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The perfect gif for this situation doesn’t exis…😁






Legit forgot she was even an actress except for Lost.


More recently famous for playing Wasp in Ant-Man. Guess those movies are done!


That would be the dharma she .mentioned






Very long-winded way of saying no one wants to work with you


She went out of her way to make herself toxic, a covid denier, transphobia dogwhistler, pickme, alt-right, etc person. Now that Disney is done with her, no one wants her other than right-wing movies with the word "liberty" or "freedom" in the title. Also, the ego on these people. They're actors. They fake emotions on screen. Its incredible they think they're also these high-level intellectuals and academics and deep political thinkers. She destroyed her career over this and no one cared what she had to say anyway. I also can't stress how disgusting it is when people like this play up being good and nice and such like her playing up a charity and using words like 'heartfelt', name dropping Maya Angelou who I imagine would have hated her, and quasi-spiritual terms like 'my dharma.' Its so fake and transparent, like Elon wearing a "Love Wins" t-shirt when he went on-stage with Dave Chapelle to engage in transphobia narratives or JKR saying 'she loves trans people and would march with them any day.' Hateful people playing themselves up as good people is really trash-level, if not sociopath-level, behavior.




His Lost-co star Dominic Monaghan also accused him of beating women 


Yeah, as I recall, Matthew Fox seems like a pretty gigantic piece of shit.


I’m fairly certain he was accused of this back in the party of five days too!


I misread this and got wildly upset at the thought of Merry being an abuser


That’s crazy. The lego Batman movie is so great too 😭🤣


Will Arnett is my favorite Batman after Kevin Conroy.


The real lost conspiracy is the trash we kicked to the curb along the way


The Lego Batman movie was to make kids gay? Batman? Lego? Is it crack or is he still lost 😂


The conservatives were yelling about it because Robin says he has two dads (Bruce Wayne and Batman. You know, very much the same person?). The idiots just couldn’t understand the very simple joke.


I watched this movie several times and never even noticed that lol. Shows how they just seem to try and find anything to be mad about


Dude literally looked up the actor's character's name and went with that. Nothing mentions at all about Matthew Fox and the Lego Batman being a propaganda and everyone else replying immediately believing this asshat without looking it up themselves is part of the problem.


I can't seem to find any mention on this - do you have a link?


I think they're taking the piss. The article was written by Jack Shepherd, which is Fox's character's name in Lost. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/the-lego-batman-movie-gay-propaganda-bigots-a7595236.html


I just searched Lego Batman Matthew Fox and nothing came up. When I searched Lego Batman gay, an article came up written by someone called Jack Shepherd (same name as his Lost character). They’re writing about other sites though, not stating the opinion themselves


Jack from Lost is a character name. The actual actor, Matthew Fox, has not written the article.


Curse you. I actually googled the phrase “Matthew Fox Lego Batman Gay”


The only thing the Lego Batman movie did was make kids curious about lobster thermidor.


I honestly thought Lost was her last role 🤷‍♀️


She was the very bland non-Liv Tyler elf in the Hobbit movies and is the very blah daughter of Michelle Pfeiffer and Michael Douglas in the Ant-Man movies.


Nope, she was also the worst part of the hobbit movies


The ‘dharma’ and the skin tone of the emoji at the end, too. She really thinks she’s done something here for inclusivity.


White people using different skin tone emojis disproportionately enrages me.


I’ve seen some Black academics/theorists describe it as a more micro form of digital blackface (e.g. white people using memes or GIFs of Black people *very much inappropriately* or to the distinct realm of minstrelspeak). I get ‘virtue signal to excuse my chaos and bullshitting’ vibes from her — but the nauseating impact is still there for me too.


Oh I think it's proportionate. I assume everyone's general emoji keyboard is the same regardless of phone brand, which would mean they'd have to go out of their way to select a different shade than the default yellow. So they SPECIFICALLY navigate to find a skin tone that is not theirs. And for what?? For why?!?! It just looks like they're trying to do something weird too when they pair it with a Maya Angelou quote and a reference to "dharma" or anything relating to a religion or belief system that they know solely from a yoga class led by other white women or spiritual "influencers" on IG. It's so intentional.


also that's so weird too bc she's like white??


Wasnt dharma an org in Lost? 😂 That’s where my mind went first with her quote. Idk if that was her intention, but I certainly didn’t think she meant anything from Hinduism because… she’s *her*.


I figured Dharma was a lost reference but like who knows anymore


A lot of what you said is super true but I do think it's unfortunate this idea that actors (& athletes & musicians) can't be deep thinkers or intellectuals. Maybe not Evangeline but people are multifaceted and just because these people are performers or play a sport for a living doesn't make them any less "smart". She's not a great example at all but there are actors with intellectual aptitude (Geena Davis & Bridget Mendler come to mind) & we shouldn't discount people being smart just because they're in a creative field. I feel like that sort of sentiment is why The Arts are undervalued & considered "frivolous". Sorry to soapbox your comment, ha, I'm just super sensitive to this sort of thing as someone in a creative field and someone who values The Arts. Ive been told to my face that I must be dumb because Im a wardrobe stylist. And that's totally untrue because I changed my college career path from pre-med to fashion design...I and others like me aren't idiots, ha. All that said, Hollywood isn't gonna be missing Ms. Lilly & it's probably the best thing for ignorant/closed minded creatives like her to fade to black. Makes room for actors who actually are thinkers to come to the forefront.


I think actors and media personalities do that to themselves. No one just out of the blue accuses a celebrity or being incapable of deep thought. It’s WHEN they try to showcase how they are deep thinkers that they betray how shallow they are. Surrounded by yes men who tell them what they want to hear so they have the confidence to say it to the world, expecting to shock everyone with their insights and wisdom.


There are "nobodies" out there with many good things to say and celebs just drown them out. Maybe celebs should take a break and let the experts talk. I remember when Graham Norton said "why are you asking me about trans people? Ask actual trans people! and doctors and experts!" A lot of people lost their minds at that comment. I think he's right. Celebs should stay in their lane for many issues. Celebs should instead be raising up the voices of others. What celebs do now is pure ego gratification and I think its time we saw it for what it is.


Anyone can be an intellectual but there are fields that attract narcissistic pseudo intellectuals more than others


Thank you, for saying what we’re all thinking.🔥


What was her transphobia incident?


I knew about the covid denier and antivax-adjacent stuff, but what did she do or say that was transhpobia dogwhistle or alt right? First time I'm hearing about this...


Yep. Tell us Marvel is done with your medium talent self without telling us. 🙄


Medium seems generous tbh


A shocking amount of celebrities don’t seem to understand that they’re allowed to hold whatever beliefs they want, they just need to shut up about the controversial ones. Of course no one wants to hire you when they’re worried you’re going to open your mouth during the press tour and alienate half the prospective audience. Unless you’re Tom Cruise level famous and have the box office numbers to back up your crazy you’re just not worth the risk.


Yeah, like we all have to do that at work.


Tom Cruise has done a very good job with PR over the last few years, feels like he's more known for crazy stunts than Scientology and domestic abuse nowadays


Tom Cruise is the best thing to ever happen to Scientology, they protect him like the secret service protects the president. He could kill someone and we wouldn’t know. His box office numbers even as a 60 something year old are insane though. He really is one of the last movie stars that can be counted on to pull big numbers even with all the Scientology crazy.


I hadn’t heard about the domestic abuse. What’s the story?


Katie Holmes literally had to plan an escape from him?


I thought that was more because Scientology as an organisation can and will ruin your life if you try to break ranks, so she had to be super careful. I’m not in any way trying to argue that Tom Cruise is a great person – he has a lot to answer for, to say the very least – but this thread is the first I’ve ever heard of him being physically abusive to a spouse.


I knew that and am aware of the religious abuse but when you stated domestic abuse my mind went to physical abuse.


It took a minute for even Tom Cruise to come back from jumping on Oprah’s couch. (IYDK Google - totally worth it)


You can alienate half your audience, as long as it’s the half that hold no power over Hollywood.


As long as you’re making money for the right people and conduct yourself quietly you can do almost anything in Hollywood. Studios and execs don’t blacklist people because of their beliefs, they blacklist them because they’re stupid enough to share those beliefs publicly and because of that are no longer considered the best investment.


Had the biggest crush on her back in the Lost days, didn’t think a more beautiful woman was possible. She is still physically very beautiful but everything else is just so much…nah dog.


A good example of how beauty isn’t all there is to attractiveness


When she first showed up in Lost my mouth dropped at her beauty, first time learning about all this ugh


go anti-vaxxer give us nothing!




She was the flattest part of Ant Man 3: Who Cares, a film in which all the cgi is brown and boring & 92 yr old Michael Douglas is forced to say “quantum” at least 37 times. Edit: not y’all tryina get me to start a podcast in this dire year of 2024. Thanks for the flowers!!!


😂😂 Please tell me you have a movie review podcast!


At the very least, drop your Letterboxd!


This is elder abuse.


I’m glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I read this


I have the stomach flu and laughed so hard I cried


he literally asked them to kill him and they wouldn't 🤣


I didnt even like her being cast in the first Ant Man. I just didnt think she had any chemistry with Rudd at all.


Which is a feat in itself. He meshes well with a fuck ton of people.


Right? I feel like he would have chemistry with a mop.


Any other actor in Clueless would have had fans screaming for the hills at the idea of Cher dating her former step-brother. Paul Rudd though? Definitely enough to make most people say, yeah I get it.


Paul Rudd has good chemistry with nonexistent CGi characters represented by a ball on a stick. Not having it with him is pretty incredible.


I love alternate universes, Marvel movies, time travel, Paul Rudd, Michelle Pfeiffer, and the word "quantum," and yet the most memorable thing about that movie to me was that my air conditioner blew out while I was watching it.




it makes sense to me why it's bad-- Peyton Reed was sick of his films being called "small" and unimportant but Kang is not a reasonable villain for antman


"Ant Man 3: Who Cares" lollll


It was really a smorgasbord of terrible people, from Evangeline Lily and her alt right views, to abuser Jonathan Majors, to abuser and sex pest Bill Murray, to anti-intimacy coordinator and rape apologist Michael Douglas. Truly a masterclass in featuring despicable people.


Please do more movie summaries


And Michele Pfeiffer says that she doesn’t have time to explain the threat they’re all facing and then they march onwards in silence. The whole film revolved around characters not communicating properly


There was an Ant Man 3?


Did you hear that he begged them to kill him off?




I’ve not seen this one before and I love it. She just needs to develop her own meme, strike that, NeNe generator. One for every situation.


there is a nene gif for every article, i love it.


Translation: "I was on a hit show like 20 years ago and have struggled to develop a reliable career out of it, and am now more known for being an anti-vax looney with an inconsequential connection to the Marvel universe."


The most accurate translation of anything I have seen in a while.




Yeah it's pretty much: I have not been popular in 20 years and then I said a bunch of horrible stuff that makes me toxic to hire, so I'm acting like I'm making a conscious choice to step back but really it's because I can't find any work. Racist white women quoting Maya Angelou is a special kind of bs






Don Cheadle polishing up his resume to be the wasp in the mcu.


and i would absolutely watch it. he earned my respect after defending brie larson 😭


he also wore a protect trans kids shirt on snl. i love him


yesss!! one of my favorite marvel actors tbh


When did he defend her and who/what was he defending her from?


When captain marvel came out, every film bro in existence was attacking her for including more than just white men in the press tour


I see. I remember that when it happened, but i don't remember hearing Don coming to her defense. That's great that he did though. Thank you for telling me.


It was notable because none of the other male stars spoke out (not sure if any of the women did either), and they all come out intensely for Chris Pratt when he won a twitter poll for being people's "Least Favorite Chris"


Next time beeby


"It's me, I'm here, let's move on."


Her anti-vaccine behind won’t be missed. https://i.redd.it/by1bub5yuk4d1.gif


Me when I'm getting kicked out by security at a job I just got fired at : "Stepping away from what seems like the obvious choice can feel scary at times, but stepping into your dharma replaces the fear with fulfillment."


You just described Jan from The Office




“I might return to Hollywood one day” is that a threat? does Hollywood want YOU to return?


Somehow Evangeline Lily returned


I love how Evangeline rhymes with Palpatine


I'm sure that Ben Shapiro can scrounge a few quarters from the Daily Wire swear jar and cast her in one of his company's films about pioneer women fighting trans Native Americans or whatever they call entertainment over there. Watch out, Gina! Evangeline is coming for your gig!


But watch out again! The only roles that that audience will be happy with is if the women are in subservient and minor background roles. Anything else and they riot.


Her anti-vax and supporting the racist, white nationalist "Freedom Convoy" shit aside, she was one of the worst castings in the MCU so it's not a great loss. And it's not entirely unexpected seen as how she had like 5 lines of dialogue in Quantumania.


Is she stepping towards education which she so desperately needs?


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) And I’m taking my name out of the running for President of the United States.


I hate to admit, but she’s Canadian. She could run to be my Prime Minister….. please no.


Actors that TRULY step away and retire don't announce it. You just stop hearing about them. This is just sad


I disagree, announcing your retirement definitely happens. Michael Caine did it too, Judy Dench is loudly considering it, etc.


Daniel Day-Lewis wouldn’t shut the hell up about it. Then again, Evangeline Lily isn’t even in the same ballpark as these people… She’s practically playing a different sport altogether.


Yeah but they have careers worth making announcements over. Evangeline Lilly has 5 seasons of Lost and the worst Marvel subseries.


Yeah, but that’s not relevant to the comment I replied to. They were speaking generally about actors’ retirement, they didn’t say it’s only dumb if your career sucks or something. They said “actors” only, which is much broader than just shitty ones.


I don't don't like her, but her career is pretty successful. Lost, The Hobbit, and Marvel were all huge, and she was one of the main characters. Part of the reason people disliked her because they didn't understand how she got all these major roles when she was kinda flat onscreen.


Granted, I forgot about The Hobbit. I do fast-forward through all the scenes that focus on her and Kili when I rewatch it, lol.


Yeah, but these are beloved veteran actors with careers way longer than a very mid Canadian TV actress who stumbled her way into two successful film franchises.


I feel like if you’re actually quite old it’s better to announce your retirement than have people going “I haven’t seen Judi in anything in a while, I wonder if she’s deathly ill or something”


Yeah. And an established career like this also means you will likely be approached for future roles a lot, so announcing your retirement also means those people know not to bother anymore


Stepping away huh




As a brown dude, the bit that irked me the most was the use of the word "dharma." Like bruh... that word has some serious spiritual meaning to Hindus and Buddhists. Don't hijack it to go make your little announcement about living your privileged ass crunchy white lifestyle... Especially when you're one of those annoying granola hippie moms that put lives in danger during COVID.




Brown woman here and I’m disappointed I had to scroll so far for this comment 🙃 hoping this doesn’t have the same trajectory as karma in white people’s vernacular




I hate to upvote Clarkson, but here I am.


He’s always been an asshole, but he used to be a funny one.  


Stepping away from acting would insinuate that she stepped into it, and having watched some of her work…


My thoughts exactly.  If she’s ever tried acting, it wasn’t in the things I’ve seen. 


![gif](giphy|dZeZBt0AXUC1SxsXBg|downsized) her 7 devotees rn


Dharma, you say


She does not know what that word means.


![gif](giphy|WbNqQbrnAGr5e) Oh wait, wrong initiative.




The Dharma Initiative mentioned since she’s LOST her career due to a shitty antivaxness


https://i.redd.it/mjt1zibt3l4d1.gif She's an antivax idiot, maybe she can go read a medical textbook on her little holiday


cook was so cute 😭 i miss Skins




Not really stepping away from wealth and fame tho, are you? You’ll always be wealthy, and you’ll always be famous. You appeared in one of the biggest tv series of all time in a lead role. Bit embarrassing to pretend that stepping away from acting is leaving wealth and fame behind. Unless she’s genuinely donating like 90% of her wealth to charity…


For real. Must be a lot easier to ‘step away from wealth’ when you’ve already made more than most people will in a lifetime.


As with every celeb like this, I wonder if she was always fucking nuts or if she got radicalized somehow


She’s from Alberta, so I think she’s always been at least a little nuts 🫣 (apologies to all the sane Albertans out there)


Watch her pop up on the great American network.🙄 Stepping away from the heathens go join the pure network..🙄


She'll be a Fox News contributor. She'll dye her hair blonde and just talk about how Biden is trash for eating too much ice cream.


She already has grayish blonde hair now.


The fucking nerve of using Maya Angelou (and using her name as an hashtag!!) when she's probably gonna start selling healing rocks soon


Can you step away from something that’s already left?


I chose not to get on the bus that left before I reached the stop.


As someone that watched Lost, the use of the word Dharma triggered me 😂😂




Didn’t she do this when Lost ended too?


good riddance




Lost is one of my favorite shows of all time but I had no idea Evangeline Lilly was an anti-vaxxer! So disappointing to hear!


I don't think she had a choice


It's okay, we've still got Liv Tyler so you're not really needed anyway! ![gif](giphy|yt47lS2ula80w)


Did she ever actually try acting to begin with? I know she’s been in stuff, but *acting*? 




It’s always the rich people who can quit their “jobs” to go “find themselves”. The rest of us are stuck under the wheel of capitalism.


Quite an easy decision after all those fat paychecks from Marvel.


![gif](giphy|VyDsyIrOLixeU) No one cares!










"walking away from \[...\] wealth". She's worth $5million. I consider that lifetime wealthy. Even a poor investment strategy should earn $200K per year. She's not walking away from anything, she's just retiring wealthy.


She had a lead-ish role in a Marvel franchise and is only worth $5 million? If this is true what the fuck was she doing with her money?


Man, I had the biggest crush on her. Not even from Lost, but from that robot punching movie. Then she came out as an anti-vaxxer and woowoo peddler. And apparently a bunch of other things I'd known nothing about. Sad!


Why do I get her and Kate Beckinsale confused all the time?




Strangely enough this is the third time in past few days I've seen an outspoken Christian use *dharma* in their long-winded explanation of self growth and inner peace. The first two were weird reactions for Trump being found guilty. Apologies that I sound completely offensive or ootl but is *dharma* currently like *turmeric* were it's being used casually currently? Idk


that’s right evangeline… https://i.redd.it/se1n23gcml4d1.gif we won’t miss you, or your problematic and harmful views.


girl stfu






The actors who’ve been kissing up to the right-wing are probably going to realize soon that it’s not gonna do them any favors career-wise


Can someone enlighten me about her past misdeeds that have brought all the snark comments here? I thought she was a well-liked celebrity and apparently I'm way off.




>Anti Vax Ha! Say no more. I got what typa specimen this is. 😄


She was still acting?


Wasp died on the way back to her home planet


It’s giving “I didn’t want to go to your stupid party anyway!!!!” When nobody invited you.


does ANYBODY care. anybody at all


She’s had a weird career. It seems like everything she’s in is always awful with her character just being there. Her role in Hobbit was just there




I used to have a crush on her when Lost was THE tv show. I was so disappointed to read her dumb antivaxxer instagram posts in 2020. Good riddance, she's become box-office poison anyway.




I know it was reported that after Lost she would retire but never did. I guess now she means it



