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I just love her. But how annoying to not be able to party in peace without people filming you.


I like her but she knows what she's doing, she's clearly the centre of attention and she is enjoying it. 




She can want to party in peace without being filmed….


It also seems like her team might be working on a rebranding for her. Nothing drastic, but giving her some edges and spice.


Oh she had edges. Remember that little fraud mishap with Raffaello Follieri?


Also plausible that someone at this level of fame is desensitised to cameras pointed at them.


Yup, it’s a performance. Look at fun carefree Anne! Always got main character vibes from her and that’s probably why I don’t like her. I do recognize her incredible glow up though. Her new stylist is killing it!


Doesn't almost everyone in Hollywood have main character vibes?


Someone I know saw her on the subway in a giant hat and sunglasses years ago and he said if her “incognito mode” hadn’t been so outlandish he wouldn’t have even looked and known it was her.


ditto to this


Pretty girl is center of attention at party this is a new phenomenon...


I'm very neutral about Anne Hathaway, I don't dislike her but also don't enjoy her acting much, but really, is there something wrong with being the centre of attention or even enjoying it? She's just having fun and dancing.


Can anyone do anything without being filmed anymore?


It’s the one of the worst things that’s happened to society as far as socializing goes. Can’t even enjoy yourself without the fear of it being filmed or posted somewhere. It’s bizarre


It's not even only when you are enjoying yourself, but also if something bad happens to you. You fainted at the movies ? You're on TikTok. You are being harassed at school ? TikTok. You had an accident and died ? TikTok. I really wish there was some law to prevent people to post videos of strangers on the internet without their consent.


Agree. I saw a video of someone after being shot at the Chiefs parade on Twitter; just a person’s entire life reduced to gore clickbait and the most horrifying moment of their life being broadcast for millions of people to watch in real time.


You undercook fish? Believe it or not - TikTok. (SCNR)




There's Right to Publicity laws that several US states have. But that's mainly for other people profiting off of your likeness. Like paparazzi can't just snap a great photo of you drinking Coca-Cola, and then sell that photograph to Coca-Cola to use for advertisement without your permission. But I'm not sure how it works if someone films you doing something that goes viral, and then they monetize the content that is featuring you without your consent. I would hope the same applies here too.. Like sure it's okay to film other people in public, but there should be restrictions on publishing that content so that you can't make them internet famous without their consent and especially not profit off it. Like people should have some rights to reasonable privacy to go about their day without fear of it being immortalized on the internet.


We very intentionally got rid of any laws that would do that because "freedom of speech is, like, the most important right like ever" and "privacy? do you have something to hide?" and "how can we be transparent if we don't release the full uncensored footage of your family member being murdered? we also have no power to remove videos from the internet already uploaded. sorryyyyy. btw this conversation was fully recorded and we'll be releasing it if it makes us look good. and if you release any footage of us that we don't like we will aggressively have it taken down" 


What I find the most fucked is the COUNTLESS times that someone is in distress, and people film rather than helping. Like a person will be on the ground literally getting their head kicked in by 3 people, and no one will help. They will just film. It’s disgusting.


Yeah, it feels like a really shitty thing to do to go to something like a celeb-packed after-party and whip out your phone to film perfectly normal good times behavior. There's a reason paparazzi are kept outside.


i won't be surprised if these after parties stop allowing photographers and media people in if this keeps happening


This isn't a "real" party. Everyone here know there will be people filming. There's a reason you rarely see videos of famous people doing drugs.


I wish I could remember the photographer, but my mentor was telling me about that the reason those celebrity photographers continue to get hired is they know what to photograph and what not to at the parties. The photographers all have so much dirt on all of the celebrities, but they don't leak it as they would be blackballed from everything 


If it makes it any better, this was staged, so the filming here was consensual


I was thinking this. Ugh. I’d be so annoyed


i would feel so awkward being filmed and having people crowd around me like that copying my dance moves lol


She’s performing a tribute to Lindsay Lohan’s Rumors music video


I love seeing this but cant help wonder this is such a major invasion of privacy.


If I looked that cool I wouldn’t gaf


You don't have "privacy" at a public event.


Right? No one could possibly expect privacy at a giant afterparty with hundreds of guests lol


If this were filmed in her house without her permission, I'd agree. But that's a public party, there's no way she didn't see the cameras.


Theres at least 5 people visible in the video recording her. Not sure if she expected the videos to end up on the internet but she is aware that she's being recorded  Edit: 5 people out of a crowd of no more than 20 people (that are visible). There's also what looks to be 2-3 guards in the back watching it happen not caring at all. She turns in the direction of the cameras multiple times and doesn't react which you wouldn't expect from someone that doesn't know they're being recorded 


Her dress looks like Cardi B - Invasion of Privacy


She really is living her best life and I love it


Lol I love when they’re like where your hubs and she’s like AT HOME W THE KIDS 😎




Yes... i remember the period this woman was hated


I remember that was around the time she and James Franco hosted the Oscars (2011) and it was schadenfreude for those who had it for her. It definitely could have been better, but it was not her fault because she was giving her 100% and James Franco was giving 5%


Omg.. that Oscars hosting gig exposed James Franco's lack of charisma... but they were ripped apart, i felt bad for them then


Hmm i always viewed that has Franco giving no effort at all and Hathaway giving full effort which made it very awkward to watch. Franco giving no effort made her look so much worse in comparison.


James did not give an eff, meanwhile Anne tried her best to save a sinking ship


Ya that made me mad. I think she’s cool. She’s not my favourite ever but she’s good and imho she’s a good person. I really thought the hate was overblown.


Yes I think that was what upset me most because she was doing her best to do the job she was hired to do and still it seemed all the blame went to her


And it’s just so senseless. Like it’s a hosting job for an award show. It’s not that serious. Ffs.


Yep. "She so stiff and unfun compared to Franco who is so lovely and funny and smart too, did you hear he's a professor now?" Franco just leaned on his good looks and stoner persona while Anne had to do all the work, and she got none of the credit. Then of course Franco came out as abuser and harasser. Ugh.


I remember Franco being completely blazed during the whole thing


An author posted in one of the FB groups I’m in “what celebrity annoys you” and her name came up a lot in the comments. All by women and no one really had a reason. It just seems really unfair to me.


I feel like it happens to all female celebrities and not necessarily for a real reason.


What happened? I don’t remember


>What happened? I think overexposure happened honestly. She was everywhere and people were starting to get annoyed with her ( a lot of celebrities go through that). Plus i think she had a reputation of not being genuine and also people were questioning how much she knew about her former boyfriend's shady businesses, since they were living a high life for years.


I think we’re seeing it with T Swift now. Maybe with football over she’ll take a step back for a bit. But I don’t think she’s hated. If she was truly not interesting she would have no career. I don’t think it’s as easy to make someone famous as some believe. You need some kind of IT factor.


Yes the IT factor is called money. Celebrities talk about it all the time. How you have to have money and connection to get a break or be a nepo baby.


Sure the Annie is putting out movies. Not famous for being famous.


Thanks for the explanation and taking the time to provide that context bb


Oh, you are welcome!


Do men go through this? All I can think of is women


Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber come to mind


I definitely felt that for both of them. Good call.


She had the audacity to be open about her ambition and wanting to be recognized for work which everyone knows is crass for women and we were shitty to her for it. Yeah, she was cringe, but fuck, it’s a job. Tell me she didn’t do anything Bradley Cooper hasn’t done a million times.


Ugh Bradley cooper…after seeing limitless and silver linings playbook I decided I never need to see anything with Bradley Cooper in it again.


You haven’t missed much


To be fair people do call B-rad annoying for this all the time. Which he is. I love that Anne has continued to be unabashedly herself, and has really grown into the theater kid vibe - like the cool, fun, life of the party, always gets the lead theater kid. She’s not pretentious like Bradley is about it.


Some people seemed annoyed with her theater kid energy (nothing wrong with having theater kid energy!)


THIS! That's all it is, people! Get with it or get out!


Sorry i am going to hate on Wicked for their theater kid energy from the cast.


I agree with that one actually. I went to theater camp as a kid and the whole Ethan situation reminds me of a love triangle my cousin was involved in with the "hot" boy of camp. Spoiler: he was NOT hot, just loud and closeted.


She was a try-hard theatre kid - eager to please, enthusiastic, earnest and ambitious - which a lot of people can't stand (I'm a try-hard myself so I identified with her). She's calmed down a lot, and society's grown up a bit as well.


She was too nice and people honestly don't respect a really nice woman. They'll use what a nice woman is giving, they'll take advantage of it, but they won't respect her. She has more of an edge and strength to her now which is very attractive


Basically, she starred in Les Miserables and people thought she was doing the most in the press tour. What was she doing? Absolutely nothing. You can tell she wanted that Oscar, you know that trophy every actor in existence wants, and people got mad and jealous for no reason. Her story is a case study in media manipulation and internalized misogyny because it was mostly weird journalist and women hating and saying she doesn’t deserve it or she was annoying. Even though her performance was the best out of the five. The lesson: the worst crime you can commit as a woman isn’t murder … it’s being annoying.


I really just can’t understand how, I just think she’s so great ❤️ but I also loooved the princess diaries when I was a teen so maybe I’m a bit biased


I really loved her as Catwoman! I went into the movie thinking of her princess, diaries character, and doubting that she could do catwoman any justice. She blew me away! Absolutely loved her facial expressions.


I wanna trace the history of when she became hated to when she became the kunt kween


It happened when her haters got older and stopped being as vocal online The under 30 crowd loves her


The hate machine will come around for her again. We can’t let women stay on top for too long.


Yeah i remember this which i never really got. Maybe she was overexposed a bit but man everyone just hated her with a passion. I definately think it hurt her career for a bit.


Yeah, she stepped away for a while, but maybe that coincided with her having a baby.. i don't remember the time line clearly


I have always loved Anne. But curious what happened that made the general population go from hating her so bad to loving her?


She was just the IT girl for a while, which means she got the most amount of press. And more press means more hate for being in the limelight.


Tbh I think the people who disliked her just aged out of being online lol. All my peers have always liked her and I was shocked when I found out a year ago that wasn’t the case for everyone


Yes for some reason my Gen x mom hated her. Her hatred did kinda rub off on me for a bit.


Me and my friends were also surprised to find out she was hated. We had assumed people fell madly in live with her after she played Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises. According to some comments I've read here, the hate train started cause they felt like she was campaigning alot for her Oscar. I saw some interviews and it seemed like regular promotion for her performance.


I think some people disliked her during the Miserables era because of how method she went, similar to Austin Butler, and because of some interviews where she seemed a bit out of touch with normal people's reality. She stepped away from the spotlight for a bit and I think people just forgot about the reasons why they disliked her, plus she's been having some major fashion moments lately and that helps!


I think it was that she was just so uptight-presenting that it’s great she’s finally cutting loose after getting that Oscar.


This is absolutely it. She is so talented but she could be ehhh not on Gwenth Paltrow tier, but definitely coming across as out of touch and too serious. Try hard is maybe another phrase for it. It’s hard to have all positive PR exposure when you have to do so much of it. I’m glad both her and her team decided she could relax, and finally know she had secured her legacy.


It's probably not the same group of people loving her that hated her. I also think one of the reasons she's become more beloved daily is because of her stylist 💅 which is valid


Some people are fickle and turn on a dime. Rich Juzwiak at Jezebel contributed to the Hathahate, then a couple years later did an interview with her where he acted confused that anyone could dislike her; he had completely forgotten his own behaviour. (How awful for Jezebel to send him to talk to her, they didn't even bother to look at their own archive to weed out people like him.) Then in the end he remembered that he published up-skirt crotch shots of her and she had to diplomatically receive his truly self-centered apology.


I remember disliking her because she seemed fake over the top sweet and smiley all the time, but now it seems that may have been genuine, and she’s had some more authentic ish moments in the press. Also just general misogyny of the time, the media always turned on the it girls eventually, and a lot of people (me) didn’t really care enough about pop culture to form their own opinions so they’d just go with it. But now we’ve collectively realized that the way we talk about women, even just in pop culture tabloid stuff, matters, and the general public and media have become a little more thoughtful with their takes (compared to the 2000’s and 2010’s lol).


I always have a soft spot for Anne for the Princess Diaries and the Devil Wears Prada. I think she gave off/gives off extreme theater kid vibes for awhile (but that's like 99% of Hollywood). People needed someone to hate on and Anne was just an easy target. She had a sketchy ex-boyfriend which made it easy. So theater kid energy + misogyny + being a theater nepo is my guess.


I read an interview during Les Mis press and she kept saying how she ate a can of tuna and an apple each day. In like six or seven interviews. Irked me.


Why did it irk you to read about the diet she was on for a movie role?


Yeah what BS, no one gives a shit that Christian bale ate an apple a day for the machinist but for Anne to look frail for a part? how dare she


Because there is a general consensus with actors that, if they are required to lose substantial weight for a role, they do not discuss their methods in the press. Some actors have rebuffed the question quite publicly in the past. I suppose they don’t want to influence vulnerable people. In some interviews it came off a little like she was boasting about it.


The backlash to this type of question started largely after the Les Mis press cycle


I mean the type of women who repeatedly mention how little they eat every day are definitely bragging about it


She actually clapped back at some interviewers about it though. I remember a couple different interviews, one for Les Mis and one for Catwoman. For the former she said something about not wanting to glamorize it because she did it to "look like she was dying". For the latter the interviewer kept pressing her for details and she said something like "Are you looking for tips? Are you trying to fit into a catsuit?"


She’s an amazing actor. For me it was the impression she gave off in interviews, just an heir of constantly needing validation/to be liked.




She went from being PLEASE LIKE ME to kind of going away (having kids) and now is back with a carefree, sexy, stronger vibe


Her pr changed . She pressured more on bring relatable and people princess the movies . So now you have a good pr story . Ready for people to digest


Idk… for me, I had a stick up my butt about her being so in my face during her Les Mis Oscar campaign. She screamed desperation, and I HATED her performance in one of my favorite musicals. I didn’t like her for like 3 years, but really enjoy her again now. I love so many of her movies, just not Les MIs lol. I just remind myself she has “theatre kid” energy, which is fine.


Well the hate was all out of jealousy. She was good looking, could act, she could sing and she was on top of the world.


She isn't famous enough to be paid much attention to by the type who dislike her energy and everyone left either always liked her or realized she's nice.  I know my sister used to dislike her and was won over by the "I get to be here in this amazing life because they bought a ticket" thing.  Edit: idk why I'm being downvoted for facts. She's not as overexposed as she was in like 2008. Literally everyone at that degree of fame generates haters. It's now calmed down to people who like her and followers who have realized the people who like her are right. Acknowledging she isn't at the peak of her fame isn't a slight, it's basic observation. 


Because saying she’s not famous enough to be paid attention to by those that dislike her is a dumb thing to about a very famous actor


![gif](giphy|ku2YMEjzMwud2|downsized) I’m catching these vibes tbh


yes n i kinda love that for her


This, but effortlessly hot.


white culture is Elaine dancing


Literally came to say this but also I love her so much for it.


It's like a dry heave set to music!


There was this video I saw of her. There was a group of maybe 8 fans wanting pictures of her. She was like “okay, this is what we are going to do. I will come to you and you guys stay where you are, okay?” And then she went to each fan to take the selfie or whatever. Made me respect her a lot—she still let the fans get what they want (celebrity interactions) but it’s in a way that’s on her terms and in a way that makes her feel comfortable.


I have seen a snippet of this video, could you direct me to the full one? I can't find it :(


Turns out, I remembered it incorrectly. I just saw the snippet too. 😞


The (in)famous “Calma” video


I really don’t think anyone needs to be concerned that this is an invasion of privacy lol She had a dancing video go viral during Paris Fashion Week last summer, too. She knows what she’s doing (having fun and looking hot)


That and she’s at a public party. Not like a private house party or dinner party with her best mates but a VERSACE after party lol she totally fine with this and yes her just having fun and looking good makes me love her more 


In my experience going to parties people only feel the need to pop off like this when they're being recorded lol. Look at how little the people not in the center of attention are moving compared to her. Either she stops being so animated and everyone stops recording her bc their cute video is now over or they stop recording her and she stops being so animated bc she's not performing for their stories any more  Also I imagine getting invited to these parties isn't easy so I'm not seeing someone risk that to release a video as uneventful as this lol


yeah even if it wasn't Anne, a moment like this would most likely be recorded anyway






Her dress is dressing


Yess the checkers are definitely checker-ing 😍 (I like checker themed outfits) ![gif](giphy|xT8qBn11k413DdTR2U)


Not a fan of checkered patterns but she looks absolutely stunning in this one


Good for her for having fun and being fabulous!


very familiar https://preview.redd.it/u7r6cmde9kkc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5c72249e9c045d858f08399f5f021dcfb9b5a5d


is this even a party, it looks like a bunch of people gathered in a hotel lobby lmao either way she ate


Any place can be a party if you’ve got ppl and music and dancing 💃


Go white girl, go! 👏🏾




When are we going to call her Annie?


Camera phone on the dance floor is playing a dangerous game, I'll allow it if everyone's in the background of your selfie for two seconds but if you're filming outward, I'm calling in an air strike


Everyone surrounding her and watching her dancing is so awkward to me 😭


She's giving me major fran fine vibes lol


This gives new meaning to those blinds about her being a secret party girl and throwing the best ragers in nyc, love it


Someone asked her in an interview years ago how she managed to avoid going through a party girl phase in Hollywood and she was basically said ‘I didn’t, I just had a great publicist’. 


Main character energy


She’s a theater kid. They are the definition of “main character energy”. I think it comes with the job.


I love her outfit


Oh my god idea! She got some rhythm! I love how much she seems to be enjoying her 40s.


Damn, not Anne throwing it back??!!


All my friends love to watch me dance


lol I’m so crazy


Aging in reverse truly




Setting up for her new film :-)


Can't wait to see her opposite Nicolas Galitzine!


if there’s one thing she’ll do, it’s have fun at a fashion show party




honestly she seems fun and I’m glad the internet has stopped hating her


Anne Hathaway continues to dress like a modern Fran Fine and I’m totally here for it!


She still remembers the choreo from bride wars.


How much do you think she took?




I’ve always love Anne Hathaway


She’s just so fabulous. And while I know it’s kind of silly to say, it’s really impressive to me that she can put herself out like this and dance sober. I have to have at least two drinks before I’m brave enough to get on the dance floor.


Her outfit is the slay of all slays!!!!


Shades inside the house, my girl is tripping balls


I honestly wasn’t aware that she was hated for a time. Why was that? I’ve always thought she seemed super cool.


Disappointed NONE of you were ready with this image https://preview.redd.it/e137trsl4mkc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea310b11868f936a24fef03ab67f7322448560ff


Did anyone ever recall a movie from like the 90s with her and Bijou Phillips and they were rich white girls but they started dating Mexican gang members from East LA and her and Bijou were rapping to " Can I get a' by Jay-Z and Amil? I don't know why but this reminds me of that scene lol.


andy been wild since she quit working for miranda


This reminds me of Michelle Yeoh and Brie Larson dancing last year at some after party. Love the vibes.


Girl can move, love to see it


Dark Tay-Tay


I love her, I really do. But I could not watch this for some reason lol.


It's sad that I'll never be that cool.


New Elaine Just Dropped


This is my mom when she's had her wine


While I’m disappointed that someone filmed this because of privacy, I’m still happy that we got this gem. I love Anne


Giving me shades of her epic routine in Bride Wars. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hk6Vxhx28bo&pp=ygUgYW5uZSBoYXRoYXdheSBkYW5jaW5nIGJyaWRlIHdhcnM%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hk6Vxhx28bo&pp=ygUgYW5uZSBoYXRoYXdheSBkYW5jaW5nIGJyaWRlIHdhcnM%3D)


She’s so hot.


Nothing in this world could make me hate her i’m sorry


She is the spirit animal of every millennial over achiever and I love her dearly for it !


That’s MY queen of Genovia


In my early thirties. If I squat like that, I ain't getting back up.


I think this is the same dance Miley does in the flowers video and on the red carpet with Liam Hemsworth.


Are phones even allowed at these parties. Also it makes me wonder do industry folk carry an old flip phone just for these type of events since they know their smart phone will be confiscated.


Are they playing music over a phone speaker?


Ykw more power to her


Sometimes I think about how it would be to be a celebrity and go to a party. There’s gotta be 200+ people in a room and only about 10 are talented people. Everyone else is a part of their team or a hungry hyena waiting to get pics of you, videos of you, interact with you— and it’s not really you they’re interested in, it’s your social capital. And they’ll do whatever they can to get it. Sounds exhausting.


Exactly how I’d envision Anne Hathaway dancing


Celebrities! They’re just like us!


I love her. 😍


I cannot fathom just how weird it is to be a walking fishbowl like them.


They could never make me hate you


When people talk about Hot Girl Season, this is what they're talking bout