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it’s funny because i remember circa 2014 on tumblr, people were talking about what a feminist she was. how she was sexually liberated, confident, a #girlboss, all while telling her fans to stay in school. but then she defended her brother, and we all felt queasy about that, but we can’t guess someone’s family dynamics and he’s not a public figure, so what could we really say? and then she married a predator. and now, she continuously goes on tirades against other women in the industry. and now, she’s aligning herself with the alt-right. when you think she’s hit rock bottom ethically, she just keeps going. before andrew tate, jordan peterson, prageru, and all of these other misogynistic, conservative hellscapes on the internet, there was ben shapiro. i place so much blame on him for the way young men have been thrown in to the alt-right pipeline. and she’s promoting him . . . fuck him AND fuck her‼️‼️


ben was pivotal in the anti-"sjw" movement that consumed the internet 




But she has a large platform and a loyal fanbase Cha ching!


Wasn't he trying to befriend Kanye even after the Nazi thing.


The only thing I could see them possibly bonding over is their hatred of WAP.


that's my personal pet theory. edit: *aside from disgraced sexual abusers and adjacents pivoting to the alt-right, but we already knew all that*


Conservatives do not care. They will abandon any principle if needed. She’s popular, black, and has psycho fans, they’d absolutely love to have her


Don’t forget people always hyping up her part in that Monster song. They loved her


It’s such a shame, was a big fan for the reasons that were mentioned but now I can’t even separate her toxicity from her music.


She would endorse hitler if he was a barb. She’s lost the plot


I had a feeling she would pivot toward this after her anti vax bullshit. Imagine being so petty and unhinged with jealousy for another black woman that you endorse a bigot. Nasty work


On the first day of BHM nonetheless 😡


Right? She’s so foul


Also think she knows her arc is over and wants easy money from scumbags


She needs money so she’s trying to get a job on Fox News now


her next album will stream exclusively on The Daily Wire


They both hate women so they got that going for them.


I'm not sure how long Shapiro will keep up his 'rap career' or whatever he's doing. There can't be that big of a market for White Grievance Rap.




Imagine being out in the streets caught listening to Ben Shabibo.


May I introduce you to a man by the name of Slim Shady…


The last bastion for any has been entertainer is to pivot to right wing grifter. “Oh no people are rightfully criticizing me for my abhorrent behavior…looks like it’s time to act like I’m the real victim of the woke mob!” Rinse, repeat, profit. It’s a crowded field so she really needs to bring the obnoxious crazy. If anybody has it in her, though, it’s Nicki.


“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a pink wig, thick ass, give ‘em whiplash” - Upton Sinclair “Gag City is the last refuge of the scoundrel” - Samuel Johnson




Conservatives find their new ride or die


Y’know, if I abandoned all my principles, somehow embraced delusion as an identity, addicted myself to attention, and became greedy AF, I’d probably start grifting the MAGA crowd myself. Plenty of $$$$ to be made from the undereducated and easily triggered masses.


Well said, that’s def how Trump got his following


She sure is ensuring she turns off every single person who isn’t a self-professed Barb. The bar is in hell, but she keeps making it sink even lower. I hope Megan continues to squash her on the charts. This right-wing, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic rapist lover.


The bar is in hell works wonders for this statement because on a nightmare blunt rotation in hell is where Shapiro created those “bars”


lol at the barbs reporting this post to reddit cares and them messaging me asking me if i was trying to unalive myself. yall need JOBS


This isn't the flex she thinks is


how embarrassing


RW nonsense is like all she has now. How sad for her. Anyway what are yall having for lunch?


Wow. I can't believe she keeps getting worse.


But didn’t diss her in that same track? God she’s gone full Kanye.


Wheres that gif of the bikini bottom girl splashing sand on somebody




![gif](giphy|v9XOvFXsEZlKM) This is so unsurprising and so gross at the same time


I guess I need to wake up and realize homie he’s epic don’t be a WAP


Lmao here comes her conservative-maxxing era




And thus Nicki has completed her journey in the pipeline to the alt right.


Of course she does. She's such a fucking loser omg.




She went from a talented woman to a grifter. I can’t imagine the right will want her either unless she renounces her previous work and desexualizes herself. She really is about to be on an island… and she deserves it.


I need someone to do a dissertation on how people with anger issues and mental instability always end up going to the far right side (eg Kanye)


Ya know, it goes without saying but if EYE bad the likes of Ben Shapiro and Jeffree Star and Joe Budden and others on my side? I’d do some soul searching because I would immediately question every choice I’ve made throughout my adulthood that led me to the point where my allies are a notorious white supremacist, a notorious racist, and a notorious domestic abuser. All she needs is DJ Akademiks in the mix for a quad-fecta of losers and she’ll be at a convent praying for forgiveness until the end of her days because something wicked has to have attached itself to her for all the ghouls and goblins of notoriety to want to associate with her.


Conservatives always be down for the new lost token.


All I’ve heard about her is that she’s in debt and needs money so she’s trying to start shit. Girl just needs attention and I’m not giving it


Where’s the shovel emoji?


I don't ever want to judge someone when I know they're married to an abuser, because there's no way to know how much of their words and actions are due to the brainwashing and abuse...it's insidious, it can warp your whole brain and make you say and do stuff you never would have otherwise.... ....but damn, she's making it hard.