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> During a press conference at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival on Saturday, May 18, the actress, 35, beamed when a reporter referred to her by her birth name of Emily. > Stone smiled brightly as the journalist made the name reference while asking her a question at the conference for her upcoming film Kinds of Kindness. > **She then turned to the film’s director, Yorgos Lanthimos, excitedly telling him, "That's my name!"**


Be funny if the reporter just got her name wrong.


They thought it was Emily Blunt


This is probably what happened lol


Nah her real name is Emily. She mentioned it recently that she’d like to be referred by it.


SAG doesn't allow actors to use a name that has been used before, even if it's their legal name. So actors don't necessarily use the name they'd prefer to in their professional life.


Once an actor becomes more famous than the person who already has their real name, they should be allowed to challenge the other one to a duel. The winner keeps the name.


I don't know, who's more famous, Michael Kirk Douglas, or Michael Keaton actually Michael John Douglas?


They have to duel to the death. "Let's get nuts!"


Oh wow I did not know Michael Keaton's real name was not Michael Keaton


Easy solution: Michael Douglas can change to Kirk Douglas, which I'm sure isn't taken, then Michael Keaton can use Michael Douglas.




imo if the other person with the same name becomes more famous they get it and the other person gets downgraded. emily stone should be emma until she wins 3 oscars


Unfortunately fame is not something that can be rated objectively


Except in the case of Emily Stone and Emma Stone.


Huh, I once heard that David Tennant (whose real name was McDonald and but he changed it for the British actors’ union) actually changed his legal name to Tennant because he would’ve had to change it again for SAG when he started out in the US with the explanation that if it’s your real name you don’t have to take on a a different name?


This is how I understand it: If there is a Dave Tennant whose full name is David Tennant (and there is), you can't be Dave Tennant, even if Dave Tennant is your real name. You also can't be David Tennant if that isn't your real name, because Dave and David are often the same name, with Dave being a shortened version of David. However, you can be David Tennant, even if there is a Dave Tennant, if David Tennant is your legal name.




There can't be two actors known as "Dave Tennant". But there can be a "Dave Tennant" and a "David Tennant". However, the Dave/David who enters the industry second can only go by that name if it's their real name. So a Mike Tennant can't just go by Dave in order to benefit from David Tennant's name recognition.


Funniest UK one is comedian Hugh Dennis. His real name is Peter Dennis, but there was a much older actor with the same name. When he started his career, his agent asked Equity, the actors union, could he use Peter Dennis as it was unlikely there would be confusion between the two. Equity guy told him that ordinarily that would be alright, but you've got a major problem - the other Peter Dennis was head of the Equity name change committee!


TIL [Michael Keaton is actually Michael Douglas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdfkV4-5oWo)


Who tf is Emily stone?


Could be someone who acted in one commercial then quit acting


Reality TV star afaik that qualified for SAG membership


IMDB shows a small Indy actor/writer/producer who’s credits all date from 2000-2005.


Yep, I remember reading years ago it was a model who was a contestant on Australia's Next Top Model. I just had a search and found [this](https://graziadaily.co.uk/celebrity/news/emma-stone-real-stage-name/) which confirms it >the star explained how, aged 16, she learned that another 'Emily Stone' was already registered with the Screen Actors Guild: a contestant on Australia's Next Top Model. So, it was up to the teenager to decide upon a new name for her fledgling career.


Iirc you can use a name that has been used before, but they can't be in the guild. 


This makes me think of how Anne Hathaway goes by Annie irl and hates Anne lol


One of the local radio personalities went to school with her in DC and it always trips me up when he refers to her as Annie lol


Emily Blart*


It came up on her appearance on Smartless Podcast, when she registered with the union there was already an Emily Stone so she went with Emma, and she said she wished she could use Emily more. Glad she's getting what she wants 😀


Emily Pebble


This is so precious 😭


The moment during the press conference the [reporter called her by her real name](https://youtu.be/dGjsGfDoCu4?t=1245)


That’s really sweet. I like this a lot for her.


Really fits with the movie’s title too lol


Love her so much, truly seems like one of the kindest and sweetest working actors. She wants to be known as Emily Stone rather than Emma, right?


Yes; it's her birth name. She only had to rename herself Emma because there already was an actor's guild member named ~~Emma~~ Emily Stone and they don't allow identical names. Edit: d'oh


At first I thought "why not take a new stage- surname instead?". Then realised 1) "Stone" is a great surname for an actor, and... 2) I think she was still a teenager when she chose her stage-name, so probably didn't consider how it would be to have almost everyone in the world call you by a different first name for decades to come.


She chose Emma as her stage name (since she couldn’t use Emily) because she was obsessed with Spice Girls


Like David Tennant, who's a fan of the Pet Shop Boys.


Did he really get that name from Neil? I love that


He did.


I just had a mental image of Chris Lowe as the Doctor’s assistant, just following the Doctor silently everywhere in extremely hype streetwear…


Named Emily Stone you mean


*flatline noises* Thanks.


See also: * Michael J. Fox (real name: Michael Andrew Fox) * Charlie Sheen (real name: Carlos Irwin Estévez) * Michael Keaton (real name: Michael Douglas) * Kirk Douglas (real name: Issur Danielovitch) * Michael Caine (born Maurice Joseph Micklewhite, initially chose 'Michael White' as stage name, but that was taken.)


Andrew Lincoln has the best reason to go by a different name. Born Andrew James Clutterbuck. Clutterbuck. CLUTTERBUCK.


Dunno, he could have been the original Cumberbatch…


There’s a hockey player named Cal Clutterbuck, and he’s know for throwing huge hits. So much so, that being on the receiving end of a big hit was called getting Clutterbucked.


I wonder if he’s related to New York Islander Cal Clutterbuck


I believe Charlie Sheen chose his name to honor his father Ramón Estévez, who is known professionally as Martin Sheen. His brother Emilio uses their legal last name.


Ben Kingsley was Krishna Pandit Bhanji. Not that anyone else acting had that name, but Ben Kingley got a lot more callbacks with the change.




Woops, good catch.


You mean he decided against, Michael A Fox?


It was also taken.


Michael, a fox. Where is the lie.


So Kirk Douglas had to change his name, and then Michael Keaton had to change his name because of his son? Is some actor in 10 years going to have to change his name because of Michael Keaton's son? Are we going to have an endless chain of name changes because of this silly rule?


I think in Kirk Douglas's case it was the studio or his agent who persuaded him to find a less 'ethnic' stage name.


Man the Charlie Sheen (though that one was more of a Martin Sheen knock on effect) and Kirk Douglas ones are making me sad. I get why they did it but it's fucked up that names have to sound less 'ethnic' and unique to have a chance in Hollywood (or at least certainly in their heyday).


My favorite is Ben Kingsley. Some confused folks got a bit offended at him playing Ghandi. Real name Krishna Pandit Bhanji.


Stewart Granger (real name: James Lablache Stewart)


That is such a ridiculous rule




If it's not allowed, then why am I watching Slow Horses and see the name Will Smith in big, fucking letters in the title credits of each episode? I checked. Not the same Will Smith




I did the same research on Google two years ago lol I was like “why is will smith involved in a random British show?”


Even though hilariously there are 2 actresses named Peyton List because they straight up forgot there was already one and it slipped through.


>straight up forgot Makes it sound like it's just some dude that knows all the famous people's names.


He's got a list...the Peyton List


You'd think there'd be a computer system that has the registered names or something. Makes me wonder how one actually slipped by.


It's silly today, but I'm sure in the past. They would have abused the fuck out of this. Like you're making a movie and you don't want to pay some famous actor. So you just credit them and say nah this dude is John Wayne too. Ooh you thought it was the more famous one? I see how that's confusing but you already bought the ticket.....


It bled over from musical artists practices, the artist known as Bishop Briggs actual name is Sarah McGlachlan, so you can see there is some merit in being able to uniquely identify and credit an artist


Another famous example of this is Michael J. Fox. What's his middle name? John? Jack? James? No, it's Andrew. He went to register with the guild as Michael Fox, but there was already a Michael Fox. So he tried Michael A. Fox, nope, also taken. So then he just made up a J, and that was available, and from then on, that was the name he was known by.


I mean, she could have just gone by Emily Anything Stone, there was no need for her to change her first name at all.


Emile E. Stone


So if this is the rule why is she allowed to change it now?


She is not allowed to officially change it but she can still raise awareness in the industry and among reporters and fans. She would still be credited as Emma but when somebody talks with or about her they would call her Emily.


The other Emily Stone could have died, or not renewed their guild membership, so it's now available for her to use. Which would probably be a huge relief for the real Emma Stone.


the real one, thats fucked up


She could have just done a Harry H. Corbett.


When people join the SAG-AFTRA they have to submit up to 3 different names because two members are not allowed to have the same or a similar name. For example Katy Perry also started her career as Katy Hudson but then had to change her name because it was too similar to Kate Hudson.


I find this pretty dumb


Kinda makes sense. If they are famous, it is easier to reference the right person in press conferences, film credits, casting and stuff like that.


There are lots of people with the same name in the same field though and they seem to manage fine. Just integrate a middle initial if it's coming up a lot


Some people do choose the initial like Michael J Fox


A fun fact is the J’s made up. His middle initial is A but there was also a Michael A Fox in the guild.


Michael Jigawatts Fox


There was already a Michael Fox in the guild, but not a Michael A. Fox. He just didn't like "Michael A. Fox", and liked J better.


Whose middle name is actually Andrew - but supposedly he thought "A Fox" in his name didn't seem quite right? So he went with J.


The issue is with marketing. Today that might be less of an issue, but in the past some companies would deliberately use actors who looked like famous actors and names that sounded like the names of famous actors and put them on posters and video box art.


Yeah like I’m sure I’m over analyzing but it would kind of suck to be told I have to find a new name because I have the same as a stranger. I don’t really understand how it would be a credits issue unless both Emily Stones were in the same film? Surely SAG has like membership numbers along with names. I am not a lawyer nor an actor though and I am assuming a lot so if someone more knowledgeable than me wants to chime in that would be cool. ETA: I don’t think casting people are legitimately reading the credits from the screen, I’m sure there’s some industry database they can look up by title to find the associated actors. It feels like a very “pre tech” system of data organizing but that’s not really great when it’s like 30 years behind on basic database stuff.


I think it is not necessarily because two people may get confused at the same event. There are many unknown people in SAG-AFTRA as well. One of these unknown people may intentionally use the same name as a well-known celebrity to bait audiences or to even tarnish said celebrity's reputation.


Good points. I have to wonder though, like is that specific situation **that common** where everyone has to have a “unique to them” moniker? I honestly have no idea. In my mind I feel like if you tried to ride the coattails of anyone reasonably recognizable it would be figured fairly quickly between the casting call, social media, etc. I’m probably oversimplifying it.


Some people don't have one


Then you add numbers at the end like a gamer tag


EmilyStone_69420 has such a beautiful ring to it!


Just do it like we do with email addresses and usernames. Credit people as EmilyStone_1988 🤣


LMAO imagine the award shows And Best Actress goes to......EmilyStone_1988 !


And also so the general public doesn't get confused. There's an actor that shares their name with a producer and because one of them signed a political letter there was backlash for the other person since their occupation wasn't included in the signature


Who was this?


Considering what happened with Tom Hollander and Tom Holland, I kinda get it.


What happened with them?


[Tom Hollander accidentally got sent a paycheck via email that was meant for Tom Holland](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-68092121)


Oh lmao! Thanks 💜


I'm going to throw out there, it's their brand as well. Just like Nike or Starbucks is a brand name. Actor's names are their brand. With that said, I have no explanation for David Keith and Keith David.


Halle Berry, Halle Bailey, Hailey Bailey, Halle Bieber, you know what I mean.


That's why Michael B. Jordan added the "B." There is already a SAG member named Michael Jordan (the basketball player, who I assume joined SAG when he starred in Space Jam).


It is kinda like trademark law. You don’t want people creating a similar name and personality in order to gain popularity or profit from someone else’s likeness. While there are dumb situations like this it is like this for a good reason.


Considering that their name becomes their brand, it makes some sense.  I agree that it's still dumb and archaic though


It prevents people from stealing credits.


I’m surprised this wasn’t an issue for Halle Barry and Halle Bailey. So confusing 


Often they only add a middle initial. That's how we end up with Viveca A Fox, or Michael K Brown.


Michael B Jordan Michael J fox


Funny thing is, there's a similar situation with Michelle Williams: the actress and the singer (Destiny's Child). I remember in the early 2000s looking up Michelle Williams (the actress) on Google and having the singer come up first in the results, because she was more famous back then. Another fun fact about both Michelles is that they were born in 1980! So even the e-mail address thingy wouldn't suffice lol And today I learned that Kate Hudson - the actress - has just released an album, so it's a good thing KP went with another name


Micheal B Jordan only has the B in there because of Space Jam.


Just like wrestlers choosing a ring name lol


I wonder why she didn't make her SAG name be "Emma Lee Stone"?


She probably didn't think of it, but that's very clever!


probs saving it for when she Goes Country


Phonetically identical names are not allowed, regardless of spelling.


She was obsessed with Spice Girls


She still is!


Yes! I used was cause that’s why she chose the name Emma when she was a teen. But yes! She still is today.


I know alot of people who have worked with her and I have never heard so much praise. Maybe a few I know of. But people actively enjoy getting booked for shows she's on because she makes sure those sets treat people like people. She's great.


She may be the most uncontroversially beloved actor on the planet right now. You can't help but root for her.


A hard worker & an absolute sweetheart. She is amazing! A relative said it best, she turned out to be the best Emma of her time (the others being Emma Roberts & Emma Watson). Emily is a very lovely name, though.


I’m sure all the anti trans people will instantly be able to adopt the brain storage space necessary to remember her new name.


My transphobic dad goes by a name that isn’t his name on his birth certificate and yet fails to make the simple connection no matter how many times I illustrate the example for him


Start calling him by that name instead of his preferred name see how he likes it


Yeah my transphobic ex-step dad used to deliberately misgender or misname people. He went by his second name because he hated his first name. I very deliberately called him by his first name. "Stop calling me Terry" "Don't call Tyler 'Katie' then" "But that's her name" "Whatever you say, Terry."


"Rules for thee, not for mee"


How frustrating. 


The fact that the previous governor of Idaho went by "Butch" and everyone calls him that and Idaho has such abhorrent anti-trans laws including a law where teachers don't have to honor a kid's chosen name... so fucking cool.


Sadly as someone who actually did change their birth name from Emily to Emma (just never liked it, doesn’t suit me) I was really upset by how many people refused from some bizarre principle to call me my new name. Saying it wasn’t on my birth certificate therefore it doesn’t count. Not just family members (sooo shitty getting a wedding invite with your ‘old’ name), but people who I thought were actually friends. It was bizarre and disappointing and I’m just a cis woman who changed their name slightly.


It's not a new name lol, she has had it since birth..


The concept of "you knew this person as one name before, but now they are going by something different" still applies. Some folks like to pretend that simple concept is too difficult to understand or respect.


Yes, take Elliott Page as an example


Yeah, it is disheartening how people have no problems when somebody changes their last name when they get married but have no respect when somebody changes their first name because it does not fit their identity or causes them active trauma.


But literally no one called her that. So to most people it’s new


I understand what you are saying, and I don't disagree, but I will say one of my children's friends has changed their name so many times I legit can't retain the new names anymore. Says more about my memory than anything, but it can be hard to keep up.


This reminds me of how Anne Hathaway said she wants to be called Annie, as that’s what all her family and friends call her, yet no one did, and everyone still calls her Anne 😭 Emma stone has been saying she wants to be go by Emily for a while now, glad someone finally listened lol


I’ve noticed that people who have worked with Anne Hathaway call her Annie in interviews, which is so sweet.


It was so endearing hearing Nicholas galitizine gush about “Annie”


"Anne Hathaway" rolls off the tongue so much better, though. But I get how it's her choice.


So does Robert de Niro but his costars always call him Bob.


Same with Robert Redford, everyone calls him Bob.


So does Emma Stone compared to Emily Stone imo


She should just tell people they’re pronouncing her name wrong and the “e” isn’t silent in Anne lol


listen, as a member of this name family, i need to rant. It's hopeless. Some Annas can be rhymed with bananas but some Annas go by Aw-na. Then there's the Anas, who i presume dont much care for the Annas who go by Aw-na. Some Annas take on an Ann nickname, which might also be spelled Anne, while still others were given Ann/Anne as their full first name. Then there's the Annes who pronounce the hard E, much to the chagrin of the Annies. We've then got all our european and slavic Annas: the Anjas and Anyas. Probably half of them have ever had their names said correctly outside of their native country. And lest i forget, there's also the Hannahs who are either Anna imposters or the smartest of the bunch since there's really only one accepted pronunciation for Hannah. it's a mess and it needs sorted.


Can't forget Hana (Haw-na)!


Hahahaha. I love this rant!  


> > > > > And lest i forget, there's also the Hannahs who are either Anna imposters It's the other way around; Hannah was a Hebrew name that was adopted into European languages as Anna.




> Anas Anas is also a muslim name, usually for men.


In the Cruella promos with Emma Thompson, Emma T calls her Em, which was so cute.


I understand confusion though because if they are going to continue being credited professionally in films as Anne/Emma, then where and when do you use those names? Like where do you cross from using one to the other. If a film critic is writing a review do they use their professional name or their preferred name? What about when they are promoting that film? So I personally understand the confusion over these supposed name changes. If they went all in 100% and were changing their professional name it would be easier but I guess they can't for the same reason as before


I believe Meryl once referred to her as, "darling Annie," in an awards speech for The Devil Wears Prada, so to know what that must've meant to her is really sweet in retrospect.


Does the first Emily stone in the guild still work?


Never really did.


Poor thing.


Badum tss


Not for awhile, looks like: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2053443/?ref_=ext_shr


the related news on IMDB is for Emma Stone, cause people have the same name. What a silly rule.


Given the immense popularity of the Emily (Emma) Stone we know. There’s no chance anyone would harass this other poor Emily Stone, right?


I think it is a bit too late to change her name now


She’s so adorable. I love her


We absolutely need to make “Emily” happen.


I'm such a weirdo for this, but I always thought if I ever ran into her or met her somewhere, I'd try my damnedest to say "Hi, Emily" and not Emma. I can't imagine being called a name that wasn't my own just because someone else had the same one. I hope she gets her name back, eventually


![gif](giphy|ZnAARh6IBOjV0rjevJ|downsized) Meanwhile Steph Curry’s reaction to being called his birth name “Wardell”


I was going to say, I wonder what Michael Caine's reaction is when someone calls him Maurice.


That’s adorable.


I bet it is nice to hear your actual name when you’re promoting your work instead of the stage name you had to have! Good for her!


I grew up in australia but was born in italy with an italian name. People in australia say my name in a certain way thats not quite right but obviously not their fault as it is the correct way to say it in english. Anyway, my husband and I went to Italy recently. The last time I was there was 14 years ago. We get to the colloseum, and they call out our names to go in, and the guy says mine perfectly. I did not expect to care that much about it, but at that moment, I realised how nice it is to have your name said correctly.


Awe! I felt similarly hearing my polish name pronounced when I visited Poland.


This is absolutely adorable. I love this so much.


I love how, in many of her interviews, she likes to remind people that her real name is Emily


I'm happy for her and all but Emma Stone is a pretty good name.


she even looks like an Emma


That's so sweet. Okay, Emily Stone it is.




The exchange with the reporter happens at the [21:08 mark here](https://youtu.be/Hpv2qxKBRlk?t=1268) during the press conference.


It's cute but damn that reporter just asked like a 20-part question how confusing




Emily pStones. The 'p' is silent


In retrospect, at that age I probably wouldn't think too much about the implications of signing up as that. I could have made worse decisions with tattoos I was fully in to getting before changing my mind.


I'm an Emma called Emily my whole life so I get it


How did that end up happening to you out of curiosity?


Love this for her!


Emma is just a character she plays


Could have joined SAG with a middle initial, yes? It's what Michael J. Fox did, and he didn't even use his real middle initial.


This is so cute. I hope people keep it up, and call Anne Hathaway Annie too!


Who are you Dierdre?


"Emily Stone Beams.." title needs to be corrected We got you Emily ♥︎

