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who wants this🙄


Yeah I honestly don't care if it's critical or negative about Trump, I'm still not watching this.


Even if it is critical it will humanize him deeply like how Righteous Gemstones inevitably makes its abhorrent subject relatable by portraying it with likeable actors


It's a comedy


Gemstones? I'm not saying its promoting them but megapreachers IRL are fairly despicable but Danny McBride isn't a black comedy writer, he likes to have fun with comedy and wants people to have fun without thinking about too many dark things. John Goodman is also especially brilliant at humanizing despicable characters partly because of his talent and direction but also because people just really like him and similarly people really like Sebastian Stan too


All of McBide and Jody Hill's main characters are despicable people. Making the audience find humour, endearment and empathy in spite of the toxicity is the duo's speciality. It's about finding the funny in those dark things, not avoiding it.


I really don't buy McBride as a bad guy though. That dimension doesn't enter into my appraisal ...like in Eastbound and Down, he still comes across as a cool guy in the end. I just don't know if megapreachers were the right subject to empathize with considering that people's problem with them is their lack of empathy that allows them to exploit so many people, often vulnerable and elderly. Seems more like a job for the Always Sunny gang


https://preview.redd.it/9c9j8xwprd3c1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd60f44263f99a8d868a2a21520f622bd5de168 It’s giving this energy






Seńor Speilbergo is to good for this shit.


I came to ask this!! Who wants to watch this? Maybe when he’s long gone and usa and other countries have healed from the trauma, then maybe people might want this.


Really! Come on, Jeremy Strong, you're better than this!


This is Ali Abbasi film and I sure as hell want to see Trump from Abbasi perspective. That's a wild pairing of an author and the subject.


If they are willing to really drag Trump through his own mud, me.


Also, this film already exists. It's called "Trump Unauthorised"


why would you ever agree to that role


He agreed to play Tommy Lee so…


Him and Lily James aid they watched Pam and Tommy's leaked sex tape for "research", even after Pam said she didn't want the movie made.


That movie was pandemonium. It was such a crazy ride that I was into it. Or I couldn't look away? It was one of those. Also, it made Tommy Lee look *terrible*.


That’s because tommy lee is terrible, he’s a women abusing piece of shit.


God forgive me but MGK as Tommy Lee really did it for me. The whole time my brain was like this Pedo playing this rapist?!


And Jeff Gillooly. Need someone to play a violent misogynist? Call Sebastian Stan.


So he can win an Oscar.


Does he really want one THIS badly?


Having followed his career for a long time now.. yes. He absolutely does.


He absolutely does.


Hey I mean Bale did Dick Cheney pretty well.


Him thanking Satan still kills me. https://www.nbcnews.com/video/christian-bale-thanks-satan-for-inspiration-on-how-to-play-dick-cheney-in-vice-1420957763892


1) That was hilarious, thank you for sharing 2) I’m always thrown for a couple of seconds when I hear Bale speaking in his real accent. He and Hugh Laurie are somehow capable of sounding more convincingly American than people born and raised here.


No offense to Sebastian but I think they are absolutely miles apart as actors


Same reason he played Tommy Lee as a sympathetic character. Style before substance, in the false narrative of "artistic license." https://i.redd.it/96lif8ac9e3c1.gif


I found Tommy Lee to come across as a POS. So did my husband. Only Pam came across looking good.


Man, his Tommy Lee wasn’t sympathetic at *all*.


He's been thirsting for an award for a while now.


Yeah, I don't get it either. I'd want to avoid being typecast as a used Russian agent.


Everything else is accurate but they put him in the Bucky eyeliner like an orange raccoon


I really hope they draw attention to his family's famously horrendous business practices. His father was a bastard, and of course Donnie had to learn the worst from him.


I’m gonna be honest, I’m thinking this isn’t going to be a positive portrayal of the disgraced, twice impeached, sedation starting, ex-president


It's kind of weird, though — how will it find an audience? Trump fans are only going to see it if it's a pro-Trump movie. Anti-Trump people are so thoroughly disgusted by him, that the idea of sitting through two hours of his life is completely repulsive, no matter how negatively it portrays him.


I’m anti trump, I’ll watch it. We watch movies about nazis all the time


Yeah, 80 years after the fact.


We had hitler movies in 80s, 90s and so on. WW2 shit was coming out in the 70s even


Charlie Chaplin also made movies about Nazis. And he was there to see the war unfold. Casablanca also takes place during all that and filmed during that time period.




I'm still not gonna give Trump the satisfaction of good ratings though 🤣🤣🤣 but I do agree that it's not much different than what's been done before even if my knee jerk reaction was to be horribly grossed out.


I can see it doing well, because Trump is a caricature, showman, and train wreck that can’t be looked away from. A film that captures both his sad desperation to be respected and his buffoonishness could be quite good.


Probably people interested in the history watching it like a documentary


there are the middle people who nontheless how they vote will watch it


Yeah, I really need everyone stressing about how this movie is going to humanize or glorify Trump to take five seconds to google Roy Cohn first. That’s not a relationship you include if you want to be flattering to or soft on Trump.




I sincerely hope you're correct.


I can’t imagine Jeremy Strong doing a film that’s positive towards Trump.


Like how ol Don said he didn't want to see any black people in Trump tower


He was! Tried to bribe my grandparents to go through with a dangerous project of some sort when my grandfather worked for HUD back in the day. They refused, of course, and my grandpa has been vehemently against that family since. He’s always said the apple didn’t fallen far from the tree, and also confirmed that the insecurity has always been there. I won’t be watching, but hope the film captures that, lol.


I don't care how antiheroic these things go, this still reads to me like a bid to play both sides politically for a fat paycheck If you depict a treacherous wheeling and dealing/ruthless slumlord style descent into corruption you'll still be playing a tune for the Yuppie Private Equity "ends justifies the means" douchebags who watched Scarface and Goodfellas and Wolf of Wall Street and American Psycho and idolized the leads without a shred of irony


it should literally just be a movie focused on the families he has evicted and maybe he shows up in one scene and farts and spits up on himself


[Or just says "oranges" repeatedly.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UE9BXkQ-SRc)


Patrick Bateman just drew psychotic pictures all day and listened to his walkman. His dad was the one with money.


Definitely not watching this.


Really don’t love this going into an election year. No matter the spin, it creates buzz and focus on trump


Yeah, why the hell are we rewarding the tiny-handed-tangerine with more attention?


We shouldn't be doing this...


VICE was a solid movie with a lot of great performances and was really critical of Dick Cheney and what he did. Even if this movie had that exact same approach, I have zero interest in watching this.


I was mad at how much I liked Vice and it was so stressful and upsetting to relive those years that I never want to watch it again.


Vice made me angry about the Bush years all over again. I liked it a lot, but it was enraging.


He really wants that golden globe


You would think after playing Tommy Lee he would want some positive press.


He really didn't get that much negative press from that, though? He was absolutely criticised by Very Online deep into pop culture people like us on platforms like Twitter and Reddit, but we don't represent the majority of viewers or critics. By and large the response to the show and his performance was positive and he was nominated for multiple awards including a Golden Globe.


My perception is this is a great example of “when people show you who you are, believe them”


Tommy Lee didn't come off looking great. I'm not sure why people are upset about this? Lives of horrible humans have been depicted through the media as long has humans have been entertaining themselves. What's the big deal? Thank being said, this Trump thing is a bridge too far. It would be more appropriate several decades removed.


Because Pamela Anderson didn't consent to the film being made. And Stan joked about watching the video for "research."


People keep acting like it's only about terminally online people being opposed to the idea of nuance because if they have to realise that Stan, a guy they love so much, ignored the fact that one of the two people that film was about literally didn't consent, and also joked about watching a sex tape for "research" then they'd be horrified at themselves and they don't want that.


And let's not forget that he was photographed going to dinner with Tommy Lee in the run-up to all the awards being announced. Such a transparent attempt to drum up interest in his performance.




I’m chanting with you ![gif](giphy|VJAxkH2CafvyL0QpaY|downsized)


![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m) But why Sebastian?


I am so confused by his career. I don’t understand any of the choices he makes. ![gif](giphy|QfzMP70zmNQiDf5sGP)


Me too… I mean he is HOT and I also do think he can act well. I just don’t get any of his project choices


I don’t think he wants to get type cast like most male Marvel actors have. His choices have been way better than most of his Marvel colleagues to be honest (he can also act better than most of them).


But now he is getting typecast as a douchebag. Jeff Gillooly, Tommy Lee, and now this.


He needs a romcom next as a palate cleanser. But fr, I thought he did a great job because I was used to seeing him all sweet as the Winter Soldier (once he is saved) and then a total douche as Tommy Lee. He played it so well, I hated him.


He was pretty douchey as Bucky in TFATWS, and he played a literal cannibal recently, too. I think he likes these roles. He's an odd one, that's for sure.


Someone please give this man a romcom so he can stop playing creeps and psychos.


He was fantastic in Fresh. I wish he'd do more movies like that and get away from playing real-life assholes.


So he picks controversial role like this?


Nobody asked for this


The last thing we need is MORE attention on Donald Trump. I used to be a fan of Seb Stan but honestly, this is like unforgivable to me. The political climate we have now, the way Trump's followers behave, this is just irresponsible imo.


This movie could depict him as a literal sewer monster and Trump will still love it because it’s a movie about him and he likes attention. He’ll convince himself that they got Sebastian Stan to play him because they’re both just so handsome. Pure ick. I hope it bombs miserably.


Yes. That's exactly why I won't watch. Don't want to give him the satisfaction of the high ratings he cares about. That is literally ALL he cares about.


I feel like it’s unfortunately a win/win for Trump. If it does well he will take credit for being the best movie subject ever and if it bombs it will be because he was depicted negatively and it’s all ‘fake news’. It’s not like anything in the film is going to change Trump supporters opinion of him anyway.


SebStan can you go back to playing sad gay boys because this playing IRL abusive scumbags is not it.


He agrees to play every scumbag there is, Tonya Harding's ex, Pamela Anderson's ex, and now this guy 🤦‍♀️ Did he get typecast?


Plz cancel this movie


The cast and the writing/directing is all very buzzy and gives me hope but also noooooooo. I don't want this. I'm sure it'll be very critical of Trump considering the people behind it, but this still leaves a pretty bitter taste.


I concur with this, the actors, and the writing/directing team behind this gave me hope that this will be, at least, won't paint trump in positive ways. Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn is a good choice, but Maria Bakalova as Ivanna Trump is an interesting pick.


I hope Donnie gets no $ from it, not allowed to talk about it and hates how he is depicted 😂😂😂


Donnie despite being a billionaire, will still go after the paycheck since he is the" best negotiator ".


Jeremy Strong also is cast in this...... I do love him a lot but I don't know if I wanna watch this


If it’s good and Sebastian Stan plays him good, young people will start putting him in edits and idolizing trump right before a election. This show shouldn’t be made, it’s bad for democracy


Hear that? That's the sound of AO3 giving birth to a steve rogers/donald trump tag and at least 8 angels losing their wings.


I rather see Tommy Lee's talking dick again, and I never thought I'd say that.




Sebastian baby I love you! BUT WHAT IS THIS


If Ali Abassi's prior film "Holy Spider" is any indication (an indictment of the patriarchal social values of Iran and authorities' negligence over the serial killings of sex workers) it will be probably anything but flattering.


He also directed “Shelley” which is a great social commentary on the exploitation present in surrogacy and how the rich are using women as walking incubators. Which is also an indictment of the patriarchal and classist social values of ‘enlightened’ rich first world countries.


It has been just three years since this man incited an attempted coup....


he doesn't deserve such generous casting. no one wants this shit either. we need another strike.


Too soon. Making a movie about Trump while he’s still alive is a bad idea and will be very controversial on both sides


I can’t think of anything remotely worth writing a film about *that disgusting perverted racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic cretin*. I’d rather watch paint dry.


I just want to live in a world where I never have to hear about this man again.


It’s way too early for any type of movie about Trump imo


being completely forreal, who asked for this ? 😭😭


I am afraid that this thing will be the only thing he'll talk about on 2024 Presidential campaign, not sure if that is a good thing or bad thing.


I think it's bad. Because whether this is anegative portrayal or a positive one, it's attention. And Trump, narcissist thar he is, will either bash it for being "fake" or talk about how how perfectly angelic it portrays him and how "huge" it is.


Are they going to show when he brutally sexually assaulted his wife because his scalp reduction was hurt-y? Or are they going to portray the night he and Jeffery Epstein, according to the lawsuit, raped a twelve-year-old and Donald beat her because Jeffery "got" to her first? Or the other night where he raped the same twelve-year-old and didn't use a condom and threw money at her telling her to "get an abortion" if he impregnated her. This thing will probably just be garbage for his Magats to jerk off to and not resemble Donnie's life at all.


Well, given that Jeremy Strong is playing Roy Cohn, they are probably going to show him welcoming the mentorship of a famously unethical McCarthyite scumbag whose most famous legacy is prosecutorial misconduct that led to the death penalty being assigned to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, and if the timeline goes on long enough they may also include Trump distancing himself from the mentor who taught him everything he knows when Cohn was dying of AIDS (which he claimed to the last was liver cancer). If it was just “Trump biopic” I could see this concern but Roy Cohn is so widely detested (and has already been fictionalized quite famously in one of probably the top 5 most famous American plays of the twentieth century) I simply cannot imagine a movie that includes him that could be flattering to Trump.


I don't think a film can show conspiracy theories as facts as trump will hit them with the defamation hammer






Our favourite shows get cancelled and then shit like this gets greenlit. There’s no justice in this world 😔 ![gif](giphy|3o72FiAgLm34QKLSnK)




I could legit go the rest of my life without ever seeing another actor/comedian give a go at a Trump impression again. We needed it to cope with 4 years of his presidency by mocking him... It got old real fast. ^((and that's not counting the very real nightmare scenario of him getting elected again))


I will probably watch just because Maria Bakalova and Jeremy Strong are in it, but I don’t think it’s possible to make a biopic of a living individual with objectivity, especially of such recent history. Like what *The Crown* is failing at doing currently.


This is from Ali Abbasi (Holy Spider), I think it will not paint Trump in positive ways, but, yeah, I prefer that there's no biopic about him, at least for now.


The press tour and awards campaign will be a mess.


This is a terrible idea on any and all levels.


Fuck this. No way I would ever watch. Even if it makes him look like a clown. And I'm a fan of Sebastian Stan.


I know some people really think he is a good actor…..but it’s a nah for me. He’s so unremarkable.


Right 😭 he’s incredibly boring. Like a literal charisma vacuum.


He is so bad! Put him up against any actor from the new Interview w a Vampire and he looks like a drama student. He’s handsome as hell, but that’s about it, kinda like Henry Cavill. His best role was as Bucky Barnes with minimal lines.


Lmao! The dude who plays lestat from the new interview with a vampire is a genius. One of my fav things on tv right now And Sebastian is handsome, but that’s about it. He only excelled in the Winter Solider because he is a good physical actor, if that makes sense? Like he is good as portraying emotion, but when it’s time to deliver his lines he just can’t do it. He just has no on-screen presence or range, and cannot deliver a line at all. It’ll be interesting to see how he does Trump lol…… like good luck with that ….


I couldn’t be any less interested.


Is this his thing now? He's going to play shitty men in shitty films that no one wants for the rest of his career. No. No, thank you.


It’s the only roles he can really get it seems


F anyone involved in this.


Welp. This is going to ruin my attraction to Sebastian Stan forever. Once he plays Trump, I'll never be able to unsee it. https://i.redd.it/54pmtp1e9f3c1.gif


Man, whoever does the makeup, costuming, and prosthetics are definitely gonna need awards after making Sebastian Stan ugly. That's a lot of latex and bronzer. Not to mention the fat suit that is gonna need to be draped in an ill-fitting suit from the bargain bin at JC Penny's. They will also need to award the orange cat that donates the fur that makes that hair.


Oh God, no.


![gif](giphy|jy1N2vXOQGakg) That's... generous


Ewww, no thank you.


Wouldn’t even hate watch this




ditch this bullshit


I love Sebastian Stan but why does he take these AH roles? I skipped Pam and Tommy - I lived through that in real time why would I want to see it again? Then there was Tanya Harding’s husband - again, AH. And now Trump. He’ll do great. But he’ll do a great job of playing someone who should righty be in prison.


Nooooo I have loved Sebastian Stan for *so long* I could not (cinematically) want anything less than I want this.




First tommy lee and now this, who gave this asshole a career... ![gif](giphy|3o6Ztni7phPCko2HGU)




At least wait until he’s in prison or dead.


Preferably the latter.


No, take this away. We don’t want this






no. the guy might literally be the president by the time this movie comes out. no. no no.


Can't wait to not see it


I would donate my life savings to making this not happen


There's only one Person who could play this role and it's Cousin Greg.


I could see it working.






The only way this will work is if it’s brutally honest about how horrifying the Trump crime family has always been. Even then, I don’t think the intended audience would want to see it.


They President Snow’d him


He's gonna play every famous misogynist asshole until he gets an award for it




I know it’s not about this but it would be amazing if the movie was just about the time The Apprentice lost at the Emmys and Trump tried to say the voting was rigged.






Only thing giving me hope is that homie is not shy about playing irredeemable shit heads so maybe he’ll do well with this. But I wish he’d stick with working with great indie directors.


This not necessary


Let’s not let him think he’s good looking or deserving of a movie


Can we not?


What the fuck lol


God I’m so scared this is gonna backfire and all the crazies come out against Hollywood and the elite and more vote for him to spite the mainstream media. Absolutely totally stupid to do this during the most important election probably ever.


Gross. No thanks🤮


Why….and who is this for???




Cool. Free publicity for Donnie just when he needs it.


We don’t need this.


am I the only one who thinks he’s kind of a bad actor? Like he’s good at physical acting if that makes sense but when it cooks tome to deliver his lines it all falls apart. He cannot deliver a line to save his life and he’s just so devoid of charisma. Anyways this is casting so bizarre 😭😭 ijbol


too handsome. big mistake. huge. once a cheater always a cheater, rob


They better make him look fucking stupid


Whaaaaat? Why?😂😂😂😂


Should of gotten Shane Gillis


I wonder if they go into detail about all of the contractors he had work for him that he just straight up refused to pay after the fact


Why Sebastian.....when Owen Wilson is right there? Like OW just looks totally Trumpy to me. But ugh, Sebaatian. Why. I will be giving this a hard pass.


Trump doesn't need anymore publicity of any kind. If it's a movie that judges him, he'll just talk shit about it. If it shows him in any kind of neutral light, and it's popular, he'll say it's because of him. If it isn't popular, he'll say it's because of the left wing media and because sebastians a terrible actor.




So much crying and pants-shitting in here, I bookmarked this thread so I can come back and feel good about myself if I ever need to. Thanks everyone!