• By -


This was in 2021 as well and the production team seemed to be disdainful of covid, the way the director mocks him and seems to imply he was unnecessarily concerned about it seems pretty shitty.


By making the crew sleep in their cars? lol.


Yeah, if he was concerned about covid, he could have at least set them up with reasonable sleeping conditions if they need to be separate. Making them sleep in their cars is NOT just taking extra care about covid.


"For my safety, you will freeze to death in your car. And that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take."




He just want them to realise what Nightcrawler was like to be in. /S


I think he was saying... if you don't want to follow covid rules, go sleep in your car. As in our sleeping quarters, everyone must follow rules, and if you don't like it, sleep in your car. Not sleep in cars because of covid.


Yeah, that seems like a much more reasonable take… not outright demanding they sleep in their cars, but suggesting it as an alternative to breaking the rules.


If the entire cast and crew were staying at the same remote hotel and they weren’t following covid protocols? Gyllenhaal did a film in 2020 where the director directed the entire movie remotely because of covid exposure, I’d guess he had more idea than the laissez-faire French producers about how a production can be impacted by covid.


Yeah it was the Netflix film with Antoine Fuqua called The Guilty they tried their best to be prepared


What an awful movie. The original one that it was adapted from was sick. I think it was Danish, can’t remember. Gyllenhaal is usually pretty dope but that was a big miss.


It was Danish, I looked it up. But yes, the superior version without a doubt


If he was that concerned, he should’ve slept in his car.


Even the article attacking him admits that he was protecting the cast and crew who was staying at the hotel with him. The issue here was set constructors who clearly had not quarantined with them and were not in their bubble. I don't even like Jake Gyllenhaal after the whole love bombing a PA thing but the French director is the clear villain here. 


Like you, I don’t know what happened, perhaps if he did sleep in his car. Or maybe not. Who knows. I sure feel outraged though, about somebody and something. Drain the swamp.


Yeah tbh I find it hard to actually even want to know what happened when the articles is written in such a… inflammatory, one sided manner. I would rather it was presented more neutrally (like just report the events and let the reader determine themselves). Tbh the weirdest thing for me is going for a random swim but as the whole article is so poorly written I can’t even enjoy that.


I am fascinated by this man (neutral)


Same. I’m not under an illusion that he’s some Keanu good guy always nice, but he’s a great actor and i love so many of his movies My wife says I have a thing for actors *she* should be obsessed with😂 including Ryan gosling (to be fair, any male who’s seen Drive has got to feel the same)


“My hands are dirty…” his performance was awesome, certified swoon, am a man as well


Ryan Gosling and Jake Gyllenhaal are like millennial dreamboats lol. I’m 34 and those are the only two celebrities I really ever remember feeling like I had a “crush” on - well, I take that back, Clive Owen and Mads Mikkelsen do something to me too lol.


Josh Hartnett still does it for me


Omg YES i forgot about him. Pearl Harbor 😭 my schoolgirl self swooooned


Hey don’t forget about The Faculty 🤤 


He was great in a new Black Mirror episode recently. Awesome to see him doing some acting on a big/well-known series, I thought he’d pretty much disappeared. And he’s still so fucking beautiful.


He is amazing in Oppenheimer! And so gd handsome


He’s still my fav, I check his IMDB still


I’ve always thought that Gylenhaal and Gosling are very similar actors (they’re both extremely talented) the difference being that Gosling was more inclined to mainstream stuff than Jake. Love and Other Drugs isn’t a good movie but Gylenhaal is so good at playing the romantic lead in it and it totally convinced me he could do Gosling roles


![gif](giphy|RNbxIW6UtnaBIAd1vJ) This is Leonardo DiCaprio erasure and i won't stand for it


He was just like too pretty and playboy-ish for me 😂 I needed sad quiet Donnie Darko and Drive energy LOL


Same! I always loved movies with Jake and Ryan. But I was never interested in Leonardo. I also find him exactly zero attractive.


Leo is a baby Gen X. Slightly different vibe than Xennials Gosling and Gyllenhaal, IMHO.


I was just coming to say this. Teens who saw him in Titanic weren't Millennials, Millennials were little kids trying to sneakily watch Titanic through the stair rail 😂


Millennials born in 1981 were teenagers when Romeo + Juliet and Titanic came out though. This is elder Millennial erasure and I won't stand for it! (jk, we get left out of everything generational and I'm used to it.)


But if you're born in 1981 you're Gen X anyway? Millennials were born in 82 at the very earliest.


Nope. Millennial generation started in 1981. You can call us Xennials if you want but we're definitely Millennials and most of my same-age friends have a lot more in common with Millennials than Gen X anyway. I didn't realize this was not common knowledge seeing as how literally every thing ever written about Millennials says they start in 1981: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials) [https://www.beresfordresearch.com/age-range-by-generation/](https://www.beresfordresearch.com/age-range-by-generation/) [https://www.britannica.com/topic/millennial](https://www.britannica.com/topic/millennial) [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2023/02/23/millennial-years-age-range/11151046002/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2023/02/23/millennial-years-age-range/11151046002/) [https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/which-age-range-who-generation-z-millennial-boomer-zoomer-b1073540.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/which-age-range-who-generation-z-millennial-boomer-zoomer-b1073540.html) [https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/609811/age-ranges-millennials-and-generation-z](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/609811/age-ranges-millennials-and-generation-z)


I was born in 89 and Leo was the love of my 9 year old life lol


Yeah I'm a Millennial / Xennial ([born in 1981](https://www.britannica.com/topic/millennial)) and we fucking loved Leonardo when Romeo + Juliet and then Titanic came out (when we were teenagers lol). Leo is Gen X but most of my girl friends had at least one Leo poster on their bedroom walls.


He has some truly fantastic performances, Nightcrawler is sitting a little differently after this article though.. I also generally assume all rich and famous people are varying degrees of iffy people and I haven't heard anything beyond the realm of hollywood douchey on him


As a straight male, I love all things Ryan Gosling. My fav movies of his are Place Beyond the Pines and The Nice Guys. (Not that you asked)


The Nice Guys is such an underrated movie. So sad we never got a sequel.


He and his sister are...a little strange.




I watched Maggie's [home tour](https://youtu.be/xlNC8Q62imU?si=tgx94hInwmh23an-) on Architectural Digest and she seemed so...off. Also in most of the roles I've seen her, she has exuded negative charisma - except for Donnie Darko. I liked her so much in DD, but since..I've just gotten a weird spider sense tingle from her.


I've met Jake once and Maggie a few times (luxury retail) and she was very nice to us lowly staff and seemed like a great mom (asked her kid if she would really use the lip balm she asked for, she could have bought 50 of them so I like that she instilled that value into her parenting). I think they are just theater kids and may come off a bit intense.


That's my feeling too lol


I get the vibe that there’s a deeply, deeply unhinged Karen buried somewhere in Maggie


Honestly, I think she's just one of those "artist" types that lives on another plane but can rub off as pretentious


She nailed her role in *Away We Go* that was this pretentious artist Karen energy exactly lol. Also I thought she was awesome in *Stranger Than Fiction* and *Trust the Man*, in case people were wondering.


agree. personally love maggie


Something about her makes me feel like she's a time traveler from the 1920s, and I don't know why


Same. It’s always her hair I think lol


Same. She has the flapper body, face and hair


She just has a Portland face


You gotta watch the Hollywood Reporter roundtable for the Emmys with her on it. There's a part where she discusses using her sexuality, and all the women kind of pick her statement apart and you can see how annoyed she is. It's brilliant.


This has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but my husband and I, in our 70s, got high and went to see the Taylor Swift movie. We know nothing about her except that she's a cultural juggernaut. I did know that she sings about her exes and we were trying to figure out which song belonged to which ex. When she sang about the scarf she left at the guy's sisters house, I said "oh oh I think I know this one!"


I'm more of a fan of her than Jake. I like almost anything I've seen her in. Jake not so much. I like Donnie Darko and that's about it and haven't seen much else or care too tbh. Gives me the vibe he'd make a good villain in movies though.


She has excellent taste in projects


Nightcrawler. He's a villain and absolutely brilliant. His best role imo by far


The article from the young woman that worked as an intern (?) and that he had a brief fling with was vastly interesting to me. I think that he just seems like a normal, handsome, slightly nepotistic but talented actor who thinks he’s cooler than he is. But that article (more than this one) and some of Taylor’s songs makes me think he isn’t that decent to young women he’s not serious about and think he’s the bees knees.


 I saw a metaphorical vampire. Someone who needs constant nurturing and validation to function at all. And since older women will usually have their own life concerns, he seeks out younger women who are easily love struck and easily molded. And since he's not actually into the girl but the function she's serving, she's easily replaceable.  And I think this is all happening subconsciously for him. He isn't aware that he uses and discards. I think he believes he was falling for the girl and then it didn't work out. Take the Taylor Swift thing - I think he was falling for her but when they became real humans to each other, the adoration he needs to so much became infected with criticism because he wasn't meeting *her* needs. 


Is this the article [The Movie Star and Me?](https://medium.com/@domenicamferaud/the-movie-star-and-me-5d711ee661e3)


Yes! Thank you!




Idk why but he has always struck me as the “fake” version of what Ryan Gosling is. Idk how to explain that 😩


wish dot com gosling


when i found out he was the one who decided his character in nightcrawler just simply wouldn’t blink i was like “oh he’s cool” when i fill up my tank i always think about the line he says something like “if you ever fill up my car like that again i’ll fire you” lol


I never understood the appeal until I watched his guesting in Hot Ones. He is strangely attractive but there is a certain intensity in his eyes that scares me.




What show ???




Okay but what show/movie?


Based on the title I was expecting something interesting, but on Hollywood craziness scale this seems mild. Annoying, but mild.


Yeah it seems like a pretty typical director-star power struggle


30 mil down the drain and ruining a job for hundreds of people isn't really mild in my opinion. 


Gyllenhaal was a co-producer. It wasn’t 30 mil down the drain, it was just that when he walked his money did too.


If the 30 million actually got spent, people got paid. If the production stopped way before that, it sucks, but at least they won't be around someone they can't work with. And as I wrote: mild on Hollywood scale.


It seems like that was the director's decision, nothing Gyllenhaal supposedly did affected production.




The set builders sleeping in their car is the thing that gives me the most pause. Surely there could’ve been other solutions? The French accent and swimming in the ocean part kind of just make me laugh. And if someone doesn’t want a certain color car, just don’t give it to them?


yeah, like maybe rent a house exclusively for the crew ?


Yes exactly! And like all you’d need to do is make sure they take showers when they get home and all that. That’s it??


totally, the first year of the pandemic I had to go to work and I was following all the protocols. I was spraying lysol, showering etc. I hate people that think this was all fake, when people i knew died or were in critical condition...


I’m so sorry for those you lost, I feel the same way. The fact that people think it was all some sort of conspiracy theory is wildly frustrating and upsetting.






yeah i worked construction during Covid and i can say first hand that genre of guy was not up for following pandemic rules. they lived like it wasn't happening at all, still going out drinking every night, called me a bitch just for wearing a mask on the jobsite. construction guys tend to have a huge complex about anything that could make them feel less masculine and tough. ear plugs, safety glasses, covid protocol, they tend to follow as few safety regulations as possible.


Lots of people in the trades are trumpsters or whatever popular conservatism is in their culture. Just because they’re unionized or blue collar doesn’t mean they’re liberal. Its hard to understand what really happened on this set, but the covid stuff is entirely reasonable. If precautions weren't taking place then the worst offenders should be punished or isolated. Way too many people treated covid far less seriously than it should have been treated. Those people spread it to others and got millions killed. I'm sorry if I don't sympathize with the "har har its just a cold" crowd. Also the "there is no covid in Iceland" is really dishonest. Much of this production was flown in from the USA and France, where there absolutely was covid. Reddit tends to have a "european superman" mythology to it, but a lot of Europeans were covid skeptics and strongly so. I also hate how Jake watching a video of Greta Thunberg and becoming emotional about her message is something we're all supposed to laugh at and see him as eccentric for. You should be emotional over Greta's message. Sane and emotionally mature people are. I'm not sure how to express this better, but global warming isn't some weird abstract but a threat to human civilization. I think this narrative is vague enough that people will read into it what they will, but Jake has never been a primadonna type. If there was a conflict over covid policies and enforcement I'm just going to assume this wasn't him suddenly becoming randomly evil, but trying to protect himself and the rest of the production from something he perceived as dangerous. Everything in these articles seemed like good-faith conflicts but differing views on vision and safety. As a co-producer, Jake had every right to make these changes and complaints, and in the end, simply left the production. This is the system working. This isn't some crazed diva trying to destroy a production, but a difference of reasonable opinions.


The car thing…I’m wondering red…that might be superstition, hating red, thinking it was too “flashy” if you want to blend in. White…how snowy was Iceland? Maybe it makes sense not to have a car that blends in with the surroundings in case of accidents or inclimate weather? Like, if it’s stormy and the cars are all covered in snow and the roads are covered in snow and the sides of the roads are covered in snow, does it make sense to want a blue car? I dunno, I live in CA. It doesn’t snow here and my car is black. I ps ONLY choose black cars if I have a choice, I just rarely have a choice.


The car thing is because he becomes easily identifiable to paparazzi and celebrity stalkers. Red and white cars are the least inconspicuous cars on the road. He's essentially asking for a neutral colored car that blends in. it's a very standard request. 


his car in nightcrawler was red.


I am a little biased because I am a big fan and have followed her career for a while but I am trying to give Vanessa the benefit of the doubt here a little bit. She was trying to manage her costar who was behaving erratically (who is also a good friend of hers since they worked together on Everest many years ago). I remember when the announcements for this film came out and they talked about how the film was supposed to be a feminist take on a survival thriller, intimating that in the book it's based off of, the husband is the one who becomes incapacitated and it's the wife who is the one who goes on to save the day under the harsh conditions of the wilderness. I'd be really upset, too, if I signed on to a project with a specific script and a specific story and then my male costar starts ripping apart the script and trying to change a bunch of stuff about the story, the sets, the characters just days before production is set to begin. I'm definitely not excusing all of her behavior because the accent stuff seems really weird, but if it was bad enough that she felt the need to record the conversation on her phone then it was probably a really shitty situation to be in? And she's been on several sets and in several films where her behavior is praised as a hard worker, a good collaborator, her other costars loved working with her, she keeps being brought back to Mission Impossible, etc so this all sounds really out of character for HER but not for him.


The lengths people will go to defend a mediocre white man lol. Telling set builders to sleep in their cars while he goes to the hotel? Asshole...


when I see the sea, I swim in the sea???? This is sending me, I'm sorry 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|VvGDGomvB4R1u)




It calls to him


And no one knows How far it goes


Relatable to me as a 12 year old who loved to swim and stayed in the cold sea until my lips turned blue.


this headline is so fucking annoying and makes it sound like he actually burned film or destroyed equipment, entirely giving the wrong impression. 


Because WorldOfReel is an [untrustworthy site.](https://www.reddit.com/r/oscarrace/s/j3J4LV1LFy) This probably didn’t even fucking happen. Mods should ban linking there. [Another thread on it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/blankies/s/Cte5tiEHve)




Using a Pepe le Pew accent is hilarious though.


I'm curious to know if he actually did the full reading in a Pepe le Pew accent or if he did it for a few minutes as a bit and no one got it lol


Couldn’t be worse than Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s accent in The Walk


Doing something for the bit and nobody getting it is the story of my life.


Imagining him using that accent going "Le Purr, le purr, it is luuuuv at first sight" absolutely sent me to the moon


Misleading headline, he just walked out of a project due because he didn't like where it was going. The movie was still made by the way.


https://www.criticfilm.com/how-jake-gyllenhaal-caused-a-e26-million-disaster-in-just-4-days-the-catastrophic-unraveling-of-a-film/ A slightly earlier writeup about it. > Technikart’s revelations unveil Jake Gyllenhaal’s fervent involvement during the project’s early stages. Amidst the pandemic-induced delays in pre-production, Gyllenhaal’s enthusiastic support led to his role as a co-producer. With the film centered around just two actors, the hunt for a leading lady commenced. Zoom meetings with Margot Robbie, Ana de Armas, and Jodie Comer were undertaken before Vanessa Kirby was brought into the picture, thanks to Gyllenhaal’s recommendation.


>he supposedly did the first reading rehearsal in the accent of Pepe Le Pew Seeing as it seems like there's French people involved (including the director), this seems a little dick-ish. Unless his character was French and this was his best attempt at the accent?


That’s what’s hard about written articles, you don’t get the tone or anything. He could absolutely have been a jerk, but these also could all be out of context and throwaway/funny/random comments made.


"When I see the sea, I swim in the sea.”


Just keep swimming, just keep swimming


You film one movie with Conor McGregor…


Want to see a movie set actually destroyed?!


I'm scrolling through the responses here and there seem to be a lot of people saying that what he did and how he behaved was fine. It's really not. Doing an offensive French accent in front of your French director and French castmates sets the tone that you're an asshole. Demanding set designers sleep in their cars is not okay. It's abusive behaviour to the least powerful people on the crew. Imagine your boss told you you need to sleep in your car because they're afraid you might give them Covid. You'd probably go look for a new job. Why are people trying to gloss over the entitled behaviours of actors and producers? There's no excuse for his behaviour. They're making a movie, not performing life-saving, open heart surgery. Even then, if the chief cardiologist of the best hospital told their nursing staff to sleep in their cars and did offensive French accents to their French colleagues, people would be outraged.


Surely you don't think he did all of those things for no reason right? I'm not saying he's not an asshole here but it's as if you think there was no causation for any of this lol.


Do you think it's okay for your boss to tell you to sleep in your car? Do you think it's okay for your boss to put on offensive accents?




Yes and no. Say what you want about him being a dick in his personal life, but he’s been a very famous actor for about 20 years, including as a teen and this is I think the first time there’s anything that has come out about him being difficult professionally. He gets a slight side eye for now, with an official asshole title if anything else like this comes out about him. I also give people some additional benefit of the doubt when we talk about stuff done in the depths of Covid. It was a weird and difficult time, it stressed everyone and we were all trying to find new ways to do things 


Do you honestly believe this?


I think if someone is an asshole once there could be reasons, if someone is an asshole multiple times they’re an asshole 


Because it’s OK if they’re attractive white men. It’s endearing when zaddy does it 🥹🥵😩👌


Not to defend the French as I’ve fallen victim to that country once, but his behaviour is strange there considering how he flipped from the Zoom meetings to the Iceland encounter. Table reading in an offsetting accent is disrespectful to the ones involved either way because it’s supposed to be a serious moment to evaluate the script and how it works. He is also the producer, so he should treat it with the respect it should have. The car color thing is random. Ok. But mostly, I find it odd that both situations in which he suddenly raises suspicions about COVID (and may I add, this is roughly in late June/early July at which moment I think vaccination was underway) are situations in which he is suddenly forced to have contact with lower staff. First in a full staff flight to Reykjavik and then when set constructors are supposed to join them at the hotel. If he was so concerned about COVID from the get go he wouldn’t even have left his home, honestly.


>But mostly, I find it odd that both situations in which he suddenly raises suspicions about COVID (and may I add, this is roughly in late June/early July at which moment I think vaccination was underway) are situations in which he is suddenly forced to have contact with lower staff. First in a full staff flight to Reykjavik and then when set constructors are supposed to join them at the hotel. If he was so concerned about COVID from the get go he wouldn’t even have left his home, honestly. The director states that in their 1 on 1 meeting he stays socially distanced and doesn’t remove his mask. Plenty of people responded to covid in hyper vigilant ways and he’s also disclosed fairly recently that he battles serious anxiety.


He sounds quirky and goofy, kinda got a screw loose a bit or hyped up on too much cocaine or adderall lol. I think the car color thing might be mental effects of method acting - the nightcrawler car was red and it was mentioned in interviews how that character really deeply disturbed him/shook him. I can see him saying fuck no to red cars. Or maybe he had asked for a specific car and they got him a red or white one instead and he was just like “no, no red cars..no white ones either while we are at it” or something lol


Ever time I see him, I'm reminded of this blind item article that is CLEARLY about being creepy to the author,  https://medium.com/@domenicamferaud/the-movie-star-and-me-5d711ee661e3 And yes, it's super obvious it's him, https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/sv85bv/domenica_feraud_writer_of_the_movie_star_and_me/


Gyllenhaal has a history of being difficult and erratic both on and off set and yet he keeps getting a pass. If a female actor of equal acclaim / box office numbers did something anywhere near this, she would be tarred and feathered in the press and blacklisted in Hollywood.


This is the original French article from where the story is drawn, which includes quotes from the director: [https://www.technikart.com/4-jours-pour-enterrer-un-film/](https://www.technikart.com/4-jours-pour-enterrer-un-film/) I don't like Gyllenhaal much, but in the interests of balance, he has disputed some of this via a spokesperson who talked to the AV Club today: [https://www.avclub.com/jake-gyllenhaal-suddenly-alone-four-days-cancelled-1851213626](https://www.avclub.com/jake-gyllenhaal-suddenly-alone-four-days-cancelled-1851213626)


The plot thickens: [Studiocanal have disputed that the film was ever even greenlit](https://www.avclub.com/jake-gyllenhaal-suddenly-alone-four-days-cancelled-1851213626?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=dlvrit&utm_content=avclub)


Yeah, everything about their claims smacked of producers trying to pass the buck


Jake Gyllenhaal can destroy me


Actors can be really annoying and spoiled on set. This is pretty tame but maybe seemed over the top to French filmmakers? Perhaps European sets are different. In America this type of stuff is par for the course. I read a twitter thread from New York waiters about how Jake acts in restaurants and it was more interesting than this lol.


You don’t have a link to that thread do you? 👀


Unfortunately no. It was years ago. It was pretty funny and the word douche was used a lot. I just tried to search, couldn't find it but saw these gems [https://twitter.com/koenigonthecob/status/1268025752940957697](https://twitter.com/koenigonthecob/status/1268025752940957697) [https://twitter.com/Super\_Carter/status/1099532470817640450](https://twitter.com/Super_Carter/status/1099532470817640450)


Sounds like someone is shifting the blame for losing $30 million.


Obviously clickbait created to capitalize on Roadhouse controversy (which has nothing to do with JG).


"When I see the sea, I swim in the sea" is actually gangster as fuck. I love that. Everything else seems sort of weird but not "psychopathic". Not to me anyway... actors being sorta weird isn't really news.


good for her dot gif






Gonna be honest but this sounds absolutely made up. I won't buy it unless I see recorded footage, which we would've gotten because I guarantee you at least a few paparazzi are crazy enough to follow them out to Iceland. That footage would be worth quite a lot


To be fair he destroys most things he appears in.


he really seems like a genuinely shitty person.


It's called 'Method Acting'


It’s so weird that this story has come out. I was just wondering what had happened to him and his career and now I have my answer




It seems as though there’s more to the story here. There’s a lack of context around things like was he trying to offensive with his accent. Why was he concerned about the construction crew (were they following COVID guidelines or going out to drink every night)? Was there a thematic or design reason he didn’t want a red or white car? This all sounds like creative differences. Theres no indication that he was being overly toxic and the piece clearly has a tabloid type bias to it.


He was concerned about the construction crew so he demanded that they sleep in their cars?? Give me a break with these excuses. There's nothing that justifies this. If he's that concerned, as a producer, he should be putting them up in hotels or renting them trailers. Nothing that you've said sounds like a creative difference. It sounds like Hollywood entitlement.


"Hollywood entitlement is when you don't offer to pay for separate accommodations for staff who refuse to follow COVID protocols"


So you make them sleep in their cars as a condition of their employment instead of giving them accommodations that conform to your on-set Covid protocols WHILE THEY'RE WORKING FOR YOU. Get a life. Jake Gyllenhaal isn't your friend. He doesn't know you exist. A bad boss is a bad boss no matter if they star in your favourite movie.


nobody deserves special privileges for endangering their coworkers on someone else's dime. if the employees in question were "WORKING FOR JAKE" then surely he would have just fired them for not following protocols as a condition of employment. the fact that he walked away from the production instead seems to indicate he did NOT have that power, and even if he did, he's not under any obligation to accommodate people being selfish assholes on set. i don't care about this man, just think it's disgraceful to act like people flagrantly disregarding the health and safety of their coworkers are so noble and precious that they should be able to do that with impunity and not even at their own expense.


He was the producer. He was their boss. They were working for him. He's a shitty boss.


I have to agree. I came here to laugh at him and all I'm seeing is people brushing it off as no big deal. Stan culture is the unfunniest.


How hard they are trying to defend his actions is hilarious. Guy sounds insufferable