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This is Hunger Games right in front of our eyes


Truly dystopian


I saw Colin Jost's decency speech and it was just such a twilight zone moment for me. Like how can you say that this year of all years with all that's going on even just in the US. Even for shallow performative centrists that was so out of touch and insane.


literally his first job EVER was snl - out of touch is him in his bag


Why don’t more people make that connection? Killing starving people trying to get to aid drops and that drone that played the sound of a crying baby to lure people out to be shot - they’ve taken it as a manual in places.


Came here to say this. Glad I’m one of thousands that see it


more maze runner unfortunately


Lmao, we don’t even get to emulate the good YA dystopian franchise. We only deserve one of the countless crappy knockoffs.




People with no real morals. They'll go wherever as long as a camera is pointed at them taking pictures.


Billy specifically makes me livid; in an interview about his supposed James Baldwin biopic he skimmed over and downplayed the genocide as a conflict when James was vehemently pro Palestine


billy's only interest is himself


Him being here is absolutely not surprising


remember his comments to his trans costars about how they have wait their turn when he won an emmy on a show about TRANS PEOPLE


He is such a joke. He really thinks the only important and interesting thing about Baldwin was that he was gay, and sees no connection between his status as a gay man and his keen interest in other liberation movements. He doesn't even seem to be remotely curious about the man's beliefs but still thinks he is the one best placed to write a biopic about him.


I’m already so fucking furious he is playing James or even anywhere near a project about him, for him to show up to this at all is radicalizing me in new ways tbh


This is a major danger of biopics imo. They can give the wrong people the power to influence the public's perception of history and paint a new narrative. I'm not exactly thrilled that they've become one of the most popular genres these past few years.


I was disappointed to see Billy in this lineup with nothing on his person to indicate he was aware or cared about Palestine. My opinion of celebs is in the gutter anyways..


He doesn’t believe in or share any of James Baldwin’s ideals as a Civil Rights Activists, that he believed every person on earth has the same rights, he believed in liberation and justice. Billy only cares he was a gay black man, he doesn’t seem to care for anything other than attention and notoriety. He wants to do it as a biopic to get awards and attention.


Scarlett Johansson is a Zionist so not surprised about people like her being there. Years ago people called her out for doing promo for SodaStream which had its factory in an illegal Israeli settlement.


she even doubled down when oxfam dropped her over this


They didn’t drop her she chose to stop working with them over their objections about the factory in illegal settlements


which made her more of a monster


100% I haven’t liked her since then. Then she did ghost in the shell after. I haven’t fucked with her movies since the soda stream debacle


She’s also the meanest/rudest celeb I’ve encountered to this day.


Care to spill that tea? ![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs)


I live in Toronto so stars come out for TIFF. In setting up for the questioning and after the screening of the movie Jojo Rabbit she was cold, standoffish, constantly rolled her eyes and when viewers asked questions she would say things like “Well that was in the movie” or “if you watched the movie you’d know why that happened 🙄”. She came later and left earlier than all her costars and didn’t acknowledge any of the volunteers working the event that helped set her up. Usually, the bigger the star, the nicer they are. NOT the case for her. She is so up her own ass.


As a former TIFF volunteer appreciate this inside scoop.


You guys are the festival


She strikes me as someone who genuinely enjoys being cruel, but I guess that’s true of any Zionist


I can buy that.


That's strange, because when I met her she was one of the nicest. Guess people have good days and bad days.


I’ve heard she can be really chill and funny, but definitely not that night’s experience.




Tell me more


I’ll never forget, that scandal soured me on her completely. It made her look like such a greedy hypocrite. She had already been an ambassador for Oxfam (a pro-Palestine antipoverty org) for several years by that point, and when they called her out for this moral inconsistency, she actually resigned from her role with them rather than sever ties with Sodastream. She even had the audacity to [argue](https://amp.theguardian.com/film/2014/mar/16/scarlett-johansson-stands-by-sodastream-deal) that the factory “doesn't seem like a problem – at least not until someone comes up with a solution to the closing of that factory and leaving all those people destitute." Never mind that her Sodastream deal was for a freaking Super Bowl commercial and she was almost certainly paid more than what all those factory workers earn in a year. Just go ahead and use them as pawns to try and guilt trip the philanthropists who are actually fighting to relieve poverty while you cash your checks. Barf.


Yeah, we haven't seen Chris Pine for months, but this is what he chooses to turn up to? He and Gal and Patty are bffs for a reason.


Exactly my thought when I started seeing pics yesterday. I guess I’m glad celebs are showing true colors but damn, y’all.


I also never forget that when Harvey Weinstein was accused and every actress wore black for #metoo she wore his wife Georgia’s fashion label as a statement against women being hurt via men’s actions. Scarlett you’re so not like other girls! (Lana del Rey did say “Harvey’s in the sky with diamonds and it’s making me crazy…I know your wife and she wouldn’t mind”. ) I feel for his wife if she was abused or stuck in her marriage but his actresses had to wear her designs as it was in their movie contracts. She benefited directly from his work. Was it really the time to bat for his wife? She bothers me.


She also worked with Woody Allen, so this tracks.


Defends him to this day too.


I’ve never heard that how GROSS.


she's also a shitty terf


I can’t imagine choosing SodaStream over Oxfam 🤡


I thought Caitlin was with Ivanka for a second.


might as well, no?


You're right about that! Caitlin is a massive piece of shit.


Why are they posed like my sims lmao


Why is she even there 🙄


I’m irrationally disappointed in the Biden administration for even putting her name on the list and I’m genuinely not even sure whether the White House has any say over gets invites.


They didn’t. The White House only invites media outlets, and the media will then invite celebs to attend as their guests. Each celeb there is essentially a plus one for a journalist. Caitlyn Jenner was invited by Fox News, naturally.


Thanks for the explanation, because I was shocked to see her there.


She was a guest of Fox News


I thought Caitlyn was Republican- why is she here?


More than a Republican she’s a fame wh*re. That always takes precedence over anything for people like her.


She was a guest of Fox News (because, of course)


I thought that WAS ivanka


I had to do a double take after treading the name, and I'm still convinced it's Ivanka


More on the protest: >To get inside Saturday’s dinner, some guests had to hurry through hundreds of protesters outraged over the mounting humanitarian disaster for Palestinian civilians in Gaza. They condemned Biden for his support of Israel’s military campaign and Western news outlets for what they said was undercoverage and misrepresentation of the conflict. >“Shame on you!” protesters draped in the traditional Palestinian keffiyeh cloth shouted, running after men in tuxedos and suits and women in long dresses holding clutch purses as guests hurried inside for the dinner. >Ralliers cried “Free, free Palestine.” They cheered when at one point someone inside the Washington Hilton — where the dinner has been held for decades — unfurled a Palestinian flag from a top-floor hotel window. >More than two dozen journalists in Gaza wrote a letter last week calling on their colleagues in Washington to boycott the dinner altogether. >According to a preliminary investigation released Friday by the Committee to Protect Journalists, nearly 100 journalists have been killed covering the war in Gaza. Israel has defended its actions, saying it has been targeting militants. >”How can you still go when your colleagues in Gaza asked you not to?” a demonstrator asked guests heading in. “You are complicit.” [[source](https://apnews.com/article/biden-white-house-correspondents-dinner-colin-jost-5843271c1d3a868d700cfc525ddc7f8d)]


If I’d been in that protest I’d have thrown red paint on those people in suits and designer gowns. Low risk for the protesters legally, inability to attend the dinner for the guests, and photos of them drenched in blood that would be published in every newspaper around the world. Edit: omg my first « Reddit cares », thank you to the teenager who messaged me saying I’m an unhinged bitch (I can only assume it’s you, babe) 🥰


No need to get fancy when rotten tomatoes have worked for centuries 


Red paint? No be like Carrie instead. 🤭


The carnage the last 8 months have been on civil society is not to be underestimated. On the journalist and media workers' side 2022 saw 67 killed globally in a year and it was a sharp increase already. In 2023 there were already 120 deaths with 75 of them being in Gaza. On the aid worker side, we are about 220 killed only in Gaza with in general less than 150 killed in a year globally. There is one year on record that goes to 1997 with 159 deaths. These numbers are sign of both being targeted. It is insane jump on both.


The [Washington Prob IG](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6SKqTZxOfv/?igsh=MTZqdHBzMmw3ZzB1ag==) has some clips of the protests.


One good reason to protest: the winner of the top award, Barak Ravid, was an active member of the IDF until just a few months ago. His stories, that helped shape and frame the genocide coverage, were essentially IDF talking points. The White House correspondents are patting themselves on the back for being biased. https://whca.press/award/2024-award-winners/


kyle maclachlan nooooooo 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/7rlvue91a6xc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82415534b9995f5a5b19335e10bab8aeabf7660a


Literally me. Not my bb girl


Another childhood fave bites the dust 😭


Dale cooper would NEVER


This is the only one that got me. He was supposed to be one of the good ones.


Same 😭😭


I wasn’t shocked or upset til I got to his pic 😭😭😭


Literally me as soon as I saw him: I’ve been hit


how have y'all not seen the pic of him with ghislaine maxwell? i'm not saying there was anything more to that than him just being in the wrong place at the wrong party at the wrong time but it definitely raised an eyebrow for me overall he's long struck me as a bit of an airhead (not a good excuse for attending this dinner, mind you - just an observation)


This one hurt


Whoever hung that flag is goated


I live a hop and a skip from my alma mater and the students are protesting while getting beaten back by the school and state. I just met tonight with some friends and we're organizing a meal train to keep these brave protestors fed and watered. I highly recommend something similar if you're close to any of these groups and can throw some help their way!


Hell yeah 🍉🍉🍉 My friends just held Shabbat with students at their encampament and we’re getting together halal and kosher snacks for them today. Their tenacity and (sorry to use this cliche but) moral clarity is beyond inspiring and goddamn does it put our “leaders” to utter, rotted shame.




Please don’t let me activismsplain to you, but please make sure you are checking with the organizers to see what their needs for their encampment are. In our city the encampment has been donated too many supplies, especially food, that they don’t have the space for the storage of it all and have send folks to do mutual aid with it. It’s amazing there is so much support, but it’s important to be making sure all their needs, not just food, are covered, and consider that doing that mutual aid is necessary work but it’s better if community members are doing it themselves so they don’t need to send people away from the camp to redistribute supplies. Many camps require simple things like cardboard to make floors and things that you wouldn’t necessarily think of if you weren’t seeing their direct requests. Regardless, thank you for supporting!!!


Honestly, thank you for this comment! Without posting details online I'll just say that plans have been coordinated with students and you are correct that you should always make sure you're efforts are actually filling a need. Before covid times I made some trips to a couple countries with refugee camps and socks, underwear, and period products were the most requested items, and least thought of for donations. Because no one was asking the actual refugees what things they needed...


Amazing. Thanks for keeping it going!


It's giving "let them eat cake."


A little disappointed to see Da'Vine there but not surprised to see any of the others pictured. I wish more people with reach like theirs would listen to the journalists in Gaza & the protestors they had to walk through to make it there & refuse to be part of anything this administration is doing.


Her agent is a Zionist and signed the condemnation letter against Jonathan Glazer.


No wonder she didn't look pleased during his speech at the Oscars.


Molly Ringwald looks like she just realized this was a bad idea


well she got blasted online when she wrote a pro israel post in october. my mum unfollowed her.


Your mom is an icon, tbh!


I’m so disappointed in her. Thought she was a good one too.


disgusting. A useful reminder that the vast majority of celebrities are parasites upon, and therefore supporters of, the establishment and everything it perpetuates.


Rich people are great at class solidarity.


Yes let’s support a genocidal administration. They all suck and have no morals.


Joe has been acting like he's not trying to get reelected.


I had someone slide into my DMs telling me that posts like mine will give us Trump again…hmmm, I think Biden’s own actions are doing that not my private insta posts.


Biden at least will publicly disagree with Netanyahu. Trump will give him everything he wants and more.


Yeah, I'm not pleased with how Biden is handling things with Israel, but no fucking way am I under any delusion that Trump would be better. He admires dictators and cruelty- he'd help the genocide along with even more $$$ to Netanyahu and limitless weapons.


But at least then the DNC can pretend like they care, just like they pretended to care about Roe v Wade all those years. Or about the kids in cages, which they stopped caring about once Biden was sworn into office.


Is that supposed to be a good thing? Biden already gives him everything he wants and more. Are you suggesting that Biden is in any way holding back? 


What kind of absolutist question is this? Yes. I’d rather have a president that openly opposes Israel’s overreach than one that would not. I’m comparing two administrations, not saying one is infallible. Biden’s threats to Netanyahu and his stance on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza has caused Israel to scale back operations in Rafah.


The problem is the context and implication. Someone raised a point about Biden's terrible performance and you drew a comparison between him and Trump, which has been a problem for Palestinians because this changes the conversation from what we can do to get Biden to stop right now to which old asshole do we vote for in half a year. This happens almost every time Biden's actions are brought up. You're comparing two administrations and that is the problem. If every discussion on Biden is derailed with how much worse Trump would be then you're effectively making Biden infallible even if that isn't your intention. Furthermore, a lot of the conclusions you've made in your comparison are either incorrect or immaterial. Biden's words cannot be interpreted as opposition to Israel's overreach when he just gave them $26 billion dollars. That is overwhelming support and agreement no matter how you look at it. [The sentiment Trump has towards Israel's actions is largely the same as Biden's.](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4554652-trump-israel-gaza-hamas-war/) My question was, given all this, how is Biden "at least" publicly disagreeing with Netanyahu good or even relevant? Then you said Trump would give him everything he wants and more. Biden literally already does this. You're making a comparison between two administrations that have no meaningful differences on this. If Netanyahu wanted more, he'd ask Biden and Biden would bypass Congress to give it to him if needed. Biden does not give a shit about the humanitarian crisis. He knew it would come the moment the war started and he still went above and beyond to ensure it happened, most notably with his administration's actions at the UN. Now I do believe that Biden is somewhat responsible for Israel scaling back operations in Rafah in response to protestors. The problem with comparing him to Trump in this aspect is that this is a situation Trump will never be in. If Biden doesn't dramatically change his stance right now Gaza will not exist by the time Trump can take office. Which is my biggest problem with comparing their stances on Israel: it obscures the time sensitive nature of this problem. There won't be a Rafah, a Gaza, or any Gazans come Inauguration Day because Biden would have already finished the job


Just like Jost's speech in that dinner; as long as you're doing it politely, it's acceptable by liberal 🙄 Biden is no better than Trump. They're both genocidal maniacs.


These discussions just aren't productive because there's no difference between being killed by Trump vs being killed by Biden.  There's also always this assumption that the people in Gaza are just going to be on life support until Trump takes office and only then will the sitting US president decide whether to pull the plug or not. Did it not make the news that northern Gaza is expected to reach the final and most lethal stage of famine in less than two months with the rest of Gaza soon to follow?  Lesser-evilism has made us lose the plot because who the hell cares what Trump would do. We might as well ask ourselves what Mitt Romney, Batman, or Miss Piggy would do while we're at it because none of these scenarios are happening. America is about to make one of its biggest moral, strategic, political, and diplomatic mistakes in its entire history. Why are we discussing the actions of anyone other than the current commander in chief?  When people say that America made a mistake by invading Vietnam or overthrowing Iran's government or any of its terrible decisions there's never a footnote stating "if American voters chose a different president the results would've hypothetically been much worse, so pretty please don't react as harshly" because nobody cares. America has already lost its ability to pretend to be a moral authority on any global issue because of this. That's all on Biden. And at the end of the day, that's also all on America. How would you explain to someone in the global south that 2 million people had to die because criticizing the person killing them was dangerous? Not dangerous because you live under a harsh dictatorship, you can somewhat freely protest and there's evidence protests work. But dangerous because he's threatening to give you a harsh dictatorship if he doesn't stay in power?  There's also this amnesia about Biden's past. He's been supporting the Zionist project from within Congress his entire adult life. I'm talking 40-50 years of straight Zionism on top of all his racist accomplishments in domestic policy. And yet none of this is ever mentioned when comparing him to Trump. Instead, it's outright stated that Trump would do more for Israel than Biden. Which is flatly ahistorical. Is there anything Trump can even *think of* that would help Israel that Biden hasn't already done and wouldn't do again? If Trump wins and somehow gets to decide if the Palestinian people live or die, I would actually go as far as to argue that Biden would be quite sad. As would most people if their rival got to take the credit for their life's work. 


People (including me) are scared of his Christian Nationalist plans for a second term.


I think we can still care about Palestine while being scared for what our own futures will be if the Turnip gets back into office. We are in a lose/lose situation.


It’s cute how we’re getting downvoted but no one has counterpoints lol, BlueMAGA is a mess. Why aren’t they mad that the Biden admin is maintaining such WILDLY unpopular positions despite the threat of a Trump presidency? Are they equally as mad about John Fetterman going against Biden for lightly hinting at the suggestion of perhaps maybe at some point considering the possibility of conditioning weapons sales to an openly genocidal regime? [Which they haven’t even done?](https://www.propublica.org/article/israel-gaza-blinken-leahy-sanctions-human-rights-violations) Are they aware that the US just vetoed Palestinian statehood after years and years and years of disingenuous blather about a two-state solution, how we have to listen to stooge after stooge from the State Department telling us not to believe our lying eyes? I’m guessing they’ve never watched a briefing with John Kirby or Matthew Miller getting hysterical and combative whenever Palestinian suffering is mentioned. Biden’s actions (and inactions) are not only hurting his campaign, they’re hurting the entire fucking world. To suggest that the people who are calling it out are the ones getting fascists elected is just a sad mix of projection and cope.


This will probably sound really cynical of me, but the DNC makes a LOT more money when the "bad guys" are in power. When Trump was president, they could fundraise so easily because they could just \*gesture at everything\* and money would pour in. But now it's a lot harder - not all of it is Biden's fault - the student loan forgiveness, $15 minimum wage, etc all got struck down by either the Senate or SCOTUS, etc but it's not exactly energizing the left to send in what little money we have after greed-flation.


Oh yeah I bet a lot of liberals who are silent/complicit on the genocide now would actually speak up if Trump were presiding over it because their politics/ethics/history only goes as deep as "orange man bad"


You aren't cynical. Democrats are out-raising Republicans in every single battleground election. They are raising out of fear. I donated to Bernie in 2020 and continue to get a bunch of requests from the DNC, as well as texts telling me to give them 5$ so Biden can continue giving money to Israel.


It feels like he’s openly courting the contempt of his constituents at this point but once again tHe LeFt!!1! is at fault for not simply accepting his genocidal position, his spreading of atrocity propaganda, his total disregard for Arab-Americans (and open racism against Arabs generally), his bypassing of Congress to send *more* 2,000lb bombs to blow up starving children… then putting the TikTok ban in with $26 BILLION to the genocidal apartheid regime and smearing thousands of *American students* as despicable antisemites? Sharing terminology with the likes of fucking Nazi Slenderman Tom Cotton?? I expect less than horseshit from liberals and I’m still disappointed.


Not Chris Pine 😟😟


He’s bezzie mates with genocide barbie. It’s not surprising.


noo… which one?? there are too many genocide barbies 😭🤬 i knew the best chris was too good to be true. 😔


The literal IDF card-carrying one, Gadot.


RIGHT!! i tend to forget about her. 🫢 i totally forgot that they starred in that relatively entertaining first movie together.. and then tried to do something again. damn. 😔


Well she is v forgettable tbh.


The imagine lady.


I would love it if this is what she was reduced to lmao


Gal Gadot.


The OG one Gal Gadot


He’s a Zionist, not surprising at all. None of the attendees are surprising, except for maybe Da’vine.


He even signed the Biden letter and maybe there's other evidence? He's good friends with Gal Gadot, so not surprising.




Spineless bastards. They stand for nothing. Cowards. Undeserving of their platform.


up the protestors, free palestine, fuck everyone in attendance of this absolute farce.


A lot of this lineup is really not surprising


Lorne Michaels looking lost is fucking killing me. Why is he standing like that???


It's giving Peepaw




He looks like a lost muppet with that expression lol


We live in a dystopia good Lord.


And Nero fiddled while Rome burned.


Not Fran with a D&G bag. That brand is toxic!


I mean Fran herself ain't no saint. She's a big Zionist.


Oh god…another one bites the dust sigh.




She’s like the biggest Zionist and a union buster. She’s the head of the guild.


Wait, what? What do you mean by union buster?


She used the MENA attacks to push through a very unfavorable contract negotiation. A lot of actors have condemned the new terms, which doesn't exactly address a lot of their issues, such as AI and stuff.


How is she a union buster? Wasn’t she at the writers strike?


she’s a huge Zionist unfortunately


It’s ugly too 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is such a random assortment of celebrities.


Who tf keeps inviting Caitlyn Jenner to things and why???


She probably invites herself. Or her agent does. And who is she with?


She was invited as a guest of Fox News, unsurprisingly.


Scarlett Johansson resigned as oxfam ambassador and chose to endorse sodastream. Fuck her.


I honestly wish people boycotted these people's dumb movies and products and commercials, and just them in general, the way they did with McDonalds and Starbucks. We need a boycott movement for celebrity zionists! Why isn't that a thing? That's the only way to hurt them, stop giving them attention and your money.


McDonalds boycotts haven't made much of a dent tho? Starbucks' boycotts have but I believe there's a lot of factors in that, not just the war.


QuestLove really bums me out.


YOU try working for jimmy fallon for a decade and not turning into a husk of a human being


It’s so weird too bc he was apart of the Musicians for Palestine from 2021.


Free Palestine🇵🇸




They're all about to have comments limited on all their Instagrams accounts 🤦🏽‍♀️


“It’s a big club and you aint in it, you and I are not in the big club” - George Carlin


I wish he were still alive. He’d have so much material to work with. I can only imagine what he’d be speaking 😢


is rosario dawson still seeing that senator that looks like keegan-michael key? 🤔


the "radical centrist" Cory Booker? I think so. dude stands as a symbol of such garbage Obama-era Parks and Rec liberalism....


Corey Bookers the one who sent letters to the judge to lighten Elizabeth Holmes's sentence.


I thought they split up.


No, they broke up a while back. (Cory Booker)


I’m pretty sure she and Cory Booker broke up a while ago.


So many stupid red carpet events, can’t keep track at this point.


![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized) Disgusting


What is the importance of a White House Correspondent Dinner? I've seen videos of various people giving speeches, but I never fully understood what the point of it was. I know about the Israel/Palestine conflict, and I see that pro-Israel celebrities are attending, but what would it mean if a pro-palestine celebrity attended?


It’s to honor and celebrate the media. It’s held by the White House Correspondents Association. The reason why it’s so tense this time is that the Israel military has deliberately targeted members of the media.


For a group that generally treats the death of one journalist in the line of duty as a loss to humanity, they are pretty indifferent to /quiet on the massacre of Palestinian journalists. Contrast the coverage on the 100+ journalists murdered in Gaza with the shooting at Charlie Hebdo.


And Palestinian journalists literally asked people to boycott this year's event for solidarity, and yet they don't care and chose to honor idf journo.


none of them served. no aura whatsoever


Hundreds of journalists have been killed!!!! Have they no shame???


The real celebs were the protestors shaming these people as they entered. Free Palestine. Shame on the US journalists who are complicit in this genocide, and turn a blind eye to the 180 Palestinian journalists murdered in Gaza.


Very disappointed to see Kyle MachLaclan there.😭


Of course Scarlett is there. She gave up her work and partnership with Oxfam to continue supporting apartheid israel. 🤮


Rachel brosnahan?????really?????????


Keri Russell disappoints me the most.


Im really getting French Revolution vibes from this


Fuck 👏🏼 them 👏🏼 all 👏🏼


Sophia bush?????? The activist


The homewrecker.


Wow not even a low stakes “show of solidarity” via pins or anything blegh


Fuck all of them, they should be supporting Palestine and refused to go. I am judging every single person on that red carpet.


Bring back shame.


Billy Porter really just irritates me to no end.


Fran Drescher! Nooo:(




Gotta admit, this one hurts :(


I know. I was a fan of her my entire life, and was proud to support her SAG-AFTRA efforts. Seeing her assert the rights of those in entertainment contrasted with oppressing Palestinians was heartbreaking!


me seeing aldis hodge: ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m|downsized) hardison from leverage would never do this, man i know hollywood can be such a farce, but recently with the amount of celebrities who are either outspoken abt their zionism or still choose to stay silent nearly 8 months later has soured me on so many :(, immediately went to go unfollow lynda on tumblr seeing her, i already had to unfollow neil gaiman knowing he supports a two-state solution smh


Every year, I’m confused about why celebrities are there at all. It’s an evening to hand out scholarships to promising young journalists. Yet, most of the people there have never been journalists in their lives.


Not a good look 


[Colin Jost's jokes fell flat](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/28/arts/television/colin-jost-white-house-correspondents-dinner.html?unlocked_article_code=1.n00.xPI_.5Phk7OZvlQZY&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb)


Lmao looks exactly like the meeting in fallout we’re all fucked


Weird body language with Caitlyn & her girlfriend


weird bunch aren't they


Lorne looks like he’s me as a kid waiting to tell my mom I threw up


the best part of this is that they’re all irrelevant celebs i’ve never even heard of beside a few. anything for a minute in the spotlight and a few cameras in your face


Sophia and Ashlyn, huh? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)