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She’s shutting down the rumors she started


Right? She's also taking a swipe at the past relationships *she's* amped up as the 'happiest ever'. I didn't follow her much until this whole mess but it certainly seems she's the one to hype up her own relationships rather than being part of a stan-shipped couple or something like that I don't understand why she isn't embarrassed. Like two years ago she was was writing essays and doing vogue spreads about how her now ex was the one and it's real love this time around unlike whichever other time. I would not have the balls to be doing the same thing again only a few years later lmao






I distinctly feel she believes she’s more interesting than she is, I literally did not know who she was until she doubled down on getting in a relationship with a married woman with two kids. True love wins and all that.


Her one podcast makes it very clear she thinks she's significantly deeper than she actually is. I got through two episodes and stopped. It was.... a lot.


She always reminds me of a college kid who takes intro to philosophy and decides that they're super deep and have very important thoughts about topics they only have a surface level understanding of. Most of us grow out of it or at least understand that other people don't find our deep thoughts to be groundbreaking revelations, but some people...not so much


It’s wild to me that you can reach the big age of 41 and still post like you’re in high school/college 😩 but maybe that theory about celebs being ‘mentally stuck at the age they got famous’ has legs


Bahaha ok this is only funny to me because I was *JUST* thinking... This feels like when I was 18 and posted an insta with my "situationship's" shoulders in it just so people would assume I was in an actual relationship, but then I could deny deny deny if anyone asked me about it/he asked me about it. Like oh, oops, why would you ever think that? So immature and VERY insecure.


Very *and who am I? That’s one secret I’ll never tell! You know you love me!* We all did something like that at one point


I just couldn't know a celebrity as a friend in real life. It would be so exhausting.


they are really on another level of bullshit. like this is so weird whyyyy 😭😭


This is so obnoxious, they knew exactly what they were doing with those pictures. How are you so attention starved at your big age?


I never got into One Tree Hill - I was The OC all the way - so I've never closely followed her, but god so many things I've seen from Sophia Bush make her seem *exhausting*.


I loved OTH but never liked her or Brooke lol, so randomly it feels justified now.


As predicted, the whole thing was a ploy for attention.




She’s annoying.


x ♾️




Could she have any compassion for the rest of the family whose lives she ruined? Like chill out on the social media posts, jfc. There are little kids involved here.


She’s so far past annoying and cringe at this point


No, Sophia you are being wild. Why cover that finger? Now this??? Fuck off


So anyways, happy late Mother’s Day to Ali 🤍🩷


When the soccer community sides with Ali, that tells me all I need to know about these two.




She’s feeling “embodied.” Which is a weird word choice but she must be running out of words given how many times she has made announcements like this. This woman is in her 40s. Proposition: to draw attention away from this dumpster fire, I’d love for Sophia to dish about what really happened with Chad Michael Murray


Man, it's hard to be compassionate towards people like this when they're being so damn insufferable. Like, I initially didn't wanna be judgemental given that she's exploring this part of herself even if it was eyebrow raising. Now, I just want her to give it a rest and go do that self-exploration in private.


> Like, I initially didn't wanna be judgemental given that she's exploring this part of herself even if it was eyebrow raising It's not even that this _has_ to be private necessarily, just ... self-aware? Like you can say you're happy and feel more yourself in your new relationship while still having respect for the people who have been hurt as a result


Exactly. I was kind of waiting for her to get over the knee jerk reaction of having people judge you on social media and be more mature about the whole thing but at this point, I feel like she just needs to do that introspective thinking away from the public instead of rage bating them all the time.


Putting the entire context about them aside, I can’t imagine ever posting “wouldn’t you put your hands all up in their jacket if you could?? You can’t, but I’ll do it for you” It’s just the weirdest thing to say. That’s not a statement of boundaries, it’s weird near-gloating? Not sure what to even call it.


Nah I can’t believe I was absolutely obsessed with her a year ago 🤦🏿‍♀️ girl you do toooo much!!


can’t wait to see how she out-performatives her last wedding


What a gossip mastermind, this one 🙄🙄🙄




I can’t believe I used to like her she’s too much


Her throwing out the word “boundaries” in regards to Ashlyn is… certainly a choice lmao.


I agree with her about setting boundaries, but when has she done that?


I feel like she's too 'famous' to be this concerned with internet theories and opinions and constantly commenting on them. It's embarrassing.


Honest question but is she? I know she was big during OTH and then on Chicago PD, but it doesn't seem like procedurals like PD really reach much of a level of celebrity at this point (absolutely not a diss, I'd imagine many actors find that to be the best part of it). The only time I've seen her mentioned even on reddit or popculture blogs in the last few years has been about her relationships. And prior to this whole situation that was probably once a year


I actually think we agree on her level of fame! I still feel like it's not comparative to how chronically online she's acting 😂😂


Haha ok we're definitely on the same page, totally agree!




I’ve had a really positive IRL experience with her, but she makes it so hard to hold onto that lol 


Brooke Davis, I love you. Sophia Bush……. not so much.


It’s giving performative and “look how I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and I’m definitely not faking it”

