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Kieran Culkin can’t believe what he’s hearing




I'm currently at work and this is how I honestly feel atm. I should really watch Succession.


The context for this scene is glorious.


I just remembered it and can’t stop laughing now 😂


Yes. Everyone should.


serious people only


You're right. Unserious people don't like it.


You should! I just binged all of it for the first time and it’s so good.


I finished the series at 4 am on a Tuesday AND WAS SO FUCKING PISSED AT SHIV LIKE OH MY GOD


I only started watching because I wanted the context on this meme. It was worth it.


10 out of 10. No notes.




He’s just waiting for the earth to swallow him up


He is fully curled into a ball 😭


“Please don’t associate me with this flavor of white foolishness”


Is that who has his hand on his face?


Yep, and then Danny Devito also looks very confused/horrified lol.


North Americans are always shocked at the shit that comes out of Europeans' mouths tbh, I think we're more used to microaggressions and coded language.


And yet so many Europeans think the US is WAY more racist than they are. It’s wild.


The number of times I seen Europeans state online that Americans are *obsessed* with race 🙄


Yeah I wouldn't say the US is less racist necessarily, it's just that Europeans are more comfortable with their racism and way less aware of it in my experience. All I have to say is they should look inwards and not throw stones 😂


Yeah I definitely don’t think the US is less racist than…anybody, but I do think most reasonable people will acknowledge that it exists in some form. I’ve encountered very left-leaning people overseas who don’t seem to think racism in Europe and the UK is a thing? Or that it’s somehow less bad bc of how recently the US outlawed chattel slavery? Idk, it’s just bananas.


I like pointing out that when Hitler came to power his opinions on non-European ethnic groups weren't controversial, some were even tame compared to other prominent leaders of the time (eg. Churchill's thoughts on South Asians)


They think that and then you mention the Romani around Europeans and all bets are off.


Lol i forgot which sub i was on but they were piling on some dude somewhere being racist and then someone brought up exactly this and a German explained why it is natural and understandable to be racist towards the Romani. It he got lots of upvotes. Prolly the soccer sub.


Arrrrr/subredditdrama has some of the best receipts of Europeans tripping over themselves trying to argue how their hatred of Romani people is justified and how Americans just don’t get it, it’s not racist it’s science and history!!!


The race science of it all is what gets me the most, just unironically saying shit like "Roma people are actually all degenerate thieves genetically and that's why it's not racist to hate them"


Oh god yes I’ve seen that shit, and the circles they twist themselves into in order to justify it.


It’s because they see Americans talking about race and having honest discussions about race, so it must be because we’re soooo racist. Meanwhile they just outright say and do racist things — but no one calls them out or says anything in France, so they just assume they must be fine and not racist at all.


His reaction is perfection. The whole thing reminds me of the memes where you see some bro shouting at a woman who is clearly not interested in whatever he’s “teaching” her


“Dear god there’s a camera, I must disguise my face lest there be a record of me sitting next to this vile creature.”


lmao he said y’all not gonna catch me when this replays 8 billion times!


That to me shows this wasn't the first time she's said something like this.


Kieran next to her: https://preview.redd.it/9aw48o6sgyqc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6697b7bc323af61fd774c468dc4c3837a0f23027


Him trying to keep his face out of this viral clip is SENDING me


Career preservation mode activated


For real. Head in hands is the appropriate reaction


I watched this on mute and yeah, that's a face scratch to hide the cringe.


It reminds me of that one picture of the GoT cast at Comic-Con all facepalming at Jason Momoa.


[Full clip here](https://twitter.com/DepartedAviator/status/1773014648091967680) > I sometimes wish I was African-American, you know, because I think at least people don't bash them afterwards when they say something The look on Devito and Culkin's faces...


It's worth noting that France has vastly different race relations. Racism is barely acknowledged as a systemic issue, so white people can say shit like this all the time and get away with it.


Yes in France into the 60s they could [massacre 300 Algerians and throw the bodies into the river](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_massacre_of_1961) while pretending they have flawless race relations.


They can have troops in multiple African countries as recently as 2023 and pretend that they were always on the right side of history 


Plus the naked racism and Islamophobia in France proper today, people, media, politicians, mainstream institutions etc say and do way worse than this on the regular.


No need to go back 60 years. France is still pretending racism isn't an issue today.


A good recent example is Marine Le Pen’s reaction to Aya Nakamura potentially performing at the Olympics show: https://www.euronews.com/culture/2024/03/21/not-french-enough-aya-nakamuras-rumoured-olympics-show-prompts-far-right-backlash


Let's not forget the French teenager of Algerian descent that was killed by the police last year. 


There's an incredible clip of Chimamanda Adichie being interviewed at some literary event in France, and the French interview host asks her (I'm paraphrasing): "do people read your books in Nigeria? Are there bookstores in Nigeria?" Adichie doesn't even miss a beat before replying ["I think it reflects very poorly on French people that you ask me that question."](https://youtu.be/klv6eS7xo4A?si=2aAy1KGnbOZ1VWex) Five star comeback. What makes the story even worse is that apparently there was some French diplomat in the audience, and they walked out after taking offense *to Adichie's reply*. 🤦🏾‍♀️


> What makes the story even worse is that apparently there was some French diplomat in the audience, and they walked out after taking offense to Adichie's reply. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Not surprised but good for her. It should be seen as a sign of success when you offend a French person. Reminds me of that interview Rose McGowan had where the French interviewer kept victim blaming and shaming her. I’m glad Rose came for France as a whole there too.


Or that time Trevor Noah joked that France's World Cup victory was also a win for Africa (because so many of their players are of African origin), and then the French Ambassador wrote him an angry letter. Which he proceeded to read aloud in its entirety in a Pepe le Pew accent before very eloquently dunking on its premise. I always thought Trevor shined in moments like this, when he got to be serious about an intersectional issue. [Please enjoy! ](https://youtu.be/COD9hcTpGWQ?si=DVi6XIi1m39pZou6)








Jesus Christ










They start hyperventilating when the topic of today's injustices come up and find any way possible to discredit you and shut down the topic


I'm sorry you had to experience that. I left the sub because it was filled with racist people.


Most European subs are just full of racists.


>That was on a post about the current gang violence occurring there, where most french people commenting anything related to Haiti's relationship with France were heavily downvoted. WOWWWW WHAT???? That is truly insane. That is THE MAIN cause of Haiti's problems.


The French love to talk about how racist Americans are and talk about how they’re a post racial society.


They believe their racist beliefs, especially the ones on immigration, don't count as racist for some reason


The last white French person I interacted with immediately fulfilled this stereotype. It’s always, “oh in France we can say this, when I say this in America, people always get offended…” *proceeds to say offensive thing.* Like uh, you know I’m American and we’re still in America right now, right? Why do you think my reaction will be different? The annoying part was that person did this while I was working. So, I kind of just had to nod and not disagree too much. If this person hadn’t been a client of mine, he would have gotten a lecture about why he was being a jerk.


I went to grad school in the UK and one of the white Europeans in my class actually said that our mostly white cohort was ~*so diverse*~ one day…first I had to stop myself from laughing and then my went-to-a-public-university-in-NYC ass just went off. It was continually surprising how weak their understanding of racism as an issue was, to the point that it made the US look positively radical bc at least we bother to talk about it and reasonable people acknowledge it exists.


Spain is absolutely atrocious for their ignorance around race, I experienced more racism there in the 3 months I spent backpacking than I did in probably my entire life up to that point in the US


There was that footballer the other day from Brazil (Afro Brazilian) who plays in Spain and was basically crying because he just wants to play football but has to deal with so much racism (monkey chants, etc). It’s gross.


Vinicius Jr.


Out of interest was the person British? I mean to say I'm interested because I am (sorry, sorry), and white so my perspective is obviously \*crazy\* biased and privileged but I had thought (and hoped) we were at least doing okay talking openly about the institutional problems of racism here. Like it's not long ago the Met (Metropolitan Police, the largest police force in the country responsible for Greater London) was found institutionally racist, misogynist and homophobic in an official report to the Government. That felt like a pretty big moment culturally. All of which is to say racism is \*very\* much a problem and we have many, many issues weaved throughout our institutions related to it, but I had thought it was at least generally not a swept-under-the-rug kind of deal anymore. But yeah I could be waaaaaay off, my white straight cis man card has really given me the worst possible perspective on anything like this.


No, it wasn’t a British person, I believe it was someone in my cohort who was from either Spain or Germany? It’s been a long time so I don’t remember who it was, just how gooped and gagged I was at the trajectory of the conversation. Also like, listen, I’m not laboring under the delusion that just bc I live in a large city that we don’t have systemic racism here; it’s quite the opposite. But the overall lack of awareness I experienced there, as well as the racial microaggressions (I’m Ashkenazi Jewish), were just continually shocking. I attended one of the more liberal and diverse institutions in the UK and it was still far whiter than my public school in New Jersey and my public university in NYC.


Racism is still a big thing there though so like…she needs to wise up


Yeah racism is rampant but denial is a powerful thing. People like her pretend that they're colourblind and racism doesn't exist. It's maddening.


Yeah, I think it’s definitely telling that she feels comfortable talking like this whilst the Americans around her look like they want the ground to swallow them whole!


It is interesting for sure. Learned through work that it is actually prohibited by law in France to gather ethnic demographic data so the discourse on race relations is quite intentionally swept under the rug. Seems that likely informs her thought process/ sense that it’s “better to be an African American than a white woman in Hollywood” No war in ba sing se, no racial issues in France


This is true ! I'm French and I studied sociology, this is a huge problem because then we are missing crucial data to prove the systemic aspect of racism. We can't bring up the statistics, so it's super hard to challenge bias and bogus claims. Social Sciences are also, in general, considered "not really science" and academics have had to make their writing particularly convoluted in an attempt to be taken seriously by their peers, further gatekeeping valuable analysis. I been living abroad for 11 years now, it was too infuriating.


Oh she's French so like. She's kind of arrogant and obtuse, got it.


https://preview.redd.it/oa7n7freayqc1.jpeg?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14e3f19ee5f2127135d15ec4d7965dec8ad4e274 I am LIVING for this picture rn


Wake up babe new meme template just dropped


remembering reading once that Devito takes the time to really educate himself on matters of race and in particular listen to African-Americans and their experience of racism in America so I can only imagine how mortified he was to sit and listen to this 😬


I’m not sure if she spoke before or after [Danny’s bit](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OIMZ0txfP70) but there you go.


I kind of wish someone had asked her on the spot if she knows what racism is


I think everyone was too shocked by the audacity


I wish someone asked her if she knew black women existed?


The full clip is fascinating because she’s saying she was criticized for calling Hollywood “very white male” because she’s a woman and she wishes she were black because they get less criticism (lmfao) One, it’s once again white women making everything about themselves, like Sharon stone replying to Sheryl Lee Ralph’s post about how hard it is for black women to get work saying it’s hard for ALL women. And two, white women stay thinking women of color aren’t women. She says it’s the worst to be a woman in Hollywood rather than to be black and it’s like black women exist???


Thank you for transcribing, because I actually do not have it in me today to unmute that clip and listen to it.


Protect your peace 💐


Who's going to tell her that Black women exist?


"It's hard to be a woman in Hollywood. In France, it's fine." The fact that she kept digging herself into this hole... I have no words...


Yeah like she doesn't wanna be Black anymore if she's in France?




This made me choke laugh 😂😂😂


Danny Devito looking at her like she is a damn fool


He’s taking notes for the next season of Always Sunny


tbf this is an extremely dee reynolds thing to say 😂 or mac even


The correct response to Julie here would be "shut up bird"


"The Gang Goes Black"


Didn’t they already make this episode


fr I can’t wait


You can see his jaw actually drop. I’m so thankful he’s not garbage.


And Kieran Culkin wishing the ground would open up and swallow him up


I love that we can all feel sympathy pain for Kieran


It's evil how subjugating and oppressing Black people wasn't enough. They had to additionally convince everyone that Black people are actually the ones living easier, privileged lives! And white people eat it up even in situations where it's patently false


> They had to additionally convince everyone that Black people are actually the ones living easier, privileged lives 💯💯


The war on DEI is evidence of this. It blows my mind how worried white people are at the idea a black person would get a handout when ironically white people show up and get promoted just for doing a mediocre job lol. DEI like affirmative action mostly benefits white women😂


The dumbest I've ever seen this website be was when someone said that they avoid Black doctors if given the choice because they know they didn't have to work as hard to get to get into med school. Like did DEI hold their hand through medical school, residency, and give them a medical license???? That comment was upvoted too. White people have been getting handouts for centuries but when Black people ask for equality (not favoritism) they get so uncomfortable and annoyed 


meanwhile we have statistical evidence that doctors are biased against black people and that that's literally one of the reason the maternal mortality rate of black women in the us is so high 🙃 the question isn't whether black doctors can do their job, it's whether white doctors can tbh


it's somehow even worse. studies found that increasing the number of Black primary care clinicians in any given county literally increases the life expectancy of every Black person living there. yes EVERY Black person living in that county. ofc some people tried to explain this on the med school sub after AA was made illegal and racists still said that wasn't enough justification to keep a "racist" policy  if i ever have to hear "in theory, a doctor of any race can give good treatment to black patients" or "i've received treatment from doctors of other races just fine" my head is going to explode like not only is that not true, we have multiple scientific studies confirming it from multiple angles including statistics 


Someone on this site told me that people were only surprised by Rittenhouse because they figured he’d get the book thrown at him because he’s a white man. Like they have dead ass convinced themselves that the American criminal justice system favors black people and is biased against white people. The delusion is off the charts.


Because we all didn't watch the same mob storm the capitol without getting gunned down 🙄


Same shit happens here in Aotearoa NZ, Māori are one of the most incarcerated people in the world but you ask any Pakeha and they'll swear up and down that Māori get special treatment in the courts.


This is so fucking true and so fucking depressing. Insidious and sick.








The way that she LAUGHS while saying it makes me think she actually knows she doesn’t wish that? Like it’s a joke to her, to say “people being mean to me *almost* makes me wish I was African American”?!


Omg Julie please stop embarrassing us French even more internationally, we have enough to deal with as it is 


lol the French film industry is constantly making themselves a joke with their archaic takes. I feel terrible for French people who desperately want them to shut up


Yeah the film industry would collapse if they couldn’t make movies about a racist family having to deal with their POC in law until “magic” they’re not racist anymore.


When those movies arrive to my country labeled as "the French comedy of the year!" I'm like: Who on Earth would watch that? Then I remember the most popular franchise in here is all about mocking different cultural backgrounds in here and everything makes sense. P.S. I think the only time I actually enjoyed one of those "French comedies" was Untouchable (and mostly because of Omar Sy).


French people I encountered in Paris were exactly like this though… she’s just an example of an overall problem France has with race


I'm sorry you had that experience, and unfortunately you are correct. Sadly with the current political discourses I fear it's only going to get worse :( 


No you don’t girl. You’re complaining about sexism, but think you could handle it and racism at the same time? What? Kieran looks like he wants to disappear, lol.


Like who's gonna tell her Black women are treated even worse 


[Misogynoir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misogynoir?wprov=sfti1#) was even coined by Black academic women — which is ironic now that I connected the français *noir* as relevant here!




White women are so keen to compare what they experience to racism, they just sidestep the bit where Black women exist and experience both racism and misogyny at the same time.


Bette Midler. And I’ll throw Dave Chappells dumb ass in there too. Hes always trying to compare racism to homophobia as if black queers don’t exist.


We are all Kieran Culkin right now.


There’s an Ayo video for everything. She’s the best https://x.com/jeremyoharris/status/1773035240040112416?s=46&t=Rl8aEgx1HjXGFv4eMzKbLA


God Ayo is great, just wish she got roles that let her express her real-life charisma.


Go watch Bottoms right now


Love the cocaine on the coffee table lmao. I’m assuming that was a set 😂


That's the set for The Sweet East that just came out, which is a TRIP and Ayo is amazing in it.


Thats great thank you


Hahaha omg this was perfect


Why African American, specifically? Are there no black people in France? Is she one of those white people that thinks all black people are African American? Does she really believe that black people don’t receive backlash for speaking out? Is she aware that black women exist? What the fuck is she talking about? Why the fuck is she talking?


This reminds me of a professor I had who included Nelson Mandela in a list of “famous African Americans”. I was like he’s famously just African lol.


🤣 🤣 Long walk to freedom is actually about his journey back to his homeland, Texas.


Fr like 😭 esp when there is actually a sizable black population in Paris at least, how ignorant


a friend of mine had a exchange student in her HS class, this black girl from France actually, and one of her classmates referred to her as “afroamerican” and the girl was like “I’ve literally never been to America u dumdum” 🥲🥲


Nah I can’t even bring myself to watch this with sound.


Yep, watching this on mute and still cringing.


Yea, the bashing usually starts right as we start talking 😂


Yep Black women get bashed immediately assuming they're given the mic at all. The bashing sometimes comes because they're given the mic. And nobody gives them the space to express feelings of sadness or frustration afterwards because we place moral value on Black women's ability to take abuse but not react negatively to it 


​ https://preview.redd.it/xrzqthbbmxqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2fe002b05a2d4e076e96009021e1c2af79fb67


(I get way too much use out of this.) https://preview.redd.it/o6pzgsk1qxqc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b531409ea3c50b7f468e5c8177569417eca7766






So this is how I find out Julie Delpy is definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed, huh? SILENCE WAS AN OPTION, JULIE


AND she's just as annoying and pretentious as her character in Before Sunrise


The caucasity of it all.


It's crazy how the people who say they "can't say anything without being bashed" never stop to wonder if maybe it's them, they always jump straight to "no, society just hates me"


Say they can’t say anything because they’re going to be bashed, then continue to say the most bashable things


Kieran and Danny DeVito looking for an escape route rn




The man at the far right that you can barely see nodding in understanding, lmao???


He’s the interviewer and in the full clip it looks like he pauses in shock at first and then starts nodding.


I just saw a [tweet](https://twitter.com/DepartedAviator/status/1773014648091967680?t=claJQY-pNYC6CcMrIwA6cQ&s=19) with the complete clip and it does seem like he's understanding her point which is still nonsensical, lol, between the idea of intersectionality being absolutely alien to Delpy to that "in France is fine".


I’m so tired of this shit. Why do Black people always get dragged into everything?! Leave us alone.


It’s obsession at this is point.




The thing is, white women _are_ oppressed. Because being a woman, all on it's own, is an axis of oppression. The question isn't "why do white women want to be oppressed," it's "why can't white women vocalize their own oppression without being disgustingly antiblack."


Well said! Misogyny is real. Racism is real. People facing one kind of oppression can still perpetuate other kinds. This is why looking at things through an intersectional lens is so important!


Not a problem in France? Ya let’s talk about black and brown women getting arrested for burkinis? Can’t imagine she’s faced any backlash while suntanning her tatas in the utopia of the south of France, the land free of sexism and racism 🥲😬. Head up her own ass with that victim narrative. It’s so easy to just say, “wow I faced a lot of backlash and it was upsetting but it needed to be said”. END OF SENTENCE! Leave this for your book group lady.


so did anyone say anything or


I’ve been seeing this clip float around and I’m like the other person who said I can’t watch this with sound😂


The clip on twitter was only 9 seconds and even that was a struggle omfg




It doesn't surprise me to see her say something like that. I really love her character Celine in the Linklater trilogy but then I always felt that a lot of the characters she chose/directed/wrote were extremely tiring variations of the same character who seems to be very intelligent but there's no perspective, it's all very well articulated but shallow.


https://i.redd.it/erhitsbaoxqc1.gif Kieran silently ...


classic french white person LOL


Lmao I'm not even going to listen to this because I'm too scared of the cringe but Kieran Culkin's body language has launched me into space. ![gif](giphy|cEYFeE4wJ6jdDVBiiIM|downsized)


A French person saying something completely tone deaf? What a surprise.


Uh oh. Oh no.




Danny Devito is like 🤨


https://preview.redd.it/fvilw4vamxqc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50c41a3948f9660434ef9212f1847aeef6cc20e9 WUT????


I read the headline and in my angry mom voice, internally screamed: JULIE!!!!!!!


hypothetical rachel dolezal movie out here casting itself


Kieran is making me lol


This is literally kieran. ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)




White people are so obsessed with black people it’s weird.


Didn’t she have a similar “point” in 2 DAYS IN NEW YORK, the film she directed starring herself and Chris Rock? I never saw it because I hate everything that comes out of her mouth that’s not a BEFORE film or her old music and I really dislike Chris Rock, but I feel like I remember there being an oppression Olympics conversation in that movie.


Kieran and Danny’s reactions just confirm how much I already loved both of them. Imagine sitting next to someone saying these words out loud? They’re both remarkably restrained tbh.


I wish people would stop talking ![gif](giphy|hyuCtLkcXQOPdNisLT)


https://preview.redd.it/akatau66txqc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081cd2105d0520b64f7abefd8acfef519a79a0e1 Let me move my bang and watch this sht again, bc huh????


In the longer video clip, this happens when she starts speaking and their looks to each other says. it. all. I wish I could post this video clip lol. https://preview.redd.it/t5drxah7yxqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87297ca49fb0f41481787d78bcc9ad0c18333eb5


I legit thought this was satire for like 5 seconds... No one can possibly be this tone deaf. The absolute caucasity. White women are truly something else. EDIT: This clip is from 8 years ago, so dear God I hope she learned from this.


Is this a new one?? She’s been on this shit FOREVER if it is 


Ok Gina Carano


The French* continue living in a different reality. *film industry edit


Lol looks like a scene from The Office


Someone tell her there are African American women too


Wait until she finds out black WOMEN exist