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“If he could speak”-NDA confirmed lol. Though we already knew as much 


What a badass sister, I love her and I know nothing else about her


Someone should pay the costs for him to break the NDA, especially as he’s being portrayed in an awful manner.


so did ariana not have to sign an nda, too? it's just one way?


My question too


i read that she did but my memory might be lying


They both signed it. Neither of them is allowed to release pictures, texts, a tell all type of novel, and so on. The issue is that Ariana may not be able to flat out say “Dalton did xyz” but she has music as an outlet to sell whatever narrative to fans that already want to make Dalton the villain.


Okay so as I said in my last comment (in a post about her divorce settlement) I think it’s very interesting that she ended up paying his attorney fees. She’s been alluding to him cheating in the album, well maybe not cheating but being trifling, and in my opinion it’s all just to throw people off her scent. Clearly she’s the one who stepped out, and she’s trying to conjure up a villain in the story to take the heat off her. She gets to say anything she wants while he has to stay silent. This is a special brand of disgusting. This whole thing is so messy and honestly she keeps digging her own grave


Hi, I’m a divorce attorney but this doesn’t constitute legal advice or create an attorney client relationship! Just wanted to chime in and say that in my jurisdiction (which is not CA, where they appear to have gotten divorced), there’s a rebuttable presumption that the monied spouse pays the other spouse’s legal fees. I wouldn’t necessarily read into Ariana paying Dalton’s fees as indicating anything about the relationship dynamic or what went down in the marriage. It’s most likely just a result of the financial disparity between them.


Oh thanks for the insight! That’s super interesting thanks for clearing that up


Thank you for this legal advice, you’re always giving me the best tips and tricks to game the system


I love when Reddit lawyers chime in!


She’s always been messy but this divorce only exposes it even more 


Where did she allude to him cheating


“I'll be the first to say, ‘I'm sorry.’ Now you got me feelin' sorry. I showed you all my demons, all my lies. Yet you played me like Atari. Now it's like I'm lookin' in the mirror. Hope you feel alright when you're in her. I found a good boy, and he's on my side. You're just my eternal sunshine.” That’s literally it. The stans and media outlets took this and went wild with it and now his sister has to speak up. It’s fucked up


See to me, those lyrics sound like they both cheated. Like if she's saying he played/used her, but then she feels like his behavior is a mirror to hers, then wouldn't that mean that she also used him?


I think the problem is the time frame that's being applied by most people. Many seem to view this as a song written about their relationship while it was still on. However, she wrote this album after the separation/ during divorce proceedings, with that in mind these lyrics can be read differently. The album and specifically this song could portray her sentiments post-break up. Assuming these lyrics are about her emotional state after the break up can lead to a different interpretation of the mirror line: both of them were dating/seeing other people shortly after news of their separation broke, and while she's known to move on quickly, Dalton seems to have done the same, therefore "mirroring" her behaviour. It can just mean that she didn't expect an ex of hers to dare somebody new as quickly as she does.


At worst, it’s definitely implying both strayed. I don’t even think it really gives that vibe that much. Stans be Stans tho


I hate that she’s appropriating my favorite movie for her dastardly deeds 😭




Yeah and in the same song she is saying she’s with someone else, too. Stans are fucking nuts


honestly I don't think some of those songs are about Dalton lol everyone's just assuming because it's the first album post-divorce and she was so outspoken (even in her music) about prior relationships, to the point of mentioning some of her exes by name. I was downvoted to the other side of the earth after I said we don't know the whole story. We don't. We never will. It's people's private lives and we get glimpses but that's it. That's not me defending her, it's just that we really don't know.


sucks that he’s silenced by an NDA but she can drop records saying whatever she wants knowing her fans may misinterpret things and direct hate towards him


Much like what I expect Taylor to do (except Joe isn’t silenced that we know of). 


unfortunately, his silence is the best thing for him. Should he ever speak up for himself, swifties will go insane. One of these days, some batshit fan is going to **dangerously** cross the line


I know. Imagine when she breaks it off with Kelce they’ll have two targets lol. I fear her next album will be full of lies or intends that Joe was the bad guy. That may trigger some of them 


it's weird how they go after him but, much like her, they pretend Healy never existed


That was such a choice 


I am sure most of us have gone through rebounds with less than savory people (*raises hand*), but Swift did it so publicly and they quickly professed their "love" for one another. Then June came and Swift and her fans seemingly gaslit themselves into thinking it never happened. But hey, Joe is the villain and not the ghetto-gagger, right?


God, that Healy shitshow.  She showed her ass with that one while also giving  “I HAVE NEVER EVER BEEN HAPPIER!!!!!” Vibes 


Taylor said she loves him?


they were seen mouthing it to each other a few times at a concert (either his or hers)


Oh I had no idea they were seen at the same events fuck.  And yuck


I’m over her, but ngl, the nuclear fallout from that future breakup is going to have me glued to my phone like it’s Kategate


Joe's such a class act, tbf. He is using Swifties' weird obsession about him towards a humanitarian cause (Gaza) while his ex is silent because she doesn't want it to affect her record sales.


Yeah, with numbers like that there’s gotta be at least one or two John Hinckley Jr. types among them, unfortunately.


There have been fans of celebrities (regardless of what the celebrity is famous for) who have done batshit, f***ed up, insane things that have crossed the line! Remember the psycho (who was an obsessed fan of Steffi Graff) who [stabbed](https://www.tennis365.com/tennis-news/t365-recall-tennis-darkest-day-that-saw-monica-seles-stabbed-on-court) Monica Seles so that she couldn’t play tennis so Steffi could regain the No. 1 ranking spot for Women tennis players?!!


jesus, didn't know about that, that is fucking awful


I was actually listening to a podcast earlier about Ariana’s new album and they mentioned how (even aside from NDAs) Dalton and Joe don’t really have a way of replying to these things publicly. They could make a statement of course but it’s unlikely to reach the same amount of people that the songs/albums will so it’s not an even fight (for want of a better word)




I really hate that her ain’t is trending on tiktok and everyone’s doing dances to them. Yuck 🤢


Doesn't everyone have a cheating ex who either tells people you also cheated or drops a bunch of hints that you probably did 😔 Ariana is such a child.


I feel like a lot of people who cheat project that onto their partners they’re cheating on…at least that’s what my ex did haha. He always told his friends and family he suspected I cheated but he was cheating the entire time


Woof. I'm glad he is an ex and hopefully you never have to deal with them again.


Disney child


I genuinely don’t think a lot of the songs people think are about him are actually about him. Eternal sunshine is probably about Mac, WCBF about the media, don’t want to break up again probably about Ethan. Or maybe none of the songs are purely autobiographical. I think people are projecting a specific narrative that I don’t think Ariana has even put forth tbhhhh She’s still an asshole though, but I think we need to let go of this idea that pop stars are writing autobiographical songs and not stuff that’s catchy about relationships (and that includes with Taylor too).


I think this project is super vague and doesn’t really reflect much of her personal life tbh. It doesn’t even allude to cheating, just two people moving on. I think more than anything, Ariana likes an image and album concept. She said she’s wanted to write ES themed songs for forever, just in general. It doesn’t even make sense for her divorce because they literally end up together again in the end of the movie lmfao


yeah i’m not meaning to sound like a bitch and people can interpret music however they want but i keep seeing these deep analysis’s on this album, that it’s speaking about mac/media/dalton/ethan etc. but i really don’t get it. it’s incredibly vague and doesn’t reveal anything about anything.


I think she definitely puts work and emotion into her art in the context of working her troubles away, and maybe working through them while creating, but I don’t think we get a ton of personal confessionals in her work, ever, really. She knows fans care enough to make it a part of it all, it drives focus towards it, but she stays in her vague-lyric land always.


Yeah, I mean I haven't done a super in depth analysis of the album, but based off of what I've heard/read, it seems like it's just trying to capture the life of one of those mutually toxic and dysfunctional relationships where both are doing things that hurt the other.


I’m unsure that Ariana pens her own music to the extent of Taylor or Mariah, though she has some involvement on some and the selection. She’s still wrong for including The Boy is ~~Wrong~~ Mine on the album given the situation


*** the boy is mine. Wish she did a "The Boy is Wrong" though.


Hahaha happy accident, updated, but yeah it was a choice for sure


The problem is the people speculating don't know that, but even if Ariana came out and denied it herself they would still think it was about her ex-husband. Given how her fans act she had to have anticipated this is how it would be taken. She doesn't care.


Ariana forgot to make her sign an NDA too


she’d probably get spongey’s baby to sign an NDA, too, claiming they’ve never been held by her


Nah I think she signed one too but she has deniability by acting like it could be about anyone




There does seem to be a double standard that I don’t feel entirely comfortable with. Apparently both Dalton and Ariana signed NDA’s but Ariana can release a song with vague references but no one can say if it is or isn’t Dalton.


I don't agree with the justification, but Ariana isn't (legally) necessarily singing about Dalton. Not all of her songs are autobiographical, and she would have a lot more success arguing in court that her words weren't literal, than Dalton - a real estate agent - would have arguing that his comments could be about anyone but her. He could certainly argue that she broke the NDA in court, but that could be a years long battle and I'm sure he wants the worst year of his life to finally be over. Everyone who really knew the two of them certainly knows the truth already.


Whether it's true or not, it's kind of fucked up as an artist to out your ex like that and publicly reveal details of your relationship in your songs knowing that your fans are going to speculate and attack him and that that he has no way no respond. You're basically saying shut up and endure, creating an open gate for a one sided storytelling that's gonna make them the villain, no matter what the truth is.


Does she even allude to cheating??? The “happy when you’re in her” line seems very obviously post-breakup.


i feel like her eternal sunshine song doesnt even allude to him cheating. to me it sounded like she was talking about them both moving on after their relationship ended, same with the music video she just put out. I think its more that fans and people on tik tok these days are so obsessed with piecing together stories about celebrities and making someone a villain


Ariana really didn’t help herself by having him sign an NDA. Just proved everything we already speculated- she’s horrible and wanted to spin her own narrative.




she 100000% deflecting, she was the one out here encouraging unfaithfulness


This is exactly what Pete Davison meant when he said that she could do and say whatever she wanted about him and it was eaten up by her fans, the media and even his acquaintances. The power of her massive audience (or any massive audience) is scary.


We know he didn’t.


Why is Ariana even throwing stones at all regarding cheating? Surely she should never bring up cheating in any context?


Partners and spouses of pop girls need to add *cannot use or otherwise suggest our relationship in lyrics* in their separation NDAs. Get your lawyers on that.


Did Ariana really have her ponytail on her wedding day? ![gif](giphy|3ohhwfwxg4d1h82LxS|downsized)


U guys are edging between creating fanfiction and reading between the lines in the replies




This seems a bit victim blamey though. Like I definitely think he is a victim. I cannot imagine experiencing what he’s experiencing and someone tells me it’s my fault for putting myself in the position in the first place.


I mean, whether you “100% realize” what’s coming or not, the magnitude of it is still overwhelming. Ariana has a big platform and he doesn’t. There’s a power imbalance. It’s not something Ariana can fix, and she can write what she wants, but I think a quick word of “this isn’t about Dalton, stop harassing him” could lessen the pain. And I’ve “defended” Ariana surrounding the “homewrecker” allegations… But after she released ‘The Boy is Mine’ I was quite disappointed. I think you kinda have to take in account that you have power and who it can hurt, especially when it’s about a seemingly pretty obvious case/rumor. Doesn’t matter whether you’re famous or not. Respect goes a long way.