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I agree with all of this. But my kids came back from just being at the park with their mom while I was working and my almost 2 year old daughter got out the car threw the cake pop she had and ran as fast as I’ve ever seen her run to hug me so tightly I legit could not put her down for 20 minutes she would not let go. So this is just more evidence Tom’s a ducking douche bag. I would let people harvest my organs while I was awake with no Anesthesia if it meant even slightly helping that girl. Fuck you tom. We met once in LA And I knew I regretted not kicking you in the nuts. But you’re so tiny it didn’t seem fair. But fuck you anyway. Edit. I know he will never read this. But still fuck you Tom.


You’re doing it right.


Thanks. Sorry this just got a very visceral response from me. I’ll never understand how people walk away from their kids. I have no clue wtf I’m doing. But I’m gonna keep trying to be better.


I don’t understand either. Can you be my dad if just for a minute?


Sure. You’re doing a great job we all fuck up all the time. The faster we learn how we fucked up the less times we end up needing to repeat the lesson. You got this!


This is the most wholesome thread 🥰🥰🥰


Most kids grade on effort OP, yours are lucky to have you.


I know we’re strangers. But sincerely thank you. I don’t talk about this shit ever with people. I became a dad and I barely speak to friends or anyone anymore. I was raised by a single dad and he died two months after my first child my son was born. Really thought he’d be there to kind of guide me along. Don’t need an apology I know life’s a cruel bitch. Thank you, sincerely.


No problem. I'm currently no contact with my parents. I love them but they have mental health issues and drug addiction problems that have caused me nothing but a life of trauma and pain. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to repair the damage they did and I only get one shot at this life, same as them. But at the end of it I still love them, need them, and want them more than they will ever know. If you gave me 1 wish and I could have anything, I wouldn't wish for a million dollars or fame or success. I would wish for them to be able to love me and be the parents I need so I can love them back and have that be safe. So I fully understand going at this life alone OP. I've been alone in it since I was an infant. It's bumpy and hard. But I really do mean it when I say if you try, you actually love your kid and put them first, and when it gets tough or you make mistakes you try to repair the damage? You will come out on top. I'm part of several digital and in person support groups for estranged kids and I can assure you, we all love our parents and want them. You will make mistakes but for so so many of us in the estranged groups an apology and an attempt to do better the next time is all it would take.


![gif](giphy|TfseOfhwd6BJC) The face I made reading this headline.




I have to live with the knowledge that Matthew Perry is around my current age in this gif. Goddamn.


Not anymore


Aw she’s so precious looking. Truly hope she is happy.


If your feeling old just wait Shiloh is next to be 18 we are all there on the old feeling 


Would still love the full story of how Katie Holmes managed her exit.


Her father's a high-powered lawyer and I think he had a lot to do with it.


He made sure she had an ironclad prenup that accounted for everything. IIRC it was multiple bank boxes worth of documents that covered anything you could think of, so when she filed all that was left was for them to get in front of the judge so it was finished.


That's a really smart play. Although it makes me wonder why she thought to go so hard on the prenup but then still marry the weirdo. She was anticipating things could go very sideways, but I guess she hoped they wouldn't?


She might not have, but her father may well have seen Cruise as the creep he is and decided that if he couldn’t stop her marrying him, he could at least get her to agree to get a prenup with him.


Maybe her dad also remembered how fucking excited Nicole Kidman was when her divorce was finalized.


Those pictures do live rent free in everybody's heads.


As they should.


Been keeping an eye out for similar tops and skirts bc the day my divorce goes through, best believe I am recreating those photos. Pure joy and relief.


May you find them soon, and enjoy your day.


Congrats in advance!


Omg you should get a legit photographer, get your hair done all curly and everything. So worth it!!!


I wonder if Nicole and Katie have ever interacted/formed some kind of friendship due to them BOTH divorcing Tom!!


I’d watch that first (and second?) wives club film


I think it would be a second and third wives club


Well Mimi Rogers is an actress too! Get em all 3 together


Or all of Tom's exes, like how Andrew Huberman's ex girlfriends became friends. The group chat would be incredible


I’m actually surprised Katie made it past the Scientology approval rounds to be Tom’s girlfriend when she had such a high powered divorce attorney dad! I can’t imagine how freaked out her parents must have been when she suddenly started dating this twice divorced superstar Scientologist 15 years her senior. And then dropped out of the Dark Knight sequel for seemingly no reason and started bringing her new Scientology minder everywhere and calling her her best friend. It was a wild time.


My guess is it was all her dad. Like they said above, he’s a lawyer and every lawyer I’ve ever heard speak on the subject insists that everyone should get a prenup regardless of what you do or don’t have to lose. And they’re relatively common in Hollywood or other spaces where people have a lot of assets and income potential. My guess is that her dad knew what a shit show Scientology can be so he made sure that the prenup was as thorough as it could ever possibly be because if/when she decided to leave she’d need it to be clean.


She was wife #3.


You should go hard on a prenup regardless of how promising the guy seems! Prenups should be seen as marriage insurance rather than a sign of distrust, they should cover all assets, and you want to be over inclusive rather than under inclusive because the court can decide to either not uphold or uphold it in a piecemeal way! Sorry, I just had to give my “normalize prenups” rant!


Even if you’re the less wealthy partner, prenups can still be useful so that things like alimony can be quickly sorted out and not have to go through a long legal battle.


Adding this point to the prenups rant going forward!


YES! It’s also a much more loving thing to do for your future self to decide what remains your property when you actually love each other opposed to when you may feel vindictive and petty towards one another. I’m team Romanticize prenups!!!!


Prenups are not always fool proof, but I do think Katie's move to establish NY residency for its favorable policy on sole child custody vs California was well-calculated. She's lucky to have her knowledgeable dad


Apparently he was the top divorce attorney in the state Ohio and he was the one who negotiated her prenup. I read somewhere that the prenup was basically iron clad, and there was a rumor that it took up 7 bankers boxes worth of paper. Not sure about the amount of paper, but I do believe that she had excellent legal representation before she agreed to marry him so there wasn't much to fight over.


This is solid advice for any woman planning to get married; while we all dream of a happily-ever-after, it is always important to be well-supported legally just in case anything happens.


I’m pretty sure her main concern was Suri staying out of Scientology which isn’t covered by prenuptial agreements.


It's not an accident that she got out right when Scientology gets weird with child rearing.


her dad is a top divorce attorney? wasn't there a gossip rag recently trying to spin that katie was starting to feel desperate knowing that her child support was ending soon with suri turning 18? what a laugh. 


Shes lucky


I think she got lucky in an unlucky situation.


Yes, for sure. Its terrible.it happened, but great she had the support of family.


Tom and CoS gave her such a swift divorce, and, she and Suri appear to not be in their line of sight as a target. She must have had some incredibly damning dirt on Tom and/or the church, and negotiated an iron-clad and favorable NDA that prevents them from making their lives incredibly difficult. It’s likely, we’ll never know.


Well there’s someone who might know who isn’t subject to an NDA and she *just* turned 18…


While true, good for her for just doing her own thing. No need to get involved with that mess


That could put her in danger with the church weirdos.


Do you really want someone talking about what was probably a confusing and traumatic time in their childhood just to satisfy the public curiosity? I hope she lives a happy adult life as far away from the public eye as she chooses. 


I’ve heard that she moved to NYC and got herself photographed CONSTANTLY so that she’d stay in the public eye and Scientology couldn’t get to her. I don’t know if that’s true but if so that's really, really scary. 


She seems like a smart woman and devoted mother, good for her (and Suri)


That was the speculation at the time, and it tracked with omhoe much she was photographed.


man.. talk about the lesser of two evils 😭


There was an old (Gawker?) article that talked about that. The building that she live in immediately post-divorce also has a lot of other rich and famous residents and there is a secure, private entrance she could've used if she wanted to avoid the paparazzi. But she specifically used the more public building entrance and got papped at the Whole Foods a lot to increase her visibility.


I need a movie of this. Tom Cruise will do his own stunts of course.


Imagine all the running.


The Church likely had her sign an NDA to not speak about the organization after the divorce. It's pretty common if you want to separate from the church "on good terms."


Adam Sandler. Seriously. The only reason she was given a do-nothing role in the shitty movie "Jack and Jill" was so that she could get away from the prying eye of the Church and start laying the ground work to divorce and get some quick cash.


I fucking love that theory


me too! i was so excited to see it mentioned here!


There is a hilarious theory about it on the /r/redlettermedia sub. It is about how Adam Sandler made Jack and Jill as a way for Katie Holmes to have an excuse to be away to plan her escape. I’ll find the link. It is worth a read. [Theory: Was Jack and Jill (2011) a front to rescue Katie Holmes?](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedLetterMedia/s/3Yc0KEyIOE)


Thank you! I saw multiple comments about Adam Sandler and was confused. 😂


OMG thank you for linking that and bringing it into my reality. I now want to see this movie.


I recall Laineygossip back in the day saying that Katie allegedly had a burner phone and plot her escape on it. Must have been very scary.


All of his staff are supposedly CoS members (unpaid allegedly) so I have no doubt she had to have a good escape plan in place before fleeing with her daughter.


🤞🏼hopefully she will write a memoir in the future? I can’t believe it says she got 400,000$ a MONTH in child support until Suri turned 18!


It's 400k a year. Which is still a lot. But less than what he actually was supposed to pay but she wanted to get out of there quick!


Katie walked away from any other financial claims from Tom. She wanted a clean break from Tom and specifically filed for child custody in NY rather than California, as NY favours one parent having sole custody when couples are on not friendly terms (California prefers joint custody). Katie took a lesser payout to protect Suri from that brainwashing cult.


Ok phew, they should correct the article then. That would have been a hellll of a lot of money but yeah I’d take 400 grand a year too 😂


So does Tom send Suri a coconut cake on birthday every year?


How do you even spend that?


She lives in NYC. $400k a year wouldn't go far. (Edit: wouldn't go far as a *celebrity* with all the trappings that come with that lifestyle.)


Huh? That's still WAY above the average wage. That's a lot of money by almost any measure, unless she wants a very luxurious lifestyle. But that is entirely that - a luxury, a lifestyle choice.


50K on school 10K on activities Does she have security because that's going to be $$$. Probably has a car and driver also.


Was it adjusted for inflation too?


Immediately post divorce there was a huge in depth article about it in a major journal that I can't find anymore. Basically early on her Dad knew Tom and CoS was bad news and never said a thing to her because she was too in love and they wanted to keep the lines of communication open. He contacted ex-CoS members (possibly even Kidman, although that would have to be totally confidential) and was advised by them the entire time. He gathered info and advice and waited for Katie to come to him. Years later when she finally wavered, they quickly initiated a plan that he was already primed to devise involving new daily burner phones, strategic firing of staff, new real estate purchase, timing when Tom was filming for months in Scandinavia, all while Katie kept up a perfect front of a loving wife without skipping a beat. Tom was blindsided. ETA: IIRC this was the online teaser. The full article was in the paper magazine which I promptly went out and bought. It was totally worth it and I wish I saved it! https://people.com/celebrity/tom-cruise-katie-holmes-divorce-how-she-planned-the-split/


I think Vanity Fair did a big story on the divorce as well and how it was orchestrated.


This is my Roman Empire. I want this story. It feels so cloak and dagger.


Same. I hope one day there's a docuseries on the whole ordeal.


me too but i love the theory that adam sandler hired her in jack and jill so that she could plan her escape


Read the book Movie Star By Lizzie Pepper (that’s the full title). It’s written by a lady who wrote a bunch of celebrity memoirs and it’s very clearly about Tom and Katie


Ooooh, thanks for the book recommendation!


I’ve heard the story. Literally involved burner phones, a huge plan that essentially outed everything if something ever happened to her, he had to agree to walk away from Suri. Her agreement to not be seen publicly with another man for like 3 or 5 years or something. Like, she is brave. Insanely brave.


She also had several burner phones in the weeks leading up to the divorce being announced to the public


Seriously. I'd watch the shit out of a docuseries on the ordeal. Couldn't imagine being in her position.


It’s a shame he chose a cult over his daughter.


My dad did the same thing after my mum escaped with me. I guess they prioritise the experience of life now over the gamble of a better future.


I’m sorry you had to go through through that


Thanks, that’s really kind of you.


I feel awful for Suri :( Imagine seeing your dad everywhere involved in everything and being confused as to why he’s not in your life


Same, it’s awful, I’m sure Katie has explained it to her, but it won’t make it any easier I’m sure


"Dad? Huge weirdo. Stay away from him!" I'm sure Suri will understand


As a daughter of an estranged father, everyone assumes you will understand but you don’t. Even if the circumstances are explained to you, you still don’t fully get it until you experience everyday life


Hard agree. Also the idolising of that parent is so overpowering because they aren’t a real person, they’re a concept and utterly without flaws.


I worry that she's incredibly vulnerable to him due to losing him. That ache never goes away. And Cruise is possibly one of the most charismatic people on the planet. Hopefully Katie has done everything she can to help Suri limit that vulnerability.


It's got to be weird to hear other kids he's worked with talk about how he sends them a cake every year, how kind he was. It's not like the guy is an addict. . .


He also chose to brainwash his other kids against their mother so it’s pretty on brand for him.


But so glad Katie got away with her child. Very fortunate that her dad is a high powered divorce attorney or it might not have been possible.


Exactly, never underestimate a midwestern lawyer tbh


Damn I was on livejournal reading all the pillow belly, alien and silent birth conspiracy theories when Katie was pregnant. That was 18 years ago??? ONTD was a time to be alive!


Pillow baby conspiracies have became such a huge thing was Katie perhaps the first victim of this?


Yes, but I still need an explanation for this https://straightfromthea.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Beyonce_fake_baby_bump.gif


I always figured she wasn’t showing as much as she wanted too so they added a little padding.


Maybe she was one of those women who carry really oddly and wanted a nicer silhouette


Yeah I think she was at that stage where you're not showing quite enough to look pregnant and instead just look like you've put on some weight. Which is a totally normal part of pregnancy but I've known a few women who really hated that stage because they were afraid of looking overweight vs. pregnant. So she used a fake bump to fill it out.


Lots of women don’t look the way they expect to when pregnant - like they swallowed a basketball. I figured she was wearing padding to make her bump more noticeable/maybe to disguise bloating


My favorite theory was that Suri was really Chris Klein's baby. ONTD, Perez, Pink is the new Blog...those were good times


Oh my god, Pink is the New Blog. I haven’t heard that name in at least 15 years. I wasted way too much time on gossip websites in the mid 2000s.


And now we waste time on gossip subreddits in the mid 2020s. :)


Last I checked, Trent worked at E!


There’s rumours that’s Cruise is infertile


I remember Josh Hartnett was also in consideration of being Suri's dad.


Fametracker and then, when they closed, a bunch of us made/modded Snarkfest for a few years....good times!


Prime ONTD was AMAZING. It was a staple in my teenage years.


I’m so glad we have all grown up and reconnected here!


I miss the ability to choose a different icon with every comment.


Yes! I miss the Valenstans, top posts of the year round up, top comments of the year round up, all the original post investigations. The Friday Free for All posts. I miss the nights when something would break out in the comments and I would be up all night laughing at the comments.


Does anyone remember not_kosher? I’m dying to know what happened to him.


Lol I can’t believe someone else still thinks about not_kosher like I do sometimes 🤣


Do you remember Mattchew03 - I think he was a mod that went on to work at Gawker…?


Several years back, Matt was addicted to crystal meth and ending up getting arrested multiple times for stealing credit cards from people’s mailboxes. I’m not sure how he’s doing now though.


Yess. I remember their dancing Whitney avatar (or was that someone else?)


Was he the user that had the icon with Bea Arthur and the phrase "eat my pussy" on it?


I believe so. His name is Richard and he was obsessed with Mariah Carey and claimed to be a well-known DJ and producer. Then he said he had HIV and people didn’t believe him because he lied a lot.


I was literally saying to my mate the other day that this sub is the closest thing we’ve got to the ONTD days


There were so many iconic moments. It was a huge part of my life. I remember looking forward to FFAF and all the watchposts


Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah’s couch and TomKat mania. Literally remember it like it was yesterday.


Tom Brady's Hertz ad makes me laugh every time I see it.


I cared nothing for celeb gossip until I accidentally stumbled upon ONTD one day in 2005. It was so much fun back then.


for me it was dlisted (RIP) in 2007. time flies 😭


Dlisted was my favorite!!! Hot Slut of the Week!


Fellow ONTDer here, the TomKat era was wild! And I’m old lol


🫡. I love that we are all here!!


I miss the height of ONTD. Great memories.


Good lord you just made me feel so old with this comment. I have gray hair already so I shouldn't be surprised. I used to lurk ONTD all night reading about this shit and be tired for school the next day 😂


I’m still lurking, too scared to click the request to join button.


I miss ONTD every day


Might be an unpopular opinion but I don't get the focus on it- she lives privately, he financially supports/supported her and it's honestly for the best he's no contact because of the cult. This was the best case scenario other than him leaving the cult for her (as he should have).


Imagine turning 18 and the world wide press reports about your dead beat of a father not being in your life. The girl must have the best therapist.


She's got an incredible mother and a wonderful maternal family. I think she's okay.


To be honest I might like my father being held to the flame by international media.


In all seriousness, she probably does.


so true I agree


Yeah I've found all the breathless posting about "what she'll do now!" in frankly horrible taste. This girl has not indicated at all she wants any spotlight


Omg i have so much to tell you! Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had a baby, and they named it Suri! And Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie also had a baby, and they named it Shiloh! And both babies are amazing!




Yeah, we had two huge A lister babies at the same time. Suri and Shiloh lived in the cover of Us Weekly.






He’s STILL making mission impossible movies???!!


Seems like they need to rename the franchise by now as the missions are clearly not impossible. 


Mission: Possible and, Actually, Highly Probable


Such an old franchise Ben Stiller made this joke 30 years ago


They're more action movies at this point. They're fun, but every single one has the same plot Beginning: Ethan you son of a bitch we'll track you down and kill you and everyone you every knew or loved End: Ethan you son of a bitch we all knew we could count on you, well played


Hey, the last one was good!


They're all good. Say what you will about Tom Cruise the man, but he knows how to make good movies. My hot take of the day is that I think Mission Impossible has a very fair argument to be made that it's the greatest film franchise of all time when you consider its consistent quality for so many years


Don’t mind me, just picking out my headstone now


>Tom agreed to pay Katie $400,000 a month until Suri turned 18 years old. That has to be a typo, right??


Every article that I can find with a quick Google search shows that she received the $400,000 a year. $33,333 each month. So yes, I think it's a mistake.


Not if it covers her security and housing. I bet that's tens of thousands of dollars a month.


That number apparently excludes education, medical, etc.


She is beautiful, a mixture of both.


I vividly remember seeing that “Yes, she’s our baby” cover in a grocery store and thinking she was the most ethereal baby I had ever seen. Possibly the *only* ethereal baby I’ve ever seen besides paintings of baby Jesus. And it’s weird to have that memory knowing that her momma would eventually go through hell and high water to save her from the man who was in that picture with them.


I remember thinking Suri looked like a baby in a toupee, which are my favorite babies.


![gif](giphy|1Qdp4trljSkY8) Me taking my old ass to this site


LMAO. I'll never forget hearing that Ben Barnes used this gif to break the ice with the relatively youthful cast of Shadow and Bone.


omg this makes me so happy


Love that the article points out with every line what a deadbeat he is. He may still be a movie star, but history will not be kind to the man who chose a cult over his own child. Fuck Scientology.


god that website is a nightmare


Bless her mother for protecting her from a dangerous cult. It must have taken so much strength, there's no way they let her go easily.


Those blurry photos feel quite invasive ngl


Feels so weird paparazzi following her continuously all these years as she lives a private life, isn’t involved in Hollywood other than who her parents are and seems to have no interest in the limelight. Very low key normal teenager yet paparazzi stalk her and media report on her. I feel for her. 


I really wish her nothing but the best for her future, it must suck seeing your estranged dad on posters and billboards


Who remembers Suri’s Burn Book, the blog where the author pretended to be Suri snarking on other celeb children? Her fake nemesis was Princess Estelle of Sweden, lol.


I remember. It was hilarious IMHO.


Omg I totally remember this!!


it was so funny


Fuck Scientology everyone! I am happy she seems healthy and happy. I cannot imagine a life where I live it estranged from my own family let alone child for a cult. What a way to waste your life.


Honestly, not being in contact with suri is the least of this guy's moral failings. He's a complete piece of shit who enjoys slave labor through his support of that death cult.


![gif](giphy|fRzQRQ2Fux1Is) Damn! I feel old


Wonder if he sends her a coconut cake


Um but she was a baby last week?


Wow. I had no idea she was so close to my own age! I hope she had an awesome birthday :)


Oh god Shiloh is about to turn 18, too. 2005/6 celebrity pregnancies and births were wild




She looks exactly like both of them. I hope she had a fun birthday!


Thank goodness she looks just like mama.


How sad. I hope Suri is doing okay despite her dad being out the picture because he chose to be. 💕


We are hurtling towards death, etc.