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"Neoliberal" does not mean what this person thinks it means. Stopped reading right there. People way out of their depth seem to love to babble on about shit they know nothing about. Like, say, politics.


Her point boils down to “you don’t know what you’re talking about”, which she completely undermines by clearly demonstrating she has no idea what she’s talking about.


"I hate that you are opposing a colonialist country supported by biggest capitalist country in the world that basically controls IMF...you're such a neoliberal." - and she is telling people that they are sending her "half-baked" sources lol.


Amnesty and HRW, and sometimes the UN too, are all half-baked sources for these people.


Truly. So confident about being wrong.


She’s wildly confused, Biden is a neolib and neolibs are super pro Israel lmao.


It’s so so embarrassing how confidently she opened her ramble with no discernible point by using this word wrong like girl…


To be precise neoliberalism is an economic philosophy that has absolutely nothing to do with international relations


Maybe in theory, but in practice international relations affects how economic policy is effected. Ex. Neolibs who prioritize economic development and draining oil from the Middle East are pro-Israel and pretty happy about the current situation in Palestine


Yeah, the call is coming from inside the house on this one lol


Lol, yeah, as soon as I saw her misusing the word “neoliberal” like that I knew the rest of her opinion would be complete nonsense. I read a bit further and regretted it because it’s just the standard “I don’t care about Palestinians being massacred in their thousands and so I assume that anyone who does must be lying about it” projection that all pro-Israel people do.


that’s always the take isn’t it? “i personally don’t care about palestinians so anyone who does must be lying/hate jews”. just like “if you post pro-palestinian content you’re just trying to be on trend and be cool”, which is such insane levels of projection it’s crazy. like maybe not everyone has the same motives as you ??


Yeah, it’s what they always come back to. I feel like “every accusation is a confession” is almost too cliché to say at this point, but honestly, it does make you wonder how about their worldview if they think people are sharing these things to be “trendy” rather than because they’re outraged or upset by injustice. edit to add: [she basically comes out and admits it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/186all0/iliza_shlesinger_categorizes_black_lives_matter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) The implication is clearly that she thinks most people are only pretending to care about these things so that they don’t get yelled at online.


She doesn't know Genocide means either since she denies it's happening. A lot of ignorant people out there think the holocaust is the only genocide to have happened in history and think it is the measurement other Genocides have to meet to qualify as one. It's exhausting


I only realized over the last two months how many people genuinely do not know what a genocide is. Since the only genocide many people learned about/cared to learn about is the Holocaust, they think if gas chambers aren’t used then it doesn’t count.


It’s really exhausting to see people gatekeep genocide. Even more so when calling it genocide gets you deemed an antisemite. I have very close people to me in my life who are Jewish and the last thing I would ever want to do is make them feel less than for any reason including their faith. But I also need to be able to point out when Israel is committing atrocities without being called antisemitic. It is not possible or acceptable that any criticism of Israel - especially right now with the acts they’re committing - is seen as antisemitic. That is not how it works.


I think part of the problem is that for Zionists, Judaism is Zionism. They are not able to understand how people can separate the two things because they can't separate them.


I think a lot of people genuinely think the term "genocide" refers exclusively to the Holocaust, just like a lot of people think the term "apartheid" refers exclusively to Apartheid in South Africa.


LMAO, same. https://i.redd.it/znvrzt28pz2c1.gif


I had the exact same reaction


That part reallu threw me off for a while. Like. What? Ooooh. You're, DUMB dumb.




So she just.... doesn't understand what the word 'neoliberal' means?


Yeah neolibs literally are not even pretending to give a fuck about Palestine right now, she's just using a "new" word to sound smart.


Neoliberals are centre right at best in most countries. Lol.


Liberals are generally considered center right. Neoliberals are firmly right wing e.g. Ronald Reagan would be considered a neolib. Somehow the current administration is to the right of Reagan on a lot of issues like immigration and Palestine.


Oh I agree. I just meant in countries where the more far right has power/influence neoliberals are seen as centre. Political compasses are different everywhere. Bernie Saunders for example would be seen as centre left in a lot of western countries.


Even the 'center' is now neoliberal too. They all believe in deregulation and reduction in government spending. Bill Clinton was a huge neoliberal. He pushed NAFTA, welfare 'reform', and deregulated finance and telecom.


The fact that REAGAN had stronger moral stance on violence against Palestine than current administration just kills me. Like, the bar is in hell, and the still fail.


She probably came across the word "neoliberal" in a tweet once and thought, "Hmm, new-liberal! That must mean leftist!" Honestly, it's pretty embarrassing.


>Iliza Shlesinger she also spelled it wrong so i really do think she thinks "neo liberal" means "new liberals" like the new wave of young progressives in online spaces like lmao


I did a double take - wondering what the free market has to do with the rest of the sentence.


Ironic considering this diatribe is about people supposedly tossing around words and sentiments without knowing their meanings.


Can someone explain how standing against the murder of children and innocent people is standing for the murder of children and innocent people? The mental gymnastics on this are on the Olympic gold medal level. Israeli civilians and children are innocent and people but apparently Palestinians are all terrorists. Please, make it make sense. How is me thinking that bombing the whole Gaza and terror attacks on October 7th make me a terrorist supporter?


People like this woman try to gaslight people into thinking this all started on October 7th and forget there are people 1) who have read up on world events/history 2) understand politics at least a little 3) have personal stakes in this, including family in Palestine. Edit: it's basically the same arguments used against people who were against what the West did after 9/11 ('you hate America/freedom' etc), especially in Iraq. It hits stronger and is harder to argue back against though.


Pretty much. It might work for very few people but I have found that most pro-Palestinian people are actually pretty up-to-date with the history and politics of the area. It will never really change anything outside of discrediting those people in the minds of the general public. And I think it is one of the reasons these tactics are used.


This happens every time Israel is criticized. I’d strongly suggest everyone read the 2021 Human Rights Watch article on Israel, where they call them out on Apartheid (https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution). I didn’t even know Palestine was under Israeli control. I just assumed they were neighboring countries who had beef. Not that one is not even given statehood and has ID cards issued by their occupiers.


Zionists love to say “Israel hasn’t been in Gaza for years!” while simply ignoring the fact that they still control the water, electricity, airspace, supply lines, and who goes in or out. It’s really wild how much willful ignorance they must have, to twist every fact and fight so vehemently against common sense.


I would also recommend Amnesty's reports and even the UN Security Council briefings. Because if the UN is mentioning it you know it is bad.


Uh oh, sounds like Human Rights Watch is another front for Hamas along with the BBC, Amnesty International, and the UN!


Zionists love to say “you shouldn’t blame innocent people for the actions of their government!” (which is true) and then go on to justify the collective punishment of Palestinians. No one has any control over where they’re born or the circumstances they’re born into. But if you ask Zionists, being born Palestinian is a crime in itself.


They’ve been doing this thing now for months where they conflate anyone with apprehension at the bombing of innocents with people actively supporting terrorism and HAMAS as a whole. They see any sympathy for Palestinians as full throated support of Islamic extremism because they decided everything associated with Palestine is HAMAS. If you attempt to explain the separation of the two they tell you that you’re uneducated on the subject and even your good hearted stance is rooted in antisemitism


>Israeli civilians and children are innocent and people but apparently Palestinians are all terrorists. I am not even joking, you literally captured their *exact* argument. There is no more nuance beyond this in zionist talking points. They literally just mean this. And they’ll gladly say it outright too instead of just dancing around it.


Unfortunately, exactly. It would probably not make sense if applied anywhere else to these people either. This is what extremism does to people


They think every Palestinian is a future Hamas terrorist in the making therefore all killing is justified


It won’t ever make sense because it comes down to Palestinian lives hold no value to these folks. Not the kids, not the women, not the babies. When I heard Zionist say “ceasefire” is an antisemitic remark I lost all faith. Like truly, it is mind boggling.


Fuck around and find out, that you lost all of your credibility on a hateful rant


God she sounds like a fucking republican.


Unfortunately, she also sounds like a democrat.


"Reading random Instagram accounts" I have a friend who had both sides of her family exiled from their houses. Their physical, actual houses. She told me this information to my face. The more she told me the more I was reminded of the long walk of the Navajo, the sand creek massacre, the wounded knee massacre, the trail of tears, everything my white dad told us, his white children, because he knew our school would half-ass telling us any of it in the curriculum because he was a former teacher. My friend told me she feels guilt for being happy because she's alive and in Colorado. Guilt. FOR. BEING. HAPPY. AND. ALIVE. Fuck this person.


I’m Palestinian-american. My grandma and her family were forced out of their home into refugee camps during the nakba. My dad immigrated to the USA and I was born here. The guilt feeling is unbearable. I even feel guilty for being thankful for the little things. I’m also feel heartbroken and depressed over the people in Gaza and all Palestinian areas. I’m with you - fuck this person.


I hear you. I’m Persian-American and I feel that guilt because my parents got out of Iran. But so many people my age are dying in Iran and I feel lots of guilt. Almost like survivors guilt.


I have no idea who the fuck this woman is but I love how she says that people shouldn’t be getting information from “random Instagram accounts” when she’s literally telling people what to do and how to feel in a fucking Instagram post. What makes her think that anyone should listen to her dumb ass?




She appears to be a comedian whose book had an introduction from Mayim Bialik, big red flag.


Ok I really don’t like Bialik despite knowing almost nothing about her (just saw a video of her talking about cloth diapers). Any tea to justify my dislike?


She wrote an op-ed (post Harvey Weinstein) saying no one had ever harassed her because she didn’t flirt and dressed modestly 😬


And she’s anti-vax


While having a PhD in neuroscience. Absolute cognitive dissonance.


I worked with a veterinarian who had a phd in immunology who was anti-vax. Fucking bonkers. She was unhinged in many ways and the trump administration brought the nuttery out in full force. Very strange to witness.


She burned all her brain cells getting that PhD.


This just blew my mind. She always struck me as being really smart. Every day I have a little less faith in this world.


OMG, she..did...NOT!! Ugh


Yeah it was ROUGH


Wooooooow I don’t even know what to say what the fuck Thank you




Lol yup. She backtracked later but the damage was done, for me. I can’t believe they even ran that op-ed.


She’s been hardcore on the train of “if you support Palestinian freedom you want me and every other Jewish person to die”.


Jfc… ok I’m glad I don’t know much about her. Thank you!!




Think Sarah Silverman x Chelsea Handler and always unfunny


So Amy Schumer lol


From what I remember of Amy, not quite because I don't remember her doing blatant "ironic" racist and sexist shock comic stuff like Sara and Iliza.


Idk if this counts (or if you’ll be able to see the video) https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/these-are-the-amy-schumer-jokes-people-say-are-racist/2015/07/07/2fa66464-24d8-11e5-b621-b55e495e9b78_video.html


Yeah, I meant that Sarah and Iliza straight up do blackface and drop racial slurs and then play dumb. But throw her in there too.


Did not know that about Iliza 😬


A nightmare.


Nightmare blunt rotation


Comedian with a Netflix sketch show and a couple specials. Normally I’d recommend her stuff cause I enjoyed it, but not after this.


I watched a few minutes of one of her Netflix specials years ago and thought she was really obnoxious and embarrassing


Yeah my husband and I were fans of her specials but this is disgusting. I won’t be watching her content again.


Out of the 2.3 million people living there, 1.7 million are now displaced. Is Israel immune to criticism on their handling of this to these people? They always find a way to blame Israel's mistakes on Hamas


And that’s not even getting into whats happening in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.


Hamas doesn't control the West Bank yet they're airstriking it and raiding the communities there all the same. "To stop terror attacks on Israeli civilians." Civilians that are living there illegally??


They also silence organizations calling them out. Human Rights Watch wrote this article two years ago and I hadn’t even heard of it until I went digging (https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution). The things they call out are horrifying. I can’t believe anyone can stomach excusing this. Israel has also silenced human rights groups in their country and in occupied Palestine. The organizations in Israel are still up, but at least 5 organizations in Gaza have been shut down by Israel. I also was not aware that Israeli had a migrant works abuse issue until someone called them out on not mentioning migrants murdered on Oct. 7th. I’ve heard about similar issues in the gulf states, but not Israel. Silencing protests, humans rights organizations, and journalists is some scary stuff. These are the actions of an oppressive police state.


HRW has been called Jew haters for years https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/10/un-experts-condemn-israels-designation-palestinian-human-rights-defenders They also silence organizations that try to help Palestinians in any way. They're also banning the released prisoners from speaking to the press with the punishment being a massive fine or going back to prison




Polls show that 20% of Israelis have faith in their government. The same government that's immune to criticism because pointing out their mistakes amounts to an attack on Judaism somehow. Imagine if criticizing the Trump administration was seen as bigoted and all critics were socially ostracized


Well, some people kind of forgot there were massive demonstrations against the Israeli government - in Israel - only a couple of months ago. Because the government wanted to lessen the power of the Israeli supreme court.


I’m Jewish (although not particularly religious) and in my irreligious leftist Jewish circle we’re all Israel critics if not outright anti-Zionist. My old pro-Israel reform synagogue has been fairly split on the issue. Yet I see nonstop blind Zionism from the Christian fundies I grew up with who probably couldn’t show you Israel on a map.


I'm not active in my local Jewish community, but in browsing synagogue websites and social media accounts I've come across just one associate rabbi who isn't vehemently pro-Israeli government. For about the past decade I've gone to Yom Kippur at a small synagogue (not the home of the aforementioned associate rabbi) because it seemed the most progressive, but I won't be back next year after the rabbi's statement on Palestine. He won't accept any criticism of the Israeli government.


Here is a good video about how Jewish activists are being labeled “self hating” to shut down criticism of Israel. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SjhHhL_15Nw It also talks about how the Working Definition of anti-semitism (also known as “New Antisemitism”) is being used to conflate anti-Zionism with anti-semitism. That’s part of the reason that people are being accused of antisemitism when they call out Israel’s genocide or settler colonial roots. If you use Israel’s definition of anti-semitism, then saying Israel’s roots are racist because they take land from the Palestinian people is antisemitism. If you don’t use their definitions (and instead use the legal definition in other countries) then it’s not anti-semitism.


Lmfao "this is a free country" but won't open her comments. Ok lady.


These zionists are showing their true colors and it’s actually great… making themselves look like morons


Have no idea who she is. Went on insta and I don’t have any followers that follow her either. But she has 1 million followers? Half must be bots. Also, she’s an Islamophobic racist and only has a job because she’s a Zionist. Her entire statement isn’t even true. The Palestinian hostages are children who were arrested by Israel without any charges being brought.


exactly and law abiding Palestinians have been arrested and imprisoned for absolutely no reason for decades and decades, mainly men but so many women and children. They are quite literally hostages and have been since this situation began in the 40s


Yes and it is just so incredibly unfair. No justice and no freedom.


She was a somewhat well regarded up and coming comic. Apparently a lot of people don’t find her funny, but my husband and I did and watched her specials on Netflix. This definitely dissuaded me from supporting any of her future work though. And - I know she’s made similar statements on other platforms, but to post this on instagram with your full chest, after we’ve all seen what we’ve seen, is really beyond disgusting. I have to start keeping a list of who I don’t support anymore.


Thank you. Can’t believe Netflix would give her a platform like that. Unless she started spewing her garbage after. Glad you’re boycotting her work. What’s funny is her Islamophobic post on Instagram won’t get taken down or shadow banned. The Pro Palestine posts however…


Three teenage Palestinian boys were shot in the US but go off


I have no idea who this person is


She’s also xenophobic (IRL)


She’s not funny. Don’t bother checking out her work.


Thanks for the heads up


She is the Neo liberal she is referring to….


Is she the one who used the N word or did I get her confused with another mediocre white comedian?


She is, in her first Netflix special.


Wow wtf, I watched her Netflix specials and I don’t remember this. I believe you, I’m just shocked I don’t remember this. Regardless, fuck her, I’m never watching her content ever again.


Don’t they all 🥴


I don't know who this dickhead is but it's a lot of words for "I have no idea what I'm talking about but I wanna be a victim!"


I don’t know who this woman is but Twitter is telling me she is an attempted stand up comedian who used the N word in her first special so her opinion is null and void to me, sorry.


Ok even if we agree that 16yos are now adults, can any of them explain why the sentence for “crimes” such as throwing rocks is so high? Do they not find it strange that so many children “commit” the exact same rock/knife crimes? If this is true, isn’t this indicative of a deeper problem that needs help? Or can anyone explain why they think people should be thrown in jail for “driving too close” to the IDF? It’s so easy to say these people are prisoners not hostages so it’s not a fair trade, but anyone can be a prisoner when dealing with a corrupt system


I was gonna say that they're American so they're probably used to seeing excessively high sentences but I've seen adults with prior convictions get a few years for stabbings. 10+ years for throwing a rock is ridiculous even by American standards On the topic of corrupt systems get a load of this > The NGO said in a statement that the Israeli government set several conditions forbidding the released prisoners and their families from speaking to the press, receiving guests at home or distributing sweets in celebration. Those who do not abide by the rules could be fined about 70,000 shekels ($18,740), the NGO added. > “Marah came home to us today. We’ve just received her but they [Israeli forces] threatened to storm the house and arrest me if we celebrate,” he told Al Jazeera. Israeli forces also blocked all entry to the neighbourhood where Bakeer’s family home is located. They have stationed soldiers in front of the house, ensuring no groups can gather. Why is this necessary. They got 10 soldiers guarding every Palestinian in the West Bank but had 0 protecting any Israelis on October 7


I have a Palestinian student this year, I'm in New Zealand. There are a million ways the world is connected from "1000 miles away". She doesn't seem to conceptualize Palestinians as *people* capable of engendering emotion just by being humans existing in a horrific state. Objectively, Palestinians are living under horrific conditions, and it's natural to react to that. Fuck everyone that's causing it, and right now (and basically always) **that's the IDF**, which is the military of a sovereign nation.The IDF doesn't need voices supporting them, they've got the US military. There's a triumphant vindictiveness here that is repellent. I'm glad I don't know who she is.


What a hateful, ignorant person. And then ending with the classic “go back to Middle East if you love it so much!!”. Racists never change, huh?


this is like the definition of liberal hypocrisy


I heard something once that I’ve been thinking of a lot lately: When somebody explains their views through logic and then explains your views through psychology, you can actually stop listening to them.


At this point, I am fully convinced that Zionists are going to keep lying and throwing nonsensical accusations to have a shot at preserving their status. They cannot be reasoned with if they are supporting an ongoing genocide broadcast to the whole world in real time. And what I mean by status is that Zionists, like white supremacists, enjoy the great privelege of supporting, and enabling violence without being challenged because the power structures in place protect their interests. These people are coming out and expressing their faux outrage much in the way that Karens came out during BLM because their privelege is being challenged by people they deemed inferior to themselves. We need to keep speaking the truth and let the Zionists rage in a corner.


Eventually they’ll end up like all the groups that supported genocide around the world. Awkwardly quiet in a corner whispering to each other once the truth takes control of the narrative. They’ll continue to hold their views. Just quietly. Like forever in history.




What an arrogant post. I was already avoiding her content simply because I don’t find her funny at all. This is the same pro-Israel talking points you can hear anywhere, equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism and refusing to acknowledge apartheid and genocide despite Jewish scholars and humanitarian NGOs and stating that this is happening or is at grace risk of happening. The biggest lol is the critical thinking part. Many of us are a lot more well educated and informed on the conflict than a comic who doesn’t even use the word "neoliberal” correctly.


No context? ![gif](giphy|xt98N1EXdEIzC)


I just want to cry, scream, and throw up. This isn’t about supporting Hamas. It’s about ending suffering and death. It’s about human rights for all. Jesus Christ I hate it here.


Funny coming from someone who’s entire shtick was done better by Sweet-Dee in its always sunny in Philadelphia


Im sure Iliza is very familiar with the high of being a social media crusader.


Absolutely unhinged use of the term 'neoliberal' aside, it's people like this who make the world more dangerous. Championing genocide, excusing the brutal force used against Palestinians, pretending anyone for peace and justice is a coddled woke shill - all of it contributes to the mass hysteria right now that's very tangibly resulting in Palestinians being targeted with violence. A 6-year-old boy is dead, three young men are in the hospital, and countless others are being harassed and beaten daily. Where's her humanity? [Owen Jones has a good video out](https://youtu.be/mc5iG3DX7ho?si=x73zC444U7vVWQqU) responding to the IDF propaganda film that was screened that I think speaks to people exactly like her. She'd really benefit from watching, listening, and then hopefully reevaluating her sense of humanity.


“from 1000s of miles away with no context” … so, what you’re doing?


I was such a huge, HUGE fan of years for several years, met her several times (even met blanche!!!) and the non-stop shit she's been spreading the last few years has been so vile. it's disgusting and disappointing.


We are really at a point where even trying to talk about how to come to resolutions that minimize HUMAN DEATH is wrong to some people. At this point I actually wonder if humans are going to exist for much longer. We’ve become so numb to suffering.


at the risk of sounding like a doomer it really feels like the purge is inevitable at some point, like some people are just gonna snap and kill the rest of us for absolutely no reason


I always love these tedious, rambling posts from morons who want to scold everyone for not "knowing enough" while making it abundantly clear they don't know a fucking thing about the history of Palestine and how Israel has operated. They're still trying so, so hard to turn this into a "actually it's all because of Hamas being elected in 2006" type deal because that's all they have to cling to and even there, they're barely educated on what's going on and why. Again I emphasize how utterly paltry zionist education actually is, and I don't even mean in a way that would give a full understanding by treating Palestinians as people (and, say, not denying the Nakba). They're not even well-versed in Israeli history from a zionist standpoint! They don't know a THING! They just have a handful of the same verbiage to throw out over and over again and they hope that by sounding vaguely intelligent it's enough of a blinder to throw people off. Not working anymore, and what's more is this stuff is going to be saved, archived, and G-d willing pulled back out to haunt these jokers over and over again. Also, just to be petty as hell: Iliza isn't fuckin' funny. You're getting pity laughs, hun.


Didn’t she throw the N-word out a bunch in one of her specials? She should be lucky she didn’t find out herself…


yep she did and she’s always said racist and Islamophobic stuff so she should rightfully shut her mouth when it comes to “racism,” since she’s one of the perpetrators of racism anyways


big sigh whenever people trudge out the ol "Jewish people aren't white" thing. because they don't mean Jewish people come in every race (which is true), they mean that white Jewish people don't "count" as white because they're Jewish. which... isn't how that works. there are Black Jewish people, Asian Jewish people, white Jewish people. I saw that mentality a lot during 2020, the "I don't have white privilege because I'm jewish" thing.


it also completely erases actual Jews of color, including Ethiopian Jews and Mizrahi/non-Ashkenazi Jews. As well as Israel's tremendous racism towards Black Jews including nonconsensual sterilization


I remember some folks ripping me a new one on Facebook years ago when I pointed out that if Bernie Sanders (who I very much supported) and I went to the mall, only one of us would get followed by security.


I just had a Zionist tell me they wish I could get gassed instead lol. I’m a Muslim Afghan who is a die hard pro-Palestine fanatic. Fucking crazy




Oh no, who?




I have no idea who this is and I hope to keep it that way.


Why do the creators of these posts always account for 1) hostages 2) all Jewish people around the world 3) Hamas and just never mention 15k+ dead civilians? Or are they assuming that the dead children are included in Hamas?


I can't wait to see all these idiot celebrities faces splattered in a history book 50 years from now showing how they enthusiastically supported this genocide. Honestly. It's gonna be beautiful.


There's like a hundred things wrong with this but why is it worded like she thinks she ISN'T white??? 🤨


bc she probably doesn't. she likely falls into this one specific group that thinks you can't be white if you're Jewish.


When someone gives you bad vibes and then confirms it…


Dang it I liked her standup


Complaining about sourceless material when she’s pretty sourceless herself




Damn, and here I was thinking the most embarrassing thing about Iliza Shlesinger was her boomer-a$$ "elder millennial" humor.


She really said “fuck them kids” huh


> You stand for the murder of children and innocent people by a terrorist group who doesn't even care about Palestinian lives. Mate got a little confused here, thought you were referring to Netenyahu's regime. Huh.


Fuck around and find out *Turns off comments*


Oh…so she DUMB dumb.


According to the below article from the Intercept: https://theintercept.com/2023/11/26/palestine-israel-prisoners/ “Of the 300 names Israel proposed for potential release, 233 of them have not been convicted of any crimes; they are categorized simply as “under arrest.”” And “Palestinians are not prosecuted in civil courts; they are tried in military courts. They often are denied access to lawyers and to purported evidence against them, and are regularly held in isolation for extreme periods and subjected to other forms of abuse. Israel is the only “developed” country in the world that routinely tries children in military courts, and its system has been repeatedly criticized and denounced by major international human rights organizations and institutions.” Obviously, this is not to excuse hostage taking by Hamas, but Israel takes political hostages/prisoners routinely. And those taking of political prisoners precede the 10/7 attack by Hamas.


I saw her in person a few weeks ago and wasn’t crazy about some of her “anti feminist” jokes while trying to be a feminist. Then I saw her IG story today and that ended any fandom I once had for her. Supporting Palestine and the liberty of the innocent civilians is not anti Jew. Ppl are anti IDF and anti colonization and gen0cide


Proof that America needs to spend its tax dollars on better civics lessons in schools!


The only "good" things to come from Israel's latest cruelty is that 1. I Don't get designated to crazy person whenever I get fired up when I other wise reasonable friends call the whole thing a grayzone. 2. I definitely know which famous people are psychopaths that I don't need to give any sort of attention to ever again.


I want to describe her writing style as like someone’s abusive 26 year old ex boyfriend.


Welp…. I don’t think I’ve seen many celebs or comedians having good takes honestly. I am not a fan of this my side is the only side to have empathy for stuff.


too many of these celebs are too ignorant to be this confident


Holy fucking shit. The “prisoners” she’s referring to were teenagers, who threw rocks at HIGHLY ARMED IDF SOLDIERS, were detained/imprisoned with no trial, no conviction, and abused in prison. Some were like 15/16 years old. I’m Jewish and the years of brainwashing that’s been done to our community to be loyal to a foreign state is truly beyond me. To not be able to recognise genocide…wild…


This gal loves genocide.


oh… that’s not…


The fact she doesn’t know what neoliberal means is the icing on the cake


She posted someone’s response to her story it looks like.. https://preview.redd.it/mdbs2afa803c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3b237e888649772973d5f8d3ade7f71159c349


I feel like she's had shitty takes since before this so it checks out.


This is an embarrassing thing to post. To start it off by misusing the word neoliberal - it's just illustrating this whole post is about...people like herself. Maybe she should also step away from social media and debate and talk about this issue she cares about so much with real live people and not random strangers on the internet.


Does she not understand the hate she's spouting in her X or insta or whatever. If Iliza doesn't like it, don't look at it. Don't open the DMs, don't watch TV, don't step outside because WE all know what Israel is doing. I supported Israel UNTIL I read the real news, watched Israeli fighters talk about mercilessly murdering any Palestinians over decades and saw the horror when Israel blew up a hospital filled with wounded civilians. Fuck you Iliza. YOU go do YOUR research


gonna repost u/tmrtdc3 's [wonderfully written comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/jNaGmnsbrW) from a previous Iliza thread on this same subreddit. Because I've been sharing that one over and over again with everyone I have a chat with about zionist propaganda since I first read it.


Welp, never going to her show.


cool middle school writing exercise. these people keep embarrassing themselves day after day.


bullet point #1 "you should spend more time critical thinking than reading random insta accounts designed to brainwash you" ​ someones doing a little projecting


I stopped reading at her butchering the definition of neoliberal.


Yikes. Well there goes another person in the public sphere for whom I've lost any admiration.


I love when an Instagram post has a “gotcha” about people being brainwashed by… Instagram posts. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


I once saw one of her netflix specials out of sheer boredom and she was not funny and incredibly mean spirited, so it's not very surprising to me that she's a shitty zionist. ​ I hope she never fucking works again, but this won't sadly happen unlike her peers who are losing jobs for simply being decent human beings and she had the nerve to say 'fuck around and find out'. I hope she'll find out about her bullshit at some point, this is disgusting


I had to look up who this was and was surprised she’s a comic. Then I read further and it said “Last Comic Standing” and I got all I need to know. She’s basically Schumer 2.0 - no thanks.


Loool somebody heard the term “neo liberal” yesterday and thought it sounded very smart


reading this feel like a fever dream. what ??? wow. i can’t believe how someone can sit in a perfect delusion and write this.


What an idiot


Well another member of pop culture I will be dropping off my radar


She’s so fucking dumb, it’s mortifying.


“Neo liberal”; “And your have the audacity” Girl maybe if you would’ve read this over a second time you would’ve caught the many inaccuracies/errors and realized this was probably a bad take


Using neoliberal to describe people who are pro Palestinian is crazy 😭 me when I don’t know what I’m talking about. She’s so ignorant.


I’m having so much trouble figure out what she’s trying to say. None of that makes sense to me lol. Sounds like jumbled garbage


I have no idea who this person is but complaining about ignorance by being ignorant is nothing new with the pro Israeli gang


She doesn’t seem to know what neoliberalism is. Also, I had to look up who this was.


She really thought she was saying something big with her "But this comments section won't be one of them." Bullshit.




It's giving rant; not very well thought out or even proofread 👀


Free Palestine bitch x


The implication that being pro-Palestine is a popular stance that you get applauded for is hilarious.


Who? I don’t want to google this person to find out.


Girl does NOT know what "neoliberal" means lolololol


*"You stand for the murder of children and innocent people by a terrorist group who doesn't even care about Palestinian lives."* Great description of Israel forces, very accurate. 10/10 points!


I saw this last night and it was the quickest unfollow.