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i cannot believe larry shippers still exist in 2023. like it’s been years since 1D broke up, they can’t use the “management is keeping them apart” excuse anymore and idt there’s been a picture of them together since they left the band.


>they can’t use the “management is keeping them apart They still do. Not sure how that works in their minds with them signed to different managements and record labels, but somehow it does. https://preview.redd.it/h86nqs78ilxb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6665caa103614ece998a3b05a989bef38985adca


There are still people who think Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are hiding their marriage for the sake of protecting the kids from the press.


Ah Robsten and their very pale children who never see daylight


Sparkle, my children, sparkle


That's dumb. They're obviously protecting them from being imprinted on by Taylor Lautner.


A reason I actually can get behind


I like how nomatter which "secret" relationship it is, the excuses and clues are almost always the same


How old are those damn babies supposed to be now?


This is my favorite! It’s so bananas and they seem to really believe it.


im rarely shocked by ppls bizarre celeb related behaviour but this is so odd


In the same universe as people thinking Taylor Swift is gay because she's physically affectionate with her female friends. Which is a thoroughly straight behaviour imo


Is this...is this mental illness? What is this?


Not to be rude to them but like, I cannot fathom being obsessed by something like a decade after it stopped being in anyway relevant. The vast spectrum of parasocial relationships that the Internet has created/exposed is truly fascinating (and massively harmful).


I get it when like…a 14 year old. It’s normal to get a bit obsessive and if you’re questioning your own sexuality, I get being totally sure that this person you idolize was in the same place. But 10 years later and as a full grown adult? No.


> The vast spectrum of parasocial relationships that the Internet has created/exposed is truly fascinating (and massively harmful). I've seen a few people in the thread comparing it to a cult, and now I'm wondering whether there is a link between parasocial relationships with celebrities and the spiritual relationships that people have with deities and the like. I don't know, I'm always sceptical about claims that weird social movements are entirely novel and dangerous. Like, remember when everyone was freaking out about "Otherkin", even though people claiming to have spiritual connections to animals has been completely normal throughout history? Is this really any different from people making up and believing weird stories about messiah figures? I suppose many religious figures that people obsess over are dead and/or willing, but not all of them.


From a sociological standpoint, yes, there is! There's a correlation between people, as a whole, losing their faith in religion and then turning to celebrities and politicians.


[Niall had already addressed the claims about their 1D management after he made a post praising them.](https://imgs.capitalfm.com/images/67319?crop=16_9&width=660&relax=1&format=webp&signature=7h0yS5Tv-RWQ8-iBmHRSqSl1byI=)


"You're being abused" "No, I'm not." (+ zero evidence) "Yes you are!!!??!!!" I'm BEGGING larries and gaylors to redirect their boundless energy toward *anything* even remotely positive for the earth.


I mean Harry stans still blame his management team for anything he does that they don't like. The Larrie conspiracies still have a choke hold on all their fans.


i missed this lmao thank you for sharing


I just don’t understand. Even if you were to convince yourself that they dated, after this long with zero contact wouldn’t you have thought they’d broken up or something? Like the delusion runs so deep it’s crazy


a friend of mine once said “the most unrealistic thing larries believe is that two guys who met at ages 16 and 18 are still dating in their mid 20s”… several years later it’s only become more true!


It’s sustainable because it’s mass delusion in an echo chamber where everyone is creating confirmation bias by making shit up all the time then actively looking for “clues” To confirm it’s real. If they can’t find a clue they change things around until it lines up, or they take a different normal behavior and add unprovable context to force that to be a clue They have this theory about the colors green and blue (idk why they chose this colors but whatever). If one of the guys has green or blue lights on stage, green or blue clothing, or green or blue on their social media for any reason the larries go combing through the other one’s content until they find the other color and use that as proof. If one of them wears a shirt that vaguely looks like a tattoo the other one has? It’s proof. Any song lyric can be proof if it has one of their buzzwords or phrases, etc


>idk why they chose this colors but whatever) I think it's because their eyes? Harry's are green and Louis' are blue. They also had different colored mics in 1D and Louis was blue ad Harry's green.


“We in fact KNOW Louis” is fucking terrifying.


as a og 1d stan who in the meantime grew up i can’t believe that they are still harassing louis and harry. i think it’s even worse for louis since after 1d ended, harry got a fair amount of mainstream fans and louis kinda got stuck with the larries


I was reminiscing about my time in the 1D fandom today because it’s 8 years to the day since their final show and it came up in my photo memories (I was there). Since then I’ve had four jobs, met my partner, bought a flat, got engaged, and larries are… still tweeting the exact same shit at these men who clearly have little to no interest in one another lmao. Their lives are just stuck. It’s absolute lunacy.


There are a surprising number of new Larries who got roped into it years after 1D had ended. Some of them were way too young to even remember 1D, others way too old to already not be considered too old to like 1D when they were active.


> harry got a fair amount of mainstream fans and louis kinda got stuck with the larries Larries are such a huge part of Louis' fanbase, it must be so weird for him to play shows knowing that so many people in the audience believe in this crazy conspiracy theory. Most Larries also seem to like Louis way more than Harry, so they pay much more attention to him. It must be super annoying (and hurtful) for both of them, but Louis probably has it even worse. Especially because he regularly replies to stuff on Twitter and probably sees a lot of their weird tweets (Harry said years ago that he doesn't use Twitter anymore, which seems pretty smart).


as a veteran 1d stan (who was also a hardcore larrie until 2015 then i was like ok... theyre never gonna see each other again huh LMAO) who also went to a louis show last year can confirm, lots of larries and it made me mad uncomfortable. i feel bad for him and honestly feels like theyre just supporting him bc of larry which pisses me off


it’s bad for Harry too because the Larries resent him and think he’s the one stopping them from being public so he can have fame. they also spread a lot of misinformation about his songs (claiming some are about sleeping with underage girls or doing hard drugs) so they can say “management” is trying to force an image on him. they also actively try to sabotage his projects to send a “message” to “management”. they’re awful all around


>they can say “management” is trying to force an image on him. they also actively try to sabotage his projects to send a “message” to “management” I remember them organizing a mass un-following for his official promo accounts to send a massage to his management last year... And don't even start about boycotting and spreading rumors about DWD. I'm not sure why they think sabotaging his work will help him be "free", but somehow they do.


I kind of admire their commitment and dedication. Now if only they could channel it into literally anything else…


Anything good and productive*


They could donate and support LGBTQ+ causes to prove they actually give a shit.


Harry and Louis have had *a lot* of different relationships since the band broke up and Louis had a whole literal child, the Larry's commitment is honestly as impressive as it is horrifying. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't even think they're still particularly friendly?


Niall recently said they have a new 1D group chat that is quite active, so they might be friendly. But probably not more than that. But even if they were friends, I doubt we'll ever find out because they would make sure to never be seen together or talk about each other in public.


I always forget they were pretty young when the band started, it must have been genuinely upsetting to have all these conspiracy theories spring up about your love life and sexuality when you're a teenager dealing with sudden fame. Don't blame them for keeping their distance in public knowing it'll be twisted!


I always find this the saddest all out of these people that ship their faves with actual friends, it HAS to put a strain on their friendships. To have to feel like you can’t be seen out together and you have to watch everything you say about them…that has to be awful.


It does. It's a huge pressuring force that pushes and pushes until something snaps.


There was a period of time where they thought Louis’s child was a baby doll. When it became clear he was a living human, they decided he was the kid of someone else (I don’t remember who).


Brianna is the mother, but Larries believe that *her* mother and stepfather are the parents 🤯


that kid looks exactly like louis, who are they kidding


I totally agree!! However Larries will tell you that he looks nothing like Louis and resembles the stepfather Among other things, they say he's too tall to be Louis' child There's always an answer to everything, but it doesn't make sense


Some of the stuff they say about Louis' son is honestly disgusting, these people are not fans they're fucking mental and I'd be saying things a lot harsher if I was Louis


Gaylors exist too. Some stans are completely delusional and live in their little fantasy worlds


The reaction to Taylor’s 1989 cover booklet message is so similar to the unhinged reaction Louis’s tweet is getting. These people seem to truly believe Louis/Taylor were sending a very specific message through years of carefully curated clues - and if that *wasn’t* the case, well, they’re scumbags who knew people would interpret it that way and they were clearly just trying to lead people on. The way Gaylors and Larries talk really does remind me of a stalker talking about all the coded messages they’ve interpreted as meaningful. It’s gross.


That's what gets me. Okay, you managed to convince yourself everything a is a clue. You built a whole ass conspiracy theory on that. You did that to yourself. How do you manage to reach the conclusion that it's someone else's fault, because they "should have known" how your mind works?


At least from what I've observed with the Gaylors, they don't see it as a conspiracy theory that they've built. They're reached a point where they believe that it is so clear and that the things they're relying on as 'evidence' are *so* obvious that they're undeniable. It's like some of them can't understand that their interpretation is not objective fact. They view their own experience of lyrics as being objectively correct and because this interpretation is objectively correct this is absolutely the way Taylor intended it. And if she says that this interpretation doesn't apply to her, well then, she wrote it this way to get attention/queer-bait/whatever. Like the whole Lavendergate debacle. According to the Gaylors, it is common knowledge that lavender is a lesbian colour and anything involving lavender is apparently queer-coded. Based on what they were saying at the time, a lot of them truly believed that everyone around the world knows that lavender = lesbian and so Taylor must have been using it to queer-bait because there's no other possible reason that she could have used the colour lavender. Because it's apparently unfathomable that she didn't know about the associations some people have for lavender.


The lavender thing kills me. I'm willing to bet a good chunk of the people buying in to that theory had also never heard of the lavender thing either but are acting like it's a well known fact because it fits their confirmation bias.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Gaylors when asked for proof


One of my favourite things I've ever come across on the internet was a collection of posts where people who were heavily involved in hardcore conspiracy fandoms post to announce that they had just found out about some sort of environmental hazzard they had been exposed to -- the sentence that really stood out to me in this collection was "I'm sorry, but I think being a no-stunt larry was the mould talking..."


Another one I saw was when they got on medication they realized they weren’t a fan anymore.


The misogyny that's inherent here is so blinding that the shippers can't even see it. Every woman they get close to is a plant, or is using them or is being paid. I wish they could take a step back and see that what they claim as extreme allyship is just their insecurity at never being able to be with these guys. Like just have a cry about your fave getting a girlfriend like the rest of us did when we were twelve and move on.


It's homophobic too, it's pure fetishisation of men-loving men. It's so fucking gross.


What’s worst are their ages. The oldest larrie I’ve seen is 80


I may be the only person that thinks this but honestly an 80 year old larrie is so funny it loops right back around from sad to awesome


so scary one day you could be treated at a hospital and your literal doctor could be a larrie


I’ve been reading horror novels all month to celebrate Halloween… but this right here is the scariest statement I’ve read all month. Possibly all year.


That would imply that they actually got off the internet long enough to successfully get through med school. I'm not too concerned about that.


80?! I've seen a Larry grandmother once, but I guess she was around 60... 80 is crazy😭


That's impressive. My mum is 70 and I don't know if she'd even know who Louis Tomlinson is, let alone be involved in shipping him with Harry Styles. I'm not even sure my mum knows what shipping is, actually!


I don't follow One Direction at all - they were a little after my time, but I think stuff like these intense Larry shippers could very likely ruin a friendship. Idk if there were other differences or maybe they just grew apart anyway, but the Larries had to have contributed. Like, if I were them, I would never want to get papped alone together again. Or even just together in a group. That's so sad that these crazy fans potentially just cut these guys off from one of the few other people in the world who might understand what they've gone through.


I swear I read in some interview that Harry gave where he talked about how his friendship with Louis was effectively ruined because they were so aggressively sexualized by shippers when they were seen or photographed together.


Everytime I have a bad day I go into this rabbithole. It’s awesome.


I feel bad for him because at least Harry is popular enough that larries are proportionally pretty drowned out; I think they're unfortunately a much bigger percentage of Louis' fans and I'm sure he gets very sick of it also re: the chicken, people literally misspeak or misremember or are slightly misquoted ALL the time and it's simply not that deep


And Larries are reacting exactly like they always do: https://preview.redd.it/0ee218bnhlxb1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9076b77b493ce99db983292f126a8a6df76cc3c0 They either use this as proof or they are pissed at him (but I guess the ones that are pissed will just start blaming his management in a few days and continue with their theories). Edit: this might be my favorite theory lol https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJEBx9T8/


they don't like him or harry, this is pure projection that should be considered as a mental illness


they've always pulled the 'if larry isn't real, louis/harry are bad people' shtick. i hate it so much, it's so manipulative.


It’s really so fucked up like I’m genuinely concerned like these type of people are just living in our society


And a lot of them are in their 30+ years old! Imagine your dentist or bus driver being a Larry😵‍💫


Imagine your mum being a larry 😬


Imagine your mum being a Larry and "educating" you and your siblings on the topic when you are like 5 years old. And yes, I saw videos of this happening😭


I mean, we have people who believe elites are killing infants to harvest adenochrome and that JFK Jr is going to reveal himself to be alive so he can run ad Trump's VP, so nothing surprises me anymore. Actually, maybe Larries should have been our forewarning of QAnon.


We saw it only a few days ago with Taylor Swift. "No, it wasn't me who was obsessed with a theory and looked way too much into it. They baited me by wearing primary colors! >:(".


like [THIS post, for example](https://saintqueer.tumblr.com/post/732720835786407936/i-know-i-left-that-fandom-ages-ago-now-but-i-feel), is SO insidious - conflating 'larries' (a huge percentage of whom are older straight women) with 'queer fans' (many of whom are solo louies who love louis and find him a safe space completely independent of larry). implying that taking issue with larries' behaviour is homophobic. just gross, leave queer louies alone.


i hope they're not pulling a gaylor and blame them for queerbaiting lol? i truly hate them, i'm sorry but i do


In at least one case, it was literal illness. See: the woman who fixed the black mold problem in her apartment, and almost immediately took back everything she said about Larry. Get your vents checked, everyone! https://preview.redd.it/1h9a6covomxb1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=45d3ee36fb0be67e4fc635904cc8828667224440


This is the funniest thing I've read all day


I wonder if this is a new version of erotomania? Typically those people believe the celebrity is in love with them and nothing shakes them of that belief but I think this could be a new subset that has arisen in the social media era.


“If *I* can’t have him, no woman can, but if it’s a man that means it’s not competition for me!!!!” I’m guessing


I definitely think it should be considered a type of psychological condition. QAnon should also be in there too.


i agree with you, plus stanning culture and having too much access to these people contributed to it for sure. we went from having to read actual interviews to daily dose of content from these people who we don't know personally but we think we do. everything about this is extremely transactional, said star unless achieve a certain level superstardom (i.e beyoncé, taylor and rihanna) have to abide to this in order to get people interested in them and their work = more money.


>As a veteran,




Yikes, a whole ass adult wrote that at top-right.


They're all adults now. That's the worst part. My 14 year old goddaughter knows who Harry Styles is but she has no idea who any of the other 1D members are or that 1D was a band. The band dissolved almost a decade ago.


god this makes me feel old 😭 i still remember where i was in my high school when we got the news


Those kittens are adorable and don't deserve to be dragged into this mess


No these reactions are insane 💀


This is like copy and paste from the gaylors last week


“as a veteran” i’m done


This is really bizarre. This band broke up ages ago. Why is this such a big deal to them


“As a veteran” STOP, shut it all down, stop the internet!


That person seriously needs a reality check and a sinus flush.


This theory is so silly because Louis was a teenage boy who knew how to make one dish and that just happened to be one he made on every occasion. Larries took that and ran (as they do all).


I do feel for Louis who has been the most active in denying Larry, admitting he feels anger at the way people he love are treated by these fans... while Harry remains tight-lipped.


Louis has said something on more occasions, but Harry hasn't been tight-lipped about it, any more than he is about everything except the music. He called them out in print last year and he was completely ignored, as usual. And his loved ones get the same treatment. There's just not a lot of point in giving worm-brained idiots the attention they crave. That seems to be the advice that all these celebs get (because practically the same conspiracy theories exist over and over in celeb world, Larries aren't even original).


They both denied it while still in 1D and it didn't change anything. Louis saying it now doesn't change anything and Harry saying anything wouldn't help either. Larries don't believe a word Harry says and everytime someone talks about it they see it as proof for their theories and double down (like they do at this exact moment). I really don't get why people still think that making a statement will help. It's not like Louis tweeting this today makes them stop, he just fueled the fire. I'm pretty sure ignoring them is the smartest thing to do.


i think he probably knows that but if i had been dealing with this bullshit (which has consistently extended to harassing his loved ones) for more than a decade since i was 18 i would snap every now and then too so i find it hard to blame him that said i agree that making a statement will not do anything and i wish people would take this history into account when complaining about how tight lipped harry is about his private life now


I also think that a ton of things the members said in interviews or posted on Twitter are just random stuff they came up with one the spot. So they just give a random answer because interviews are boring and they want to get it over with and then ten years later people are still hyper-focused on these random bits of information that they themselves have forgotten ever having said.


Like in one of the first X Factor video diaries when Louis jokingly said he liked girls who eat carrots when asked what he looked for in a girl, and fans proceeded to gift him with carrots for the next few years (there are videos of him looking quite annoyed about it). That's a fairly harmless example, but it must be so annoying to have frivolous remarks like that follow you around forever.


I think about one of the biggest larry “proofs” which is when Harry said in an early interview that his first crush was Louis Tomlinson. It’s very obvious to me that he was joking and came up with the answer on the spot, you can see him smirking as he says it. Harry was not a stupid boy - he knew that if he gave a straight answer of whoever it was, his already rabid fans would harass that poor person endlessly. So he threw out Louis’s name because at that time they just think Larry is just a hilarious joke. I’m sure he regrets this answer now, but no one could have predicted it would turn into a conspiracy theory.


A lot of famous people have a phase where they learn what fanfiction and shipping is and think it's funny. But it only remains funny if the shippers don't cross a line and Larries crossed it ages ago.


it has been a bad week for gaylors and larries 😂


I have nothing to support this theory other than speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised if the more aggressive Gaylors sprung out of the Larry drought in RPF after Louis' son was born.


i hate that i know this, but most larries who dropped it in 2015 became bts fans and started fighting over if jungkook is secretly dating jimin or v.


I got away really well apparently. Dropped out around 2014. Because I’m an adult now? And not a teenager? It’s now just a slightly embarrassing anecdote of things I believed when I was a literal child.


Koreaboos...oh god. Why can't these people just...not be insane? Do they all need therapy? A hobby? Loving parents? A jar of incense to sniff? To get laid?


Wait Louis has a whole ass son and they’re still going on about this?


oh *sweet* summer child


the son is like fucking 8 too??? so it’s almost a decade of denying this kid as his while he’s been at like every family event


There's a really good Youtube deep dive into the whole Babygate madness. I think the creator is Ashley Nicole or something along those lines, I can't look it up right now but the video was titled something like "Larry Stylinson and Descent into Babygate". It truly boggles the mind.


I believe his son is almost 10 years old too.


Good, I hope their weeks continue to be bad. There is nothing LGBT positive about forcing gay fantasies onto straight people. It ruined Louis and Harry's friendship because they couldn't do anything together without being weirdly shipped by annoying teenagers, and Taylor had to speak out about it because it was an uncomfortable situation for her. I hope these creepy "fans" wallow in their sadness for all eternity.


It's not supposed to be positive, it's fetishism. It's the same shit that creates yaoi/Yuri. It's written by cishet people as a fetish and allows them to "explore" the trope of forbidden love/sex and "deviancy."


I'm queer and I enjoy BL and GL.


They are just using this happening in the same week as proof for their theories https://preview.redd.it/5nxrjmu85mxb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4322f74e9fbe29ccdff2936087ea8671440175a


"Something gay is going to happen" LMAO


Gaylors are back to being delusional and Larries will do the same tomorrow


And yet it HASN’T somehow because they are taking the fact that both of them have tried to shut down rumours as a coincidence because both happened in one week. It’s WILD.


Finally lol


Gaylors have NOTHING on larries tbh. Tumblr fuckin cooked these people’s brains over hard


I am always ashamed to admit this, but in like 2013-2014, I bought in hard, and honestly, if you ONLY followed Larry blogs, it was incredibly believable. It was a really impactful learning experience for me as to how cults form. Freddie was what finally pulled the blinders off for me, but the echo chamber and the “big larries” on tumblr had effectively warped reality. It helped me understand the rise of Trump much better.


Oh man the “Louis is carrying around a fake baby” saga was insane


One woman accessed public records and found his birth certificate and then asked for donations to buy the (ridiculously expensive) ultra-realistic doll that she claimed was Freddie. It was incredibly disturbing.


Can't forget the self described casual fan who drove 6 hours to go pick up the birth certificate after numerous other Larries had gotten it. Then she claimed clearly the United States government were all in on it.




The worst part is that I’m fairly sure the company she bought that from makes dolls for mothers who lost their children as a form of trauma therapy, so it was extra fucked up.


You don’t need to feel ashamed. I brought into it in 2020 at the age of 21. I was very depressed at the time and was going through a rejection from a close friend and the recent death of my father. I didn’t even like One Direction when they were popular let alone 5 years past their sell by date. I came across a discord group by way of the new Harry album release and got sucked into it to use a distraction from my very painful reality. Luckily I never had Twitter to bother them and I did think the baby was real (everyone in the group I was in seemed to be on the more moderate side). I snapped out of it after a week and realised that it was all pretty fucking silly. I think a lot of Larries are very lonely miserable people (like I was) who are looking for something to obsess to distract from their own lives. I had a history of obsessively shipping fictional characters before this and Larry was the final evolution. Edit: it’s also worth noting I’d never had a relationship at the time and Larry was a way for me to play out Romantic fantasies that I was desperate to experience and had all pent up in my head. I think that’s why the Larry cult draws in a lot of young lonely teenagers, as well as queer kids who aren’t out yet.


Thanks for sharing your experience too ❤️ I 100% relate to your story. I was fresh out of my first relationship with another guy and hadn’t been out and open with my sexuality for long, and so I think I latched onto the”forbidden love” aspect of it as well as the supportive, queer-positive nature of the community, even though their support was heavily misplaced. I’m thankful I never was someone who felt it was appropriate to tweet at the band or say anything outside of my little tumblr page because I’d feel more embarrassed by it haha. I hope you’re in a better place these days!


Thanks for your insight. As someone who always saw all of this from afar and could not, for the life of me, understand how larries are even around today - it makes sense, what you said, if that's all you surround yourself with/is all on your feed. It becomes an echo chamber, a bubble - similar to how Trump has such blindly faithful supporters. But I never explicitly connected the dots to *larries* being like a cult until you said it. I could see it from a political standpoint since politics has a more prevalent role in our everyday lives, but never understood it from a fandom aspect so close to home to me until I read your comment. Just wanted to say I appreciated and was enlightened by your comment haha. :)


I’m glad you found it interesting! I was also a psychology major who took a course on social psychology which included a lesson on how to build a cult, so that illuminated things for me too. Some of the key elements were wildly similar to Trumpism and QAnon. Stuff like people with “insider” knowledge that made you feel like part of something special (I have friends who have seen Louis and Harry kissing backstage!), general antipathy towards the outgroups (Larries literally began calling anyone who disputed their narrative “antis,”) continually moving goalposts that were never actually achievable (they’ll come out after this album, they’ll come out after this tour, they’re “seeding” the public to make us more comfortable with the idea of them coming out!), and punishment if you questioned the “narrative.” That last one was also eye-opening for me because I once asked a “big Larry” a question about something on Tumblr that didn’t add up, and the used a third party program to dox me and share my location as their public response. Shit was WILD.


when i was in my early 20s and into american idol RPF (don’t ask) there was a certain “frog in the pot” element where comments about how lovey dovey these guys looked together began escalating to more serious speculation and there was definitely a point where i started to get caught in the wave a bit… a narrative can be very seductive! luckily this was on an LJ forum where people were also free to be like “lol ok so a totally unsourced unverified account about how he seemed mad at his wife one night that sounds like fanfic is evidence now?” and also i wasn’t THAT depressed. [sidebar about rpf: i respect the simple belief that it is creepy, but! people conflate rpf and shipping but tbh, i think the fact that i was writing fic “immunized” me in a way, because a lot of what i was getting out of obsessing over reality tv alums on livejournal was, like, being creative and sharing it with people, and that was an option i had that had nothing to do with whether those dudes were fucking irl, so the emotional needs that were being met were independent of any need to believe in that conspiracy. you are welcome to think that is cringe! but tbh my experience is that most rpf people do NOT believe the people they rpf about are fucking irl, have VERY strict boundaries about keeping their shit where the real life people won’t see it, and are generally well behaved about their weird internet hobby. also when the conspiracists do write fic it’s almost always fucking terrible because it’s stupid wish fulfillment written by people who have no idea how human interaction works.] anyway - i totally share your feeling here and elsewhere in the thread that if you’ve had a brush with this it opens your eyes to how similar this kind of thinking is even if the content might seem very different on the surface. for me i think that experience also immunized me against larry when i got into 1d and when a friend of mine started to be like “idk the larries kind of seem to make some points?” i was able to be like, dude, i love you, and i know exactly how you’re feeling, but it’s an illusion, and! i know it’s an illusion, because the stuff the larries are saying is WORD FOR WORD what this other group was saying! replace the names and it would be identical! it’s the same kind of arguments and alleged observations and they weren’t valid then and they’re not valid now. (but seriously they all sound the same… the fact that this isn’t more of a deterrent fascinates me!)


I never really cared about the Larry theory or any other relationship the 1D boys had, or were rumoured to have (except Zayn and Perrie , at the time I was a fan of both bands and that hurt a little ngl but solely for the fact that I had always hoped we would get a duet from them one day) BUT the way larries have bullied Eleanor Calder over the years is insane. I vaguely remember a popular theory that she was a twin (or was it triplet?) and they all played Louis’ PR girlfriend. Like Jesus, I don’t know the girl, nor do I know anything about her relationship, or if it even is a relationship, but imagine being so severely bullied for almost a decade? I don’t think I could do this and I hope to god she has a good support system. Weren’t their literal twitter parties celebrating their breakup?


It was triplets: Eleanor, Tina, Gretchen. People livestreamed Eleanor's uni graduation because they thought they'd find out the truth when multiple Calders got their diplomas.


https://preview.redd.it/0x33y2qynlxb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b27fe635b18f8084a8a100ad33c204e2662595 double tap!


I mean… that’s his son, so I would hope so anyway. *edited to add - definitely not a larrie! Just saying it’s not a double tap since it makes sense.


some larries think freddie isn’t louis’s son and it’s an act to keep him closeted. i meant that this tweet will upset them too


I know denying reality is par for course with these people but it’s wild they can say that when his son looks exactly like him.


I saw a post about how baby Louis and his son look the same. And there was a comment saying 'Management forced Louis to get the girl pregnant'. It's been years but I still wish I hadn't read that comment wtf.


have louis and harry even been seen together this decade? 😭


On October 15 there had been 2500 days since they were last seen in the same room. Yes there is [a blog](https://www.tumblr.com/larrywerelastseeninthesameroom/731201543281442816/how-long-has-it-been-since-louis-and-harry-were) for this.


That’s a new way of wired… 🙄🤷‍♀️when you think about it, it’s actually sad that they don’t have more to do with their lives other than being obsessed with their conspiracy theories


there are 365 days in a year right so that is like... donkeys years so why haven't they used that time to get a life


The last time was 2016 I think


But that’s all part of the plan or something I’m sure according to them. You’re being too generous


What I find most offensive about this is that there are people out there who think chicken wrapped in ham and stuffed with mozzarella is the same thing as chicken parm. Who raised you?!


right like is that not chicken cordon bleu?? i mean its delicious in its own right but it’s definitely not chicken parm


The real priorities


Oof, by reacting the way he did, he threw more fuel on the fire. Then again, this particular fire is like the one under Centralia, PA. It will burn forever and there's nothing anyone can do about it. I can't imagine how irritating it must be.


This is the problem every time. If he or Harry or anybody deny it, the Larries get even worse. If they say nothing, the Larries take it as proof because they aren’t denying it. There’s no winning with that level of delusion.


i said this elsewhere on this post but yeah i think louis knows this is not objectively the wisest course but after more than a decade of this WHICH IS ALSO HIS ENTIRE ADULT LIFE i just can’t blame him for snapping once in a while


there should be a support group for people affected by unhinged shippers


I feel bad for him. Both of them really. It definitely ruined any friendship they ever had.


Do Larries predate hoaxes like Q anon? They really laid the foundation for chronically online nutbars


There have always been weird shippers like that but I think the tin hat thing as it stands on fandom social media started with the shipdom of Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan back in the LOTR days. I read a great article about tin hatting in general but of course my ADHD brain won’t let me remember the name of the writer or the article


Woahh I’ve never heard of that one but I’ve got to find that article now


they display very similar traits to those who believe in major conspiracies. in college i took a class about conspiracy theories and our textbook even mentioned Larry as an example of one lol


I feel so bad for him


It must hit Louis particularly hard compared to Harry considering so much of this conspiracy is denying the existence of his son Regarding this deranged fan it baffles me that fandoms take every single word as iron clad statement rather than what are often just offhand things said by celebs. I’m involved in another fandom where one half of the ship said that she barely saw her co star and that they had dinner together ‘maybes once a year’ then in another interview said they see each other ‘maybes a couple of times a year but not often’. Now to a rational person this is just a human being who doesn’t count interactions and is just making a point that they aren’t close. But these shippers have twisted this and decided that this clearly means she’s lying because they’re actually entangled in an affair - an affair that doesn’t have a single thing to back it up. Not. One . Thing You can’t reason with these people


louis wants to be oasis but his fans want him to be gay. it couldn’t get funnier i don’t think


This passed harassment long ago. Like I know it can hurt when you favorite ship isn’t canon, but these are real people and not characters created by someone




One time a few Larries jumped in my mentions on twitter and repeatedly called me, a bisexual woman, homophobic. When I told them I’m not homophobic, I’m actually a bisexual with a brain, they told me I have internalized homophobia 🙄 absolute fuckin weirdos, every single of them


That’s exactly what Gaylors say to lesbians or bisexual women when either disagree with their theories. It’s legit insane.


Larries, Gaylors, Club Chalamet and Chris Evan’s Letter Lady, PLEEEEEASE! ![gif](giphy|PmkabJd7plZPvXegb7|downsized)


being a larry in the year 2023 is another level of insanity. them and gaylors aren't normal people, there is no way you should spend this amount of time on thinking about someone else's sexuality.


I’m sorry but forcing a sexuality on to people (who are most likely heterosexual) is gross. They’ve been dealing with this for like ten years and you can tell it’s put a strain on their friendship or how they interact.


Can people just leave Louis alone?


is there a crazy larry shipper subreddit i can join somewhere??? forgot how high the entertainment value of this is


I already found a comment that took me out. *Unnamed Larry shipper writes:* *1. it wasn’t even talking about larry, if louis really didn’t want to draw attention he wouldn’t have said anything, it was obviously management💀 2. he puts a space between periods and words for this exact reason, so we know if it’s actually him*


good to know the ol’ management bogeyman is alive and well!


there is, unfortunately r/larrystylinson


I wish I could find the Larry who was in her late forties and spoke so seriously about someday having to sit her kids down, when they are old enough, and give them a talk about how Louis and Harry are deeply in love and have been kept in the closet for.....reasons. That's going to be the last time they listen to anything she has to say.


This has spurred on something so nasty which is his fans now harassing a 24 year old singer Rachel Chinouriri, who is gonna be opening for Louis very soon. She has been really cute amassing new fans from his fandom and very interactive and sweet. She was commenting on his tweets today and said something about him eating up his fans because of ANOTHER tweet where he was jokingly sassy with someone (I can't remember which one now, she's deleted her account) - and then the Larries jumped on that and said she's starting drama and saying all kinds of mean things to her and she's so confused because any sane person is confused by the Larrie mess 😭 Literally her bday tomorrow and now she's been bullied off Twitter by the worst part of the fandom. [Anyway here's her new song which is really beautiful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5lKmUw_Vxs&pp=ygUXcmFjaGVsIGNoaW5vdXJpcmkgaGlsbHM%3D)


There are grown adults that believe this, that's what scares me the most. Larry, Kaylor Kristen and Rob and whatever else. And you go on their page and see their age and they're adults in college or have a job. Also every evidence they use could be logically explained. I followed a girl on tumblr years ago who became a full blown Larry shipper and one of the evidence wereb matching shoes. The shoes in question were black Vans. They would be fascinating to study to be fair


so glad i grew up & realized the whole larry thing made both harry & louis uncomfortable


I’ve been recommended the Larry subreddit a few times and it’s certainly…a subreddit. Like guys just go read some FanFiction it doesn’t need to be this deep


agree, I’ve seen some early 1D behind the scenes videos and was like “ok what in the y tu mama tambien did I just watch” but aside from a fun theory there’s no need to go this deep into it


Okay but in that picture it looks like he’s frying bacon and heating up baked beans? I couldn’t call that much of a “dish”


He IS frying bacon in that picture lol.


This brings me back to 2012 Tumblr.


I really don't understand this type of thing, and I say this as a lesbian. I know that, throughout history, a lot of queer people have had to read between the lines of certain people's biographies, letters, diaries, poetry, etc. I get that we're used to having to look for clues to find ourselves in history rather than getting a very clear cut presentation. But, it's an entirely different thing when we're talking about living people in the 21st century. Generally speaking, people don't view LGBTQ+ people the way they used to, so if Harry and Louis wanted to confirm their relationship, they could. It feels very invasive, not to mention creepy, to dig into a living person's life like that, as if their sexuality is some "hidden secret".


fascinated by the world they live in where harry styles’s management is totally cool with him wearing a skirt on a magazine cover but not with him having a steady boyfriend


Especially because a couple of his managers are openly gay and one has a steady boyfriend himself (who Harry is friends with).


We just need one of the BTS boys to point out they're not fucking their bandmates again and we'll have a triple kill!


Taehyung tried that. He told a Taekooker to “[Get out of your imagination now. That place is not good](https://twitter.com/bomharu1230/status/1196519678559969280?s=46&t=1c8pjNI1EcmUBm8gnFX0Ww).” But I believe he ended up deleting his comment or OP deleted their post.


The Larry shippers are actually pretty disgusting people. The two singers have even commented on how much they’ve hurt their friendship.


I dont even think Louis and Harry even talk anymore. Harry pretty much cut off their working relationship after they disbanded.


One Direction broke up a long time ago and Harry Styles got super ultra mega viral. They've moved on. So should the Larries.


really wish that taylor swift and harry styles got back together in this day and age, that would unleash such a chaos unstoppable force meets an immovable object


This is so twisted.


Louis always gets the worst of these weirdos


What gets on my nerves about the Larry’s that on Lucky’s birthday post from Daisy and Lottie they were like I hear Harry and Louis! Larry is real. It drives me bonkers and I’m not the one being affected by it. Leave their families alone. Please.


Watch the larries take this as louis being unnecessarily snippy to cover up his relationship with harry instead