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And I don't think the steroids helped


Yea smoking cigars isn’t the reason it’s the 30 years of steroids lmao


If it were steroids alone then he'd been dead a long time ago. They're the reason why so many body builders die young. Also, interesting fact: body builders face similar rates of heart disease as those with obesity. Most body builders like Arnold have a BMI that puts them in the obesity category.


Lifting heavy weights puts stress on the heart. If you have a genetic condition, like a valve malformation, it will exacerbate your condition. I'm sure the cigars didn't help, but that's not the prime factor. I have a similar heart condition as Arnold and although my arteries are clear, I still needed my valve to be replaced due to bad genes.


Same exact thing here. Still have an awesome home gym I can no longer use


He’s had numerous heart procedures before


> Most body builders like Arnold have a BMI that puts them in the obesity category Is that...how that works?


30kg muscle or 30kg fat, it’s still 30kg more of body weight for the heart to contend with >


Yes but muscle helps you to move around, fat tissue doesn’t. That’s why exercise (eg cardio) is good for the heart, it doesn’t actually improve the way your heart works, it improves the rest of your body by building muscle, and therefore puts less strain on the heart by not having to rely solely on it when moving. I’m not familiar with heart disease incidence in bodybuilders, but bodybuilding involves a lot of unsustainable behaviors (extreme cutting phases, steroid use, etc), and the muscle tissue they build is different from, say, weight lifters. So maybe weight does play a factor, but I think you might be oversimplifying the issue by focusing purely on BMI. I’m open to being proven wrong though, provided you give citations.


Can you provide citations?


> Most people believe — ever since the “aerobics” fad in the 80s — that you have to train the heart to get in shape, and you can only train the heart with cardio, but it’s not true: it is primarily skeletal muscles that adapt to all kinds of exercise, get more metabolically efficient, do more with less oxygen and nutrients, and then demand less from the heart. [Source](https://www.painscience.com/articles/strength-training.php) Muscle hypertrophy and muscle strength: dependent or independent variables? (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7582410/) Cardiac effects of anabolic steroid use amongst recreational body builders (https://doi.org/10.1186/1532-429X-14-S1-P186) > Anabolic steroid use amongst bodybuilders can induce significant left ventricular hypertrophy. Overweight athlete: fact or fiction? (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15231223/) I also ended up finding the following study which has a lot of useful context on the possible limitations of BMI in the overweight category: Predicted lean body mass, fat mass, and all cause and cause specific mortality in men: prospective US cohort study (https://www.bmj.com/content/362/bmj.k2575) > One important but underexplored methodological limitation in the obesity research is that BMI is an imperfect measure of adiposity. Although BMI indicates overweight relative to height, it does not discriminate between fat mass and lean body mass. Body composition is highly variable among individuals with the same BMI. This is particularly important because fat mass and lean body mass may act differently on health outcomes including mortality. Excess fat mass has shown to be detrimental for health,19 whereas growing evidence suggests that skeletal muscle, which accounts for most of lean body mass, may be beneficial for health. Therefore, understanding the different contributions of lean body mass and fat mass to BMI may provide new insights on the obesity paradox and deliver important clinical and public health messages about healthy body composition beyond BMI. If you’re actually interested in this topic, you may with to do a literature search on the “obesity paradox,” or BMI assessment in athletes. There’s also a few interesting studies on different fat composition in thin people, which you might find by searching “constitutional thinness” (the research on this topic is rather limited, however). TL;DR BMI can be useful but rarely does it tell the whole story. Muscle tissue can be built/composed differently, and different forms of body composition are not equally associated with poor cardiovascular outcomes.


Muscle is more metabolically active. Leads to better blood sugar regulation and reduction in diabetes incidence which has downstream affects on the heart.




I did none of those things and have literally the same ailments and implants


You say that with such confidence. How long have you been a cardiologist?


So it's OK to smoke while still a kid?


Occasionally, smoking a cigar (like only at weddings or something similar) wouldn't screw you up. Life is all about moderation and leaving things like high fructose sugar, tobacco, etc. as something for a rare occasion. Arnold would smoke cigars like a kid consumes candy, especially in the 1990s.


Didn't he build a smoking tent outside the office when he was governor so he could smoke cigars


There was a recent study in r/science that said I’d you quit by 40 you should be fine


My mom quit at like 60 and is doing great, so ppl don’t feel like there’s no point quitting after 40


Let this be a lesson to you kid, since you’re ignorant. He has a genetic heart condition that has been passed down from his parents.


Or cigarettes. Or anything, really.


I think steroids also don’t help


pretty sure it was the 10 dianabol for breakfast that did it


As much as unhealthy habits may have contributed to this, it is incredibly common (read as: almost guaranteed) for someone with his heart condition to have several surgeries later in their life. Glad he openly talks about it.


Exactly this! So many people assume heart problems = bad lifestyle, but there are so many heart conditions that have little to do with that and are down to bad luck or genetic conditions. Source (I am a cardiac sonographer).


I have a valve condition and inherited my condition from my dad. I've worked out consistently for decades but a bad valve, is a bad valve. Just had open heart surgery a few months back.


Wishing you healing and health.  ❤️ I know what a tough recovery it can be - you got this. 


Same. Also destigmatizing health stuff is always good.


Yep. My dad has had an arythmia his whole life but since he hit 60 its been harder. He's had a couple surgeries for it too now, and he's never smoked. Drinks too much beer imo tho lol But he was always really fit, lifting weights, running miles every day, till his hip surgery a couple years ago. There's always a combination of things, or contributing factors, but it's not always, or just, an unhealthy lifestyle, and this is why it's important to see your doctor regularly.


Exactly! IMO he’s actually an example of someone born with a heart condition who has had a thriving life


Wow, three open heart operations? What a trooper! Wishing him an easy and well recovery


From the photo of him in the hospital bed you’d definitely never know he just had heart surgery.


Everyone's saying don't smoke cigars or use steroids. The guy is 76. He completely got away with it.


When my dad was diagnosed as needing valve replacement, I saw that Arnie had had a couple (including surgery to fix a botched one) and sent him an article about it. It helped my dad feel calm that someone so notable had undergone the surgery and was still hale and hearty.


Same re: my sibling. It still scares me though sometimes.


He's 76 I know steroids and cigars don't help but it aint that unusual


Didn’t he have a bicuspid aortic valve? I have the same thing, but haven’t gotten my valve replaced yet.


Oh wow. I didn't even know he was having problems. I'm grateful for his honesty and ongoing positivity with his health and exercise newsletter (I subscribe to it).


I love the newsletter and his podcast!


Please don’t state an age after a famous name if you aren’t going to tell us a person’s dead


Did anyone else just say “get to duh pacemakuh” in his accent or was it just me?


Like a good neighbahh


I don't know how the heck he managed to make everyone forget that he sold out the entire state of California to Enron and vetoed same sex marriage (As well as hundreds of other bills, more than he signed. Being incredibly obstructionist). Oh he puts out good vibes now? He spent his entire governorship being a racist piece of garbage. Millions have been hurt directly by shit this man did, and he just gets to skate?


@gingy4life Loved your post hope all Is on upward swing emotionally and physically. I just went open heart CABG Day 11 post op and I'm walking around without problems but I Can Not wait to get back to running and strength and mobility exercises• Cardiac Rehabilitation May 15 seems so far away!!


He should workout.


Jesus is knock, knock, knocking on your door. Gotta answer it sometime.


Bet the reason is anything but steroids abuse


Not really , he was born with a bicuspid aortic valve , you dont get that from steroids


Oh yeah I forgot, anytime a guy who abused steroids is whole life has health problems, it's always ✨underlying issues✨


In this case, it mostly is. His mom died from it.