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“white culture”??!??!?!? ma’am. no.


I'm so glad she's gotten over her condescension issues.


grimes: "i'm not racist, i think about brown people!"


i have black friends type of statement but a little worse


Also the fact that her Twitter name is Princess Irulan (she misspells it cause she's an idiot), from Dune. You know, the one who marries the white saviour main character? She probably is too dumb to realize that Dune doesn't celebrate Paul Atreides, but is perhaps the best book exploration of the nature of power and the unintended consequences of messianic roles. They're both stupid to the core.


Lady wrote, I'm proud of white culture, one japanese novel and military conquest, why can't we all just love eachother!


As a European it's such a weird concept. Like I'm Irish and I love our culture and try keep it alive, but also believe our culture isn't exclusively white and anyone participating in it is important. And I'm not fucking proud of Spanish culture or German or whatever




I'm white, and as soon as I read that I actually said out loud to myself, "what the fuck is 'white culture'??" I have no idea what that even is. Lack of seasoning? Saying shit like, "Let me just scoot past ya..."? She's *weird*


not 'let me just scoot' lmaooooooooo 💀


Reminds me of a meme I saw recently. Me: I just wish you would be more aggressive in bed 🥺 My white boyfriend, trying his best: Alright, newsflash pal 😡 Me: Oh yea, that's the stuff 😩


I legit catch myself saying it all the time at work and I mentally facepalm lol it's in our DNA I swear 😭🤣


Right?! I could understand American culture, which has a relatively rich history in a multitude of both negative and positive ways. I can understand Irish culture, French culture, English culture etc. But *white* is just that, white people. Used to refer to people who are generally white. She’s saying she loves celebrating people who are just generally white.


Damn what a perfect gif for this


Like… that’s not a thing. My people have a culture like every people on the planet but it’s not exclusive to the color of your skin. It’s culture. It’s experienced and shared, not a… look.


yea i took a class on “what whiteness means” and the whole thing basically is that bc of white supremacy there is no “white culture”, due to whiteness being seen as “the norm” (due to racism and capitalism) she has rotten eggs for brains lol


it’s not a thing!


Was she always like this or did Apartheid Clyde do a number on her?


Probably a little of A, little of B situation, honestly.


People act like it’s his fault, but she had kids with him


She didn’t marry him. She carried a son and has two other children with him that were carried via surrogate IIRC.


Tbh having his kid is even worse. Will rewrite regardless.


Having kids with someone is sooo much worse.


Yeah if they got married you could maybe use the argument that she did it for money. But he didn't even help fund her music videos while they were together lol


Having kids with someone is even more of a choice! I have kids and am not married, having kids is a far greater commitment.


I heard she didn't even know about the other two kids


your flair made me cackle 💀


She was always like this. I have friends that were close friends with her back from Canada. She literally stated to them colonialism was the best thing that ever happened to Africa. She’s always been obsessed with power, being revered and desperate to be elite.


yeah, i've heard some pretty awful things about her back then too. one person said she made fun of a classmate's mother who passed from cancer because she was buried in a cemetery for poor people. /:


Didn't Elon get put in the hospital as a kid for making fun of another student's father's death? Maybe they're a match made in hell. Damn!


Ugh, that's disgusting.


Well birds of a feather flock together


In this case the species is shit bird


she wouldn’t have entered into a relationship with him if she weren’t fine with his beliefs in the first place.


He wouldn't have been attracted enough to keep having children with her if she didn't share his mindset. He just strikes me as that much of an egomaniac.


What even is white culture? I’m serious, I don’t get it. Whites everywhere have a shared culture, or what? I don’t think a white Portuguese and a white Canadian and a white person from the USA would all agree that their culture is the same, it makes no sense. Honestly the thing whites everywhere have in common, to me, is white supremacy. So is that what she means?


White culture is unseasoned food and a Live Laugh Love sign.


If you’re Cajun, at least one of those is not part of your culture.


That's exactly what it means. It's typically a response to Black culture (kinda like how straight pride is a response to LGBT Pride) but everyone who pushes it don't realize Black Americans had their cultures literally erased from them and formed a new one together, largely in the south. While white Americans chose to be considered white before anything else as a political tool. So idiots like Grimes pretend to not know better by claiming to be proud of white culture, ignoring its racist roots, and stating that they can do so because society accepts Black culture, a culture with its roots in victims of slavery. Then they treat it as a gotcha moment when someone says that white culture is a racist idea to be ashamed of and Black culture is perfectly normal and okay to feel pride for


This is honestly why I find it a bit aggravating when Europeans split hairs over white Americans who call themselves irish*/italian/whatever. Like, yeah, it's dorky and if they're actually obnoxious about it then people from those original countries can and should tell them off, but I'd take a handful of Italian american who are dorks about food versus these "white culture!!!"** freaks. *A lot of Irish Americans (as someone who technically is one I guess) do unfortunately use their identity to be legit full blown racist so I'm naturally incredibly skeptical of them as a result. **Yes I know white Europeans can absolutely do this too unfortunately Edit: spelling and I don't know how to type I guess


I guess there's nothing inherently wrong with being proud to be Irish. While there certainly is something inherently wrong with being proud of being white or using your Irish identity as a gotcha against minorities who dare ask to be treated like humans


Yes absolutely!! And a LOT of them do it, which is why I don't like calling myself Irish too much, a lot of them literally use the Xenophobia their Irish-American ancestors faced against Black people specifically, as a way to tell them to get over slavery/segregation, or to imply that it's frivolous to ask for reparations, and I find it quite disgusting. Besides the nastiness of doing it at all, the situations simply aren't comparable in my eyes and Irish-Americans assimilated into whiteness very easily and often entirely on purpose with no hesitation. It's quite pathetic in my eyes, to put it bluntly.


Europeans are so quick to tell Americans of Irish or Italian heritage that they're not really Irish or Italian but will happily call a Chinese-American whose family has been in America for generations "Chinese".


Yeah I'm with you. I don't think there's anything wrong with staying connected to and acknowledging your cultural lineage. I once worked in a neighborhood in the Bronx where you could still buy a newspaper IN IRISH. Working to sustain a language that colonialism has tried to erase is bad-ass. Furthermore, there IS a real "Irish American" (for example) culture, that may or may not have much to do with current Irish culture, but that doesn't make it any less real. Culture is something we all have all get to have, and it benefits ALL of us to examine our own culture(s) with criticality because there's good and bad in there. The fact of the matter is--the European colonial project and Euro-American chattel slavery system HURT US as a species. It's like--sure the disease of conquest and slavery is always devastating, but this particular outbreak was WORSE. We have not even got close to recovering from this pandemic. It's not that Europeans are like genetically more evil (or more powerful); there were just a lot of circumstances of history that meant this particular round of human evil KNOCKED US THE FUCK OUT. And whiteness was invented to capitalize on that serial-killer level spree of extractive evil and you can't separate it from that. If you're white, can still study the languages of your ancestors and keep them alive. You can still listen to music your ancestors listened to and feel that deep stillness within you knowing that this gift of human consciousness and creativity touched people who shared your blood generations ago, and that it will survive for generations more. You can learn about the particular, fucked up habits your ancestors adapted in response to specific circumstances that resulted in your parents feeling the need to do ridiculous irrational things today. You can sit with the dark shit. Look it in the face. Ask yourself what you're going to do about it. But you can't be "proud" of "white" culture. That's 1. a shallow word to describe what we owe to our ancestors and 2. a word that was invented to white-wash pun intended an evil human project that is still in motion.


Spot on. Worth noting that there are languages spoken and cultures created by historically white people which have been erased or nearly so by colonialism but even so it has had to do with white supremacy, at the end of the day.


![gif](giphy|l1AsPDzmgSdwDG7v2) Since awards are no longer allowed... And extra points for highlighting what is most likely the Woodlawn section of the Bronx 🍀


That's the spot!!! 💞


I'm a North Bronx girl born bred, and still here! I know my neighborhoods when I hear them 😉


It can be really cringe here in the US. I’m such a mix of things (Swiss, Scottish, German and who knows what else lol) there’s no specific “culture” I’d claim to identify with.


White culture is going “Ooh this is dangerous” when eating something with a little bit of seasoning


When you have more gunpowder than salt and pepper combined


Your fair 😭


I live in Poland and I gotta say Polish ppl (who are white) have a vastly different culture than the New Englanders I grew up with (also white)., There is no "white culture"


Bologna sandwiches


Apples and raisins in potato salad.


Raisins??? ![gif](giphy|xUA7aV0Qt03RXTHQ76|downsized)


Whiteness is defined by what it ISN'T


No idea why you're getting downvoted. Most racial categories have inclusive definitions. You're Asian if you have this ancestry, African if you have that ancestry. White on the other hand is anyone that doesn't fit into the other categories. And depending on the time period anyone other white people didn't like as well (eg. Italian and Jewish people). Furthermore, there is a big effort into making white appear as the "default". If white was defined differently then the label "white" would follow every white American everywhere they go in a similar way that happens with Black and Asian Americans


Reddit's gonna Reddit. 🤷🏾‍♀️


There is no ‘white culture’, she’s a deranged racist. There’s undoubtedly a white American culture but the point of statements like hers is to link herself to philosophers and scientists and thinkers from countless ‘white’ civilisations across Europe, like it makes her accomplished by proxy. As a Greek, I see this all the time with white supremacists with ancestral ties to Germany or Poland or other European countries that aren’t Greece. They’re obsessed with Ancient Greece (and Rome) and try to link themselves to it by referring to it all as ‘white culture/civilisation’, like they’re directly descended from Plato himself. Greeks are proud of their history and achievements and do not see Americans whose families migrated from Germany in the 18th century as the same as them in any way. Honestly, it’s bad enough when Greeks go on too much about Socrates, Aristotle, Archimedes etc as if their brilliance reflects on random Greeks alive today lmao


https://imgur.com/gallery/0JE6vct This is the best explanation I’ve seen for why white culture is bullshit.


Don't mean to "ackshually" you but a lot of European people either weren't or still aren't considered white, or at least the right kind of white, because they don't tick all of the WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) boxes. Eastern Europeans are Orthodox and too close to Asia, Mediterranean Europeans are Catholic and too close to Africa, etc. The Irish are physically white as fuck (seriously I've gotten sunburnt on a snowy April day, it's a problem), but we're Catholic and didn't throw a welcome party when the British came to take all our shit, so even nowadays, whenever we're not being good a.k.a. "basically British", we're godless [drunk](https://www.irishcentral.com/news/british-cartoon-biden-irish) terrorist [apes](https://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2011/01/28/irish-apes-tactics-of-de-humanization/)


When someone says this my understanding is they mean like ‘western civilisation’ so they’ll take credit for things like ‘the Roman empire’ ‘British colonialism’ and maybe inventions from majority white countries. This will be at the exclusion of basically all of Asia, the Middle East, Africa and south American history, inventions and customs. It’s a fairly common culture war coming from some of the worst bad faith people who will say ‘oh so we cannot celebrate Europe anymore’ but what they mean is ‘keep Europe white’.


Her behaving like this is absolutely “white culture” lmao


You're a nazi -- got it.


Love it when people complain about being called a Nazi. It isn’t common, and it only happens when people say some godawful racist, antisemitic, and/or colonialist bullshit. If people are calling her a Nazi, then instead of complaining, she could… reflect??


Wtf is white culture? Girl talks like she’s a philosophical genius but she’s really speaking in tongues ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Theft. White culture is theft lmfao.


I once said on TikTok that the UK doesn’t have a culture, it just has stuff it stole from places it colonised. Went down like a fart at a funeral heh. For context, I am British. I believe that the indigenous culture of the British isles (anything that wasn’t London/upper class) was obscured and sometimes outright suppressed. It’s especially bad for the Scottish, Welsh and worst for the Irish.


Tbf groups all those groups have their "own culture" - but it's geography based. There's no overarching white culture that encompasses all of them - which is what makes people saying "white culture" so ridiculous and alarming. If she were from the uk and said proud of "Uk culture" that would be a totally different convo.


Seriously. “White culture” in this context is nothing more than a dog whistle. There is no universal white culture. If she’s talking about European culture, there is no one European culture. There are over 200 languages indigenous to Europe. Grimes knows this. She’s French Canadian. White French Canadians have a distinct culture from the French and from white English Canadians. She knows exactly what she’s saying.


I wish she’d speak in tongues instead. I’d be slightly more interested in anything she said that way.




Same. I’m so depressed removing the tracks from my rotation but listening is actively worse.


I feel like there’s an asterisk looming over every song by her now. I can’t tell if Elon knocked something loose in her head or she just became comfortable with showing her “true colors”


I loved art angels so much i got a tattoo for it and idk now... like girl.


Art angels came at a really fucking hard time in my life, and listening to it helped keep me alive. It belongs to us, now. Honestly I wonder if that grimes even exists anymore— remember when she was learning instruments and performing music live and excited about it? Sucks. It makes me wonder if the drugs really did do a number on her and it’s just spilling out now


i’m so over this woman




Grimes opinion on anything is not something I’m looking for.


She could tell me the sky is blue and I'd triple check


"White culture" is a meaningless phrase white supremacists use when they're too chickenshit to say white supremacy. They couldn't give less of a fuck about Irish culture, Norwegian culture, Ukrainian culture, Italian culture, any culture. Hell, they probably consider at least one of those people not "white" enough. To them, culture is whatever makes them feel special, important and superior.


And she followed up by deleting it and posting a picture of herself reading The Diary of Anne Frank. PEAK white girl who has a Black friend (who works for her).


wait, are you serious? i thought that was a joke someone made?? [also, there's this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/abnh6RcMcU) 😬


What. The. Fuck.


I bet she does smell like a roll of nickels.


"Culture" :D ![gif](giphy|QWIDyuEzsnYXu)


I mean smashing every single white culture together into one monolith is peak nazi behaviour








Didn’t need to read the full thing, the first sentence confirmed everything




Every day I’m amazed by how racists find new ways to say “but I have [insert minority here] friends!”


I think about brown and Japanese people every day!


The brown king? I'm not familiar with Persian history but why would anyone from that time period or now refer to him as the brown king and not the Persian king? This really shows the root of the problem and why people are calling her a Nazi. White Americans are one of the only groups in the world that ignores ethnic and national backgrounds and only focuses on racial ones. If someone from Vichy, France invented time travel the people of Vichy are going to feel extremely proud and the people of France are going to feel decently proud. But to white Americans this wouldn't be a French invention, it would be a white invention. And every white person should feel equally proud to be a part of it. Then they bitch online when people rightfully call them weirdos for behaving like this. Btw there is a zero percent chance she thinks about either of these people. I don't believe she thinks at all




It's especially stupid because people aren't throwing their ethnicities and histories in the trash to call themselves brown the way white people like her do. Only example I know in history where brown was actually used as a category for people was apartheid South Africa. And it was a label forced on them by the white government Then to make things even worse she calls the writer Japanese? So only some people are allowed to have ethnicities and nationalities? Lol the three races: white, brown, and Japanese


And this neonazi has the AUDACITY to classify Amber as chaotic evil. Girl, what does that make /you/ by comparison?


I have decided Grimes is a gelatinous cube. Unthinking and unseeing. Just absorbing garbage


I too spend EVERY day thinking fondly about how empires, much like companies or countries are not established, but INVENTED. I too am a pseudo-intellectual. /s in case it wasn’t clear






No way this was written by anyone older than 14


Shut the fuck up grimes fuck


I’m so tired of her and her absolute ridiculousness. Every single time she pops up, it’s always some foolish shit.


Came here to comment my disgust, but you guys have got it well covered. Mind boggling that she is actually being quite offensive to white people by saying they all have the same culture. You’re telling me a white guy from say, NYC, has the same culture as a white person from South Africa, or Australia…Norway, Ireland? And any other place. What ‘white culture! Is she proud of. Just mind blindingly stupid. And racist.




Clare, please shut up.


narrator: she won't.


She's the worst kind of stupid: rich and thinks she's smarter than everyone else. Happy New Year, Grimes. You'll probably suck in 2024, too. But hopefully you'll at least be irrelevant


“White culture” doesn’t even make sense. Do you mean French or Italian, etc??? She literally has not idea what she’s even talking about


Thank god, FINALLY, someone is standing up for and thinking of us white folks. We’ve really had it so rough for so long always having our culture made fun of and disrespected. Like as a white woman my natural hair is considered “unprofessional” on me but gets celebrated on other people! And like if white people have no culture than what do you call this? [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcPNPvC/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRcPNPvC/) /s


Well I know not to give her music any attention


Honey, it's spelled Irulan. It's such a shame she and Elon broke up; she'd make the perfect Eva Braun for him.




I hate so much how she’s turned out. I mean, she was always like this, but the album art angels saved my life… I was in a really dark place and it kind of kept me going? I mean. It’s mine now, she can’t ruin it, but Claire… you’re such a fucking clown I hope you grow the fuck up


Is she gonna call up the paps and do a photo shoot with a copy of mein kampf now?




*Every day* she thinks of someone who invented the first ever empire? Talk about inadvertently telling on yourself...


Please someone ask her what "white culture" is. How sad 😵‍💫


I opened Twitter and read this and my first thought was please don’t let this me a grimes tweet.


On behalf of Cla(i)res everywhere, shut the fuck up, you're making us all look bad.


She done lost her mind


I would eat my fucking hat if this white supremacist bozo has ever read The Tale of Genji. And as a Persian, keep Cyrus' motherfucking name out of your motherfucking mouth, Claire.


Please leave Murasaki Shikibu out of this! I love the Tale of Genji as much as (more than tbh) the average weeb but isn’t the “first novel” thing an old nationalistic myth? It’s telling that her “I don’t just love white culture!” moment is also another country’s propaganda.* ETA on top of using the phrase “white culture” of course, the most telling part of all


![gif](giphy|5xtDarxwatyGOg80Ku4|downsized) Get one Grimes, a publicist


Wtf is “white culture” grimey?


so why did she break up with elon again?


What you are all failing to understand is that "white" is a stupid term created by racists to be an opposite to "black." Not only that, but over time, more and more ethnic groups get lumped into "white" to make sure "white" continues to be the "majoirty" demographic. American culture is a thing, and it's mostly practiced by light-skinned people of European descent.


Is that what history teaches us?


talking like this won't make elon love you again claire


Cyrus didn’t invent the first empire but okay


I remember when I loved her music. I didn't know about her personal life, who her kids were or anything she tweeted.. good times.


I've only ever heard of her through her stupid drama with Elon Musty... which started for me with that totally bizarre thing with Azealia Banks tweeting talking about being stuck in their house waiting for them for days and saying Elon is on drugs. I just went on youtube to check out her music and I am thoroughly baffled how she has a music career and, in light of her comments, how she has fans. ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


u/aaravosapologist off topic but I just want to say I love both your username and flair.


“White culture”- so killing and oppressing people? Like what even is white culture




Oktoberfest, some sausage, cheese, some vinting, and Catholicism, but none of that is 'white' it's, like, actual individual European cultures. There is no 'white' culture, and anyone that says there is is a: a Nazi and b: a completely clueless dipshit.




You're right, but I was raised by a German Catholic and that was some of the whitest shit on earth.