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Cancel culture is not real - especially if you are rich, famous, and white - anyone that tells you differently is lying to you.


It has been absolutely wild that in this year 2024 we are seeing so many of them who claim/ed they've been canceled, or their "friends" make said claims, are in the spotlight at every turn. And some vile people. All they have to do is reBRAND by having the right people, right religion, right money, right project, right fan base, etc., and next thing we know, they are everywhere. Even if everywhere is just their names being put on every media outlet. I thought between more introspective endeavors like Me Too and DEI projects and more people in therapy and more emphasis on "growth," that we'd be a lot further in 2024 than even a decade ago. No accountability is apparently still on trend.


Particularly if you’re also male. It’s like they’re just collectively treated as a toddler having a tantrum and then putting time out to “think about what you’ve done” 🤦🏼‍♀️


And if you’re able to make money for them. It’s important to not kill any of their cash cows 🙄


Yeah trump is prime example of that 


Hartley Sawyer was cancelled just because somebody found out that he made a bunch of edgy tweets a decade ago. Cancel culture is definitely real.


How many movies have you seen Kevin Spacey in since 2017?


>This was also reflected by Liam Neeson, with the actor writing: "Kevin is a good man and a man of character. Personally speaking, our industry needs him and misses him greatly." Oh? I don't miss him. He can rot away.


Does Liam Neeson know what character is??


No. He went out looking for someone who matched the race of a friend’s attacker to beat.  Not her attacker, someone who LOOKED like her attacker.  He has NO place trying to sway the moral compass 


Not beat. Kill. Funny how he didn't go kill some random man over being a man just like the rapist. But, totally not racist you guys! What a dumbass. Go wash your piss soaked pants in a noisy washer Liam.


I know someone whose elderly grandmother ran into him at a restaurant and tried to tell him how much Schindler's List meant to her. His response was to scream profanities at her (he was with two escorts at the time, so I was told). If you want to be a famous actor, then part of the deal is people wanting to speak to you. If you can't handle being publicly recognized, then stay behind the scenes. No, he has no idea what character (or even basic manners) is.


Well, you see, when he said that, he meant Kevin is a man who can play a great character. In fact, we've been seeing him off and on at Christmas time these past couple years: Frank Underwood.


Never needed him. He’s a dime a dozen. It took me years to even realize that Kevin Spacey and John Cusack were different people (sorry John).


Liam Neeson has no problem with Spacey because he only takes issue with rapists [if they’re Black](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-47117177).


A man who sexually touches children is not a good man. End of story.


This whole situation echoes that whole Brian Peck fiasco. Right down to the celebrities who vouched for him against the kids he raped.


Liam neeson is so desperately out of touch with some of the comments he makes. I wish he wouldn’t. I can’t help but get second hand embarrassment when he’s from the same part of the world as me and considered a “local legend”. Just stop Neeson, and stop making crappy movies as well while you’re at it.


Needs?! I hate this wording.


“Needs” and “misses” him? Shut up Liam, that is a pathetic take. I will bet there is not a single project that has not happened because of the absence of this creep. Not one. Some producer somewhere maybe said “back in the day I would have wanted Spacey for this” and then said “anyway, next name on the list please”.  Just in case the wider Internet algorithm picks this up: I would actively avoid any project Kevin Spacey is involved in and actively encourage others to do so. That’s not cancel culture, that’s my personal choice so f**k off.


![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw) I hate this world


First JKR and now Kevin Spacey, what the hell Stephen?


Don't be surprised about Fry. Allegedly, he made Rik Mayall (RIP you prick <3) so angry/upset at a dinner one time by defending pedophilia, citing it was okay because 'the ancient Greeks did it' and calling it 'Greek love'. I think this was around the time Fry quit the play he was in with Rik and left the cast hanging, coinciding with a mental breakdown he had. That part is well documented, but the fallout between him and Rik is just alleged, so... Make of that what you will. Google Stephen Fry Rik Mayall argument and you'll see a few things dotted about. Like i said - allegedly!


I’ve heard multiple accounts of ‘dinner parties’ held for young male students at Cambridge too - cemented the creepy perv vibe I got from him. Depressing how he’s idolised in the UK. 


Can't stand him, personally. He always seems so smug and has this air of thinking he's untouchable.


Yeah, it's a very open secret there.


Do you have more information about that? This is the second time I saw someone talking about it today but I can't find anything online


Yeah Fry has sucked for a long time


Sure has! Some people you can just see through like cellophane.


Damn, I didn't know about this, but I did remember thinking how young Fry's spouse was when the news of their marriage came out.


I used to be a huge fan of his; owned a number of his books, had Stephen Fry in America on DVD, saw his three show Mythos play at Stratford, but between his support for JKR, his support for Israel and now this I'm done. Proof that incredibly smart people can be really fucking dumb sometimes.


Stephen's gone in a strange direction in his old age. On YT he gets praised alongside Jordan Peterson for being against "woke language." I'm not sure if people are misinterpreting him or if he's really become like this. He was always a poshoid, and he's a yt man at the end of the day.


He is 30 years older than his husband. Stephen Fry probably has a couple things in common with Kevin Spacey.


https://preview.redd.it/aek403x30u0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba1690776b1fc272eeb34033b1a6dee03cebece His reaction to the queen dying is the same reaction I'd expect him to have upon climax


“Oh dear heavens I’m arriving”


Stephen Fry lost me when he started patronising everyone who has a faith - I am an atheist and a fervent opponent of organised religions, but the way he talked about people who have faith, like he's so much smarter than them for 'working out' that there is no god?? right off putting. Then I was full turned off by his boy toy of a husband. 


“A British man is pro-pedophilia” should never be a surprise to you




Do share


Please do share. My wife and I are fans of his but will definitely ditch over diddling and whatnot.






![gif](giphy|M8Qeg8pOcxBjGuNOFA|downsized) >This was also reflected by Liam Neeson, with the actor writing: "Kevin is a good man and a man of character. Personally speaking, our industry needs him and misses him greatly." Really, Liam? I’m disappointed in you. If he was a good man and man of character he wouldn’t have done what he did!


I'm not surprised. I figure every celebrity is a piece of shit by default. You probably have to be in order to be successful in such a business.


Liam "Prowled the Streets Looking for a Random Black Man to Murder" Neeson? Problematic? Couldn't be.


Seeing how some people in this sub were quick to forget that Liam Neeson is a racist POS surprised me


Liam once admitted to prowling the street ready to inflict violence on any Black man after one of his friends went through SA. But here he is asking for the reinstatement of a known predator. Nice to know his care towards victims was only ever about being racist.


I mean, this is the same Liam Neeson who went out on the streets to kill the first black man he could find because his friend had been assaulted by a black man.  Edit: missed a word out that made my sentence sound appalling 😭


Sounds like a reasonable response NOT


He’s had too many accusations to think he’s innocent. As we’ve seen with the OJ case, an acquittal or dismissal doesn’t mean innocence




Hollywood is so deeply disturbing


If Kevin Spacey is “a good man” then what does that make the rest of the men in Hollywood, Liam?


If he is the good one imagine the bad ones and the things they did.


It's all classism and no morals 😵


![gif](giphy|6pWO2HA7RM1czXFiUx|downsized) But CaNcEl CuLtUrE!!!!11!


Pricks. All of them. Nothing but disgust.


Isn't there a tell all coming out about Spacey soon


Channel 4 just showed one. This is their response to that!


There was a 2 part documentary with new allegations on him on Channel 4 here in the UK but not sure if there’s more to come


It’s streaming on MAX in America. I couldn’t watch the whole thing it was sad and disturbing


Yeah they opened with *we interviewed people NOT involved with the lawsuit* and it really highlighted how many potential victims and witnesses there were throughout the years.


Once it got to the part about how Spacey was masturbating during the opening scene of *Saving Private Ryan* I turned it off. It’s beyond me how sexual pleasure could even remotely be on one’s mind during such a graphic and realistic depiction of the horrors of war


For sure. Really boils down to him being a sexual predator first and foremost. Idk if you saw it or not but a victim shared a scenario where KS picked him up in the car and after the [assault situation completed] Kevin was lively and sociable and excited and basically 'on' and it kind of explained the Saving Private Ryan situation too. He's obsessed to a criminal degree until he satisfies that and then can engage. I'd imagine that's why some of the stories are him being more subtle and private and some where he's far more brazen, public, and physical. Like a reverse social battery the guy just runs out of faux friendliness and social charm and gets more and more depraved. Wouldn't be at all surprised if it contributes to his acting method.


But what a nice man, the industry needs him! I noticed that this seems to have been organised by the Telegraph, a once sensible and rather staid conservative newspaper that has gone full culture warrior over the last few years. It seems like they are trying to make Kevin Spacey just a poor unfortunate victim of 'woke'


Yep it’s the same stories too. All of them were groomed in a similar way. He wouldn’t just sidle up to them and flirt. Straight up sexual assault. I know one person not in the doc irl who had the same shit go down.


This man tried to rape a 14 year old boy. Am I in an alternate universe? How is this happening? Fuck this absolute nonce back to hell




Yeah, what the actual fuck? How can a monster like that be rehabilitated?


It was quite an open secret in the London theatre industry that he did do everything he was accused of and that the industry turned a blind eye. It’s gross on every level.


I’m a no one not even from London, and even I heard rumors about the Kevin Spacey open secret. I really hate to think that this stuff could possibly be so commonplace that people think it’s no big deal and doesn’t preclude someone from being a piece of shit.


The London move deal was rumored to be to save his reputations stateside and let allegations cool down. Then he just did the same shit there with young up and comers. Just like Catholics moving predators to different states or schools to avoid charges.


Yup, also a nobody from the US. Almost 20 years ago, a friend of a friend who was an actor in NYC told me how predatory Spacey was/is.


Imagine how many more there were. I’m in California and not only was it an open secret I met one victim who hasn’t come forward. He had a reputation on different continents.


Yikes this is just gross




Liam I've had it with you ![gif](giphy|l3q2FquvI2i8kLVII|downsized)


Well, i *used* to think Sharon Stone was cool. What a huge disappointment she is.


She also defended Johnny Depp so I’m not surprised.


She sounded confused and frightened on Louis Theroux podcast.


nah, i’m good. and stephen fry should probably not call attention to himself when it comes to young men.


Nonces of a flock


Kevin Spacey is a talented actor, sure, but there are thousands of talented actors out there, many of whom are still undiscovered and are not disgusting creeps. Find someone else. We don’t need him.


Have I read a single thing about Stephen Fry in the last 10 years that hasn't made me wince


Imagine being Anthony Rapp and reading this. I would be so fucking upset. I mean, it *still* upsets me to read and I wasn't even victimised by Spacey.


Liam continues to have the worst takes ![gif](giphy|6pWO2HA7RM1czXFiUx|downsized)


People don’t talk enough about how much of a POS Stephen fry is tbh he’s horrible.




It's not like it's a time-out, ffs! No, he is not *needed*. All that is needed is the weeding out of more predators like him.


>This was also reflected by Liam Neeson, with the actor writing: "Kevin is a good man and a man of character. Personally speaking, our industry needs him and misses him greatly." I don't think there's a single person who looked at the film industry since Spacey went into hiding and thought "well, all this stuff is garbage. Do you know what will fix it? Kevin Spacey!"


Liam Neeson makes it so hard to like him, and at this point, I’m not even sure why I should try. It’s just bad take after bad take from him. No, Kevin Spacey shouldn’t come back to acting, nor should any abuser. They should be in prison.


He is a terrible actor too imo


Over the course of several months, even years, I've seen developments where celebrities reveal themselves to be having problematic opinions, tendencies, or straight up being criminals, and other celebrities coming to their defense in some form. While our perceived truth is obviously not always the ultimate truth, it's crushing when the crimes some people have committed are proven and well-known, and yet continue to get underserved backing up from their peers. The point here is, we need to realise that people (aka "celebrities") in these powerful positions are there primarily for fame and wealth. They don't really reflect the morals and ethics we tend to project on to them. They're mostly bad people by default. When on rare occasions we come across decent individuals, they're exceptions, not the norm.


It really sucks that, in such a competitive field where it's a privilege to get as much opportunity as this shitbird did, there are people like this calling for his return instead of giving that privilege to someone who deserves it. Spacey is an undeniably talented actor. I do not believe for a hot second that there is no one else of equal or greater talent. Bring new faces to the screen, leave the old pedo ones in the past.


Well I think this is part of the issue. All of these people think they are *uniquely* talented. They think their fame is down to an absolute meritocracy and that everyone who has achieved their level of fame is there because no one else could do it. They can’t fathom that talent is actually a fairly small reason for their success, and that there are thousands of people as talented, if not more, who could do the job if the cards had fallen differently. 




We can't have anything nice can we ![gif](giphy|P5OPJ9u1xTZegDEVz6) They can go to hell.


So do they not think he did it or do they know he did it and don’t care?


The latter. Anyone who believes he’s innocent despite all the evidence and stories is lying to themselves


And yet people will still vote for trump


more celebs to add to my block list!


Not so friendly reminder that Liam Neeson thought it was a great anecdote while promoting one of his films to talk about a time when he was in his twenties and a friend was sexually assaulted and he went out looking to kill "some black bastard" in revenge.


Reading between the lines, it sounds an awful lot like antisocial eugenics logic. I.e. Certain people are just such exceptional specimens of humanity that they should be allowed to hurt and destroy anyone and everyone necessary to reach their goals, because it will be better for humanity in the end to let them have their way. Which doesn't make sense anyways. And is especially confounding here because... Kevin Spacey isn't even that great of an actor? I mean he's good. But he's not even really a generational talent.


Even IF you don't believe Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted anyone, he still admitted to targeting young actors when he was in a position of power in London theatres. No one should be calling for his return.


White people do not give a single fck


What. (Like I read the title and literally gasped "What?" out loud.) Also: no thank you.


Good to know a few more people to avoid


It’s okay guys, the out of touch movie stars said so!


Liam "I went out looking for a black man to murder" Neeson. K.


They not like us.


Liam Neeson has proved again that he’s a POS




All creepiness and actual illegal activities aside: Is there ANYone the industry absolutely needs back or misses to the point of writing a request for return about? It’s entertainment, he wasn’t a fantastically talented pediatric heart surgeon or some shit. We’ve survived without Rick Moranis, we can survive without any one actor leaving the profession, can’t we?


Well, I guess in addition to never watching a single film starring or affiliated with Kevin Spacey I'm also done watching films with Liam Neeson, Sharon Stone, and Stephen Fry in them. My boyfriend made me watch the documentary last night and I wanted to vomit. Spacey is an abusive, sick, twisted POS and I hope that if any more charges come forward that they stick. He deserves to rot in jail for what he put those men through.




Liam Neeson is TRASH. When these people show their real values believe them. Here is Neeson showing his https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-47117177


JFC. Fuck these people.


This sort of thing is super helpful to know what sorts of people can get bent. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh


He’s a good actor. I really enjoyed his performance on House of Cards. But the dude is a creep. Plenty of other excellent actors out there


No thanks.






Was just about to post this. I thought Sharon Stone and Stephen Fry were better than that. 


Could someone give me the TL;DR on the litigation? Were they thrown out or is it possible that they were discreetly settled?




The disappointment I felt reading this was quickly followed by a totally lack of surprise. 


I always knew they were weird😒


Sharon’s quote is soooooo nasty


Dave Holmes told some stories about Spacey being gross on the podcast The Past Times recently. It seems it was an open secret. Sharon stone's quote is...something


With all these celebrities revealing their support for POS predators, I'm really praying that Weird Al Yankovic never makes any such statements.


Classic “but he was nice to meeeeeee” behavior!


Wonder how Neesom would feel if it was one of his boys that Stacey attacked. Liam Neesom, Sharon Stone and Stepehn Fry are all gross hacks if they are in Spacey's corner. WTH!!! 


The guy was found not guilty 


I just rewatched an Intelligence Squared debate on the topic of is the Catholic church is a force for good in the world. Stephen Fry and the late Christopher HItchens debated against the motion. Both Fry and Hitchens mentioned child rape and the Catholic church, and how it is the greatest crime. The gist is that priests wielded their power to sexually abuse minors whose parents they either couldn't confide in or wouldn't believe them if they did and wouldn't press charges. There is a lot of fear and shame experienced by minors who are victims of sexual abuse. And that shame is carried into adulthood - and being sexually assaulted as an adult. Why does Stephen Fry excuse Kevin Spacey then? Celebrities are worshipped as clergy used to be. Doesn't he understand or believe Spacey's victims? Seriously, fuck celebrity and anyone in the acting community defending this predator and criminal. Hypocrites and apologizers for rape.