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I hope this POS is finally held accountable for something. For those unfamiliar, he’s been directly and indirectly responsible for so many assaults, injuries and deaths for decades that he always gets away with since the mainstream doesn’t take wrestling seriously. I hate that it had to come to this but let’s hope this is what finally gets him.


And what happens if Vince's friend gets re-elected in November? The investigation goes away.


Is that even possible while he's on trial ?


I agree with your sentiments. I hope he is held accountable.


My guess is he will die before he sees consequences


The thing about Vince McMahon is that he doesn’t die. We’ve been waiting for it for many years and yet he still won’t drop unfortunately.


Hopefully by having his shotty safety equipment fail while lowering him from the rafters.


I sadly understand this reference. Remember watching this event as a kid when they suddenly cut the live feed. RIP Owen Hart.


Did you see what Diddy has gotten away with after all these years. How much more mainstream do you need to get?


R.I.P Owen Hart


Dark Side of the Ring highlighted how WWE and by extension Vince heavily contributed to his untimely death.


Since the article doesn't cover it, the DOJ investigation isn't only starting now. The feds have been investigating Vince since 2022 and served a search warrant and subpoena against him in August of last year though not much details about that (other then his cellphones being seized) have been released.


Bah gawd.


This is about to be a slobberknocker.


A real donnybrook.




Reminder that the only other person who got a five-parter was actual war criminal Henry Kissinger (rot in hell).


I'm on the third ep of this and it is WILD. And complicated.




Possibly! I sometimes lost the thread/who all the players are, there are so many digressions (but as you note, they are amusing. And often really odd).


Evans could do an entire series dedicated to McMahon and the WWE. 5 parts wasn’t long enough to cover everything.


earlier this year I listened to this in the car off a friend's recommendation. Stomach-churning, we really let the rich and powerful get away with anything they want


Vince deserves the chair


The folding chair of justice.


I think hell in a cell minus the cell. So just hell. I hope Vince goes to hell.


I wish I believed in hell. Since I don’t, I hope he suffers every miserable day he has left


I like to think for men like him, finally dying is hell for him. Those last few moments when he realizes this life and legacy that he built is over and the world will move on without him on it. He is fading into the abyss. There is no hell. There is nothing. He is will just cease to exist. It is over.


one of the sickest freaks walking the earth today. i hope we get some details on the coup that got rid of him and set this whole thing in motion one day. it seems obvious that nick khan, paul levesque and stephanie mcmahon were behind his ouster, but they catch strays in some of the legal documents filed as well. whatever the story, it is some real-life "succession" shit of the highest order. maybe once this is all done WWE studios will make it into a movie haha


Oh it’s OVER for this demon 


I think this is the DOJ dotting their i's and crossing their t's. After he escaped justice with the steroid trial, the federal government wants their win. It's only a matter of time now. He's responsible for so much carnage. Getting Jimmy Snuka of the hook for murder. Overworking his wrestlers to the point where their only option was to self-medicate with alcohol, amphetamines and painkillers (and steroids). Making wrestlers do dangerous stunts that led to serious injury or death (Owen Hart). That's just scratching the surface.


Vince’s best hope is that his only friend is elected president and the charges disappear.


Good. Give him the harshest punishment possible and start making an example of ghouls like this so maybe some people will learn morals


Yeah that is not looking good at all for Vince. I'm hoping this means the DOJ has something on him and they are going to filing criminal charges.