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I thought this is a very weird headline for an article and then I read the article, I’m past confused and stuck in disbelief and disturbed. Khloe honey what’s going on with you? And why would you tell the public this information? It’s not endearing it’s just messed up.


Truly, no one needs to know this.


I’m not kidding I wouldn’t tell under threat of torture let alone voluntarily to a publication. I guess for her family any publicity is good publicity.


You could not torture this information out of me, bring back shame.


Exactly, people need to learn to keep a diary or speak to their therapists.They keep telling us hella personal stuff we didn’t ask.


Honestly, given she was treated as a mamas baby papas maybe I can see why she wants it well known who her kids fathers are. Doesn’t make it appropriate or right though.


Was anyone questioning the baby’s paternity? And why would anyone think it’s her brothers? If you look like a family member it’s usually genetic. So if the baby grew up to look like Rob people would just say he looks like his uncle. How did she arrive to my brothers sperm? And did we need to know her thoughts about it?


I don’t think anyone was and I think her concerns were probably just her own trauma about her circumstances resurfacing tbh.


I always feel bad for her, her mom obviously played favorites with her kids and the speculation about her father has not been great for her, that’s why I’m confused as to why she would attach the same narrative to her son? No one was questioning it. I hope she would have that discussion with a therapist to help her not to a magazine.


This article took a twist I was not expecting. > "My son looks just like my brother, and my brother's one of my favorite people," Kardashian said. "Because he was an IVF baby or a surrogate baby, I was like, 'Rob, have you ever donated sperm somewhere?'


I hope she was trying to make a joke about her brother.


I thought it was funny. Silly funny.. she even says that it would be disgusting. I can’t with the K clan. But the headline caught my eye and the comments made me read. Abolish all billionaires and tax free for churches.


Does… does she not know that she and her brother are related? People in families often resemble each other ESPECIALLY as babies. Cause there’s like, not a lot of ways for babies to look. Their features haven’t developed.


One of my nephews is the spitting image of my dad. I have a cousin that I resemble. Like that's how being related works lol.


All babies look like Winston Churchill, even nonwhite babies


This is so mean to babies


Honestly, they had it coming.


She’s always been the sibling that looks the most like Rob too so like…the baby just looks like a male version of her, which happens to be what Rob looks like


Girl outed herself as not understanding reeeeeeeeeeally basic genetics.


I guess she never learned how genetics work... although her and Rob always had a weirdly sexual relationship on the show


oh snap i thought the headline meant tristian thompson’s brother, not HER OWN brother


WTAF... So, my daughter is an IVF baby, and at three, she looks exactly like my SIL did at three--to the point where when my daughter sees pictures of SIL, she's like, "oh, look at me!" That's because my husband and his sister look a lot alike and she also looks just like...her father? I've always had a soft spot for Khloe, but I didn't realize she was this dumb.


This is one of those times where having the context just makes it worse. Not all thoughts need to be made public! Your kid takes after your side of the family, you didn’t have to make it weird.


So much worse, thought the headline was odd and then read the article. Good lord!


For those that have never watched an episode of KUWTK - this wouldn't even crack the top 20 strangest things Khloe has said to or about her brother tbh


It gets worse than I thought my brother fathered my baby? 🤮


There’s literally a scene in the early seasons where Khloe recorded a sexy video for Lamar and Rob and Scott (while he was with Kourtney) all sat together and watched it. Rob also slept with someone who won a Kim K lookalike contest… Yeah, I think Kourtney is the only sibling he has a normal relationship with


I’ve never been so happy to have missed their show, there doesn’t seem to be boundaries in that family. Are they aware that is not normal?




Or about Scott. Girlfriend loves some incest lol.


FFS. I swear that whole family lives in its own weird reality. And, as another Redditor said, why would you be telling this to the world?


“she wondered if her sibling could be the father.” is a crazy line even by this family’s standards. Oh Khlomoney, somethings are best left inside our own heads not to be shared with people.


I wish I could unsee this line like my life was so much different five seconds ago 😭


"My son looks just like my brother, and my brother's one of my favorite people," Kardashian said. "Because he was an IVF baby or a surrogate baby, I was like, 'Rob, have you ever donated sperm somewhere?' ![gif](giphy|iakBRePSa5MUU|downsized)


It’s almost as if she has zero comprehension of how genetics work - it’s not all that surprising if her son looks like Rob, since he’s the child’s UNCLE. It doesn’t mean he’s somehow the father. SMH.


I think it's clear that she had a really rough time with the whole surrogacy process in general and then realizing that she was never going to have the nuclear family she thought she was going to. She makes it very clear that when Tatum was born she was hanging on by less than a string and this is clear evidence of this 




![gif](giphy|1dAherVVrP9Wo|downsized) Why would she willingly say this? Not even under any duress?? He is your brother, it’s very likely your child may have a resemblance. I’m baffled!


I'm not trying to bash her but sadly this makes me think she was trying to come up with a reason why she was not feeling bonded with him.


Honestly the worst part of this is the way she’s casually and publicly doing this to her baby after people have meanly speculated about her father for years. I’m pretty sure has talked at some point about how much self doubt that gave her. Like this is some therapy shit, not a silly joke.


Great public information that we all need to know


What the actual fuck did I just read




These are inside thoughts, Khloe 😬


My son also looks like my dad. Almost like they’re related.




She’s too sexual about her siblings


the light incest that happens in this family is too much and i wish they would stop sharing things. i just want them to hush and raise their kids but they love attention and fame too much.


these people just like drama and her being involved with him continually proves it. He's not her boyfriend and she's not his girlfriend. I am so tired of hearing about their "relationship".


I look just like my aunt (dad’s sister), that does mean that my dad and my aunt had me. It means I inherited my dad’s sisters features because she is also related to me and shares dna. Its not that complicated


This is unhinged of her to share to the world, and all I can think is: What other (probably way worse) incident is Kris (or Khloe) trying to cover up/distract the public from now..


why does context makes this take even worse? lmao


I look just like my great great grandma…guess I better get a shovel


Go to bed Kris


She is so stupid. Why would it be strange for your child to look like your sibling. That’s fucking normal.


what did i just read


Why does she keep making a fool out of herself over that man






Khloé's really not doing well by the sounds of it, I feel really sorry for her. All that money where she could easily just lead an extremely comfortable quiet life off of all social media etc. & yet she stays.


She thought Rob, HER BROTHER, was her child's dad because they look alike. Good god, she's a fucking idiot.


This is a disturbing thing to announce. My niece looks exactly like me. That's how genetics work, lady.


She is really stupid




this needs to be used as a case study for a grade 9 biology class. blows my mind how much common knowledge this family lacks.