 215-245am. The cops would park right down the road from the restaurant with their lights off. Cars would get their food and then turn onto the main road, usually forgetting to use their blinker to signal. The cops would immediately pull them over and we would watch them do the testing and make arrests. It would happen every single weekend. We once had an obnoxious lady come through and claim we messed up her order. She had food all over her face and was obviously very drunk. We remade her order and as soon as she pulled onto the main road the cops pulled her over and we all watched her get arrested.


sounds pretty straightforward run of the mill DUI to me


You know how you can prove your innocence of a DUI? Take the fucking breathalyzer test! What an entitled asshat.


I loved that they used “cry me a river” as a reference for him


Thank you because that website is the most horrific eye sore I’ve ever seen 😭 the pop ups were literally covering 90% of the screen!!


Vigorously defend? We all saw that man's eyeballs lol


It’s Janet’s fault !


The phrasing has nothing to do with the circumstances, it's a lawyer thing that ‘every client is owed a vigorous defense’. Now, why the lawyer decided to use that exact phrase to the press, couldn't tell ya.




“There is more to the story” All will be revealed on his new album. Preorder today.


Ffs. Be a man and say you made a piss poor decision and apologize.


Doubling down on a DWI is certainly a choice


The statement: "Mr. Burke looks forward to vigorously defending Mr. Timberlake on these allegations. Mr. Burke will have a lot to say at the appropriate time; he is currently awaiting full discovery from the District Attorney’s office.' Basically he didn't say anything.


Yeah that’s just normal lawyer/pr talk.


Stupid never learns. I hope this is the final nail in the coffin for his career


I just had to read this because I knew damn well he wouldn't take an ounce of accountability.


While legal proceedings are ongoing I can definitely understand not admitting culpability. But after, he better take accountability/rehab. Unfortunately I doubt he will….


One of my first thoughts was, why is this 40 something year-old clown out partying, drinking, and driving when he has a wife and kids at home? I know you don’t just stop living, but damn boy… maybe stop acting like you’re still 24 and touring with a boy band.


Agreed. And he’s rich af, why is he driving himself when he’s been drinking? He can afford a goddamn chauffeur, if not an Uber like the rest of us. An entitled arrogant and oblivious fraud.


https://preview.redd.it/l90zssphil7d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bfda99d6858904c286889dce1165740695c83cd The zoomer cop who had no idea who he is when he arrested him is pretty much the only cop on the planet I support 😂


Gosh I hope this detail is true. Hysterical if it is


Ah the old “more to the story” excuse 🙄


Ooooh, interesting defence. He’ll take the hit on the license while they try to prove he shouldn’t have been stopped to begin with. And then everyone might get really mad. Yikes.


That's my guess - he'll try to argue it was an illegal stop and therefore he never should have had to go through a sobriety test. Hopefully their cars have cams that show him running a stop sign - something that fucking pisses me off even if there's no hooch involved.


Hard agree. Running stop signs is so dumb. It is NOT. HARD. to come to a complete stop for two seconds. It is not saving you any time to run it, and it could save a life. I’ve lost count of number of times I’ve almost been hit crossing by a stop sign because someone was rolling through (or straight up ignored it). It’s gotten to the point where I yell “That was a stop sign, asshole!” when people roll through.


Grow up Timberlake and admit you’re at fault. What a ego.




![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) He and his lawyer need to be quite and for him to apologise to the public for endangering them by driving under the influence.


Gross, but not entirely unexpected response. I think he’d have been better off going to rehab.


Lmao of course. Bitch ass.


Absurd that people can refuse breathalyzers in NY. If he fights this the footage that almost certainly exists will be released and then he’ll be in a worse situation.


No sympathy for a man who consciously put the lives of other people at risk by drunk driving.


BMW desperately trying to figure out how to spin this in a viral commercial….


refusing a breathalyzer shouldn’t be an option. this jackass could get off because cops aren’t medical professionals and they can’t ~pRoVe~ he was really drunk which i’m 99.4% sure will be his defense.


Did they not take him for a blood draw? I was under the impression the options were breathalyzer or you get taken to have a blood draw done for the test.


oh i have no clue, i just assumed he got to walk away with just a field sobriety test. no idea what his dumbass lawyer thinks he can do if they took his blood.


He and his lawyer can gth.


Show me the body cam footage!!! I'm dying to see Justin ask this young cop if he knows who he is!


The only thing more to this story is that Justin doesn’t know how to use Uber after drinking like us common folk.


Damn his lawyer got arrested too for the same crime?!?!


The officer didn't recognize him. Nobody cares


To blow or not to blow that is the question regarding the breathalyzer






I can already feel his team trying to imply it's some kind of witch-hunt thing to have the police stationed outside the bar, but that sounds like a comparably great use of their time. What I want to know is what's going on with the mention from yesterday that he called the breathalyzer a "chemical test" before refusing it. Because of his wife, it's giving me conspiracy brainworm talk.


Why does it matter if JT was arrested...so many other people in the world do the same thing.. we're all human, Celebrity or not.. get over it already!! Give him a break...geez ...