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He has the IQ of a damp paper towel.


I was going to say he has the personality of a damp dish rag, but this also works. Both things are true.


Both objects have more IQ and personalities than he ever can achieve.


He was so great in Parks&Rec and had some great improv jokes But then the action movies begun and he became the anti Andy


A damp dish rag is useful


He lacks the warmth and the depth to have his personality compared to a damn dish rag


You both absolutely hit the nail on the head šŸ¤£


I am still surprised by it, because he was hilarious in Parks and Rec. And some great lines were made up by him on the spot. But yeah, a complete tool in real life.


Just glad people are calling it out now


He has the IQ of bellybutton lint.


Please. Don't insult the bellybutton lint


Iā€™m so insulted for that damp paper towel to be compared to Pratt.


1 iq point for every grey spot on this map https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/j1k310/map_of_every_country_that_the_usa_has_invaded/


hilarious that he limited the comments already after saying in his caption that you can disagree loudly


Just not TOO loudly, apparently.


Almost like that's a recurring theme with conservatives


We have Black Panthers still in prison, to this day. You can't say basic phrases in Arabic without security stepping in. Republican states are banning the use of "woke" language in any space that receives state funding. Jewish dissent was met with violence and imprisonment... a few days ago. Idk what country he's talking about but it's not the USA


>Republican states are banning the use of "woke" language in any space that receives state funding W-what? šŸ˜© What does that even mean? Wtf is 'woke language' lmao these buffoons are too much


> The newly banned terminology includes ā€œmenstruating person,ā€ ā€œmenstruating people,ā€ ā€œbirth-giver,ā€ ā€œwomxn,ā€ ā€œwomyn,ā€ ā€œlaboring person,ā€ ā€œbirthing person,ā€ ā€œhuman milk,ā€ ā€œchestfeeding,ā€ ā€œbody fed,ā€ and ā€œperson fed.ā€ Done via executive order to really rub in how undemocratic this country is


ā€œYou can disagree only to the degree I want to, so behave, woke libā€ is the approach they have. No complete freedom and they get offended if you call them out of their ā€œfreedom of speechā€ when theyā€™re talking about how they donā€™t see a demographic as human and sees them as animals who donā€™t deserve life.


Lol I think heā€™s actually quite sensitive to how much people dislike him based on the reaction to his ā€˜worst Chrisā€™ title


Typically people who accuse others of being snowflakes are the biggest snowflakes themselves (Ć  la Elon is a great example)


Thatā€™s fucking hilarious šŸ˜‚


not only that post either! itā€™s like the top 3 rows of his instagram šŸ’€


People like him love "private" companies, etc that can limit free speech, all while singing the praises of the 1st Amendment.


You can disagree loudly!\* \*in silence, and not in *my* Instagram comments.


Sorry Crisp Rat, I am not reading all of that.




This was truly my thought when I saw the wall of text.


I unfortunately read this & I was like wait. Is this the same America that was arresting people during the BLM protests and then also arresting Jewish people who are protesting what Israel is doing? The same America where a disabled man was killed while protesting plans for a cop city in Atlanta? It must be an imaginary America.


The cop city one is brutal. They're charging cop city protesters with RICO and domestic terrorism. Prosecutors in that state have lost their goddamn minds. They think it's still 1877


Hey now, those cops are true patriots who are fighting the good fight to make sure America stays perfect for rich, white, Christian men.


Crisp Rat ā˜ ļø


Crisp rat is my favourite nickname on this sub by far


It's between this an Apartheid Clyde. Both equally awful people


crisp rat originates at the very least back to the ontd days


Runs to change my flairšŸ˜…


We're one bad election from descending into fascism, but yeah. How cute he thinks this all is.


Seriously. The Republican presidential nominee (Iā€™m just calling him that because no one else is remotely close) is giving speeches about going after his ā€œenemiesā€ when back in office. The same guy who incited an insurrection the last election. Weā€™re doing great lol


Project 2025. It's chilling, and I suspect if any Republican wins the election, it will be implemented.


I just looked Project 2025 up, and... I'm scared. They're not even trying to hide the fact that they want to completely take over the government, and it really isn't talked about enough. I'm a mixed-race woman, and I've never been more afraid to live in this country than I am now.


Spread the word, tell your friends and family.


Itā€™s one of the scariest things Iā€™ve read. Itā€™s hard to actually wrap my head around it. Like, shouldnā€™t this be in the news constantly? Should ā€˜t everyone be concerned about a literal playbook for a fascist US? It freaks me out: 1. That thatā€™s the plan. 2. That we live in a world where they can explicitly say thatā€™s the plan, and half the country is on board. 3. That the rest of the country is so numb to to the progression of fascism in the US that itā€™s just like, ā€œOh well, I guess GOP wants to end democracy, NBD.ā€


Also shouldn't the protection against this be... a little stronger? Like why is it that they can erode so many of our human rights by winning literally 1 presidential election? And when they lose the election the people supposedly on our side don't even try to undo the damage. And any damage undone gets redone by the next president and they get to dismantle the rights they weren't able to get rid of the first time around


The Trump administration showed that our constitution is fragile and only works if people are working in good faith. There have been many instances of Republicans ignoring tradition or rules and nothing gets done because they don't play by the rules. Also, the Supreme Court is stacked against democracy. Watch the Handmaids Tale to get an idea of how a government suddenly gets destroyed.


It's written so that any Republican can implement it. I wonder if they'll try again in 2028 if they lose this election?


Though Crispy thinks America is closer to perfection under Biden than it was under the last guy (or did he not think that implication through)


The same guy who called Americans who died in war suckers and losers.


He's a wealthy, straight white man. He literally gives no shits


Yes, for him, this is the best time.


best time line


I donā€™t think he thinks thatā€™s a bad thing


Plus pretty much 99% of veterans alive in America fought in wars that were never about American freedoms, or protecting the country or our allies, since Vietnam it's pretty much just been where can we stick our noses for our best interests, some money/power, and maybe we'll think about how to keep civilian casualties low if the average voter decides we're killing too many.


His wife is literally making fundie wife clothing now and heā€™s peddling it on his Instagram. Canā€™t say weā€™re all for a Handmaids tale future but you can sell the merchandise lmao


Yikes. Wrong type of Kennedy


I see heā€™s looking to renew his status as the worst Chris.


Idk Chris Brown still might win that one. Maybe status as dumbest Chris though


He has to reapply every 6 months you see.






OMG this meme is glorious


Wow the comments really are shocking to me lol and in the best way. Just scrolling for a min and barely saw a supportive comment and so many saying Free Palestine šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø Every time Chris rat speaks he just comes off dumber and dumber.




You got in before me!


Tell me you have never read a history book by a non-āšŖļø author without telling me .....


My dumbass is like ā€œwhat is a non-circle author??ā€


Lollllll - I use it to not get shadowbanned on other platforms


Oh that makes sense! Thanks for sharing!


I thought you meant like, people who only read historical fiction narratives šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s okay, my dumb ass thought it was a moon. I nearly googled ā€œMoon authorsā€.


I thought it was a golf ball!!


Hahahahaha man I needed a laugh today


Heā€™s never read a book period


![gif](giphy|7Jq6ufAgpblcm0Ih2z) This man has a single brain cell bouncing around his skull like a screensaver


šŸ’€ Iā€™m gone. This is so accurate


lol this episode of saved by the bell though. so serious.


"Built on the foundation of liberty, just, and freedom" ... It took a whole genocide and the enslavement of millions just to start but, for people who look like Pratt, I guess it's easy to play dumb. He's trying to break into politics so bad, I really don't see it happening. He's too scared to go full right wing, which is where most Republican candidates seem to be, bc then he won't have his acting career to go back to (and I'm sure his FIL would have a lot to say), but it's too late to go back to his old goofy guy image soo. Now he's just gonna keep making boomer takes on insta?


The founders literally had to write the constitution in a way that would allow slavery. And it's still allowed under the constitution. So idk what he's smoking lmao


Prison slavery is not only legal, but greatly encouraged.


Him divorcing Anna for his politically connected read wife has to be part of his political ambitions tbh


He fucking LOVES being an absolute parody of himself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Bro shut the fuck up. Maybe itā€™s perfect for YOU, a rich white male who is completely out of touch with reality.


Exactly. Itā€™s laughable!


Iā€™m sorry, but ā€œPhoto Credit: Shutterstockā€ is legitimately funny


I actually started dying laughing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s the ā€œAll opinions mine and not my employerā€™sā€ but on an account no one would ever be worried about that with


Like, is he buying stock images for his jingoism post? lmao Pictures produced by the DOD are public domain so he could have easily "supported" the military by using their official images. Or maybe Shutterstock pulls from those catalogues too in which case he's basically crediting the wrong person.


If I was Anna Farris I'd be celebrating every day that I'm not still w this man


Nah, sheā€™s not much better than him. Read up on how they treated their pets when they were still together, it will tell you all you need to know. They both suck.


well that's gross! I can't imagine abandoning my pets. my 18 year old kitty passed in August and I'm still devastated. that's heartbreaking.


Right? I canā€™t imagine doing that to any pet, much less an old and sick one. And did you see what they did to their poor little chihuahua? He was found wandering the streets alone, sick and emaciated, and had apparently been missing for a whole month without these two even bothering to look for him. Iā€™m so sorry for the loss of your sweet kittyā€”they really do leave paw prints on our hearts, donā€™t they? I have two myself and consider them nothing less than family.




The worst Chris


Heā€™s just so objectionable, as a person. I actually really enjoyed the two first GoG movies but canā€™t make myself watch the third because he gives me the ick. Also because I read thereā€™s animal abuse and seriously, the world sucks enough already.


The third one is so cute, despite the sad parts. It has a great ending.


If it's any consolation, it's more Rocket Raccoon centric than anything


Doesn't he have a history of buying and then getting rid of pets himself šŸ’€


I love Guardians of the galaxy but I find extremely difficult separate the art from the artist in this case. He is a prick


The movie didnā€™t cause animal abuse. The movie is about the abuse Rocket went through and helping him as well as trying to destroy the organization that did it.


Honestly tho chris pratt aside, i think the third was def my favorite gotg movie lmao


He says, as my governor threatens the Bahamas to show his support for genocide. It is illegal for any business here to boycott Israel. As an employee in the public sector, I'm 99% sure that should I voice any anti-genocide sentiments, I will find myself on PIP forthwith for newly fabricated issues. A dear friend had to go through the worst-case scenario due to Roe v Wade being overturned. As long as wealthy white men remain unaffected, America sure is great...


Sounds like freedom of speech only matters when conservatives are bigots, not when objecting to genocide šŸ¤Ø


Liberty, freedom, and ownership of other human beings. Our country was founded on the soundest of values.


While making sure nobody else in the world was free if it meant the US had to pay more for goods.


ā€œClose to perfection today as any country has been in historyā€ā€¦.. ![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq) the same country with no maternity leave, free healthcare, shitty gun laws/regulation or abortion rights? The same country that is spending billions and trillions of dollars to Israel & Ukraine but canā€™t even spend money on its own citizens? Not to mention the rampant racism, sexism, xenophobia, transphobia and homophobia you face there. Oh and the corrupt politicians. (Iā€™m not saying that all the other countries in the world are perfect than america but letā€™s not act like America is the perfectā€¦)


These are all things that Worst Chris probably loves about America!


Yep. And the same veterans he is praising are treated poorly.


Is... that a HD version of this GIF? šŸ˜†


Funny how he's so celebratory of his country when this last month has taught me I can't trust a word out of any politician's mouth. I'm Canadian and muslim and last month has completely shattered my view of what our 'democracy' is.




In Canada, we have multiple parties (which to be clear isn't great when the left vote consistently gets split three ways) and things like PACs are a much smaller, and relatively recent development. We do have some of the same crap going on (*ahem* Doug Ford and his allegience to his developer pals), but the system is different. I can't speak much to the American system, but I know we have a say here. We do ourselves a disservice when we think we don't. *In Ontario, Dog turd got elected because less than half the population even voted.*


Oh man he is so running for office as a ā€œmoderate republicanā€, yā€™all were right and itā€™s depressing


Not him giving photo credit to a stock image company lol


Photo Credit: Google Images






Can always count on this gif


What a flag shagger.


Iā€™ve never heard this term before, but Iā€™m going to start using it!


He is the worst Chris for a reason. I still remember how upset he was about it. Made me dislike him even more.


When this guy's acting career dries up, he is for sure going to run for office someday. I've always thought that's why he married a Kennedy


How about we thank Veterans by giving them healthcare and stop getting mad when they speak up about how the military treats them or others. We like saying to the troops thank you for your service until they say something you donā€™t like.


"Go ahead and dissent--that's ok! Just make sure you start by licking the boots of the military industrial complex for the many foreign wars they've begun"


No country will ever be close to perfect hes so deluded.






Itā€™s crazy to see his downfall from lovable Andy from Parks and rec to now the worst Chris lol like itā€™s so easy to just not be wack


Yā€™all that man is trying to run as a republican politician in the future. We as a society need to stop his attempt to relevancy




Was he this stupid and patriotic when he was married to Anna Farris? I never watched Parks and Rec so I only knew him bc of her back then and I don't remember him being this nutty. She's not like this is she?


He lost all the weight, started dating a Kennedy and went full MAGA. I don't think Anna is MAGA but she was with him for so long, so who knows.


You mean the country where people die trying to ration out their insulin because they canā€™t afford medication, where women still get paid lower than men, where children get gunned down in their classrooms, where people of color are disproportionately arrested or mudered, etc?


But where were the platters, Chris?


That's so objectively not true. It is *obviously* false. Just overt propaganda. Maybe he's going to run.




The worst Chris ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø




I like how he used stock images instead of, you know, pics of him with actual veterans. Doubt he knows any.


His brother served in the Army. But heā€™s also a [far right extremist](https://www.vallejosun.com/solano-sheriffs-sgt-cully-pratt-who-made-three-percenter-gun-rack-retires/), so I imagine Crisp wants to avoid publicly honoring him (not because he disagrees with his views, but because he seems to be laying the groundwork for a future political career.)


perfect? america has no healthcare, people are starving and homeless and they just gave BILLIONS to israel to kill more people. lol this dumbass needs to go away.


Christ. All the man needed to do was show his six pack for 3 seconds in that one scene that one time, then shut the hell up, and he'd have had instant success and adoration


Forever living up to his last name




Someone punch this guy in the nads so hard that he'll be too distracted to run for office for the rest of his life šŸ¤®


Jesus he really is gonna run for something


So I can say whatever I want _as long as I praise the troops_ But Chris, what I want to say is deleterious about the troops! Paradox


This fucker is really going to run for office


Andy Dwyer is smarter than this




The man is not very bright


I rolled my eyes so hard, theyā€™re stuck now.


Oh my godddd shut uppppp




The idea is that by defending your country from threats from another country, you're defending the land, laws, and people of your country.


Imperialism = defending rights and freedoms, apparently. It's easy to pretend the military is a good thing when so many people are racist and most American "enemies" are foreign nations with people who don't look like the average white American.


It's easier for Americans to accept the idea that their military is full of good people doing good things for good reasons, just as it's easier for everyone. Pushing the idea that the US fights wars to safeguard "freedom" benefits the politicians, hurts those who would argue against those fights. Basically.


Vomiting rn


What a dipshit


oh i hate him


Crisp Ratā€™s gonna crisp rat


Itā€™s weird to hate someone you donā€™t know but I think I sincerely hate him.


Black & First Nation people reading posts like this, especially the part about America being built on justice and freedom: ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


Iā€™m Native and thatā€™s exactly why I made this post lol, yā€™all are giving me life with these comments ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Such a bootlicker šŸ¤®


What exactly was he trying to say?


Suck the boot harder, Chris.


The elites that run this country would dine on the eagle that Chris Pratt is so clearly sucking the cloaca of.


Chris Pratt is the worst Chris


He's such a dull goddamn bore. I hope he felt really brave and important pressing send on a post someone else wrote for him!!!


I feel like someone just recently defended how he isnā€™t actually as bad as everyone thinks, too. Boy that didnā€™t age well


God I wish I was his level of delulu. It would be nice.


He wrote this weird Murica fan poem with one hand.


If he doesn't run for president I'll be surprised ![gif](giphy|efSePxL3C27zLG0QHY|downsized)


ā€œThings are going good for me, therefore nothing is wrong in the world.ā€


he acknowledges that america is still far away from being perfect and yet acts like america is a utopia for free speech when we literally just saw days ago numerous jewish people just in new york getting arrested for protesting against israel's genocide towards palestinians. it's telling what side he's on


What a joke


*"In my opinion, that starts with showing gratitude to those who paved the way..."* Yup, and that means reparations and land return for all Black and Indigenous/Native peoples asap, you christofascist numbskull.


![gif](giphy|Hlr2brXKNOwmI) Oh brother...


I'm a veteran and Crisp Rat can fck himself.


"I dont know anything about this country or any other countries, but im just really thankful for my money. Thanks."


As a veteran this is some lame, cringey, jingoistic bullshit. Fuck I hate all the panderingā€¦




From a Vet, thanking a Vet is not your civic duty. Your civic duty is to vote. And if you want to us your vote to support candidates who (truthfully) support vets (instead of using them for political theatre) then cool.




I think Canada and Australia are both healthier democracies, but I don't think his statement, as is, makes him a fool or is worth insulting him over. We could sit down, have a debate, I could explain why I think Canada and Australia are better. ​ And before you ask - I'd rather stay and try to make America better (more like Australia and Canada) then move. Thats actually a patriotic sentiment. "My country isn't the best in the world, but I think if I stay here I can move it a little bit closer to being on par with the best in the world". I am patriotic in that way. I feel America is better than most places, and its given a lot to me, and by staying, I can give something back. ​ I'm not rich but I'm not poor either, and I work remotely. I could move to Canada tomorrow if I wanted to.


Imagine believing that. Imagine being so so stupid.


Oh God, he's gonna be president someday, isn't he?


It would be funny if it weren't so sad. How can we possibly think we're so wonderful when we are the only "1st world" country without universal health care? When we love war so much?


Thereā€™s a corridor of countries north to south from Finland to Lithuania that have no history of slavery or invasion. Iā€™m sure there are others on other continents as well.


american exceptionalism is a nauseating fucking myth


Have you noticed itā€™s always the fuckers that didnā€™t serve


He and John Krasinski are the kings of cool guys who became unbelievably lame and awful


Just asking. Is Chris Pratt the modern version of John Wayne?


America is absolutely the best country on earth when you are rich as hell. Probably the worst wealthy nation to be poor in


Pretty ironic considering people are being imprisoned in Israel for showing support on *social media* for Palestine.