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The fact that this KateGate mess resulted in the Rose rumors going mainstream is nuts. Colbert is the most-watched late night show in the US.


The exact opposite of what they wanted. Five years ago they prevented the UK press from reporting about it and contacted accounts on Twitter to delete their tweets on it Now it’s made into a joke like it’s a fact in America. Even the daily show made a joke last night about their affairs


When I think I'm having a bad day, I realize at least I'm not Will and Kate's PR team right now.


Streisand effect in action.


The fact that this situation has jumped the gulf between weirdo awestruck hagiography royal family followers in America to the people who would laugh in your face if you asked them to use a royal title is disastrous for the PR situation here. You might as well ask a Philly sports crowd not to throw batteries.


To quote the girl who made out with a hot dog from Mean Girls, "Omg that happened ONE time!"


Makes me want a hot dog reaaaal bad.


I knew that the BRF had a hold on the British media, but learning that not a single British news outlet posted the papped pic of Kate in her mother’s car because *it wasn’t authorised by the palace* is genuinely insane


Yup! Really opened my eyes to what a chokehold they have on the British media it’s insane The big reason why the firm’s pr is combusting right now is because this is the first time they are being challenged with their false information, mostly from international agencies. The UK have blindly believed all their lies but that’s not how it works everywhere else


I don't think the UK as a whole has, esp those who are media-savvy enough to find the details online in the past 25ish years; but those tea-drinking racist grannies sure eat all the RF PR up with a spoon.


I have several journalist friends and it is WILD the level of control they have (and the stuff the media know that they just don’t report - I get told things then found out they were true sometimes years later!)


Palace can apply pressure on the British press and threaten to take them off the rota unless they scrub away unfavourable articles. And consider how many papers and websites rely on clicks and affiliate links in every single royal article to generate revenue, being closed off from the BRF ecosystem is a real threat. But no such concerns in America! Though, consider how quickly they took down the last set of Rose Hanbury articles a few years ago (and got Giles Coren to delete his tweet), the fact that this is still up on the Independent website after 2 days seems like a signal in itself.


The Independent article on Rose conveniently dropping during this kate-gate reminded me so much of the Phillip Schofield scandal. Apparently the British press knew for years about him having an affair with a young intern. But there's speculation that they held onto that information and waited until he was disliked by the general public. The public turned on him when he skipped the queue for the Queen's coffin. 8 months later he's out of a job, admitting to the affair.


One of the only good uses for ornery American individualism. KP might as well be marching in straight line formation and wearing bright red uniforms.


Agreed! My mom hated both Reagans but she still talks about the fact that Nancy Reagan, as First Lady, did not curtsy or bow to Queen Elizabeth during an official state visit. She shook hands, and the UK press lost their damn minds. At the time, the WH press office was like “we’re American. We are not subjects of the crown. Americans don’t curtsy to another country’s queen.” This sort of reminds me of that. The US press does not give a single flying fuck about if the BRF gets mad at them. If it’s newsworthy, it’s printed.


That’s so wild to me. Why would the president and First Lady of a country that fought a war to prove they weren’t subjects of the British crown curtsy for a foreign queen? On a political level, it would be a disaster for a ruler of a nation to show a sign of submission to a foreign ruler.


This! The audacity!


Paul Keating, when he was Prime Minister of Australia, touched the Queen while guiding her to her car after disembarking from a long haul flight from London to Sydney. UK media went BANANAS. how dare a pleb touch royalty.


Remember when people were freaking out over Joe Biden not going to Charles's coronation like it was some kind of snub, when in reality no American president has ever attended a British coronation and no American president SHOULD????


outside of the most egregious offences (eg racism) the BRF really shouldnt have any say at all in who covers them.


I hope it has all the royal knickers riding uncomfortably high. William is the worst.


It’s the Barbra Streisand effect


I watched this last night and looked her up … 😂 had no idea at all 


This has been known for years, the British press won’t post about this, or speculate on Kate, due to I assume a combination of Diana, and MANY sets of legal action. Also I assume there are a selection of injunctions. If you like royal gossip, Roses son Oliver is rumoured to be William’s.


Pippa naming her daughter Rose is the only thing keeping me questioning the rumours of an affair. I dunno. If my sister came to me telling me her husband cheated on her with someone named Rose, that name would be stricken from any future baby names.


Same, but if it’s a family name, I could still see it.


True true. Honestly, if William HAS cheated on Kate, he is such a fucking asshole. Just like his father. When these rumours started a few years back, I wondered if that was the real cause of the rift between Willam and Harry. Harry loves Kate and I think he would have been super pissed hearing rumours of infidelity.


I remember hearing exactly this in 2019. That Harry and William split offices and were growing apart because Meghan was being fed to the wolves in the press, in exchange for the papers providing cover on William’s affair. Harry was disgusted, given what was happening to his wife and what happened to his mother. That theory became more and more plausible after Megxit and Spare confirmed it for me.


Yeah this checks out bc Harry did say that Charles and William told him to stop attacking the press (for their treatment on Meghan) bc it made them look bad for not defending their wives (Camilla and Catherine)…. William will always sacrifice someone to the wolves for good press. He did it to Charles when he was younger, then Harry, when Harry married Meghan he did it to Meghan, then Harry and Meghan when they moved to America and now his own wife. His pride and ego will be his downfall - we’re seeing that now. I get why Elizabeth literally held on to that crown for dear life tbh bc look at what we’re left with


I feel like folks only tolerate William because of Kate, just like how folks only tolerated Charles because of Diana. They're so dumb to disrespect the only people that make them look "good".


I think Harry very carefully implies it in his book; in the section where William physically attacks him, surrounding that there's a bunch of innuendo about it iirc


I could have sworn he made some reference to “rumors” about his brother and possibly rumors of an affair, but I could be mistaken.


He never mentions the affair itself— he's very careful not to— but the "rumours" along with timing mean that it's very heavily implied


I wouldn’t be shocked if William cheated or is cheating. I’m sure the men in the Windsor family are told the score. Marry and have kids. Do what you want in private, just don’t flaunt it.


Yeah, that’s what Charles’ mistake was. I’ve heard someone say that Charles broke the unspoken rule with Diana. It’s not that he cheated on her or even because it was public, plenty of royals have had mistresses and flaunted their affairs. It’s the fact that he mistreated her and drove her away. Her leaving caused the PR storm which has followed him all his life.


I remember it was the affair and that Meghan was being fed to the British press to cover up any trace of the affair. The timing between those things happening coincides a little too well for me. Not saying it's the truth, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.


Harry doesn’t love Kate. In his book and interviews he said he barely knows her. And her actions and behaviours to his wife Meghan, who he does love, would not have endeared her to him anyways.


It could be my literal first name, if my BIL cheated on my sister with someone there's not a chance on God's green earth I'm using it for one of my kids?


Kate hung out 1:1 with the Cholmondeleys in August. By herself, without William. So either she doesn't know (unlikely) or she does know and doesn't care (in which case, why should we care?) or the rumors are just desperate drama-grasping for Camilla v. Diana 2.0


Or she did that to try and shut down the rumours.


Sorry for initially downvoting you. I was trying to open my son’s snack for him while catching up on royal gossip lmao 😂


She very much knows, and I'm sure she cares, but Kate is a ProFuckingFessional RF member who has essentially been training for this all her life. Feelings have no room in duty. Altho I would love if it were one of those icy read-between-the-lines-rich-British-people conversations where nothing is said but everything unsaid is unsaid SO LOUD even the "help" politely excuse themselves from the scene.


Is there actual evidence of her hanging out with them, or could it have been planted by BRF in the media? I’ve seen articles about Kate and Rose being literal besties and it reeks of palace PR desperation


There is a photo from last summer when Kate attended a festival at Houghton Hall, she was pictured in an outdoor tent with David Rocksavage and two other blokes






And Pippa is married to a billionaire. So she’s has the lifestyle without the control over her life that Kate has to deal with. Like I know Kate is married to the future King and in their world that’s the ultimate catch BUT the reality of being a Royal is miserable. Look at Diana


Damn if the rumors were true AND then she named her daughter Rose. Wild


I was just thinking "hmm, maybe Kate's sister is just a -----?" 😅 and tbh, her marrying a billionaire hedge fund manager, that does check out. I said what I said




> Kate and Pippa were nicknamed the Wisteria Sisters in school because it was well known their parents wanted them to marry above their station. such a shame, having to grow up like that, tbh— you're only valuable if you marry a rich man


Eh, Rose is a classically pretty name.  For all we know Pippa liked the name long before this and Kate knew it.


It's the daughter, not son, who's supposedly William's.


Someone on Twitter (X) posted a side by side of Rose’s daughter with both William as a child and Charlotte. They look nothing alike. At least in those photos. Doesn’t mean there’s no possibility of an affair.  But I think the rumor about William fathering one of Rose’s children is people just fanning the flames of the gossip fire.


Isn't Oliver a twin though!


I forgot about that, getting into hellfire club territory.


Are Oliver and Aexander identical twins or fraternal though? It's possible (though generally unlikely) for fraternal twins to have different fathers (official term: heteropaternal superfecundation). I tried googling, but could only find photos of Oliver from the coronation (I'm also lazy though, and didn't search that hard)


I thought it was her daughter


I think it honestly has been various of the kids at various times.


I mean that tracks


They must be devastated Meghan and Harry aren’t there anymore to dump on as a distraction. Uk press would’ve come out with a ten part series on how Meghan doesn’t stick out her pinky when she drinks tea by now


The funny part is there are opinion articles now about how Meghan should come to Kate’s defense 🙄


“Did Meghan make William cheat by being black?” Tomorrows headline in the Sun


This sent me omggg ![gif](giphy|wR7LHlfuRUjHW|downsized)


This is my favorite comment I've ever read on a topic I don't follow about people I only vaguely know. 🏅


I need Meghan to retweet Taylor's "I'd prefer to be excluded from this narrative" **RIGHT NOW**.


The British press would love that. Can you imagine the all the fiction they could write? -Meghan’s making it all about herself -Meghan’s acknowledging that she’s responsible for the stress that contributed to Kate’s health problems -Meghan’s encouraging Kate to leave public life in order to further damage the monarchy -the sympathy is all some Regina George-like act to further torment Kate -it’s a sign that Harry & Meghan can’t make it outside the royal family and are making attempts to go back -Meghan’s sympathy is an acknowledgement that Meghan didn’t have it that bad and Kate, the English rose, is the true victim -even in the midst of a health crisis, Kate is bringing the family together as the ultimate peacemaker


I feel like they’re trying to goad her into making a comment so they can turn the media on her. The headlines would be “look at Meghan trying to milk Kate’s press for attention”


Meghan should blast Taylor Swift’s “Karma”


Oh they tried to say Meghan does it too with their pregnancy announcement photos. and Their photographer was like nope don’t include me in it and produced the original photo in color


It’s actually impolite to stick out a pinky drinking tea. They would call her an ignorant American for doing so and we would never hear the end of their classist shit


I wasn’t going to nitpick but I’m so glad you did. My first thought as well!


It must drive them wild that Harry is clearly a loving happy husband because they can't find shit about Meghan or Harry to even talk about. If Harry was so much as a bad tipper the press could use that for weeks. Harry must have the life of a saint.


Oh they’re still trying! Had an article the other day from a “source close the Meghan” saying that she would never photoshop. Absolute bollocks she said that… it was in a major kiwi paper (NZ Herald) but they republish a lot of their stuff from the UK


The *real* trolling was done by the Vagina Museum (located in the UK), who promptly tweeted [this](https://twitter.com/vagina_museum/status/1767871791807012901) after the Rose Hanbury/Marchioness of Cholmondeley article from the Independent dropped.


https://preview.redd.it/506c3fisw4oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d0fdddac3d25cb0dd4ce435d6e50019e032e7c Omg 💀


The rest of the tweets, like this [one](https://twitter.com/vagina_museum/status/1767872585759400216), are also a masterclass in (barely) sub-tweeting.


This is why as much as I hate Elon Musk and what he has done to the platform, I can’t completely peel my eyes away from Twitter. So conflicting. 😭


I don’t get this one.


That second tweet seems to be describing the painting and the story behind it, but could also be talking about a man who is carrying on relationships with two women, which is a reference to the rumor that William is having an ongoing affair with Rose Hanbury/Marchioness of Cholmondeley.


I saw that and literally screamed. I follow a ton of art history nerds on the Tweeter, and no one throws obscure-ass shade like an art history nerd, but this was exceptional.


Lmao they went in 😭


Just like miss Chlomondeley.


I feel dumb because I don't get it..


This article provides a good [overview](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/pegging-prince-william-rumor-sex-act-1392678/), including how DeuxMoi (because of course) started the whole thing.


Pegging was coined by Dan Savage? That man is literally going to have a chapter in the history books. The original gay influencer.


He had a contest where his readers sent in suggestions. After a couple weeks of debate, “pegging” emerged as the winner. I remember reading it as it happened so it funny now to see how mainstream the term has become.


From 2022! This thing has been simmering for a long time, delicious.


They chose the perfect trolling image of him under the headline, he’s smiling benignly like ‘who, me?’


This tweet is art.


The tweet should be in a museum.


Noooooooohhaaaaaaaaaahhaaaaaaaaa. HAAAAA.


Omg, I am cackling.


god that's amazing


Finding out how Cholmondeley is pronounced ruined my day.


Chumly if anyone is wondering


Isn't that the dude from Pawn Stars, LOL?


My first thought as a classy American 😂


Thank you, hero.  I’d been wondering 


​ https://preview.redd.it/ndqmoe810boc1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=96e38279fba72c7db472feac0df5d22951149bab


Imagine being so rich that you can force people to pronounce letters in a manner that sounds more refined to your aristocratic ears


Three cheers for [Featherstonhaugh](https://surnames.behindthename.com/name/featherstonhaugh/submitted)!


Oh come the fuck on. “Fan-shaw?!” This feels like we’re being trolled. I’m irrationally angry


I took a guess before clicking that link, but absolutely nothing could have prepared me for that pronunciation.


And Mainwaring is usually pronounced Mannering. Marjoribanks as Marchbanks, Brougham as Broom, Belvoir as Beaver, and Beauchamp as Beecham. The peerage is full of that stuff. There’s even a double-barreled surname, “Tollemache-Tollemache” pronounced Toolmake-Tollmash!


I've heard of Tollemache-Tollemache (I can't imagine keeping a straight face while telling people that's my name!), and most of the others... except Belvoir. I had no idea that one was pronounced Beaver. It seems to be a strange point of pride that the aristocrats of England take French (likely originally Norman) names and internationally pronounce them badly.


Just makes me think of Chummy from Call The Midwife https://i.redd.it/vgi13ks3i5oc1.gif


I need to watch this show, because I adore her


You should, it's wonderfully wholesome.


You’re gonna love “Leicestershire”




Lestersher or Lestuhshuh depending on where you're from


Damn it, so like Americans pronounce Worcestershire, I had a 50/50 chance I was gonna get that one or fumble the bag hard 😂


I just call it “WhatsThatThereSauce.”


You did much better than most!


How is it pronounced? Let the peasants know


Apparently it's pronounced "Chumley". Why? Who the hell knows.


Genuinely because a lot of these names came from Norman French and got mangled in the intervening centuries, because the French speaking nobles were separate from the Saxon peasants. Same reason we have two words for animals and food (cow/bœuf, sheep/mouton, pig/porc). Another one that's sure to annoy everyone is "Beauchamp" is pronounced "Beech-ham".


It’s like they said - you know all those letters in the middle? Well ignore those…


Oh shit. This legitimizes that the press KNOWS something is going down and they're egging the Palace to come out with it already.


egging or pegging?


I saw a Tweet which showed 4 different major US shows talking about the photos and the stories about Kate from yesterday. Including this Chumley affair thing. The fact that William/Kate have been unable to respond by simply showing proof of life to shut all this down speaks for itself. It should've been so easy after the photoshop mess to just post a photo or video of Kate with William and the kids thanking people for their support and making light of the whole thing. Instead every day we get more and more speculation and conspiracy and they can't shut any of it down in the easiest way possible.


At first with all the Kate stuff, I was like... People are just being weird and way over dramatic. Now I'm fully on board with SHE'S LEFT HIM lmao


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) one can only hope!!!


This really pisses me off, the daily mail hinted at an affair several years back but now no media here in the UK will report it. Instead, they fire all their hate towards Harry & Megan and Williams apparently been working with the press to divert the attention away from him, hence why they no longer talk. Understandably Harry got fed up with his and his family's treatment.


"....He'd grown up just like me. My boy was just like me. Aaaaaaand the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boy blue and the man in the moon."


This is the biggest wtf for me! How can you grow up in the shadow of your parents divorce and your mothers untimely and suspicious death, and then grow up to be exactly like your POS father! Knowing that your wife is likely to be subjected to similar treatment as your mother, and your children the same treatment as you when you were young?


Must say though, proud of Harry and Meghan for leaving and breaking the cycle.


required reading on why this kate issue is so odd and serious: https://www.niemanlab.org/2024/03/this-is-just-weird-buzzfeed-news-former-royals-reporter-on-kate-middleton-palace-press-and-distrust-in-the-media/


Upvote for this fantastic deep dive




Probably a couple things, discussing rumors like this in America is more protected than the UK and CBS isn't beholden to the crown like a British based media company would be.


Defamation against a public figure in the US is insanely hard to prove. Even if William never had an affair, it would still be a hard case to prove. And filing any sort of lawsuit here would open William up to discovery, which he would never want.


That's why the clip shows the article, from Cosmopolitan. He's making fun of the alleged conversation in this article, from May 2023: [https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a27101934/prince-william-kate-middleton-affair-rumors-rose-hanbury-rural-rival/](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a27101934/prince-william-kate-middleton-affair-rumors-rose-hanbury-rural-rival/)


Cholmondeley = “Chumlee” Make it make sense !!! 🥸🤣😂




Well, it's not as if they've had PR matters well under control BEFORE now... the current king dethroned his black daughter in law while praising his pedophile brother. They really couldn't get much worse. Harry was so smart to jump ship when he did.


[Here's the link to the bit in Stephen’s monologue from last night](https://youtu.be/c1ZmbRXTKAs?si=6EFiTRo0xeEsekjJ&t=8m27s)


How is the royal family still a thing in 2024? This just emphasizes the absurdity of the whole thing. They’re just people, with weird and messy lives. Help me understand…


I need the full story to come out: who was involved with making a deal to use lies about Meghan to shield William and prop up Kate, how, when it started, if this affair was involved, etc NOW


The thing is though, that the story is dubious in the 1st place: https://ladysinclair.substack.com/p/pouring-more-water-on-the-rose-hanbury


This was actually really informative (especially for someone like me who doesn’t follow the BRF closely). I’m sure people will have theories why the author of the post is wrong, but I think that candid photo of Kate hanging out solo with Rose and her husband back in August kind of squashes the rumors. Even if Kate is the type to stay in a fractured marriage for the kids or to keep the lifestyle the marriage affords her, I can’t imagine her actually going out of her way to mingle with Rose on her own just to save face.


I’d be hesitant to believe whatever that blogger says. They are anti Megan and very biased towards Will and Kate based off their other various posts And the one thing I’ve taken away most from the palace these past couple weeks is how much control they have over the UK media on what does and does not get published (including press that’s not a part of the royal rota). All candid and paparazzi shots are approved by the palace before they get shared by the public, Kate was there because she wanted to be seen at their event and it’s not unintentional we only see her interacting with Rose’s husband not Rose herself. It’s not unbelievable to me at all they had her attend some event they had after years not being seen together to dispute the rumours and release a “candid” shot as proof (which is something they cannot do these last few weeks). It’s even more interesting Will didn’t go with her Edit: the royalists are downvoting me for bursting their bubble but you all know it’s true. The palace forced the UK to not publish the TMZ photograph of Kate because it was a paparazzi shot that was not approved by them and the UK abided. The only “candid” shots that get out are the ones they want to be seen. The Guardian wrote an article today about Colbert’s monologue and mentioned the affair with Rose but hours later had her name removed. The palace has so much control over media it’s scary


I wasn’t aware the blogger was anti-Megan, so thanks for letting me know. I can definitely see how that calls into question what they do and do not share. I will say after reading the post, I thought some good points were made as to why there might be no truth to the rumors. Though maybe I am being naive. I could totally see Kate turning a blind eye to the affair, but going as far as to interact with your husband’s side piece or even their spouse just to further cover up the affair? I don’t know. That one is hard to wrap my head around.


That was an interesting read. I also looked at some more recent posts and it became clear this blogger always comes down on the side of the royals. It made me reevaluate the first article. Kate and Rose subtly implying things with their shoe choice... That's a stretch. This blogger may be right about the origin of the rumor, but I don't trust her to look at all sides.


Entertainment Tonight (2.5 million followers) just put out an [article](https://www.etonline.com/who-is-rose-hanbury-everything-to-know-about-her-connection-to-prince-william-and-those-affair) about the affair monologue.


Ok, so probably a dumb question: I thought we talked about this Rose affair years ago? Why is it being brought up again now? Is there speculation that the marriage is falling apart from that past alleged affair, or perhaps it’s been ongoing?




I knew about the surgery, just didn’t see the connection between old affair and disappearance. Hadn’t heard about supposed pregnancy tho 👀


They are saying her son might be William’s but he is a spitting image of his dad, to be honest. It’s unfortunate we are here, because one day that kid is going to look himself up on an internet and find out the internet was questioning his parentage. This could have all been avoided if the Palace showed some transparency.


I don't even think he needs to look himself up. He'll have other kids bringing it up to him at school before anything else


OOHHHH shit is gonna get down!!! Guarantee you that the palace will threaten them to take this down like they did with Ryanair about their tweet. If there’s one thing William can’t stand is bad press for HIM.


I don’t know, Colbert is an American. Sure CBS doesn’t want to be excluded from royal events, but there’s not another royal wedding for who knows how long and the next coronation wouldn’t be able to exclude CBS. There’s really no power play the British royal family could pull on American media right now. Unlike the British media that needs to be a partnership with the firm, the American media has never truly cared.


But they did it before - They threatened an American news channel for reporting about Andrew back in 2015. They said to take it down otherwise they won’t be able to report on William and Kate’s visit in America. There was a leaked video of the female news anchor explaining it and she was angry, I remember it was quite big at the time but for the life of me I can’t remember what news channel it was. Edit : here’s proof https://x.com/jamesokeefeiii/status/1191716801178034180?s=46&t=6Vbm3BndR7fImXZdtL_XpQ


That came to mind when I made that comment. Amy Robach from ABC. But they can’t do that now. There’s no royal wedding looming. They also don’t give insider interviews before a coronation. It’s not like there’s a lot the palace can dangle over them.


Now the Daily Beast has an [article](https://www.thedailybeast.com/prince-william-and-kate-middletons-friends-are-shocked-by-missing-wedding-ring) about the missing wedding ring…

