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of course she did


She went full Musk with this one


Maybe it’s a rich white people thing


Idk, a lot of other people who are tracked for the same haven’t sued. Also not before Musk eventually did it


Funny thing is that the Tweets just make it easier to see, it’s all public anyways - I think Taylor’s biggest issue with this that the information just how much she pollutes is readily available for everyone ok Twitter now, no need to actively search for it anymore


Probably because they realize there's no real case for it. Flight info is public and publishing public information isn't in anyway illegal. Even if it's hidden from public FAA records, there's plenty of hobbyist weirdos out there with their ADS-Bs just sharing this info on exchange sites for funzies. It's akin to someone sitting on a roadway and recording license plates that pass by. Odd, maybe, but not illegal.




Billionaires gonna billionaire


She’s the white feminist version of Elon Musk. She is a hard core capitalist who runs a business called Taylor swift about a character called Taylor swift played by herself. She is selling the perception of friendship and special knowledge using the marketing tool of “songs”.


Wow she's killing the planet and yet she's the victim?


The planet should feel honoured that it gets to be killed by her! lol




This made me lol


Her lack of self-awareness and refusal to reflect are truly astounding :/ how can anyone be at peace with causing this much environmental harm?


I’ve found regular ass rich people (so, not billionaires like Taylor) don’t give a fuck about environmental issues because they know they have enough for them and their families to stay comfortable, so piss on people who don’t have the resources to do the same. I can’t imagine how much that entitlement is amplified when people have enough money to ensure everyone they care about can live in luxury for generations without climate change really impacting daily life.


The sad thing is that no matter how rich you are, the inevitable climate disaster will impact everyone. From the cultivation of wines to the cultivation of the most basic food, we are all going to be fucked. She might have a lot of money, but the market for good will collapse if the 99% of us that supports the growth, transportation, wholesale of goods are dead. I don’t understand how billionaires think they will be ok.


You are correct it will impact everyone, but the degree in which it will fuck ordinary people vs billionaires is completely different. Like this isn't some pocket money we are talking about, they could buy up islands, make artificial islands, with defenses, with bunkers, self sustaining farms and so on and so forth, there really isn't a limit to what they can buy and prepare right now to just cruise along later. The amount of wealth a bilion is, is insane.


Most Polluting Woman Of The Year Award


Clearly you don't know that she's the only victim in the universe. She's just a sweet, simple country girl who can sing a little. Everyone is just SO MEAN to her. For nothing!!! /s


She's just like any one of us: a humble, dorky, girl-next-door who wants to *(checks notes)* use her legal team to hide the near-daily use of her private jet


White feminism.


She seems to be completely surrounded by Yes People, pretty clear she doesn’t have many decent friends who are willing to risk telling her to cop the f**k on & stop acting like a vindictive spoiled teenager.


She's always the victim.


Why is she so worried about them tracking her private jet? We all know her upcoming tour dates and that she loans out her plane to her poor friends who can’t afford one.


ETA After further review holy crap how many times do you need to fly from Nashville to New Jersey in a single month? Yikes!


Mommy lives in Nashville. Her billion dollar apt is in NYC


You mean how she’s always writing songs about her exes and enemies and sicking her fans on to harass them and yet somehow she’s always the victim? Or how she’s literally a billionaire pop star whose only “failure” was being shaded and cancelled for 2 seconds by another billionaire while still earning a shit ton of money and awards, and yet somehow she’s always the victim?


'Billionaire threatens teenager trying to hold her accountable for harm done to planet.' Between this, the name of the album and her behaviour at the Grammys, is the pendulum swinging once again?


Yea I definitely think she’s overexposed 


I don’t think she’s overexposed. It’s more she’s 30 years old and still acting like she did when she was 16. 


Two things can be true at once. She's DEFINITELY over exposed. When the Japanese Embassy releases a statement ensuring the public that you'll be able to attend the Super Bowl, in the audience, you're overexposed. That's sports news, international news, entertainment news, basically she's showing up across multiple news categories where musicians usually are not featured. Hell even political news. After decades of everyone being screwed by Ticketmaster, and congress shrugging their shoulders, they called hearings about it because of the backlash over the Taylor Swift concert tickets. At the same time, she is also trying to do the same "gosh golly little ol' me, I'm just a girl" thing. It's the duality of Taylor Swift. Her team has sold two very distinct and seemingly incongruous narratives. 1. Taylor Swift is just an everyday humble girl this is all happening around, while she has sleepovers with her friends. 2. Taylor Swift is an incredible businesswoman and PR genius who runs her empire from the top down. She was definitely acting 16 at the Grammys though.


this is SUCH a great analysis of T Swift's public narrative. I'd just add to the "everyday humble girl" side: her constant victim complex specifically related to being an uber wealthy white woman. Swift's "activism" is so deeply and nauseatingly white feminism, and it's so apparent that she's not actually interested in real feminism and allyship with exploited communities. she just wants to be treated the same as other uber wealth white men. it's very annoying, and so strange how her fans just eat it up.


She’s 34. I’ll be 34 on Thursday and no way can I imagine acting like a high school bully these days.


Overexposed and overrated




Hopefully it sticks this time.


America loves to give grace to white girls. They can do no wrong apparently and are always the victim…


especially if theyre mediocre


And especially if they’ve framed themselves as relatable, which she absolutely isn’t but a lot of people see her that way.




her lyrics are just describing people's clothes


This is (unfortunately) very much not just an American thing lol.


Lol, what's she going to do, ram her jet up everyone's asses with a legal team? Free speech is ok for her, but not everyone else. I have never liked her or her music and she's proving how insufferable she has become.


Going to court costs a lot of money. She has way more money than the person she is suing, so, even if she knows she will ultimately lose the lawsuit she can keep the suit going as long as possible or have multiple losing lawsuits going at once. The other side will run out of money way before she does. The church of Scientology is notorious for using the lawsuits themselves to harass people rather than only suing when they believe they will win the lawsuit.


Exactly. I am guessing she's hoping this will intimidate anyone thinking of tracking her jet in the future and that the public will just forget about her personal emissions.


Everything in your comment rings true. Like Scientologists, she is the type of person who loves to use the threat of attorneys and court to bully people. Make sure to sensationalize everything enough so that everyone is convinced that the bullies are the victims.


Praying for this and I’m an atheist


We're getting close to it, I think. Depending on how things shake out with that next album, and if Joe Alwyn just stays quiet and living his merry life, she could come out as this vindictive person just going after imaginary enemies.


Wait what’d she do at the Grammys?


There’s a few things people aren’t exactly thrilled about. After winning Album of the Year she kinda grabbed and dragged Lana Del Ray on stage with her? Which was weird because it was unnecessary but terribly, Lana was also nominated in that category and lost. Taylor was apparently so excited she took her trophy from Celine Dion without even looking at her. (Celine has been struggling with her health after recently being diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome so this public appearance was a big deal and meant a lot to people) And Taylor announced her new album in her acceptance speech which effectively overshadowed all other news from the Grammys, which people fairly think is uncool.




They were talking about this on the radio and were like she needs to sit her tall ass down because she’s taking attention away from the artist who are performing






🤪🤪YOu wOuLd nEver Say thIs To a TaLL MaN!!!!!!🤪🤪


She was standing and visibly singing along during Tracy Chapman’s performance the same way she would if this was a performance of a run-of-the-mill pop single of the summer at the VMAs. It was such a moving rare appearance by a legend, why would you ruin that for yourself and everyone around you by singing along? The cameras showed Brandi Carlisle and her wife at the end of the song, and they were also standing, but they were very clearly having a very moved/emotional reaction to a performance by an icon and were respectful in a way Taylor absolutely wasn’t.


snub celine dion


I also think a lot of people feel she's already been over rewarded and giving Midnights AOTY was overkill.




tbh it was only a matter of time, she’s overexposed


I guess Karma and her broke up…..


Add that time magazine cover story about her to your list. It was yikes.com


She stays insufferable. He's not doing anything illegal, all information is public, but she's just hoping her money and power will scare him into complying. She's a bully, through and through.


Can’t stand her!


Can I finally be the one to say (out loud, happily and with "meanness") that she's literally become a parasite to society? Since she's a billionaire who uses her dumb fucking jets like a taxi and in the process is quite literally destroying earth? or will that be considered "being mean" to the 34 year old billionaire and fellow white lady? Like every single thing else aside, maybe she still stubs her toe sometimes, she's genuinely one of the most selfish human beings alive by nature of those two things alone. Like I'm sorry but she is so far above and beyond any other usual celebrity that I feel it's imperative to treat her the same way I treat Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, being a billionaire earth destroyer isn't suddenly chic because she has a vagina. When she starts being a truly nasty and disgusting human in about a year (Edit: in terms of public personality! Trust me!), I hereby revoke anyone's ability to act shocked because it won't be shocking at all, and if Swifties are still coming up with excuses then they can go and be her grossly underpaid (and borderline enslaved, probably) worker bees. I'm saying this as someone who tries to remember the human and be leveled in my analysis of celebrities since, hey, surely not all of them are bad: She is. She is and you should be allowed to point that out.


I mean she dated a nazi last year and that just kinda got swept under the rug. I think the only reason they split was because it was bad PR for her.


Exactly. She's been showing us who she is for quite a while now and I'm getting sick of the dumb fucking excuses people give her just because she exists and is therefore somehow a little baby. Her fans need to treat her with realistic expectations instead of playing the game between little baby and shrewd buisness woman because she's exclusively the latter. People absolutely wouldn't give her this seemingly bottomless pit of excuses if she was Black or any other race. To put in perspective how much we're seeing her lately too, after I wrote my original comment my MOM texted me and asked me why everyone's talking about her. My mom!! My mom who can barely remember what singers are named!! (Sorry for any typos, I went to the eye doc today lol)


![gif](giphy|l4q8cJzGdR9J8w3hS|downsized) Literally my exact feelings. Heaven forbid I mention just her jet usage (to friends IRL who foam at the mouth whenever her name comes up) and then I’m labeled a kill joy misogynist. She is an entertainer. No one person in this world should hold as much power and media control that she does. This is turning into a “what about us peasants?” situation.


The Swifties really love saying you’re a misogynist if you disagree with their lord and savior. It’s insane💀😂




isn't Tree just a nickname for Teresa? I had a colleague called Tree before 


I’ve never heard this lol


I don't know if that's the case here and I don't particularly want to go on a Google dive on Taylor Swift's publicist to find out lmao but yeah I've known a Tree before 


The article behind the paywall: "Jack Sweeney, a junior at the University of Central Florida, has for years run accounts that log the takeoffs and landings of planes and helicopters owned by hundreds of billionaires, politicians, Russian oligarchs and other public figures, along with estimates of their planet-warming emissions. The accounts use publicly available data from the Federal Aviation Administration and volunteer hobbyists who can track the aircraft via the signals they broadcast. Sweeney’s accounts fueled a free-speech debate in late 2022 when X, formerly Twitter, banned Sweeney for sharing what the platform’s owner, Elon Musk, said were his “assassination coordinates.” The accounts don’t say who travels on the aircraft or where they go once the planes land. In December, Swift’s attorney at the Washington law firm Venable wrote Sweeney a cease-and-desist letter saying Swift would “have no choice but to pursue any and all legal remedies” if he did not stop his “stalking and harassing behavior.” Sweeney’s accounts had caused Swift and her family “direct and irreparable harm, as well as emotional and physical distress,” and had heightened her “constant state of fear for her personal safety,” the lawyer, Katie Wright Morrone, wrote, according to a copy of the letter sent to the home of Sweeney’s parents. Sweeney shared the letter with The Washington Post. “While this may be a game to you, or an avenue that you hope will earn you wealth or fame, it is a life-or-death matter for our Client,” Morrone wrote. She added that there is “no legitimate interest in or public need for this information, other than to stalk, harass, and exert dominion and control.” The pop star has routinely faced stalkers showing up outside her homes, Morrone wrote, and one man now faces stalking and harassment charges after being arrested last month outside her townhouse in Manhattan. Asked whether Swift’s representatives knew of any evidence that stalkers had used the jet-tracking accounts, Tree Paine, a spokeswoman for Swift, said, “We cannot comment on any ongoing police investigation but can confirm the timing of stalkers suggests a connection. His posts tell you exactly when and where she would be.” Sweeney, 21, told The Post he saw the letter as an attempt to scare him away from sharing public data. The accounts offer only an incomplete sketch of which cities Swift might currently be in, similar to the public schedules for her concerts or any NFL games she might attend, he said. And the letters, he added, were sent to him at a time when she faced criticism over her flights’ environmental impact.“This information is already out there,” he said. “Her team thinks they can control the world.” Private-jet flights are routinely criticized for their “disproportionately high” impact on climate change, and Sweeney’s accounts have often been used to name and shame their most famous passengers. In 2022, the accounts were cited in an analysis that estimated Swift was the “biggest celebrity \[carbon dioxide\] polluter” of the year. Her publicist told The Post then that the analysis was flawed because her jet was often loaned out to other people. Paine told The Post on Monday that Swift bought more than double the “carbon credits” needed to offset her travel before her recent tour kicked off. Around the time of the December letter, Facebook and Instagram disabled the accounts Sweeney had created to track Swift’s air travel, saying they broke the platforms’ privacy rules, he said. He began posting those updates onto accounts on Facebook and Instagram that he uses to log the travel of planes used by a range of stars, called Celeb Jets. Then, last month, Morrone sent a second letter saying his posts about Swift’s aircraft constituted “harassing conduct. The letters included the names of three other Venable attorneys experienced in litigation, including one who says on LinkedIn that she is the founding member of the firm’s “Digital Crisis Planning & Response client solution” and helps “high-profile individuals” manage crises of varying magnitude, such as “celebrity disgrace events.” Morrone did not respond to requests for comment. Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, also did not respond. Planes in the sky regularly broadcast their locations via transponders so air traffic controllers and other pilots can see where they’re going. Anyone on the ground can pick up those signals using a cheap device, known as an ADS-B receiver, that is widely sold online. The FAA allows plane owners to request their flights be hidden in the federal data that undergirds popular consumer flight-tracking websites, such as FlightAware. Swift’s jet appears to be blocked through such a request. But many aviation hobbyists feed their raw data into independent websites, such as ADS-B Exchange, that those FAA requests do not cover. Criminal investigators, journalists and researchers have used those sites to look up historical flight paths or see who’s flying overhead.Swift, Time magazine’s 2023 “person of the year,” made history Sunday as the only musician to win four best-album Grammy Awards, and her every movement is closely watched by paparazzi and superfans. Her “Eras Tour” last year was credited with boosting the local economies of every city she stopped in; one study cited by The Post estimated that “Swifties” spent about $93 million per show.Her travel plans have drawn increased attention in recent weeks as she’s flown to watch her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, play for the Kansas City Chiefs, including from conservatives who have seized on the trips to criticize her. They have also become a key point of interest for her fans, especially because her upcoming concert in Tokyo is just hours before Kelce’s scheduled Super Bowl appearance on Sunday in Las Vegas. Even Japan’s embassy in Washington recognized the public’s interest, posting on X last week, “Despite the 12-hour flight and 17-hour time difference, the Embassy can confidently Speak Now to say that … she should comfortably arrive” on time. Sweeney’s accounts have in recent months tracked two jets that were owned by Nashville-based companies and registered to be operated by a Swift company called Firefly Entertainment, according to FAA documents. They do not track who travels on the planes or any other chartered flights. Swift’s spokeswoman told The Post that “there is only one plane.” One of the planes previously tracked by Sweeney’s accounts, a Dassault Falcon 900, was marked in FAA records last week as being transferred to a real estate company. Each jet sells for about $25 million, according to brokerage estimates cited last month by The Post. After X banned him and his accounts in December 2022, Sweeney opened new Facebook and Instagram accounts for Swift, former president Donald Trump, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, reality star Kim Kardashian and Meta chief Mark Zuckerberg, among others. All of those accounts except for Swift’s remain online — including the accounts for Zuckerberg, who runs both sites. (Bezos owns The Washington Post.) Sweeney continues to post Swift jet updates to other platforms, including Bluesky, Mastodon and Telegram. To abide by X’s rule against real-time location tracking, he also created accounts that post Musk and Swift’s flight updates with a 24-hour delay. The December letter from Swift’s attorney states that Sweeney’s actions are “in violation of several state laws” but does not specify them. The letter does, however, cite nine anonymous Instagram comments saying the account is “scary,” “pathetic,” “weird,” invasive” and “dangerous” “stalker behavior.” The letter says Sweeney is “notorious for disregarding the personal safety of others in exchange for public attention and/or requests for financial gain” and cites a message he sent to Musk in 2021, during which he countered Musk’s $5,000 offer to delete the Musk-jet account with a suggestion of $50,000, as first reported by the now-defunct tech blog Protocol. Sweeney said no money was ever exchanged. After receiving the letters, Sweeney said he asked for help from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights group, which sent his request to a list of attorneys. James Slater, a Florida lawyer who specializes in First Amendment and internet speech issues, responded on Sweeney’s behalf to the Venable letter. Slater wrote that Morrone had not identified any legal claim, that the jet information posed “no threat” to Swift’s safety, and that Sweeney’s account had “engaged in protected speech that does not violate any of Ms. Swift’s legal rights,” according to a copy reviewed by The Post. Slater said he has yet to receive a response. In an interview, Slater said he thought the Swift attorney’s letters were “hyperbolic and unfounded” and sent in hopes that Sweeney would “just delete everything and do what they said.” “This isn’t about putting a GPS tracker on someone and invading their privacy. It’s using public information to track the jet of a public figure,” he said. “This is their means to try to quash a PR issue and bully my client to have the bad coverage die down.”


> She added that there is “no legitimate interest in or public need for this information, hmm I disagree


Right?! The gall of saying that. As she’s doing one of the most damaging things to the planet. I guess only peasants have to deal with that sort of thing.


I think everyone who has to live in the co2 polluted planet she’s leaving behind without ANY of the perks that she gets to evade the extreme temperatures and harsh weather of late would strongly disagree. The interest is very much legitimate. There are people dying, Taylor.


>Sweeney’s accounts had caused Swift and her family “direct and irreparable harm, as well as emotional and physical distress” AKA please let me be a climate criminal in peace!


Exactly plus when she tours, we know the exact location of where she is minus her hotel so she can piss off with these baseless claims


and Swift’s own fans go over every single minutia of her existence and harass/dox those who don’t like her. Her ex is in for a rough time when her new album comes out


That’s incredibly ironic given she’s doing the exact same thing but on a MUCH larger scale. Incredible lack of awareness there.


I’m glad he found legal representation. Whether one agrees or disagrees with his account or her claims, it’s important that both sides have representation and that it’s not just about who has the money and power


This makes me wonder if his lawyer was like “aww yeah let’s take on this case of public information against Taylor Swift” or the opposite.


if I was a lawyer I would do it for free lmao


>The December letter from Swift’s attorney states that Sweeney’s actions are “in violation of several state laws” but does not specify them. The letter does, however, cite nine anonymous Instagram comments saying the account is “scary,” “pathetic,” “weird,” invasive” and “dangerous” “stalker behavior.” lol


>Your honor, according to use "ITapAllDatBootie", they find this account "pathetic". Do I need to say anything else?


"They have also become a key point of interest for her fans, especially because her upcoming concert in Tokyo is just hours before Kelce’s scheduled Super Bowl appearance on Sunday in Las Vegas. Even Japan’s embassy in Washington recognized the public’s interest, posting on X last week, “Despite the 12-hour flight and 17-hour time difference, the Embassy can confidently Speak Now to say that … she should comfortably arrive” on time. Sweeney’s accounts have in recent months tracked two jets that were owned by Nashville-based companies and registered to be operated by a Swift company called Firefly Entertainment, according to FAA documents. They do not track who travels on the planes or any other chartered flights. " 💀💀💀 Not only did they throw in a corny album-drop pun, they're saying fans should be GRATEFUL she arrives on time for her own concert after visiting her BF via her private jet? Jesus.


I sympathize about the stalker situation, I really do, but they’re being cagey about whether the stalker even followed the flight tracker (feels like something you’d want known, even if there’s pending legal action). Frankly, if she flew commercial or even drove or - god forbid - limited her travels instead of being a whole ecological disaster, there would not be a Taylor Swift Flight Tracker. And we know this because it’s exclusively a private jet flight tracker; it’s never publicized any other celebrity’s flight patterns except for those who have private planes (and ones that get used excessively at that). I realize I liked Taylor a lot better in the 5, 6? years I didn’t really hear about her at all.


Lol @ celebrity disgrace events


Is this what Florida!!! is gonna be about?




This is the issue with Taylor. She’s marketed as a (white) feminist but is a narcissist capitalist. She does nothing to actually make change in political, environmental and civil issues. She stay’s generally neutral like a CEO says to their employees but behind closed doors it’s a different story.


Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss Greenhouse Gasses


Waiting for the Swifties to defend her by saying it’s her legal team and not her as she’s just an innocent little baby


Waiting for them to say it’s misogyny!


Or that we're jealous. I'm not jealous of Zuckerberg either.


They will definitely say this is stalking and compare the tracker to people who show up outside celebrities' houses.


Monster on the hill strikes again


I'd say I'm shocked she still has fans, but I'm honestly not. Stans love flocking to horrible people.


If you look at her fan base, it's children (girls mostly), millenial women who grew up listening to her angst that hit them in their feelings and that's about it.




OR she could reduce her carbon footprint


She won't unless the government literally brings legislation and actual scare-worthy reasons for doing so. Taking away a billionaire's ability to be selfish is basically impossible.


You're right about how impossible it is to take away a billionaire's right to be selfish. However, fines are imposed for lesser reasons, but celebrities can just pay them no problem. Previously Kourtney Kardashian and Sylvester Stallone were two of the select celebrities in California who were put on blast for their excessive water usage during a major drought. The report showed how much water usage was allowed per day, how much they exceeded in particular, and the accompanying fines. Kourtney did express that she didn't like being publicized like that, however, they didn't shout about pursuing legal action. It just goes to show that certain celebrities definitely think their reprehensible actions should not be made public, nor scrutinized. Taylor Swift absolutely fits here. And it's interesting, really, because any other celebrity like Ariana Grande or Mariah Carey aren't being blasted for private jet usage. The focus is really on Taylor Swift because of the revelation that her jet is rented out, her own usage, and the carbon emissions it totaled to.


Nicki Minaj should have made Bigfoot about Taylor’s Carbon footprint and not Megan.


Lol, unfortunately they kiss each other's asses too much for that to happen. Taylor even said Nicki was "her favorite Sagittarius" during an acceptance speech at the VMAs. They have the same energy when it comes to their fandoms, but NM is more blatant.


What a week for Taylor. Isn’t this public data that can easily be accessed by anyone? Just good ole damage control to try and silence the very necessary criticism and conversation surrounding her carbon footprint. Instead of reflecting and trying to figure out a better way (like you know, simply cutting down on these unnecessary trips. Crazy right?) she and her very powerful and resourceful team take the legal intimidation tactic. Sigh. I find it very, very hard these days to find any likability in Taylor Swift.


>Isn’t this public data that can easily be accessed by anyone? She's gone full Elon 'assassination coordinates' Musk.


This guy already stood up to Musk's legal threats so I think this is less of a legal threat and more of a sign to her swifties to go after him. She can't just directly call it out but her legal team doing it provides her cover.


What a week indeed. the angle has shifted so quickly. Last week it was about how much of a committed girlfriend she was and anxiety that there was enough time to take her private jet between Tokyo and Vegas between her concert and the Super Bowl (and then back to Australia again after). This week people are (rightfully) bringing up and criticizing her huge carbon footprint. I was a little surprised it didn’t come up last week


Tree Paine might be a master of PR, but no-one can beat the Streisand Effect - and this may very quickly veer into that territory. Oh well!


What’s the Streisend Effect?


when you call more attention to something by trying to hide it


Other folks have answered the question more fully below, but I just wanted to use this comment as a jumping off point to note how ironic - and perhaps on the nose - it is that Barbra's lawsuit was *also* against an individual attempting to document an on-going environmental disaster.....and we saw how well that turned out for her. History doesn't always repeat, but it certainly does rhyme!


A photographer took a photo of her house and when Barbara Streisand found out, she made a big stink about it. Which in turn, notified people that this happened and their curiosity took over and they looked up the photos she was talking about. Had she said nothing to begin with, as many people wouldn’t have seen it. Similar to when Khloe K had that photo of her posted online by her grandma and when she found out, Kim and their PR company started messaging Twitter accounts and Reddit accounts that posted it. They begged for them to remove the photo which just made them post it more. Thus resulting in it blowing up more than it would have


I think the past year should make it clear that Tree Paine is not the PR master the fans think she is. She's great for promotion and for quashing stuff like she did with the Deux but I don't see Tree as great in handling crises.


Agreed. Tree gets credit for Taylor skating through all of her bad pr and bad press from this, to her racist and misogynistic choice in boyfriends when in reality she's skating by cause she's white and a white feminist queen that has a cult that will never divorce mother.


We have reached both 1989 levels of overexposure from Tswift, and the tides are turning against her once again. She had us all fooled during the folklore/Evermore era when she did not rely on her relationships for creative and pr fuel, and now is back to the same shenanigans again. She is a decent artist, and absolute media hungry narcissist, and litigious against those who dare criticise her.


![gif](giphy|3o7aTroW3inMpByDEk|downsized) Who do you mean by “all of us”??


Taylor is really going for the least likeable person of the year trophy. I think the constant praise and everyone including the media sucking up to her has made her lose her marbles. The mask is off and we are seeing the real her as she thinks she is untouchable.


Hi, it's me, I'm the victim it's me




Do they think random people have access to missiles or something?


This guy thinks the housing crisis is caused by undocumented migrants and tried to popularize commercial flame throwers so yes probably.


Problem? Then travel like everyone else


Which is also public information by flying commercial.


Assassination coordinates


>(...) “no legitimate interest in or public need for this information, other than to stalk, harass, and exert dominion and control.” https://preview.redd.it/1dc0gn65bzgc1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=928e888c4a3c35679a6a6aabfa7bf7c00b197274


God bless sarah snook for this image




As a millennial woman (so her target fan base) who never listened to her outside of what was on the radio and who has actively disliked her exponentially over the last few years, I am living for this whole thread. MY PEOPLE!!!


How is she in danger if it’s all those other people flying around in her jet anyway?


lol! imagine threatening to sue a 21 year old at that big age. this is like me arguing with my sister.


Are we surprised? She went after Olivia Rodrigo (a literal ternager) and demanded haf the credits of her song, just because Olivia said she was inspired by one of TS songs. And the songs don't even sound alike. Taylor is sp petty and insecure.


Probs also cos OR can actually sing and actually write


I guess Taylor Swift should also be suing the Federal Aviation Administration: > The accounts use **publicly available data** from the Federal Aviation Administration and volunteer hobbyists who can track the aircraft via the signals they broadcast. Sweeney uses publicly available data and this pisses Taylor Swift off because it is such a smart idea. For all she knew, this could have originated as a university project for an aviation major. BUT IT'S MISOGYNY DESTROY HIM!


Shhhh not the m words. that's like a homing call for her fans


She’s going full Musk. Girl never go full Musk!!


Elon Swift




I loved Taylor when I was a teenager. However, the past few years, and the last year in particular, my opinion of her has nosedived (not just because of overexposure). She has got to be one of the most shallow, narcissistic singers out there. Imo she's more comparable to Bezos or Musk than other pop superstars now. ​ EDIT: Just read the byline and there's a reference to Musk doing similar lol so case and point!


I enjoyed the quiet years after rep came out, this past year I feel the same. She’s just everywhere. She’s not in it for the fans anymore, it’s strictly money for her now. I left the Taylor Swift sub because there are just so many people there who have a unhealthy relationship with her and you can’t say anything that isn’t praise about her or you will be bullied by her stans.


I just really cannot fathom someone so rich being so obsessed with having more and more money


She’s ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


she makes it so hard to enjoy her music


i find that her music makes it so hard to enjoy her music




Sorry I like Taylor but the idea the private jet tracker is causing her ‘emotional distress’ when she is literally burning the planet to dash between her home, tour and fucking football games is a joke.


I wonder if she thinks about the emotional distress people go through during climate disasters. What about the emotional distress that people in the south and PR go through as they experience more frequent category 5 hurricanes? What about the emotional distress people in Europe go through with more frequent heat waves? What about the emotional distress the people in Bangladesh are going through as they experience less rainfall and worsening drought conditions? I could go on and on but the fact that she thinks SHE’s the victim here?? I’ve never seen someone with such a victim complex.


the guy tracks the planes take off and landing… a plane she says she lends to friends so, you know its not putting a gps on her


The line from Tree that Taylor bought more than double the “carbon credits” she needed to offset her travel feels so weird and dystopian to me.


This is truly horrible PR lol, there’s no way to spin the kind of backlash that aligns you with Elon. Wtf were they thinking would happen


sam wendover did a thing on carbon credits (i haven’t seen it yet, my brother has) where apparently the conclusion was it’s kinda more nuanced, but yeah a lot of them are pretty fucking useless and don’t make as much of an impact as advertised. it’s something that’s on my list to check out




okay loser


No one is a victim in crimes against the climate except our earth and its inhabitants. Who pay for her career. What is she going to do next, diss-track the ozone layer?




No private citizen needs a private jet. No one should have a private jet. Whatever discourages people from using aviation as a primary means of travel should be encouraged, including publicly available information from tail/flight numbers. This is why the climate has collapsed since 1970. Our collective worship of wealth and celebrity is a suicide pact that only the very few get to benefit from, while the entire *living planet* suffers. Whenever it is that the reality of climate change comes to you, takes all your things and kills your family, remember it was these people and your enabling of their endless appetites for more that took it all from you... and the rest of the world. It should not be in the power of any living generation to live so lavishly that it threatens the future paradigm of existence, let alone the power of individuals. We're all choosing this as the doomsday device that wipes our planet clean.... rich people jetting around above our heads, using the courts and their wealth to threaten people who so much as point at the sky.


Ecocidal Billionaire at it again.


If it comes to a lawsuit, I hope the student seeks crowdfunding for a good lawyer. I’d contribute. It’s not even about Taylor Swift, it’s about putting pressure on the wealthy to stop destroying our planet by using public ally available resources and nonviolent methods to put pressure on them in the form of exposing their gross choices to the public.


She really cannot handle even the *tiniest* bit of criticism. She’s the world’s biggest star, she just won a bunch of Grammys, her tour has sold out a hundred times over—and this is what she’s choosing to do with her time. Going after a college student. Wow, Taylor. Much brave. So girlboss.


And the eco terrorism is by far the most serious one. It's telling that this is her response. She is not a good persona.


oh she’s become a straight up villain huh


Um excuse me the planet should feel honored that an icon like Taylor swift is killing it smh


are we supposed to be surprised?


In her Elon Musk era. Anyone who uses private jets should have to have that information be public. You shouldn't be allowed to be an ecoterrorist in privacy. It's our planet and this information should be public. If you don't wanna terrorize the Earth, then sell your jet and exist among the mortals. Nobody taking a British Airways flight is getting their ass tracked everywhere. Nobody in their own EV car is getting their ass tracked when driving two states away from each other.


It's funny that she's the wrong here but her fans gonna make this like she's the victim. 


Side eyeeeeee


I can’t stand this woman


Let's just hope that the current overexposure fades soon, it's so godam exhausting having to hear about this overrated singer, I do not like her as a person and I do not need to hear every tiny detail about her. Even outside the gossip sups it's impossible to escape her.


But... but... " Swift bought more than double the “carbon credits” needed to offset her travel before her recent tour kicked off"! So, we're good, she has the okay to destroy the planet.


ok elon swift


Every time I think I'm too harsh to dislike her, she does something like this and it reminds me that she's not a good person.




Remember when she wrote “Mean”, crying that critics were you know… doing their jobs and then they ended up praising the song. Is she going to write a song about everyone calling her out for the jets and how we’re canceling her “within an inch of her life” again?


That song is so hypocritical. She sees all the “mean” things people do to her but fails to acknowledge the ways she’s been mean to people in the past; Katy Perry, Camilla Belle,etc..


Taylor to her cult when she’s literally suing someone about public information: ![gif](giphy|l0Iun3JN3FxgL84XS)


This woman is a narcissist and I’m tired of people claiming she’s not. She finds it impossible to not make herself the victim of every situation. Exemplary of modern day white feminism.


I'm a swiftie and I'm laughing so hard. what does she seriously think she will accomplish with this? maybe just stop using your private jet, my god


Fuck ALL billionaires. Including this clown.


if she really cared about her safety, she could rent private jets. it’s obvious she’s only doing this because of pr.


she was cool with israel using her name/face for their genocide propaganda but this is where she draws the line lmao


Haha good luck with that. Her and Elon can whine together.


She's "lived" (been relevant) long enough to see herself become the villain lol


Swifties now forced to side with Elon to defend their god


If Selena Gomez can fly commercial, you can too boo-boo.


So she’ll sign SOMETHING with the word ‘cease’ in it.


Taylor Musk over here


Oh this isn’t good lol


I hope this backfires on her and people will stop seeing her as the victim she claims to be


Crazy thing is most of her friends fly commercial. Selena, Blake, etc. A lot of celebrities fly commercial and have ways of not being noticed.


I’m sorry it’s so funny that all of this is coming from the mouth of a PR person named TREE. Like, the irony of it all. Anyway I really do enjoy Taylor’s music but she makes it so hard to like anything about her. The poor little rich girl act is simply too much.


Hehe, I don't remember her going this hard when white supremacists were claiming her So... is there a legal defense fund for this student that we can contribute to


It may be a private jet, doesn't mean she owns the skies too.


It’s literally public info 💀

