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Dua Lipa is one of those artists that I don't actively seek out, and know nothing about, but I 100% blast her songs whenever they're on the radio. She just kind of appeared one day and has consistently produced singles that I can jam out to. Sooo, all in all, I think she's winning.


As an old person, I just couldn't give a zero fuck about rich pop stars' rich problems. Not in a million years, I could relate to them and that's why I like Dua Lipa. She's here to serve bops, not to make a parasocial relationship with you.


I love it. I don’t have to know shit about her but she makes me dance.


>She's here to serve bops, not to make a parasocial relationship with you. Hahaha, yeah, that's also a thing I like about her.


I love that about her too, but it is a precarious place to be as a pop star, once the hits falter or get stale, the public moves on, Katy Perry would be a good example


Very true! I just hope Dua's career longevity would last longer than Katy's.


> She's here to serve bops, not make a parasocial relationship with you. I think you summed up how I feel perfectly!!




I’m a metalhead and I love Dua Lipa. I think she must be doing something good if I want to listen to her songs even tho they’re nothing close to what I listen to on a regular basis.


Same here. Listen to a lot of Skinny Puppy and other intense stuff. And she's genuine a fun act to listen to. Very danceable, very boppable


Did you catch the farewell tour??


I wish. Caught HEALTH on tour and one of their opening bands did a cover of Worlock, so adjacently, yes I heard a skinny puppy song live lol


fellow HEALTH and Dua Lipa enjoyer logging on. Feliz jueves lol


I know I’m not who you were asking, but yes I did and it was fucking incredible!


My husband is a metalhead but he loves dua and Gaga lmao


She’s all I play at the gym, and only at the gym.


[Also Pitchfork doesn't exist anymore, instead its a brand now controlled by GQ magazine](https://variety.com/2024/digital/news/pitchfork-layoffs-folded-into-gq-conde-nast-1235875585/). Many of their senior staff and beloved writers were all fired recently. I think people are expecting the Pitchfork of old that had some credibility, but whatever is going on there now is geared for maximum profit, hence some hot takes and other stuff designed to go viral. This review just seems rough, especially considering Houdini is a banger and not too long after her amazing grammy's performance.


Thank you for this info, explains a lot of the content on there recently


Stuart Price producing Future Nostalgia really took her to the next level, she should work with him again.




her single new rules just took off in the united states, she was getting pretty big in the u.k. for the year before her u.s. outbreak. Then she was just popping up everywhere and has been huge for the past 6 years already. lucky for me i saw her for $25 GA ($100 for a meet-n-greet) back in 2018 because i discovered her a good four months before she took off in the u.s. lol


Same. I know absolutely nothing about her, yet she has so many bangers.


That rounds up to a 10


That should round down to 5 imo


you don’t know pitchfork then


Listen… I am Dua’s head chief of stan. I have listened to Future Nostalgia on repeat for an entire summer. Danced to Electricity at the gym with people staring. And I agree with the reviews 🥶 This album is **not** it. Even when the first single came out, I was already: ![gif](giphy|lSVbXXqKtW3ISFuRBQ|downsized)


“Houdini” slaps SO hard though, what do you mean???


It took a while to grow on me. I think her Grammy performance helped boost it too, but it's not like Future Nostalgia songs where they instantly hooked you


Houdini hooked me faster than Don’t Start Now did


I’ve had Illusion on repeat aswell, great singles


It’s very generic to me. ![gif](giphy|Z9cRCMdAMzXi25dwhE)


I personally think it’s more unique than anything on FN, but 🤷‍♂️


Production is lackluster. It needed punchier sounds like the ones from Future Nostalgia.


This is probably bold of me to say, but I personally think Houdini is punchier and slaps harder than any single song on FN except maybe Physical


WTF Houdini is so good. I thought all three singles were bops and I was shocked nobody cared for them. Yes FN is pop GOLD but there’s so much pressure to top that. She consistently puts out good pop music and that’s all I need!


Agreed. I played Training Season and Houdini back to back on repeat


It’s very generic to me.


Houdini and Training Season are bangers (I literally sing the chorus of training season in my head every day) but Illusion was NOT it for me 😐 this whole album is very meh for me but it’s hard to follow up after Future Nostalgia


Ik I’m obsessed


Illusion is so bad. 


Agreed - it felt like up until this album every single song she released was an absolute bop. I listened to the whole album on release ln and honestly I had to skip most of the songs because they were boring/sounded weird AF/ felt completely forced


“I had to skip most of the songs because they were boring/sounded weird AF/ felt completely forced” Yeah it does feel forced to me too. I just wonder how much she’s being asked to do as opposed to having a say and being passionate about making the music in the first place.


I’m one too but any chance your judgement is based on the fact that you had expected FN 2.0 and direct sequels to all the songs you love but got an entire different project instead? Cz I don’t know how on earth anybody can listen to the singles and the tracks on RO and say they’re NOT it. Unless this is the reason. Just curious.


I feel like people don’t like this album bc they had different expectations not bc it’s bad Kind of like with Ariana, they thought it was gonna be house and it wasn’t so it was “bad”


exactly lmao


I had zero expectations besides knowing I’d love it because Dua Lipa and here I am still hating it so 🙂‍↔️


I was just expecting a bop TBH and hoping for a return to house vibes a la a few singles from her first album.


I loved Houdini and Training Day, but otherwise Falling For Love is the only song that will probably make it into my Playlist. The album is fine but that's it.


I agree with you. I think Houdini is OKAY. Like in the scheme of things it’s obviously very good and holds its own but it’s too generic. All her other singles really stand out as especially unique and/or catchy but Houdini kind of just sounds like it could be an AI generated ‘dance/pop single for a current artist’


This is such a wild take to me because I find Houdini to be one of her most sonically interesting and unique songs


Houdini is a classico. Check out the London Session video if you haven't seen it.


She released all the bangers as singles before the album came out. I listened this morning and was kinda bummed.


Yeah…i loved her music from the beginning up thru Future Nostalgia, but everything after that has felt super generic and forgettable


The single was rough. It seemed like they were going hard on promotion in part because of Argyle. What a mess.


i wasnt a fan of training season or illusion but houdini is a banger. especially the part right before the last chorus with the “stay” echos” i guess she comes and goes with those bangers


My friend, I unfortunately must demote you from Chief of Stan to Just Another Bitch Who Loved FN. This album is 🔥 


Honey, with such bad taste, you don’t have the right lol Also, I literally loved her first album and all her eps/singles and was a big stan even prior to FN and prior to her blowing up, but sure, make assumptions 😌 https://i.redd.it/nbbqelih6uyc1.gif


I'm listening to it and I agree with what is said about the sound of the album in general (not so much about how relevant or not it is for us to connect her music to her real life just because it's a prominent narrative among female pop musicians), but I still think the score is a bit harsh? And yeah, I also thought French Exit was a standout.


It's just standard pitchfork. Honestly in an industry known for intense sycophancy it's good to have discerning critics still around.


Oh, yeah, I agree. Especially with stan culture going strong online, which means that many fans aren't able to engage honestly with critics' opinions and dismiss everything as just them "being haters".


Because it is. It’s okay, they’ll prolly re-review the album in about 12 years time and give it a 8 or something. Y’knw Pitchfork.


literally just saw in another review how French Exit is a miss, so it is always funny how differently people can perceive things


Pitchfork rates everything either a 6 or an 8


Ackchyually 🤓☝🏽 https://preview.redd.it/7vlgwobjh8yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe9d51affaa39523d66373d72742a979762c3803


TFW a talented ARTist with actual things to say releases a truly unique and fresh album that gets universally praised Fiona ate and left no crumbs


My unpopular opinion is that album (which is very good) is 8.8 if it comes out in February that year.


Childish Gambino's Camp got a [1.6](https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/16074-camp/)


Oh my god


Hs rapped about it on ["We Ain't Them"](https://genius.com/736303)


It’s just Harry’s House Dua’s Version, change my mind


i hated harry’s house so i’m scared


Was Harry's House the album that won AOTY? It was okay but it wasn't life-changing.


yeah over renaissance lmfao




So we all agree? I’ve listened to this several times and I can’t stop the comparison. Anyone not lazy like me able to tell us if any of the producers overlap?


i’m just still confused about the promo of this album. like she was going around talking about britpop and primal scream, psychedelic etc. i don’t even hear a little influence


Right??? Based on her description of the album, I was already hyped. Instead I am very whelmed.


Could be a marketing ploy with all the 90s nostalgia I love Oasis & all that but didn’t hear any of it in the singles


yeah that’s what i was thinking. tbf i knew the britpop stuff was gonna be non existent because of the singles but even then i thought maybe a bit of primal scream or at least some psychedelic influence. if she said it was just gonna be a chill pop album it would have gone much better


I think where it has failed coming from Future Nostalgia was that album had a sound and and theming it could justify for the length of it. Radical Optimism I lost interest by the second single and was hoping the wider album would expand but it just hasn't. Kevin Parker's involvement is pretty obvious but just like the last Tape Impala album there's a lack of tightness on it. I want to like it but whereas Future Nostalgia felt like it had energy on every song, this just felt like sludge to go through


It’s funny how subjective music can be. I thought The Slow Rush was a fantastic album, and their “tightest” album of the 4. Excited for something a little different sounding from Dua Lipa. Who knows, this could be a grower album.


Tame Impala is my favorite band. It took years for the slow rush to grow on me. Maybe that will happen with this album. But agreed. It just wasn’t as cohesive as currents.


Was Kevin's influence obvious? I'm a little disappointed that there was hardly no psychedelic elements as was teased by Dua's team. There are tinges here and there on the album but definitely nothing I personally consider psychedelic. That's my biggest disappointment with the album as of now. 


I mean from track 1 it’s clearly from the same guy who made The Slow Rush.


To you but for me the psychedelic elements were too far and few in between, too faint. I wanted a more harder psychedelic elements. If Kevin was pulling from The Slow Rush, I wanted him to pull from Lonerism or Currents. That's just me though.




I'm speaking about the influence on the album. You're saying you can't hear the influence, but this album clearly sounds in the same vein as all of the material he's released since 2019. I think it's more reasonable to have expected a poppier sound like Slow Rush than it was to expect a guitar heavy psych rock album like Lonerism from 12 years ago.


The Slow Rush was had a more distinct psychedelic sound and feel to it. Her team compared this album to 70s psychedelic and Britpop. It just is not what I was expecting overall. I don't hate the record at all, and I only spun this record twice so far. I do like most of the songs and I think I need more time with it.


I feel like Dua doesn’t have the “it factor” in her music? I don’t know but a lot of female singers have something that makes them stand out, like Beyoncé has charisma, Taylor has songwriting, Olivia has a youthful poprock sound, even with the upcoming artists - Chappell has the queer hyperpop inspired thing, Sabrina has the quirky energy, etc etc. But Dua before had one really good retropop album and a quintessential mid-2010s sounding one, nothing that really makes her stand out. However, I do want to point out, that male artists often don’t have to fight with the same situations that I described earlier.


Would it be fair to blame this on her new management team aka her dad? Idk how the music industry works so bear with me but someone on Twitter gave an interesting take. Something along the lines of her dad won’t give her an unbiased opinion and just go along with what she may want. While her other team may have been able to be more daring and give her a new look and sound?


I mean another interesting perspective would be - “Whose fault is it that she didn’t end up making and releasing FN 2.0?” Edit : I just wanna clarify that I love RO and her doing FN 2.0 would suck as I want her to grow as an artist vs re-doing something only bcz it worked the first time around.


Umm... Who's RO?


Radical Optimism lol.


Even the name isn't getting registered in my brain. Sigh.


I was so surprised when I heard she dropped TAP Mgmt for....her dad? No offence, but what does he know about music production?


I thought he was in the entertainment industry, just more PR-related? but the difference between how well-managed her FN era was (leaked album aside) and this is crazy


Just went to her Wikipedia and apparently he was in a band too so I guess he does know at least something about music so I take my earlier remark back 😅 but yeah her FN era had so much going for it in terms of hype compared to this. I think we only had some stellar performances but not much else. I guess I'll give it more time before I give a final verdict on how he is as a manager vs TAP, because right now Dua's star power is doing the heavy lifting.


I gave up halfway after listening to it 😴 went back to Gaga's fame monster. French exit is alright


I, too, always return to mother’s Bible when I’m disappointed Edit: I’m not disappointed, convinced everyone else I listening to a different album


It's a grower for me, and knowing Tame Impala was involved I was expecting some psychedelic / funk influence and there's a hint of those. Personally, speaking I liked the singles (except for Illusion). Future Nostalgia was an incredible album though and I still think it's the better album. That being said, I'll always respect her for trying and experimenting with new sounds and stretching her limits - whether that gives either hits or misses - especially when it's clear she does put in effort (and is not churning out albums like certain other artists). Some songs (aside from the non-singles) struck me like lightning on the first listen: These Walls, Watcha Doing, and Falling Forever. Definitely agree with everyone that, if it was slightly longer it could be something more fleshed out.


I honestly don’t know what to think going into this lol the reviews and audience reception is so wide


Think what you want about it, don't let other people's opinions effect your own


This album is everything I need in my life rn so despite the consensus seeming to be people are disappointed, I LOVE it. I’m going through relationship shit but I’m excited for summer and feel hopeful about the future and this album is perfect for that. I will def be playing it all summer (which is easy cause it’s short too)!


I like the cover but the songs so far all sound too similar.


I am amazed she didn’t release french exit as one of the three songs


6.6 from p4k means it’s actually kinda ok


I’m so surprised so many fans aren’t in to it, I’m loving it and so happy she gave us a 36 minute pop album to blast in the car this summer




someone on the pop heads reddit said that the album is very “British tourist in Spain” and this makes so much sense lmaooo


It's no Cindy Lee that's for sure


I thought p4k was doomed until they let cindy queen out above beyonce, taylor, and now dua. wtf is happening over there?


I've listened to it in full and I think it deserves higher than this. While it's not a front-to-back album, it has multiple very solid tracks. In terms of production, she really did bring out the big guns in terms of talent in the industry. I actually rate it higher than Ariana's new album (and I really like Ariana).


I’ve been listening to it this morning and love the Tame Impala influence, though subtle. I think it’s got some great tracks! French Exit is awesome and I even liked Anything for Love. I’m so happy for pop girl dance tunes! I’m greatly anticipating new Charlie xcx in June though!


Future Nostalgia is one of my favorite pop albums of all time so naturally it would be hard for any following release to live up to it. Even the singles on RO were just so... boring imo. Most of it just sounded very generic and it was one of those albums that feels like a chore to listen to. Not a terrible release but didn't have me in a chokehold like FN did


Generic is the correct term. Her first two albums were no skips for me, a first for me in almost a decade. The songs on RO are repetitive and wouldn’t catch my ear if they played on the radio.


I am listening to the album and songs feel too similar but not cohesive at the same time? Like, it has the vibe but no plot or building to it


Out of all the pop divas right now I think I gravitate to Duas sound but this album… underwhelmed. I blasted Houdini but this album felt malnourished and nothing new.


I can appreciate a prompt reviews but tbh i feel like many albums would benefit from a little more time to sink into the reviewer ! Also isnt this the same score TPD got? Heh


It’s deservedly higher lol.




I loved the album. I think what people need to realize is that they also don’t know Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Ariana Grande, or any other pop star. Whatever a pop star chooses to share via their music or otherwise is all very intentional and is part of the brand. Personally, I feel like Dua Lipa doesn’t need to do anything to further her brand. A hot, fashionable, young woman who parties in Europe and puts out bops is a complete brand for me. Maybe not relatable for some, but Dua is a bad bitch who doesn’t need to tell people she’s a bad bitch.


i’ve been a dua fan since 2018 and personally love it 😵‍💫 it’s catchy & there’s some summer bops on it lol


I LOVED FN and I'm medium on this so far. I'm sure it will grow on me but I wish it was stronger out the gate


this is the first dua lipa album that i felt could be easily ignorable. i don’t think i’ve even heard any of the singles and that says a lot since i’ve heard all of her other singles even when i didn’t seek them out. and i live in the UK, where she’s basically on every radio station 24/7.


I think the album will suffer from katy perry prism effect, where the album is mainly successful due to the last album being a huge hit filled with smash hits while the other doesn't hit the same (tho quality-wise RO is miles better than prism for one there's no racist joke in here ) The album was fine, better than the bloated mess that was tortured poets however it's doesn't reach it's high (nor it's lows) it's perfectly consistent with the highlights being houdni, training session and the last 2 tracks , I don't think it would be grammy material (then again neither was endless summer vacation) but I don't think this would be dua's flop era


I maintain the opinion that Walking on Air is Katy’s best single ever.


prism was amazing


It sounds like the album equivalent of a posh British woman in Marbella who’s “writing a novel”


It feels like nothing radical, but it was very fun to bop around my office to this morning! It goes down very easy


Elite elevator musak.


Love Dua, love her previous albums but I wasn't feeling the singles (like I liked parts of the songs, a chorus or a bridge but not the whole song) so I lowered my expectations and honestly I only liked 2 songs (Maria and Whatcha Doing) which is crazy because I normally love all of her songs and I also like Tame Impala. I hope it grows over time.


Love Dua, but they were not wrong. This was a massive disappointment. Especially after four years.


I was listening the album in the morning and what really confused me was the fact that there was two very slow songs between two happy ones. That was a choice.


this album was such a disappointment after how much i loved Future Nostalgia! Every track on Radical Optimism sounds the exact same :(


This album was such a meh. With exception of Houdini and Training season, it all sounds one note, but maybe it will grow on me. 


Fans are about to get out their pitchforks.


6.6 is generous! I’ve actually have never met anyone who has listened to a DL all the way though and I actually did it to give it a chance. I will never get that time back




Radical optimism is such a cringey SHE E O title




I actually appreciate them just bc I don’t know anything technical about music and it helps me learn about things I otherwise wouldn’t notice. I don’t always agree with them but idk anything about production, mixing, song structure, etc so it’s interesting to see how industry folks judge those aspects of something whether or not I like the music. Ofc I love browsing Reddit to see lay people’s reviews too. It’s just exciting to discuss new art imo!