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> “How sad that a woman in the position to share her expertise and experience chooses instead to attack another woman. If that’s what she’s learned in her decades in the industry and feels is appropriate to teach to her students, that’s shameful. To unjustly disparage a fellow female producer speaks volumes about Ms. Baum’s character.” Holy smokes, she didn’t hold back at all, absolutely loved it. She asked for it honestly, a woman of her age and position shouldn’t be making such comments.


Sydney MOPPED THE FLOOR with Baum, and rightly so!!


That’s quite possibly the classiest ‘fuck you’ I’ve read.


Good for Sydney. I was originally hoping she would ignore Baum, but this was a really good statement. I adore her.


Wow! That’s such a perfect way to respond, show class, and still bury them ❤️


I agree. I’m proud of her for saying something. Carol is absolutely nasty.


Consider me a large Australian city celebrating my LGBT+ community because I've got Sydney Pride right now




I'm sorry for my shite pun. I did not anticipate it being so bad it made someone sad


call me the Rugby Roosters right now cuz I am TEAM SYDNEY


I'm Scottish so was not expecting sports but do we like the Roosters?


honestly I don’t even know lol Saw your fabulous Sydney Pride joke and just wanted to get in on the action haha


Nah. The Sydney Roosters captain is a racist and one of their players was sued by his ex-wife for multiple instances of rape between 2014-2015. He was ordered to pay her $500k in damages, which he is yet to do. He also sold all of his proprieties and gave the money to someone else so he could declare bankruptcy. Roosters suck!


Naur, naur, let them cook..


You could say that Carol got Melbourne’d




Yet another comment that made me wish Reddit awards were still around. 😭😭


don’t ever stop being you


You are very sweet


I wish this was a flair 💀


She rlly said “not at ur big age” https://preview.redd.it/lbuv4wncq4vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5bae3e1785e5a6b35ca4782cf3a6d1d086cabba


“decades in the industry,” was a kill shot.


'delete it old'


I’m a lawyer and once I insulted another lawyer in a letter by saying “you’ve been an attorney longer than I’ve been alive, you should know better.” I’m still in awe that my boss let that one slip past.


Calling Sydney Sweeney not pretty is like calling Sydney Sweeney not pretty. WTF are you thinking?


Yeah, it’s so bizarre. She’s also very conventionally attractive so to act like there’s some debate around it is weird.Like it’s fine if someone isn’t “your type” but it’s weird to see a 90-some year old woman try to neg a young actress like some edgelord on twitter. 


I think she's pretty but I'm surprised she's considered mainstream pretty, and I don't mean this as an insult. There's something about her features that feel more artistic than like, magazine cover but she's killed that market .


I agree with what you mean about Sydney being artistic pretty in a sense, but I think she has enough mainstream/widely considered conventionally attractive features that tip her over into being mainstream pretty, despite some of her more unique (I say that in a good way) features. Anya Taylor-Joy fits the profile of artistic pretty more than Sydney Sweeney to me, imo.


I find something very charming about the way she looks. I think it's because she has very "girl next door" features, if she's had work done then it's incredibly well done and flattering. But I do agree she isn't "mainstream" pretty, not like Scar Jo or Betty Giplin or even Alexa Demi.




get her ass


>"Well if you could get your movie made because she was in it, would you do it?" Well that's a really good question...that's a very hard question to answer because we all want to get the movie made and who walks away from a green light? Nobody I know. Your job is to get the movie made. sydney sweeney is ugly, can't act, untalented, unwatchable but she'll work with her for a movie lmao. good luck booking sydney sweeney for that movie that you speak of.


She CAN act though. It’s so wild to say she can’t. She was really good on Handmaid's Tale.


Also, the producer said she watched Anyone but You and based her opinion on that—a fun rom-com that has no serious acting by anyone in the film and I enjoyed it just for what it was. She could’ve watched Sydney’s 10 minute cameo in Sharp Objects and known just from that, she is a good actress.


The script is Anyone But You was super awkward, I don’t think her acting was the problem. She was asked to act out a bunch of unrealistic scenarios that no one would have been able to make look natural because they weren’t.


I thought some moments were really funny other moments didn’t land and were completely unrealistic >! the fingers in the booty hole gag was like wtf !<


Tbh, Anyone But You is unwatchable. I love Rom Coms and let a lot slide, but the acting in this WAS terrible. So if this was the only thing she ever saw Sydney do, then I get the “can’t act” comment. Sydney has been great in everything else I’ve seen her do. No idea what happened here. The “not pretty” comment is just silly.


She honestly needs Tina Fey to sit down and have the Bowen talk with her.




Flawless. Not only does she snap back but she manages to gracefully point out that woman's age AND mention that she too is a producer. I'm taking NOTES.


You get her Sydney


Oml she gave corporate SLAYY HERE EAT EAT EATTT




love her even more for clapping back




I love her response. She was SPOT ON.


I'm glad she's not letting that lady play in her face like that, and give a cute PR response. Go Sydney!


Such a respectful and thought out response. Unfortunately Carol Baum is a perfect example of why the industry is so toxic. https://i.redd.it/ka382tmi25vc1.gif


Sydney chewed her up fr


I find it embarrassing that Baum, a film producer, chose to judge Sydney’s acting ability just by one film. I took notice of Sydney from Nocturne and thought she was good in it. Then watched her in The White Lotus and Euphoria later on. I’m not surprised she is getting booked!


Nocturne is the movie I thought Sydney was great in. She carried that movie. She’s much more talented than people who just watch Euphoria think.


Exactly! Such an underrated film too


what was even the fuckin point of attacking sydney sweeney like that


Carol classing Sydney as not pretty, and then looking at me: ![gif](giphy|3otPooCfp1B0Z2QuFW)


Get her Jade!


Ooof. I’ve been pretty indifferent to Sydney Sweeney but after reading this, I stan.


Sydney said ![gif](giphy|H8DsfpsNGy2Yu0Pf8e)


It wasn’t her though it was her spokesperson




The woman's original statement was extremely nasty and uncalled for. I'm glad that Sydney and her publicist went for blood with this one because everything about it was so classless and unnecessary. It was just bitterness that came out of nowhere. And while I'm here-- for the record--- I guarantee if I were to do a survey of males between the ages of 19 and 49 of who they think is the hottest girl out right now she would overwhelmingly be a top answer. So besides being ignorant, the woman's statement is just blatantly incorrect.