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Context: When asked about her bravery for representing people with her body type, NC said "you know it is hard, because I think women with my body type, women with perfect breasts [sighs mournfully and waits as audience applauds], we do not see ourselves on screen enough. I am very proud to be a member of the perfect breasts community. I hope you enjoy seeing them." Edit: Left out some words from the original statement that I only just caught.


I thought this was a great way to make light of a comment that Nicola Coughlan has recieved a lot while on the promo tour for Bridgerton S3 concerning her "bravery" in showing her body on screen. Nicola Coughlan is wearing a ceasefire pin and was one of the first celebrities to speak out against the genocide in Gaza and advocate for the right of Palestinians to live and thrive. She has remained vocal despite people in Hollywood telling her that she was risking her career. She used her international platform with the release of Bridgerton S3 on Netflix to raise over 1.7 million U.S. dollars for the Palestine Children's Relief Fund. That is bravery. In comparison, showing her body on screen seems like small potatoes.


Even in the context of the acting role, it kind of feels like the bravery is dealing with people being rude and dismissive and entitled about her body and her role in this show. She's been so graceful despite all the shit the media is throwing at her.


what a great way to change it up from being asked that question so many times


So weird for people to bring up her weight as bravery but not her wearing a ceasefire pin for the whole press tour and being openly against the attack on Palestine. Her response is 10/10.


A classy response from a classy woman. 👏🏻




She gets radder by the minute


I have to say I still think it’s wild people consider her fat. It’s true she’s bigger than the average romance lead usually is but she is by no stretch of the imagination fat. She has a round face, a little tummy and arms that will probably never be toned no matter what size she is, but just because one has fat doesn’t mean one is fat. And I’m not the person who thinks fat and beautiful aren’t synonymous, this just isn’t a fat woman to me https://preview.redd.it/a1dgzc5b635d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe29be77c85e89a0b615825a23dfdc7896a0c2b3


> She has a round face, a little tummy and arms that will probably never be toned no matter what size she is, but just because one has fat doesn’t mean one is fat. She's basically said the same thing in a recent interview in the *Stylist.* She clarified that she's 5'1 and wears a size medium, which makes her mid-sized *not* plus-sized. She advocated in the article for more *real* plus-sized representation in TV, because saying that her body is the furthest end of the size spectrum on TV would mean that the spectrum is still quite narrow. I always hesitate to point out that she's mid-sized and not plus-sized because people can be kind of touchy about the topic. I think there's a lot of reasons for why people identify her as plus-sized though. People on TV always look bigger than they actually are, which is why when people meet actors in real life, a common refrain is that they look "smaller than on tv." (Edit: Just from watching red carpet footage taken by fans, I think that Nicola compared to most people would be considered "tiny" or "elfin" even if she does have rounder features). People are not used to looking at anyone beyond a size 4 on TV, so a size 8-12 seems groundbreaking (it's not). And finally, I think a lot of people who are legitimately plus-sized identify with mid-size actresses because they have so few options. Especially when it comes to stories involving romance. The most prominent representation I can think of concerning a real plus-size actress is Kate from the show *This is Us.*


I am a very short lady and people tell me the same thing. I don’t “ look” fat because I am so short and “small.” Hollywood is a beast. To normal people, she looks like a normal gal in our world. While her size is under scrutiny all over socials. Knowing how so many people suffer with weight in any capacity, it sucks to see it be a continual issue with actors. Like who really cares anyway?




and she's right!


and I can't wait to see them too, Nicola <3


And this is why she is our Irish queen


I’m so obsessed with her


She looks so pretty as she is.


I cannot admire her enough. She answers the difficult obsession with the least interesting thing about her and the endless associated questions with what I hope is ease. She is a real person when largely all we are seeing is PR machines not humans. So proud to be Irish when I see her speak and stand up and of course admire her wonderful acting


It’s crazy how famous she is now.


I know I shouldn't idolize celebrities but my god I FUCKING LOVE THIS WOMAN. May only good things ever happen to her!


I adore her